White House Demands G20 “Haters” Leave Ivanka Alone

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The White House says criticisms of Ivanka Trump are “absolutely pathetic” and that she’s accomplished more than her “haters” ever will

Trump—who has already ordered up a flyover by military aircraft including Air Force One—is also interested in featuring an F-35 stealth fighter and involvement from Marine Helicopter Squadron One, which flies the presidential helicopter, two government officials said. The Navy’s Blue Angels were supposed to have a break between a performance in Davenport, Iowa, on June 30 and one in Kansas City, Mo., on July 6 but will now be flying in the District on the Fourth.

The Defense Department has not released any estimate for how much the celebration could cost. But the use of numerous aircraft could drive it well into the millions of dollars when counting fuel and maintenance. The F-35 costs about $30,000 per hour to fly, according to Pentagon estimates. Each Blue Angel jet costs at least $10,000 per hour to operate, and the cost of flying an Air Force One jet is more than $140,000 per hour….


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Then “She” should leave Washington while she still may yet save her own personal reputation. Right now she is simply rolling in the mud as compared to not be further smeared or tainted. PLB1931 politico thehill davidfrum DavidCornDC NickKristof nytimes

Let me think about that......No. Since she puts herself out there she’s fair game. Ivanka has no qualifications so she puts herself in a position to be criticized.

Ohhhh...that’s how it’s done...the WH says stop bullying n then😳 ... the irony is my favorite part.

Her husband should let innocent Immigrants like herself breath fresh air for once... Who is fooling who?

I demand she no longer attend official government events as there are many more qualified females in the diplomatic corps who would do a better job and be respected for their experience.

Playing the victim. A grifter go to when caught in the act.

Then she needs to stay out of government!

So go back to selling your clothes, and leave politics alone. The clothes were actually nice!

Haters... Really that's class... That's Presidential... Who speaks like that, in the White House, nepotism at its worst with the Misogynistic, Predator, Rapist...

Then tell her to leave the White House

Ivankanotwanted still

IvankaResign IvankaUnwanted still

You hate the heat? Get out of the kitchen, Ivanka! You’re a crappy cook anyway and don’t belong there.

Got to take the good, the bad, & the ugly in life. Use it & grow personally & professionally. Doing it wrong, if you are not doing it with honest integrity, intention & purpose. Boo-hoo, I’m not liked or respected by everyone...doesn’t mean one cannot learn something. Not genuine

Then stop making a joke out of foreign policy. Nepotism

Unqualified as Ivanka is, there was zero reason for Princess Pea to attend the G20 as a part of the official United States delegation. Period.

Can’t handle the heat? Get out of our house.

How about Ivanka just “leaves our government alone” before she helps her dad destroy it?!!

realDonaldTrump IvankaTrump

F*ck IvankaTrump!


This is absurd ... deal with it

Who TF could care what 'The White House' wants for Ivanka or anybody else. Who is the' WH' anyway. Ooops. Let me reword that. Which horror is the WH and what is there role in the worst treatment of children in American history?


Why don't she leaves us alone, WE DID NOT VOTE FOR HER.

Hater? No. Smart enough to see a fake when I see one.

I guess if you want to play in the swamp your going to get bitten by ‘gators.

She is the standard by which daddy judges porn stars

Awwwwww is the widdle girl upset?

Get out of our affairs as tax payers, the no problem

If they want Ivanka to be left alone get her out of The White House and out of the way.

If she can't stand the heat IvankaTrump she should leave the WH and go back to exploiting children in Indonesia who manufacture her product line.

Don’t take her to G20 if you can’t manage her behaviors. Put some experienced professionals to address international issues not a woman who sells shoes.

F that, she put herself out there, where SHE SHOULD NOT BE!! HER AND DADDY SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP!!!!!

🤔 I can imagine the White House might want the Haters to stop, but it is nepotism. She is not a diplomat. She is not elected. She is the daughter of the President. I can only imagine that it is very frustrating for the US Diplomatic Service and the Elected Representatives.

I feel no sympathy for her nobody has her there if she can handle it then she should quit

She was just an American ornement at the meeting and did not even keep her mouth shut!

So did Trump ever 'introduce' Ivanka to Jeffrey Epstein?

S Leave her alone , she can't help who her father is

You mean Daddy wants you to leave his princess alone....

I don't do demands ,do you? Not!!!

Vanity Fair is now officially part of the clown 🤡 show. Congratulations

The delusion of the White House continues. We hate Ivanka because she’s a horrible, dangerous human who is nearly, if not as bad as her dad, but comes in a prettier and more deceiving wrapping.

And the rest of us would like the pretenders to stop playing government.


Have her resign and stop grifting

Why would they do that? 🤷🏼‍♀️

.WhiteHouse too bad, could care less what you want. Ivanka has no business in the WH. The NepotismBarbie is unqualified and a national security risk.

SHE opened the door! She is profiting off the White House for the love of God!!!

Sorry IvankaTrump

When she stops trying to insert herself into diplomacy she couldn’t possibly understand, we will.

Nope....NeverIvanka Maybe WhiteHouse should stop shoving her down our throats.

Well the White House to have her do something that's not a gaff or irritating, absolutely privilege


IvankaTrump IS FAIR GAME. STOP CRYING LIKE A BABY. When she put herself out there she opened herself up to criticism. You didn't see MichelleObama or HillaryClinton crying when they were criticized If she can't take the heat stay the FUCK out of the WHITE HOUSE! SIMPLE!

Sure .... as soon as Daddy leaves the Whitehouse 😉

And we don’t want him bringing his daughter to work.

I’m not a hater but she is nauseous

boo hoo


She is your next president

She can walk away from her non-paying position any time. Save all taxpayers money on her travel expenditures. Plus she didn't qualify for her security clearance. And take Jared with her. He can be Sunway's new spokesman.


Thoughts and prayers. For her to go to jail with her equally no good husband.


Then get her out of the White House. Nepotism is a dark stain on this administration, among a thousand other stains.

Poor girl.

🙂 💋 💋 😘💞🌹

Well, she can always just leave. Nepotism botox sweatshop barbie.

Fuk Wanna be princess Meghan!


We'll leave her alone if she gets the hell out of DC. She has no business 'representing' Americans.

Lol whatever


Yea...ok. In the video she sounded like her father, incoherent. And she doesn’t have dementia what’s her excuse? Penn? 😂 refund

When we say the White House, said, is that code for Ivanka said?

I’m just wondering how it would’ve been received if Sasha and Malia Obama, or Laura Bush or Amy Carter, or Carolyn and John Kennedy had received this kind of public hatred because of their father.

Wish You Happy Independence Day Ivanka.

Sad the Whitehouse uses such language


Who is the 'White House?' Not Mercedes Schlapp again.

Well, since she is completely unqualified to participate in any kind of diplomacy, why do you reckon people are being critical?

Because of daddy’s money.....let’s remember that.


Freedom..we don’t have to stand up for them, but we do have to stand up for our country and for our service man and women and they certainly do NOT.


Why does it sound like the White House is, in a sense sticking its tongue out at those who felt Ivanka's presence at the G20 inappropriate? Am I reading too much into the statement by thinking that blonde, rich white women matter more?

Through sheer nepotism!

Go Ivanka!😋👍🏿😏

She accomplished more robberies.

She’s not an elected official nor does she have any political credentials! Walmart is hiring!

IvankaTrump realDonaldTrump Bwahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha

Well, even Cinderella had help.

Trump should know better than to put his daughter in the spotlight when she is not ready. It is his fault for setting her up for failure

Of course! No one has created the millions of jobs she has. InYourDreams

Well, she does have more teeth than most people

I am not a hater... but what has she accomplished on a given set stage? 1st class tickets to round the world trip being taken along by her father on taxpayers expense....


Ivanka has chinese patens, she and don jr were ALMOST indicted in New York BEFORE her father got installed by putin to destroy America. She LIED abt her role in trump tower moscow & has been apart of her father's criminal enterprise for DECADES!!

The only thing Ivanka's accomplished in is 1. a dozen rounds of plastic surgery and 2. plagiarizing accessories collections.

If Chelsea was doing what Ivanka was doing! The Republicans would be upset! I wasn't allowed to work at my mother's company! Her company had strong values & ethics !This is America, not Trump USA! I'm not a hater of her, I just want a normal USA!

Thanks to her daddy. Nepotism got her where she at.


Wht are you even writing this? You turn into FOX News?


So there!

Is there an actual list?

I hate her hair

I loved when Nordstrom's dumped her products!



Well then the WhiteHouse house would be wrong about that. NepotismBarbie is an apt nickname.

🤣😂🤣.... I don’t think so.


What country was she the leader of again? Trumplandia perhaps? Why was she there? What was the purpose of her being there? Why were the true leaders of other countries politely ignoring her? Has Trump managed to make a joke of the G20 also? Just asking for a country.

Ivanka’s been sued by shoe designers for copying their designs & used child laborers in Chinese sweatshops to make her apparel. Her businesses failed. So what exactly has she accomplished? As for the White House, no other administration would ever hire her or Jared. IvankaResign

🙂 😁

it may have something to do with the fact that she's the bosses daughter.

Is being born into wealth an accomplishment?

No doubt! Just look at her hair!

YOUR NOT WORTH THE ENERGY............she needs to take her immigrant family and leave the USA........ take your dad with you

Did they mention Donald needs her there as caretaker and for handling meds, etc?

I don’t hate her, but I find despicable her nepotism. With all her advantages, she ran sweatshops, sold knock-off products, and now she’s getting rich from grifting. You’re right. I’ve done none of those things. Should I be jealous? Or proud?

'One small step for woman. One giant leap for nepotism.'

Surviving growing up as Donald Trump's daughter is certainly an accomplishment. Being mentioned in these incredibly puerile and antagonistic press releases from the White House must far more excruciating for her than whatever criticisms they refer to could possibly be.

If she leaves the White House we would be happy to leave her along, as long as she takes her father and husband with her.

...yes, she's accomplished but she didn't stay in her lane....

Oh yeah sure I listen to anything out of this blowhard

Better to go back designing dresses. Be happy with your entitled life.

Her greatest accomplishment! Dr.s name please. Great job!

IvankaDrumpf and her husband shouldn't have even been working in government since the Anti-Nepotism Law prevents that. but since the TrumpCrimeSyndicate ignores the laws they do illegal things.

Oh I wish the Trump's would blow off. They think their thinly veiled accomplishments are so great when the only ones their accomplishments serve is themselves.

What, exactly?



By being her dads kid. She didn't accomplish anything in a vacuum and it's stupid to think she did.

Oh jeeez.

Being born rich is a worthy accomplishment......🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😃

Awww poor snowflake

Like what, a fashion line that's failing, just a thought what was her major, and what university did she graduate from.... The answer of : Haters she has done more.. Etc etc.' is the perfect example why she should not be dealing with heads of state... What's next:'it was awesome'

jerseymom473 It’s true. She’s been affiliated with way more bankrupticies and sweat shops than me. I’m at zero.


Backstorymom1 And the list of her accomplishments in the White House: ... a little help?

Sounds like a Donald quote Here they are now 👇

She and he and THEY are an embarrassment to humanity.

Nepotism is the term Don. I don't care how accomplished she is, she's family. We did not elect her (nor you).

Champagne popsicles🤢

Oh we're looking at pathetic all right.


Every time I take a crap I accomplish more than she has.

Ivanka is the standard by which daddy judges porn stars

Let’s be clear, before embarking on playing diplomat perhaps you could do something right, just saying, Ivanka’s clothes, shoes, pursues appear to be a permanent fixture on clearance racks in just about every store I shop, now with all this retail success she’s trying diplomacy?

Be better than this. Dont just quote their lies as the headline.

Accomplishments like ripping off other people’s designs or being complicit in her father’s criminal wrongdoings...

We ain't stopping, y'all tell her PR team if she runs for office, the mocking will only get worse.

Yes indeed Ivanka, the daughter of a Gangster, G20inNews is pathetic and a SHAME FOR USA! USATODAY WhiteHouse nytimes nypost ABC NBCNews CBSNews business Reuters PalmerReport Cosmopolitan ELLEfashion ELLEmagazine voguemagazine BritishVogue Forbes SpeakerPelosi

What is absolutely pathetic is for her to be an adviser in the WH and trying to take part with world leaders with no experience whatsoever. The illegitimate WH needs to STFU. It's shameful and unconscionable. NarcissistsInTheWH CrimeFamily

oh, boo hoo. she has no business in the White House.


Poor Barbie Trump...

The entire administration is illegitimate with next to no accomplishments, spoiled brat daughter included.

Only because of her daddy 🤣


White House, 'Ivanka's has accomplished more than her haters'!

Please don’t normalize or lend the narrative to these folks. Or cancel my subscription.

The right used to be outraged by the idea that Chelsea was potentially maybe going to possibly get a hint of the access Princess Nepotism has been handed on a silver platter.

She can't even run a purse company without Daddy's money & influence.

The Obama and Bush daughters had way more on the ball than this bim.

You need to get involved with the humanitarian crisis at the border.

Lol ok

Her hair is brown and she keeps it bleached like shito man

Newsflash: ivanka doesn’t belong on the g20 world stage or in the White House. She doesn’t have a security clearance and she doesn’t have a fucking title or position beyond “daughter.”

WhiteHouse could you PLEASE hire someone who can fluently speak the English language and not resort to the word 'haters' After all ... Be Best. Right? BTW I hope each & every one of you who work for this admin burn for eternity. Have a blessed night and what not LOL

No one can flatten fake hair like she can.

NepotismBarbie trumpsexualassault

Ha ha ha ha

She is PATHETIC and UNQUALIFIED 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

I must talk down to my haters from my handed to me platform

I’m happy to put my self-made successes next to hers any day and I guarantee I come out miles ahead. Step off WhiteHouse and stop shoving this money laundering, carnival barker, mobster in our faces.

Good one WhiteHouse...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Delusional

Trump just retaliated by threatening $4 billion in new tariffs on eu goods.

Ivanka is ReginaGeorge

she is a big embarrassment to our country !

That is the lowest of bars.

I accomplished more before breakfast than she has in her whole life...simply because I did laundry, dishes, took out my own garbage and drove myself 2 hours to my job. F her.


Ivanka is the epitome of the unaccomplished celebrity. I hate her and I have a PhD.

It's not about accomplishments, it's her involvement in government without being elected. She has no business there other than being her father's daughter. She's not 12, let her do her thing whatever that may be but a G20 summit is not her place.

Really? 🤔

The 'accomplishments' of 1V4NK4 amount to not much more than being a ridiculous clotheshorse for this foolish & dangerous 4DM1N15TR4T10N.

Yup, haters is the perfect description. Nothing patheitic about hating someone that deserves to be hated...

No. She really hasn’t.


People who worked their way up and studied for years, might feel otherwise.

It isn’t about hate, or what she has or hasn’t accomplished. It is about what she doesn’t have, & that is competence or policial ground knowledge to be at that stage. It is so embarrassing I can hardly watch this bring your daughter to work day, international big leagues edition.

Wow. What a come back... Might as well as said ...' I'm rubber your glue....'

Ha ha! Sure....

I look forward to a detailed list of her WH accomplishments. Meetings and pictures don’t count.


She's a big girl. She'll power through it like she did when her dad raped her mom and then brought his mistress on vacation with them.

Even the sentence WH offered is pure garbage.

Corruption is considered an accomplishment now?

Please note. The White House House resorting to juvenile taunts in its official communications. imissobama

No, it isn't and no, she hasn't.

She would not be there if she was not Trump’s Daughter


What she has accomplished is she has made a terrific fool of herself and the presidency. People are tired of nepotism at all levels and this struck a nerve. It shows that the Trumps are out of touch if they thought this would go over well.

Like what?


Accomplished? realDonaldTrump advocates MAGA...her product line is manufactured in Indonesia. MIGA?

If her father was not a billionaire she would be selling Chevys

With daddy dearest’s daddy’s money - trump never made a dime on his own

“Cake for everyone!

Hahahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Poor unwantedivanka

If you remove the obvious nepotism, shes actually quite inept.

IvankaTrump accomplished? 🤣

Womp womp womp.

Name those accomplishments.

What’s more “pathetic” is a mother of 3 with this much lack of awareness.

Dear White House, Try to stop me. Signed, A Truthseer



unwantedivanka uninvitedivanka

Did the White House spokesperson really call her critics “haters”? This entire administration is fucking exhausting...

Please she’s a worthless child

Other than growing out of the withered sperm of an orange mushroom, what exactly has she accomplished?

Well if being the owner of sweatshops is an accomplishment, then Russian barbie has me beat.

Her ' Haters ' ? Who 😂😂😂😂 would that be ? What a juvenile thing to say. Why not 😂😂😂😂 Don't hate the Playa hate the game ?


She made a social faux pas that could only be outdone by defecating in the floor

unwantedivanka. I'll be looking at these for days. 😂


bc selling knockoff clothes at liquidation sales is “winning”

She’s def used more Botox than most lol.

Can they elaborate on what she has accomplished?

Shes the one who is pathetic

I see. We're all losers to them. And with this lot in the WH, we *are*, we really are, the whole world.


Lap dancing is not achieving anything much for daddyslittleghoul

Let’s hear 3 things. Besides making money. Spending money. Going on our Air Force One.

she has never worked a day in her life! Get a job outside trump organization; get actually elected to an office, then talk!

I can draw pocketbooks too.

Aww... poor thing... (like, laterally, poor thing, FUDT

Didn’t individual 1 think he should nominate ivanka as Head of the IMF when that position was open? What a putz.

She has! Good for her. The do-nothing liberals are just jealous they don’t have anyone to look up too.

The fact that the White House puts out statements with the word 'haters' in it is all you need to know about this white house

OMG, how predictable! I knew the term “haters” was coming 😂💦

Yes, much accomplishment, building her whole life from nothing, with no help from nepotism or family money. Self made!

I don’t think they understand what “accomplished” means... Handed Granted Given Inherited Stolen ... not synonyms for “accomplished”

The only thing surprising about this White House is that Trump doesn't say 'She's a bigger help to America than Lincoln ever was.' His delusions know no bounds.

It truly is beyond parody at this point. IvankaTrump almost as big of an embarrassment as realDonaldTrump

On the season finale of The Grifters, UnwantedIvanka hatches a risky plan to make a run for the border. Don’t miss the BeBest episode of the season. ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW IvankaIsANationalSecurityThreat

lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!

To be fair, she is pretty influential.

Can you ask them what, exactly, she's accomplished? And when I say 'accomplished', I mean done. To completion. On her own. Without anyone else's money but what she's earned. I'll wait.


hahahaha. they act like grade school children, but nope, they are the administration. MAGA like grade school.

I know but her jobs in the service industry (servicing her father) really don’t count ....

Okay WhiteHouse make like CVS and show us some receipts

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