White House expected to announce emergency authorization of convalescent plasma to treat Covid-19

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The White House tonight is expected to announce an emergency authorization of convalescent plasma to treat Covid-19, sources say

From CNN's Donie O’Sullivan, Naomi Thomas and Ali ZaslavTwitter appended a label to a tweet from President Trump for “making misleading health claims that could potentially dissuade people from participation in voting.”

Five hours after Trump sent the tweet, Twitter took action, saying, “We placed a public interest notice on this Tweet for violating our Civic Integrity Policy for making misleading health claims that could potentially dissuade people from participation in voting.” Trump’s tweet puzzled at least one scientist who noted that people are unlikely to catch the virus from touching such a box. People can just wash their hands or use hand sanitizer after touching any objects, including mail drop boxes, noted Erin Bromage, an associate professor of biology at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, and a CNN contributor.


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Release our Hydroxy CHLOROQUINE! It works within hours and the FDA has taken it away.

WhiteHouse Trump forcing FDA to release plasma cure which is not ready or tested, is a political ploy just before RNC to cover up his failures in killing thousands of Americans with the knife of his stupidity and ignorance 'it's a hoax, it will disappear'

Creature 45 and his family of grifters, should try the plasma first.

The next thing the US will see is Side effects that mutate the virus and increase it's spread and deaths spiral out of control. All this to play to Trumps need for publicity and to give his election a short term boost, the deaths are seemingly at an acceptable rate for GOP

That's just it, it is the White House that is Authorising this and NOT the FDA Specialists who do not have any new data to back up its use. Trumps push is that if they are in a bad way and going to die then Why Not, no matter the side effects

If Trump says it's okay then the fake news will be against it even though it saves lives.

Presidente jairbolsonaro, por que sua esposa Michelle recebeu 89 mil reais do Queiroz? President jairbolsonaro, why did your wife Michelle received 89 thousand reais from Queiroz?

Putin’s puppet is clueless. Vote TraitorTrump out of office.

मम्मी और पापा ने अपने हि 7 साल की बच्ची को दफनाया जमीन में


MarketWatch Web results Trump announces emergency authorization of plasma treatment for ... 3 hours ago · More than 70,000 patients in the U.S. have been given convalescent plasma, a century-old approach to fend off flu and measles ...

Never heard of it. Why didn't the media speak of this? This is all part of their plan. Evil ones we are watching you.

Bullshit political garbage!!!


This has already been in use for some time. Trump’s a little late to the game in trying to take credit. As usual...


Every damn time.


Hope it works!

Why did the FDA halt it?

Not taking anything Trump prescribed for a treatment for COVID 19. Not now not later, he's killed enough people.

This is good news but it comes across your network as if your disappointed and desperate for negative news You should be ashamed but your not!! MAGA2020

Covid 19 is a reality that is nothing like what the fake news media is painting it to be.

Wow who told him what plasma is?

Derp. It’s already being widely used. 🙄

This has been in fucking use since March. Get a better headline, CNN

Actually read earlier today, on Twitter, that Trump announcement today was going to be that he’s signing an executive order to make hydroxychloroquine over the counter drug . That’s how nuts the Left is. Trump

Yeah now that they have taken FDA out of the loop let’s get ready for tons of “treatments” and “cures”.

Scientists have disputed the usefulness of convalescent plasma and the studies are not fully vetted, but realDonaldTrump is pressuring the FDA to issue this emergency authorization to make it look like he is actually doing something. Why does the MSM fall into his trap?

Does it work? Has testing been done or is he just listening to the voice from fox and the ones in his head

Tell you what!?! Begin with the WhiteHouse staff that have been affected and have recovered.... Oh Mike_Pence press secretary how about she be the guinea pig !!!


Convalescent plasma antibodies are already being used!

He talked about this a month ago, how is this news? You guys just keep falling for his bullshit. It’s just an excuse to get his airtime to campaign again!

Interferon beta may help! $SYGGF long.

It’s already being used all over the world...but the cowardly White House press corps won’t ask him about that.

Convalescent plasma is already being used & has been; it's not like Trump had anything to do with it. Anything involving SCIENCE is not in Trump's wheelhouse. Blood banks have been contacting donors for weeks, asking for plasma from recovered from COVID19 patients for such use.

A good reporter needs to ask Trump what the rate of success with plasma is compared to without.

Um, don't you know by now these aren't actual news conferences but campaign events? Why are you amplifying his nonsense?

where is the report on the Australian successful use of invermection along with two supplements, that treats covid successfully in 48 hours or a little more? Of course, it's a solution and not controversial. Thank heavens for social media where we get real news

I thought this was already being done?

This is NOT new. It's another TrumpDistraction, and news media are playing right into his scam - free campaign coverage. This is how he slid into out White House last time, with a naive media's help. If the media don't wise up, they're going to help him AGAIN.

This is old news. Don’t you have editors?

Hey cnn, it’s Biden up 52 not 42. You need to fix this before airing it. CNN please do better

Aren’t hospitals already doing this? Please catch up White House.

This was his big announcement? 🙄

Been there, done that. realDonaldTrump TrumpVirusCatastrophe

Stop embarrassing yourselves. Don’t just tweet out whatever the White House tells you to. Be an actual journalist and do a little research; then you’d know this treatment is already being used. You’d also stop turning America into dumpster fire.


Do better, CNN

CNN breaking news!!! We cream our pants whenever Trump does ANYTHING! Good, bad, true, false, cruel, illegal. Doesn’t matter! We love Trump!


Um, that's not new, it's being used in the UK and many other countries and it seems to be working

Old news! U R being played - again!

I found this as top Google result, and we all know Google really loves data & science. China has less than 100,000 total cases; only 5000 deaths out of 1,000,000,000 people! Worldometer, used as source by BBC, Atlantic, Alexa, also approves these numbers. Don't deny Science! 😉

Your sources are shit

Isn’t this already being used?

When will you stop buying into the nonsense and giving him what he wants? THIS HAS BEEN A THING FOR MONTHS. It's not new. It doesn't require 'emergency authorization'. Why is journalism so lazy and bad?!

That's not news. Been happening for a while.

This is how Italy is successfully treating their patients.

Do better CNN, this is not new and has had so-so results. It is just a distraction and you fall for them every time.

Any positive news is breakthrough. He thinks all the blunders will be forgotten and everyone will vote for him. It is all about Nov 3

They were already doing this. Next expect an EO on giving milk to people who only have cookies.

more snake oil.

HillBeverlyhill For what? I thought Covid was a hoax that was magically going to disappear.

Just another distraction. For gods sake when will the media start asking the worthless POS the questions they should be asking.

Scary ‼️



Hospitals started with convalescent plasma treatment for covid-19 patients in March in Europe.

Thank goodness for our fearless leader discovering this & implementing something that we’re already doing. Saving lives, while golfing; what a guy!

They NY university, Yale, UT health, U of Miami all doing “rigorous trials “(randomized)

From a golf course?

60000 people have been thru this treatment in testing phase in USA. No data released yet on effectiveness of treatment.

This has already been happening. Trump just wants to steal the credit.

That's a very BAD bug you're looking at! Please distance and disinfect to keep from catching it and having it kill or maim you! We now know that if it doesn't kill, it damages hearts, organs and brains! Distance/stay home if you can!

Thought we already did this. Lol

Old news.

Great news for America.!

I bet you at the briefing trump won’t call it that because he can’t pronounce the name of the treatment.

Make America Great Again By Not Being Reliant On China And Mining Our Own Minerals At Pebble Mine. The Richest Source In The World... Don't Let Politics Enter the Pebble Mine Review Process!!! Thank You....

Report: FDA halted move to authorize convalescent plasma for Covid-19 over evidence concerns The New York Times reported that the FDA was prepared to issue an emergency use authorization for the treatment last week, but NIH Director Francis Collins and NIAID Director Anthony Fau

At least he's finally admitting SOMETHING...

what the hell is convalescent plasma sounds like something from dead people

Old news

So much easier than wearing a mask. Wait until you’re sick, get a plasma transfusion. We’re finally getting it!

Lol it's trumps miracle that won't work just like trump.


It has been a treatment for a while now, But Trump wants HIS name all over it so people think he’s doing something for COVID besides playing golf. It’s all slide of hand - The disciples of FOX will be all over it.

Not new news, the CDC AND FDA have been touting this for weeks....give plasma and help 3!

Democrat Fakes Kidnapping & Beating For Votes In Mayor Race

CNN at this time👇

Fantastic things are moving in the rite direction. Thank you president realDonaldTrump 👌👌👌

He does not understand science

They've been doing that....I work in a hospital.

You know this is some BS spin coming from the WhiteHouse because realDonaldTrump was playing golf today.

It’s already widely available and has been used. Why are y’all even letting him take credit for it

Your headlines need to be more responsible; convalescent plasma is already widely available and in use. Nothing new here, just another Trump attempt to take credit for doing nothing.

175,000 dead Americans this is the only thing Trump has done in four years. WhiteHouse

Sorry, but I wouldn’t trust anything realDonaldTrump says about Covid19🤷🏻‍♀️ TrumpIsALiar TrumpVirus TrumpHoaxedAmerica

Let his followers line up to take it. We’ll wait for real science.

Does that have CDC approval?

It’s been going on for a while now..he did nothing. Science...

Wait I thought HCQ worked

The FDA revoked the emergency use authorization of convalescent plasma for lack of data of its efficacy and the need for clinical trials. Now trump wants to overrule that and look like a hero. Because he knows more, more than you would believe, more than any scientist at the FDA.

The “White House” has ZERO CREDIBILITY. He cannot be trusted as far as anyone can throw his fat ass

Such a headline grab by Trump

Already available. No evidence that it works. But thanks for screwing this stuff up again.

What happened to oleander!

It’s ratings week.

We are doing just that in Europe, for months already ... Then next announcement for emergency authorization will be about antibody taken from human breastfeeding?

“In my mind, treating 98,000 people with plasma and not having conclusive data if it worked is problematic, and we should have a more robust data set before we give 98,000 people a product,”

Nothing new just propaganda

Why are you misleading the public? This is a lie!! CP has been used for months!! Drumpf cannot and did not authorize CP!! Retract this!!

He’s reaching for straws! Been in use for months!

I hope CNN does not cover this announcement.

TRUMP 2020

and the media takes the bait once again. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Is that it

Aren’t we already doing this?

I also know someone personally who very recently received the convalescent plasma therapy. I think Trump is making the announcement so that he can take 200% of the credit for anything positive and successful that comes of the therapy. Didn't he also invent penicillin? 🤔........

You forgot to mention in the headline Plasma is ALREADY being USED‼️

Is it as effective as putting light into the body somewhere? 🤔🤔


Who cares? It’s been being used for months already, and Trump didn’t discover it.

do we results from subjects? need science proof, not theories!!

I wish they’d stop throwing things at the wall to see what sticks! We want REAL treatments, not guesses.

The Adderall is getting to his brain

Does it work?

That's logical!

On FDA's own website updated just 4 days ago

Convalescent plasma from patients who recovered from MERS and SARS to treat COVID is intriguing, but why not use antibodies from people who recovered from the coronavirus; or better still, use the plasma from people who tested positive but never developed the symptoms?

Untested obviously

This has been used for months

Something that is not new, but he takes credit for.

Waiting with baited breath to see if this FDA Official anticipated this —

FDA approved that back in March , Its been used since then.

And ALL of Trump's GOP voters will think that this is something new...🤔 And you wonder WHY realDonaldTrump has NO innovations or answers? But go ahead, GOP , keep believing in fantasy cures. It's like Hitler all over again. TrumpsLastDays MoreRussianQuackery💉🚫

They have been using plasma from covid patients for some time now. Nothing new, just another 'look at me' moment.

Authorization of what?

Old news.

Well what stock is gonna sky rocket because of this like KODK did weeks ago

Cure on convention eve.

😂😂😂 I’m also “expect[ing]”: ranting, name-calling, an airing of grievances, lying, misogyny, slurring and some butchering of words. But the plasma thing will be nice too, I guess.

Here in the Netherlands we use plasma with antibody's for months! Not a great succes!

From four days ago:

Don’t count on it getting to you on time he’s already dismantled the postal service! Hang it up frump!

It’s been being used since the pandemic started. Another shameless PR stunt that will give people false hope.

Seriously its been in use for months here... smh..Not such a big announcement. Smh

You mean the treatment that might actually give you COVID-19? 'The risk of contracting COVID-19 infection from receiving convalescent plasma therapy hasn't been tested yet.' -- Mayo Clinic

just more pr from president putz...this is already widely available

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