White House defends Trump's Baltimore insults - Reuters TV

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United States Headlines News

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The White House is forced to defend fresh tweets by the president after Donald Trump's latest attacks on minority Democrat via ReutersTV

the White House and so they've forced to defend fresh tweets by the president after Donald trump's latest attacks on minority Democrats over the weekend Donald Trump fired off more than a dozen tweets against house oversight committee chairman Elijah Cummings who represents predominantly African American parts of Baltimore trump called Cummings district rat infested and claimed quote no human being would want to live there %HESITATION human being would want to live there when Donald...

immigration detention centers the mayor of Baltimore sought differently this present have have a history of techno tacky minorities %HESITATION intact the Congress women he's a technological means who else is he going to chop ignited a backlash when he targeted for progressive democratic Congress women who are either black Hispanic or Muslim suggesting they go back to the places they came from injecting divisive rhetoric widely criticized as racist has worried some Republicans as political...


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TV It is the “ White” house, after all. It is not the “multi coloured “ house ... Must be a “KKK” residence then , i guesss ..

TV It’s not racist to identify that liberal politics don’t work and that once great cities that have elected Democrat after Democrat have been run into the ground.

TV 2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

TV Cummings keeps sending out hateful race smearing screeds. Why is there no focus on him? Trump is right. His district is a mess.

TV President Trump's tweet wasn't a bit racist, period! Unless the definition has been changed! Pointing out a bad Congressman's filthy, rodent infested district doesn't qualify for racism! Cummings is a bully! I've seen him in action myself!

TV The WH knows racism is not a good thing so they deny he is one. Yea, and the world is flat too

TV Donald Trump is a child rapist.

TV When is Reuters going to ask Elijah Cummings to defend his district being disgusting and rat-infested?

TV Not news. Regurgitating talking points with a splash of context thrown in generates heat but no light. In effect, you do his dirty work.

TV The President is an ignoramus and he has a bunch of ignorant racists encouraging him.

TV You left out “racist”. You can place it after “Trump’s” or before “White”.

TV They also defend child separation at the border, human rights violations at the border, Russian interference in elections, disobedience to law, tax evasion, sexual misconduct, trade wars, ballooning deficits, foregoing ethics, oppressing the poor and eliminating healthcare.

TV The 'White' House. What a fitting name in the age of Trump.

TV Mick Mulvaney in history: 'I can understand why someone would think George Wallace is a racist, but that doesn't mean he is. He just believes segregation is the best policy to keep Alabama great. Have you seen MLK's neighborhood in Montgomery?'

TV Of course the did, he has packed the administration and those around him with people just like him.

TV Hardly a defense folks.

TV Stop letting Trump control the media -Mueller said he lied -Trump & Repubs not defending against Russian cyber attacks -Trump tryna take away hltcre w/lawsuits -Trump foreign policy a mess -“strong economy” a ponzy scheme -poor getting poorer No deflection. Real news please

TV Can Trump just have his Colonel Nathan Jessup moment and finally just scream 'You're damn right I'm a racist!'?...because watching people try to spin his vile comments is embarrassing.

TV Cummings is a CAPO politician 25+ years and is one of the worst. Please go tour BALTIMORE IS BEAUTIFUL


TV THIS IS NOT NEWS. Why are you showing this? Free campaign advertising? Good grief. I thought you were a reputable news source.

TV If this President wouldn't be what he is and say that to whomever he get smash in his face and kicked in his ass....

TV Correction: White House officials attempt to defend the indefensible. . .

TV No one needs advice from a failure who can't clean up his own District. RepCummings needs to clean up his rat infested garbage strewn district before anyone wants his advice.

TV It made it official the White House is now once again the whitemans house.

TV Who pays the piper calls the tunes.

TV You mean PressSec who has yet show her face other than pushing NOKO press? She's worthless too. Maybe she should hook up with SebGorka when she's finished steaming Trump's pants.

TV This whole article is slanted against the president and noticed the pictures they show of baltimore Pratt street downtown NO WHERE NEAR THE HOOD fakenews

TV Unfollow trump Stop the hate.

TV White Curse House

TV Of course they do. It's currently called the KremlinAnnex Didn't you get the memo?

TV THERE IS NO DEFENSE OF THIS MAN. But of course they’ll fall over themselves trying.

TV Democrats are not upset that Baltimore is a disgusting, rat-infested mess. They are upset that someone actually pointed it out. They also knew that the lickspittle, toady media such as Reuters would stand with them.

TV There’s no defense about Baltimore he’s right the last three mayors have been corrupt including the current one whose office was raided by the fbi

TV 'Minority Democrat'? Seriously? Is this slacker working for the American people or just the minority? Either way, he seems to be doing a shitty job and should be retrained or fired. If he plays victim, the latter should be mandatory...

TV BringCivilityBack

TV So what the truth must be told we love our President

TV Its become their full time job apparently

TV They’re not forced to defend him, they do it willingly.


TV There is no defense for that abysmal POS.

TV Forced by whom?

TV He only spoke about the horrible state Baltimore is in. That's not an attack or racist.

TV Trump is right

TV imagine holding 'minorities' to such a low standard, that one could literally be responsible for AMERICANS living worse than animals and still getting upset when someone criticizes said individual ... Him being a minority has no impact on his lack of willingness, ability or care

TV Forced

TV If you defend racism, you are part of the problem--no one should defend this errant, self-serving, destructive potus He's clearly wrong and dangerous to USA

TV racistliar corruptadministration No one in this administration can be trusted to tell the truth, especially not the spokespeople issuing statements.

TV Keeping it 100% REAL & Respectful. Perhaps some or many apparent apathetic elected officials DESERVE to be harshly criticized for cowardliness, as well as ineffectiveness in performing their duties & responsibilities! Peace.

TV Americans know no shame......incredible behaviour from president down to man in street. The normalization and specific support of a president talking like this is mind boggling.

TV What’s there to defend? Highlighting the obvious to the nation is not racist at least that’s what the people living in those conditions are saying!! Have you bothered to speak to them? It took a billionaire from Manhattan to see the struggles of the forgotten & he works for free!

TV Take out the word 'Minority'. It's bull shit.

TV Defend? F the defenders of the Grand Wizard-in-Chief.

TV JessieJaneDuff it comes down to West Baltimore

TV Facts are facts. media allows the democrats to get away with underachieving and delivering subpar services to their constituents. Does anyone in the media would love to live in the infested areas? It’s time to help all Americans not leave out those in Baltimore.

TV No one is forcing them. There is no defense and.

TV Just the opposite , minority democrat resorting to the race card for his incompetence. Reuters is rivalling CNN for fake news supremacy....

TV Man, you guys really care about his Twitter feed....like little girls and boy bands.

TV Isn't it funny that as soon as Trump tweets anything, MSM and Democrats automatically cite skin color. And you honestly think we're to believe you're the party equality? Get a grip.

TV Trump made no attack-he merely ststed the truth and FACTS-colour or race were NEVER either uttered or insinuated-fake news again

TV You can't shine a turd.

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