White House is working to designate Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The White House is working to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

Washington The Trump administration is planning to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization, an effort that is"working its way through the internal process," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Tuesday.

Sanders was responding to a New York Times report, citing officials familiar with the matter, that said the administration was working to make the designation, a move that would impose"wide-ranging economic and travel sanctions" on entities that do business with the group.


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This president has balls

As long as you designate groups like the kkk and Arian brotherhood and far right and far left activists as well. This one sidedness is the problem we have in America now. Blacks nor whites like this yet they stand by and stay silent when it happens to the opposite.

Thebanwaverepo1 Plenty of terrorist organizations have used the word brotherhood to make them seem selves seem less radical. Don't be fooled by clever word play, and 'weasel words'.

He needs to do the same 4 d khan, skinheads, & n. nazi 2. But, he won’t.

Does cnn agree with the designation?


Good decision by USA. Muslim brotherhood is a Sunni Muslim based terror setup.

CNN is fake news enemy of the people


GeorgeA66874203 Good.....

I want to designate Donald Trump as a terrorist. IndictTrump

Some of y'all don't even know what it is, it just sounds scary and unlike y'all. Learn who and what they are first. Fear is always driving people. Then the very people who claim to be scared are the ones killing other people.

Reckless president, all his decisions are taken on money base not facts , need to use brakes!

The Muslim Brother's is Apolitical Rivals

Guess that makes CAIR and SJP terrorist organizations now and RashidaTlaib and IlhanMN complicit in receiving money from and meeting with a terrorist organization

Good fuck them and there way of life

Those who have been compromised off course are Freind’s with them.

Please do, and please hasten in taking this step. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem didn’t take so much thought, neither did annexing the Golan Heights.

As well he should because they are. Thank you POTUS .

Get it done

About time.

tRump doing everything to align with Russia, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.

Wait, they’re not already?

Easy to designate terror groups ,what about the evil white Nazi's that openly target pacific religious and race groups ,never condemned ?

The WhiteHouse IS the terrorist. GOP

Thank god.

Is anyone even shocked?

Good and make sure all the members Obama appointed into govt positions are removed

What to say rather else than that that innocent people do have good hope

About time., Screw that turkey, qatar, iran nexus

Great move....!

Good! They are!

With due respect to Americans. United States is the biggest Terrorists organisation ever.

Thank you Mr President

When are we finally going to declare antifa a domestic terrorist group?

Only one who object are Tapper and Cuomo

Any and all organizations ran by muslims should be designated as a terrorist organization. Islam should be banned from America and designated as a terrorist organization

They are so why not?

Get that done ASAP!!!!

Their heads r full of 💩💩💩💩.


Certainly a step in the right direction.

As they should

The rulers of the Arabs are merely the slaves of Trump, and the expressions of the 'face' of the Egyptian president are the best 🤣😂evidence

About time

About time ....


And they should!!! Why wouldn’t you

It’s about time. Hopefully CAIR is next followed by Islam.

When Obama was in office a bipartisan deal was done to sell the Muslim Brotherhood 20 F-16 fighter jets and 200 tanks. Why would a religious organization need fighter jets and tanks?

The funny thing is that the stupid man whose country is the first country to terrorize the Earth because of the extermination of 120 million Indians in 130 years !!! Then he describes others as terrorism !!!

Somehow that's racist... I just feel it. Stay tuned to cnnbrk and MSNBC for details.

Long overdue

Didn't the MB kill the leader of Egypt back in the 70s or 80s because he recognize Israel, because that should of done it then.

Smart move.

It's about damn time !!

good... now do white supremacist.. cause those are literally killing American citizens

makes sense, but how about all of the fringe white nationalist groups? trump wouldn't dare do that because they make up a portion of his votes

Good cause they are! Obama’s buddies


I’m surprised that no one has taken a shot realDonaldTrump ! ImpeachTrump ImpeachTheMF


226 comments in one hour, Al in agreement with the WH policy. Seems like another 100% poll. Shhhhhh, the President and his policies are right again TrustThePlan

Go whitehouse

realDonaldTrump should start with designating WHITE NATIONALISTS as a terrorist organization since they are the most active to date. But he won't because these criminals are 'the base' of MAGAts obvously.

An islamist party doesn't make a terror group. But then he's found a new lover in Sisi so time to go off....

It’s about damn time! This is where we’re headed if something is not done...and even more than this first step is needed to stop the destruction of America.

so we are now not the land of religious freedom? Sad

If there is evidence of this, then this is great news.

Thank you, Mr. President

Only terrorist i see is the orange man in the oval office he belongs behind bars .....

Good. They are an evil violent terrorist group that seeks one goal; the destruction of the West followed by the induction of Sharia Law world wide

Because they ARE a terrorist organization probably!

Good move

And all White Supremacy groups in the US deserve the same label

Finally a President with SOME BALLS

What about the white nationalists? What about all these all these white guys with guns shooting places of worship? realDonaldTrump

Very good but when is the White House going to declare White Supremacists as terrorists too?

And what about in-house terrorism, this type is okay?

This must be gut-wrenching for the MSM... a president labeling things as they are.

No brainer.

Sooner the better.

Good... they are terrorists!

Obama will do his best to stop it from happening to his creation.

Good cause they are.

Finally a strong and decisive President. Well done.



Should have been done years ago

They are the mafia of the Middle East. What Al-Quaida did with planes, the MB does with money, politics, and journalism. Western journalists and leftist politicians have already been damaged almost-irreparably by them.

About time

They have the word Muslim in their name, therefore hated by Trump. RacistPOTUS monumentalmoron

FoxNews Something that should have been done years ago but Obama had 13 advisers directly connected to the brotherhood in the WH! Collusion network didn’t report that, DID YOU?!

Ya, but I'm sure some are very fine people...

Because they are

How about the NRA?

and you don't like that!

It's the first terrorist organization in the world.

Perhaps an attempt to pressurise Qatar to cut off ties with them, something the Saudi-led GCC has demanded for a long time...

Obama and Hillary and uma are not there to give the Muslim brotherhood a cover and a seat in the WH

What about adding White Nationalists and KKK to that group as well?

Just who gets to determine what a terror group is ? I Mean by all standards the GOP /Republican party is a terror group.


Did the barbaric coward think America was the first terrorist state on Earth? Where more than 120 million Indians were exterminated in only 130 years !!!

It seems as if all religion is a terrorist organization to each other. They should settle their belief differences some where other than on Earth, maybe the moon would be a great start.

No more ISIS so the GOP needs a new boogeyman to keep their cult in line 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

CoyfeeShoppe I think we should designate this administration a terrorist organization… Thoughts?🍊🥊⚓️⚓️✊🏿✊🏽✊🏻🌈🌎❤️

I guess the “very fine people on both sides” doesn’t apply here...

Should have been done a long time ago.

Where were you guys when George Bush called them a terrorist organization? So Trump says what other have been saying for years and now its news? GMAFB

Muslims must never defend themselves, they musn't have any alliance that resembles NATO (Christian brotherhood)

Should include the KKK and Neo Nazis as terrorist organizations.

What about David Duke?

Trump Barbarian Cowboys, every Muslim in view of Trump is a terrorist !!! Well, did Trump think there were many Red Indians skulls under his home floor? Did Trump think that America built its state on the skulls of more than 120 million Indians?

The Trump organization is a terrorist group. Defrauding students, emoluments violations, bankruptcy, bilking the tax payer for multiple golf trips....

About time

Well, considering that it, and CAIR, demonstrably ARE, this should not be a drawn-out process.

Good. And you better explain to Cuomo what Antifa is all about. He stated last night and this morning that they serve a good purpose.

At some point, its beginning to look like we may have to designate the Democrat Party as a terrorist organization...

Along with the Trump Terrorist Administration.. better tag them too



Yay finally

Nazi’s coordinated with the Muslim Brotherhood & Mufti during WWII to help murder millions:

It's about damn time.

The only thing truly designated by crazy Trump.

What about The Saudi Regime?

About time! Make CAIR a terrorist group also.......🇺🇸


This is sad and disturbing. Trump && the white nationalist are the true threat to this country.

Its about time...both Bush's and Obama shouldve done it.

Then the WhiteHouse needs to designate CAIR a terrorist org

It’s about damn time...


What does that mean for Barry?

Can they do the same for Trump supporters?

The current Whita House *is* a terrorist organization

only Terrorist Org i see is TRUMP.


Good. - Steve B.

Great News!! Americafirst Landofthefreebecauseofthebrave

Its about damn time

Good do it

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