'We need to tell everyone': Teens, young adults who vape more at risk for COVID-19, study says

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A new study has found that vaping is linked to an elevated risk of COVID-19 among teenagers and young adults.

Results adjusted for a host of confounding factors including age, sex, race, ethnicity, LGBTQ status, education, body mass index, compliance with shelter-in-place orders and state positivity rates for COVID-19.

Young people who had used both cigarettes and e-cigarettes in the previous month were almost five times as likely to experience COVID-19 symptoms such as coughing, fever, tiredness and difficulty breathing, which the study concedes may explain why they were also more likely to receive testing. “At least hypothetically, it goes along with what we have learned about e-cigarettes,” he said. “These do harm the lungs and, in some way, the lungs translates to reduced immunity to infection and that could certainly mean more propensity for COVID-19.”

“Most of the participants were sheltering in place, but they may be in the backyard with a few friends sharing their vaping device,” she said.


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ParentsvsVape Please examine the following. The first is a graphic taken from the report. The second graphic is a review of the study by peers of the authors to this study.

ParentsvsVape Not according to a recent study by Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos who found that moderate and heavy smokers were 50-60% less likely to test positive for COVID-19 and 80-90% less likely to be admitted to the ICU.

TobaccoFreeKids FakeNews

ParentsvsVape Unbiased lies, who will kill people!

TobaccoFreeKids First read the study! That’s a perfect example for bad science and you are the people who believe and don’t understand.

Coating your lungs with chemicals isn't the best idea during a pandemic respiratory virus. But evolution helps clear populations of people who can't understand the difference between safe and dangerous.

The study comes with some limitations, including that it was based on self-reports from anonymous online survey responses. which can be vulnerable to biases if respondents don't give honest answers.

I'm dubious. Studies have been showing the opposite for months and no mention of that.

From Dr. FarsalinosK

Why is it news media today is no better than tabloids? Sensational headlines and click bait. What ever happened to facts, unbiased, real science news?


⬆️fakenews based on junk 'study' In reality, there's overwhelming evidence that people who enjoy inhaling nicotine have much lower risk for contracting coronavirus and remarkably better outcomes if they do get covid19.

Will not do any good. People still smoke cigarettes even though we knew they caused lung problems in the1960’s.

Bull 💩

Wow now everyone is just filled with scare tactics and flat out lies

The figures show that many of these youngsters said they had a corona-positive test but they were much less likely to have covid19-symptoms. In other words in-line with the studies showing that tobacco smoking protects against covid19-symptoms.

They don’t care


How are people going to quit vaping need ideas

And vaping can make you pregnant too!! 😵

A lot of people vaping do so to allow them to sneak in puffs inside where smoking is banned. One cannot vape when one is wearing a mask. So you have maskless people indoors sneaking in a hit and are unprotected from infected particles in the air. This is a garbage story.

It’s because they share them

more junk science... GrimmGreen GregTHR wendyvapes MattFromSMM RubrDuckyUrThe1 rubyroovapes DHDaccessories Red_Phoenyx_ stoplying junkscience vape

If they want to vape despite the risks, let nature take its course

5-year-old Cannon Hinnant was murdered Sunday while playing in his front yard by Darius Sessoms, 25, of Wilson, N.C. in front of his sisters. Sessoms has been caught and arrested. This is pure evil, NOT A PEEP from MS Media.

COVIDs been here what 4 months now ,maybe 5 or 6 and a study has been completed ? Ya right and on top of that any moron knows inhaling smoke or vapor is bad for lungs and makes one more susceptible to covid . We needed a study ( incomplete one no less ) to tell us that .

E-cigarette use, vaping, and smoking traditional cigarettes by US teenagers and young adults is associated with a greater likelihood of contracting COVID-19. Association is a measure of covariance. Here's the non clickbait headline.

leaving your house is an elevated risk of covid. smh

US_FDA Approved?

It was a fun experiment while it lasted but the gig is up, the facts are coming in. Kids need to go back to smoking cigarettes like our founding fathers did.

This is just idiotic. Nope vaping doesn’t.

This dates back to the mysterious 'popcorn lungs' found a year ago, greatest amongst younger people!

Vaping: utter rubbish, along with tattoos and facial hair.

Let’s use covid as a way to try and drive down vaping

Do the words 'not statistically significant' mean anything to you, AdriannaUSAT?

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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