Weed impairs driving skills long after the high is gone

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Despite having no THC in their system, heavy users consistently performed worse on driving tasks than non-users, making critical, dangerous mistakes, a new study found.

Running red lights. Driving at high speeds. Crossing center lines into the opposite lanes. Getting into accidents -- even hitting pedestrians. A new study found these were some of the dangerous driving behaviors of regular, heavy users of recreational weed who began using before the age of 16.

Here's the catch: users drove this badly even when they were no longer high. The study, published Tuesday in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, asked chronic, heavy marijuana users to drive in a customized driving simulator.

"We've documented the role of impulsivity in cannabis users previously, and it does appear that earlier onset may confer a decreased ability to inhibit inappropriate responses," Gruber said, adding that science doesn't completely understand the relationship.


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Bullshit study

LoL. Bullshit How much did the Big Pharma lobby pay you for this report

I thought you stood by facts first. This is an apple....

They weed got extras in it. That's a fact


How about using that resource on how prescribed legal man-made drugs affect drivers? Think there be much more to study & more interesting accurate results!

I usually defend you guys when you get called fake news but you dug your own grave with this one. FakeNewsCNN

Earlehimselimsgni. There are studies that support every point of view known to man.

Really not suprizing, given the very similar findings with alcohol.

Its cause it drives you high 😂lol


It takes the average person, what, 30 days to clear THC. NO WAY SOMEONE WHO WAITS THAT LONG IS A 'HEAVY USER'.

lol no one trusts you anymore why do you even exist

I can Roger that. There are some repetitive things that you can do safely while on THC driving is not one of them. There is an issue with timing and speed. Most old schools know this. It is a real issue.

FMAlchemist BS

So now they’re spreading lies and talking so much shit! They must’ve tested kids who can’t drive normally then get them high and give them difficult driving tasks! CNN is about reliable as a wet fart.

How heavy a dose are they referring?

Bull shit !!

You CLEARLY haven't tested MICHIGAN drivers then. They ALL suck regardless.

I gotta homie that drives high asf all the time and he’s a better driver than 90% of the ppl on the road🤦🏽‍♂️you guys keep reposting this article trying to make it gain stem but no ones falling for it

I absolutely love how the pro-weed crowd is all about “science and evidence” as long as it supports their position but as soon as research indicates marijuana may actually have some negative influences, they immediately dismiss the studies as biased or as propaganda.

Why do you care? You pushed for legalizing drugs.

Guess what? Pot ain’t good for you.

Did you test their driving skills when no THC was in their system? I mean they could just be shitty divers

Fake News.

Man they trying so hard...

Probably at 30 mph, it's a BS study, speaking from experience.

Fake news.


Yo STFU. Literally as soon as anything new and unfamiliar gains leverage a person or group of persons decide to build a rebellion against it. They go ahead and tear it to pieces with little supporting evidence. Weed is undoutably the most harmless consumable substance in the wrd

Whatever CNN - crock of crap ❤️🇺🇸💩

anyone getting stoned everyday is definitely not operating at their full potential anyway

Dammit cnn I’m trying to prove your not fake news and you post this story?

Only if you started smoking before the age of 16... Like all the test subjects.

Who are the people these studies are being performed on? Let me be a test subject for a day. Gonna have everyone rethinking these obviously wrong statements.

Some folks get the effect that the natural substance provides in a more functional manner than folks who respond to synthetic pharma. Take into consideration folks with certain genetic schema. Cro-mag string.

Theres this video to but not the one i was referencing

You do know it takes 30 days more or less for THC to dissipate in your system.

Enough with the anti marijuana news CNN!

Key word here was “Heavy” pot user. I’ve never known a “HEAVY” pot user that had a job, had male children, and still lived with their parents. Most used it as a gateway drug. Americans can’t moderate the use of pot or alcohol. My opinion. I’ve heard yours. JustSayNo

Remove it from Schedule 1 status so more studies can be done. Why is it in the same class as heroin? Drug laws are dumb.

Maybe those individuals are just bad drivers to begin with? 🤷🏾‍♂️

ali No wonder so many wacko drivers are on the roads lately.

Now do alcohol

That's the malathion.

Those people are just bad drivers if the thc is out of the system and results are the same.


I call bullshit Sandy

Weed impairs. It kills non-regenerating brain cells. And anyone who questions that is obviously uninformed and happy to be perpetually stupid.

Big Pharma writing articles for CNN now.

Nah that's a individual thing

Terrible fake news all the way through after 10 years of smoking ive had no car accidents and no police stops even either you know how to drive or you dont. The same can be said about alcohol even after multiple DUI's people keep drinking and driving Since its being legalize then

I drive better. Especially long distance road trips.

Nope! I call BS on this!

Wonder why CNN is pushing this?....there is a reason...and it will NOT benefit ' we the ppl'...

In a driving simulator? Are you kidding me? I'm a good driver, have never been in an accident or hit a freaking pedestrian! This is bullshit!

Bull Schlitz

That is bullshit!

You know what’s worse? Drunk drivers. And their liquor is legal. Stop trying to stop the marijuana movement. Legalize and leave us alone


Duh!!! Only Einstein is the exception. Lol


Who paid for this study? How many people did they study? What were the driving records of the studied?

Doesn’t it stay in your system for up to 30 days? Seems like you guys just studied terrible drivers.

Omg stfu , leave weed alone. So no more impeachment anymore? This study is stupid , how about u guys do a study on which drug builds the most schools and roads! Marijuana ! Do u see pharmaceutical companies paying taxes like marijuana? No!

Correlation is not causation.

Yeah. And while you’re at it, how did heavy alcohol users perform?


fakenews CNNisTrash

Now write about this CNN 480 000 dying every year from smoking alone suffering must be of interest to you , right ? Practice journalism not sensationalism . Adress this genocide .

This study is complete bullshit. They sectioned off “early onset use” of THC as if that’s a things to show that there is some correlation without considering the factors that would trigger early, heavy use of THC like metal/behavioral health disorders, reckless disposition ...

Still...Better than driving under opiates...?


Funny the same thing can be said alcohol and heavy tobacco users but yet a plant-based 'drug' which has not killed anybody is the root to all evil here.

Right, cause opioid users passed out on the side of the road with their kid in the backseat isn’t a problem because it doesn’t fit your narrative right? How about the hundreds of drunk driving deaths every year? Or the deaths related to texting and driving every year?

I have too many friends who try to justify driving stoned saying 'it's not like driving drunk, trust me' which is wrong. This study, however, is suggesting that THC impairs one's abilities even when not on their system which makes little sense.


Is alcohol the benchmark?

That was an extremely flawed study. I await the peer reviewed version which I am SURE will be able to replicate the results. 🙄

Go figure...

Thc stays in your system for anywhere from 2 weeks to months and gets the blame for any accident you have , even though you may not have smoked in days.

The source of this research is questionable.

Has anyone considered that people prone to heavy weed use are also genetically predisposed to be shitty drivers? $10 says there isn’t a pretest on record.

Cool. Now tell me how much impact drunk driving has in money and lives lost. I’ll wait...

Maybe they’re just not fucking good drivers😂

Please, I was a shitty driver long before I was a stoner.

Maybe the people selected for the test were just bad drivers? Like plenty of people I know that don’t smoke, and can’t drive for shit

Heavy users of anything will do worse at tasks than non users even when it’s out of their system. Think about it.


CNN is the absolute worst no body believes you clowns



Or perhaps these people were just poor drivers to begin with.

The StRolling Stoned xDD RealTimers maxpradera MiquiOtero

Never forget that everything negative you've ever been told about marijuana is propaganda created by the federal government so they can continue to wreck havoc in minority communities.

So pot heads cant drive?

Lol. Ok

Slowly... you willl find out.... the effects of cannabis... They hide the thruth.... while they fill their pockets..!!!

Scare tactic

Blah blah blah

Lol what a load of crap

Yea yea who cares

Let's see what statisticians think about the power of this study And who funded it One has to be very careful regarding those studies In every field

How about opiods? After you use them. Alcohol the next day? How about your cell phone? Radio station? Zzzzzzz. No one has ever been proven killing anyone while just high on thc and driving. Find me the case.....

SheriffMina SheriffMina why are you retweeting this. We all know that is FakeNews. Go patrol Pine Hills.

This is an onion article.

Ive known many drivers

What a shock!

Pot is bad booze is good. This all sounds like conservative bullshit.

The operative word was “heavy”. So the study finds heavy drug users didn’t perform well in a driving test. I’ll alert the media (again)

Any fool knows that any drugs after long therm use make u paranoid and loss of memory and have angry issues

Oh look! A study with negative results from marijuana consumption. Grab your torches and pitchforks! We must discredit this and defend our beloved marijuana at all costs! Even if it means ignoring facts and truth.

Mass. and NY drivers? Duh



How long? Im worried!!! Been driving over 20 years and smoking for more! Im due for a ton of driving mistakes:/

So... recreational marijuana users have driving issues and medical marijuana patients dont Is it because the medical patients can recieve a higher dose of THC then the recreational user Also... why would 16-20yr olds be included in this study?

I quit smoking weed years ago not by choice but a have to because I have random tests for my job. But why does our society accept alcohol as a great thing? It's a legal drug that needs to be gone. I so believe more are killed because of alcohol.

Pushing the agenda of the Prison industrial complex?

Marijuana gets blamed for things that happen when THC is not in a person's system.


As you can see on his tweets, this guy here is really an Marihuna-Addict! And they tried really to kill him with poisoning his favorite drug! FidelCastro lookingembarressedtoAndersonCooper

Or it could be that people who are interested in being heavy users already sucked at driving.

CNN what are you doing!?!?!?

Probably not

So basically what your saying is every stoner ever was right?!? They really do drive better high! 🤤🤔

In relation to what?


CNN = Communist News Network! 🇺🇸

And then Uber was born

nobody believes you

I’ve been telling people I know that weed does more harm than good & they didn’t believe me! However, I never mentioned this about driving! But it makes sense cause you’re killing off a brain cell each time you use weed!

🤔 really!!

How do I sign up to be a subject of this test?

THAT IS TOTAL BULLSHIT!! I’ll prove it too!!

No happiness don’t need pay.


Really ? Can I join the next study On this ;)

Yet alcohol is legal. Causes far more damage to our organs. Violence. Car crashes. Liver cancer. Kidney failure, amongst many other health issues. Alcohol is far more destructive. Leading cause of domestic violence. I would rather be on the road with a weed smoker than a drinker.

Sounds like more nonsense from the propaganda machine, we were also told that weed would make you freak out and jump out windows, and that oxycontin wasn't addictive. Hard to believe anything the media puts out without questioning their agenda.

Does this really surprise anyone?

Wtf thats the biggest bullshit ever, who funded the study? Driving 20 years no accidents i drive better then my wife and bunch of other people that don't smoke and this to your study

This study was taken on a simulator. Says kids using under 16 is dangerous. Make 21 legal age. Done “By no means does this data suggest that everybody who uses cannabis is impaired, they can't drive,' CertainlyNotNews




Bulls*it. Medical research studies will always be flawed to a certain undisclosed degree until DNA genealogy is factored in to identify and catalog how a person's body chemistry reacts to a substance. Until then it will be trial and error.

Must have taken this poll at the local church

I call bs

I don't believe that


Isn’t it obvious?

Big Pharma paid for that study huh. What an idiotic claim

No shit

Nobody is taking your weed away. Just dont drink/smoke and drive.

So potheads suck at video games?

Fake news


Hey, these guys are horrible drivers without weed, so it must be...., the weed?

Is this really shocking? It doesn't take much common sense to understand the outcome of being a pothead.


Smoking weed while driving is fun... Every day 😉

That's my skull! It's finally rewired!

They need to walk more anyway.

This is propaganda

I’m not a stoner but I wanna see the data and funding info.

CNN demonizing marijuana users again.

I looked into the high weed consumers of countries and, of those, only Nigeria was on the list of the countries with higher car accidents. Sorry pal.

repeat after me: correlation does not imply causation

They just bad drivers has nothing to do with the weed. Give me a break 🙄

Not a surprise. Just another data point of how consumption can be detrimental. Especially to teens/young adults.

The media still trying to push the narrative the weed is bad lol 😂

The study is flawed. The results could just as easily have been: People with a predisposition to bad driving for factors such as impulsiveness, risk taking, etc. are also more likely to start smoke marijuana. Of course that's not really a headline for McLeanHospital

This study is based on 45 people, most drivers speed at some level (~10 mph over), and roll stop signs. Also maybe they are just bad drivers.

Hahaha...I love it when CNN disparages its followers!

'A new study...' 'The experts say...' 'Scientists have discovered that...' Every news item preceded by the above sentences is a load of shit

Now do alcohol.

Yes, let's turn weed into the boogeyman. But don't say anything about infecting our population with dangerously addictive prescription opiates.

This is a joke right?

All the stoners are mad about the headline but their broomhandle doesn't even have a head gasket & why don't bananas have seeds anyway?

Now do alcohol. 🧐

No concerns said no one ever who was sentenced to six feet under for eternity bc someone wanted to get high and drive.

You just leave those pot smoking people alone. All they want to do is sit on the couch smoke laugh and eat. But I do not condone driving under the influence of anything


This kind of thing is true for early use of a variety of things, like alcohol. Kids, don't do drugs unless you are over 16

So false when I get high and drive I be doing 60 on the free way while every one else be doing 80 passing me. Everything slows down when I’m high lol

Critical dangerous mistakes?

We don't believe you.

Total BS study!

How about opioids?

Somebody just got a sweet, sweet ad deal with a big alcohol manufacturer

JoeBiden and working together on a remake of Reefer Madness. Hits theaters 4/20/2020

Marijuana gets blamed for things that happen when THC is not in a person's system.


But,they are better at video games.


Oh boy

drive sober ppl ☹️

Yeah that’s false

This is poor reporting. The study is pretty much baseless and not well conducted.

You mean it has NOTHING to do with people being bad at driving? Oh lord, give me strength. Everyone has gone bonkers.

I've read some bullshit in my time and this is some serious bulshit. Sounds just like big pharma and the alcohol industry. They're the ones that should be paranoid. Now let's not even talk about opioid abuse.

Could you imagine if the tested an Asian pot head! It’s a stereotype that cannabis makes you lazy and dumb just like women and Asian drivers. Alcohol is much worse for you

Hmm maybe they were just shitty drivers before the testing? Was that option even considered

Yet how many vehicular homicides of slower driving stoned , than rage on fire speeding you can see on any street any time 24/7 America you have every class of American who knows their limit on a breathalyzer , 16 year olds in EU drink with family at dinner to learn control

Bullshit I smell

Fake news

...and NY is legalizing marijuana.


MSM bullshit.

Someday someone is going to pursue the conversation about how bad weed is

CNN impairs thinking skills long after the article is read.

Most drivers are awful now days anyway

Whoever produced this study has never been to the Netherlands. No one is driving into the canals or running over cyclists.

So...if there is no THC in the study subjects system, what evidence is there that they are heavy users of marijuana? Is the the study based on the subjects claiming they are heavy users, despite medical evidence that they are not?

I hope they did not spend much money on that study. I could have told them that for half the price.



Yeah but it makes Jack-in-the-box richer.

They should do a comparative “study” with alcohol...

BUUUUUUULLLLLLLSHIT!! it's a shame that people magazine is better at reporting actual trustworthy news than CNN OR FOX! Pandering propaganda

Hello! Of course what do you expect. And someday a study will show that smoking it causes cancer similar time what tobacco does. The beneficial components should be isolated and used for health only

What a load of manure.

Bullshit. Probably some study funded by Big Booze.

Causation vs causality

now do alcohol

I remember my first beer.

Fake fucking news

Well no shit

Not me 🤷🏾‍♂️😂

Told you so.

Haha, naw.

I think CNN has been on dope for decades.


Ok, I gotta see the evidence on this. I'm pullin' a Bullshit card here....

But I thought it was completely harmless? Good for you even? Who has been spreading these lies?

Fake news

I think you messed up this headline, it’s only users who started before age 16 - fairly significant factor

So is drinking alchol

Study probably conducted by Quest Diagnostics.

Bullshit!! I and many people I know have all done smoke rides this is just propaganda BS


Uh, I drive the same when I smoke vs not smoking. Totally depends on the person.

If this isn't the definition of fake news Idk what is. I suggest you actually fact check the institution who ran the study.

Here’s the thing, people who smoke a lot, don’t want to go anywhere. Plus, I live in Philadelphia where we regularly have drunk drivers killing people, but not pot smokers...🧐

This comes after your confusion about the world in general.

Garbage funded by Pharmaceutical companies

I've driven high on track at 190mph i wouldn't dare do that after a few drinks. Pot effects people differently. And a lot of people are just shitty drivers.

Sorry to say, CNN, but you're wrong. Very wrong.

Ok boomer.


We have legal weed across the country and have seen no increase in car accidents or industrial accidents.

THANK YOU FOR POSTING!!! I had learned these effects in college physiology and thought I was missing a hidden theory or something.

I don't think so. Lol

What if that is wrong? What if bad drivers are just attracted to smoking pot?

Way more dangerous than a drunk driver though probably, right?

Potheads btfo

Ya cause they are used to being baked. Do a control test and stop making assumptions! FakeNews


Bullshit ...

more fakenews . Pot makes driving better.

Lies lies lies and alcohol destroys your liver and kidneys and painkillers destroy your kidneys and kill you😐

100% Bullshit...

Willing to bet they could never drive.

So the weed helped them drive better. It’s only after they stopped the driving deteriorated.

There is a set of people that are just bad drivers regardless of smoking pot.

Gotta love the media hit job. this isn’t genuine reporting, it’s hot garbage and you’re fighting a losing battle

What about the angry ones?


Click bait article that is highly misleading.

Oh? What about ALCOHOL!?!?

Do Pilots, Bus Drivers, Train operators, and other “Professional Drivers” known this ?

How know that impairment didn’t exist prior to use?

Jay and Silent Bob would not agree 😉

If the medical users improved, what was the difference? Why does this not happen to them?

Weed makes you stupid. We needed a study to prove this?

I challenge these results and would like to participate in a similar study

This story brought to you by Pfizer, Anheiser Busch etc.


More 'weed is bad' studies. I don't believe it

People over 80 should not be allowed to drive unless they get tested!

Soooo, you studied bad drivers and not stoned drivers? Interesting take.

I'm just here for the butthurt stoners.

Bull shit!!!! Propaganda nonsense!!! Wake up!!! This isn’t true.


How many were in this group? Was there a control group? How come in the states that have legalized accidents haven't went up according to statistics? Where's your facts to go along with this article?


Good to know now that’s it’s legal almost everywhere

Fake news

Yet strangely the accident numbers for when weed was illegal is almost exactly the same as when weed is legal. (Of course I’m talking about states that have legalized it). So... ... what does that tell us That your experts are full of shit again?

Its not true and not true and really not true when did a high person caused a accident yet along a person that smokes that kind with no thc please stop doing this and stop discriminate something that is good in so many ways and helps so many people


This is the biggest load of crap I’ve ever seen. I thought CNN was progressive and liberal. Lol

So does alcohol, yet we sell that. (We already tried prohibition, it doesn't work).

how does this account for the millions of bad driving tea totalers? methinks Reefer Madness is afoot.

Really need a roadside safety measure

What about the fact the drivers tested all started smoking weed prior to 16 years of age?! How is this consistent among heavy users?! Talk about a twisted report for attention seekers

Maybe heavy users were more likely to be inept in the first place. A group of heavy users of THC and the general public aren't the same control.


Y’all ever heard of “smoked out” people. Smoke so much weed they’re just always high lmao

No shit guys


Age does too, havent seen anybody doing anything about that, i see elderly mistakes made every day, you take a test to drive, should take a test to keep driving

I guess it’s like driving with an alcohol-fueled hang over.

Tell these dang kids to stop driving in the weeds then!! 🤨

That's not true. Who study this shit

WoW. I've had a medical marijuana license for 5 years. During that time I've been hit twice by regular drivers that did not use medical marijuana. Once re-ended. Once I was parked. Let's face it some people just can't drive medical marijuana has nothing to do with it

Good Thinking elonmusk! Self Driving Cars are the Answer to this problem....

Please, do you know how many bad drivers there are out here? Whatever excuse, drivers have gotten worse.


Maybe they were bad drivers to begin with.



Omg 😮

By cnn and elected democrats say it is ok to smoke weed. It will keep the 🇺🇸 in calm. But you have a better choice Trump2020

I’m here in Canada like

How long?

MegaTroopLover marijuana the WORST drug ever!

Shocking 😱 the idiocy of making a drug legal before testing it or finding a way to actually tell “how high” someone is.

CNN is the enemy of the Weedple

Bullshit and lies

What they are really saying is that if you are a heavy user and are fixin to drive; you best have THC in your system

Going by this article everyone in the county I live in smoke weed cause they can’t drive for shit. 😂

False: Black Bears

No ones even reading the article. All it really found out was that ppl who smoked at young ages like 16 or earlier were MORE LIKELY to drive bad. It is not saying that if you smoke every day you are a bad driver. Stats should really be a requirement in highschool 🙄


.. Long after the high is gone and the flat settles in😏

Okay so now let’s report that a few beers (2-3) actually enhances one’s driving skills?

So they drive better with THC in their system?

Lmfao. Continue to be worthless CNN, you’re crushing it

No 1 reason 4 regulations: keep it out of the hands of minors...?

FIXED ⬆️: 'Despite having no THC in their system, heavy PRE 16 YEAR OLD users consistently performed worse on driving tasks than non-users, making critical, dangerous mistakes, a new study found.' I bet heavy drinking 12 year olds have trouble with driving too. 🤦

I mean it can take months for THC to leave your system depending on body type and habits sooooooo

Lies ‼️

Typical BS😇. The 'Doctors' are looking at 'heavy users' with 'high THC' and comment about those who started using 'BEFORE 16 years of age as young as 12'. From that group they are deriving exaggerated conclusions about the rest of the adults. Clue: Follow the money.

Ppl been smoking marijuana and driving since marijuana was discovered & it hasn’t been a problem. Now all of a sudden ppl are dangerously driving under the influence of marijuana? These b.s. “studies” are done to make new laws to now give ppl dui traffic violations for marijuana.

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Experientially? False.

I’m confused. This post says it’s from but there is nothing bad said about realDonaldTrump in the whole article. This makes me doubt it came from .

So I guess people on Xanax should not be driving. What about people with headaches?

Dont use morons in your studies like this. Theyre in every study you can make about anything. Weed them out. Yes pun intended.

“Study” Were drivers good or bad to begin with. Who sponsors these studies Does this person who conducted study ever take money from big pharma in any capacity whatsoever Has this person done a study on how pharmaceutical drugs effect driving Drive down middle of road. Sure

As a smoker in the past, I don't believe this. I get more careful when I am driving, not less. Bull shit!

I have never crashed after smoking weed. I have had 17 car crashes in my lifetime from drinking or after drinking.

No shit!

Study funded by Budweiser and Abbott pharmaceuticals

not true

WHAT?! We've been told by the left that pot is an all around good. A miracle plant that everyone should be smoking. And WHY are there 'heavy users'? It's not addictive, remember? Seems the Cheech & Chong stereotype is right after all.

I definitely drive safer stoned than I do sober!

Yeah CBD alone can make you feel sleepy, that's it, not worth any worry, focus on alcohol, and btw, the top killer of Americans is cheese! Quit cheese, go vegan smoke weed and you'll be fine

Cannabis and cognitive function

Or they were bad drivers to begin with. 🤦‍♂️. This is a tremendously misleading piece of data being used in a manipulative way.

Yeah. Right. Try me.

So that proves MY point. All those years I spent in Florida dodging giant Chryslers and Caddies moving at 35mph with their left blinkers on were being driven by baked old folks bobbing their heads to Sinatra.

'By no means does this data suggest that everybody who uses cannabis is impaired, they can't drive,'

Heavy users have thc in there system for months. This is dumb. It doesn't just leave overnight after you sleep. Who did this study?

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