When you're stressed out, here's why your dog is feeling it, too

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

When dog owners go through a stressful period, they’re not alone in feeling the pressure — their dogs feel it too, a new study suggests.

When dog owners go through a stressful period, they’re not alone in feeling the pressure — theirDog owners experiencing long bouts of stress can transfer it to their dogs, scientists report in a study published Thursday in Scientific Reports.

Depression, excessive physical exercise and unemployment are just a few examples of stress that can influence the amount of cortisol found in your hair, said Lina Roth of Linkoping University in Sweden.Roth and her team found that the patterns of cortisol levels in the hair of dog owners closely matched that found in their dogs in both winter and summer months, indicating their stress levels were in sync.

The researchers don’t know what causes the synchronization in cortisol levels between humans and their pups. But a hint might lie in the fact that the link is stronger with competitive dogs than in pet pooches. But why do people influence their dogs rather than vice versa? Perhaps people are “a more central part of the dog’s life, whereas we humans also have other social networks,” Roth said in an email.


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IPOT1776 Is that GUMBEAUX Black & white

yttak3 Gee, the left and MSM and their dog stories and tweets.

So I guess that study is really saying emotional support dogs are BS. If they get the stress then those people are basically torturing their poor dogs.

IPOT1776 Ummmm...thats common knowlege to dog owners that your dog absorbs your energy... but also goes in reverse...Thus PTSD dogs

IPOT1776 Whaaaaaaat?

IPOT1776 More poor dogs...👀

IPOT1776 These dog tweets are just a small window of a larger monolith of psychological platforms they push there agenda through before it happens (overtons window) or a look the other way scenario depending on how woke. They are far from themselves and from us WWG1WGA

IPOT1776 Good one Sir Patrick!!!! I get it😂😂😂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸WWG1WGA

IPOT1776 My wonderful furry empathic best friend!

IPOT1776 Very good boy

👀👇 IPOT1776

IPOT1776 Good grief. Now NBC?


This is true

Yes. Saw that. People still don’t get it

My dog does and she never leaves my side. She’s my soul pup.

And cats, believe it or not! Mine feels everything I’m feeling

My pupper is never stressed...oh, wait: he DOES get stressed if we're headed to the vet:

I believe it

Don’t worry AOC GreenNewDeal will ban them because of their farts.

Well, get a cat then. Mine doesn't give a sh!t if I'm stressed as long as I feed her. One less thing to get stressed about. 🐈

Dogs are men’s best friend after all.

Yes, The Dogs have the same feeling,, Sure, it is organism

I thought the drinking and chain smoking was just a phase that all dogs go through.

Safe bet millions more dogs stress level skyrocketed, since tRump elected! 🙀😬🐶

👉 KathiKaffee

This honestly just stresses me out more because now I'm worried about my dog being stressed from me being stressed and it's turning into an endless cycle.

And horses too

My dog 🐶 is my best friend. She never tells any of my secrets.😂🤣😋

Children sense when their parents are stressed so I’m not surprised pets would react too.

Meanwhile over at another news channel: 'ISIS plotted to send terrorist to U.S through Mexico border.' Another story that NBC does not want you to see.

Our family dog taught me that I have a very ugly/disturbing “angry face”. Once I was VERY angry and our dog started barking at me (she doesn’t bark much). Only after I saw my reflection in the mirror - which scared me too - did I realize she was upset seeing my “angry face.” 💕😬

My poor dog.

My dog is obviously not aware of this study.

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