What is Gab? A far-right social alternative to Twitter - Business Insider

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What is Gab? The far-right social media site that Google and Apple banned and that is still gaining thousands of new users after Twitter and Facebook deplatformed Trump

Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification.Gab is a social media platform that has become a hot spot for far-right figures like Infowars founder Alex Jones as well as white supremacist and anti-Semitic rhetoric since it launched in 2016.

Since launching in 2016, Gab has been suspended by Stripe, PayPal, Amazon's cloud-hosting service, Google's cloud platform, Apple's app store, and its former domain registrar GoDaddy over hate speech violations. Now, after Facebook and Twitter banned President Trump from their platforms following the US Capitol siege, many on the right are flocking to sites like Gab — the company said it's seeing 10,000 new users every hour, but Apple and Google have long banned it from their app stores.As mainstream social sites deplatform President Trump and other far-right users for spreading misinformation and inciting violence, smaller fringe networks appear to be absorbing the runoff.


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What’s the stance of MS with regard to Parler and Gab?

There is an unsettling arrogance with Social Media platforms that is Treasonous, Anti-American and criminalAF. It would be a cold day in hell when a Terms of Service advisory has any actual force & effect in law that can somehow trump the Supreme Law of the Land the Constituion.

Are they self -professed as far right or is that that the label you slap them with ?

As much as Trump was making very questionable decisions, it was a mistake to ban him. He will no longer continue to embarrass himself on Twitter everyday. He will retreat to his safe space where no one will challenge him, allowing him to gain more followers discreetly.

FortuneAndGlory momz

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