Wayfair employees plan Wednesday walkout after learning they are making beds for migrant detention centers

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Wayfair employees plan Wednesday walkout after learning they are making beds for migrant detention centers WayfairWalkout

Employees of Wayfair announced they plan to walkout of work Wednesday afternoon to protest the company's manufacturing of furniture sold to facilities that house migrant children along the southern border.that a government contractor that manages migrant camps, BCFS, placed a $200,000 order for bedroom furniture.

"Over the last two days it has come to our attention that Wayfair has again engaged in B2B sales with BCFS, a non-profit government contractor managing camps for migrants at our Southern border," the letter stated. Niraj Shah, chief executive officer of Wayfair, and his wife Jill Shah arrive for a morning session of the annual Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference, July 11, 2018 in Sun Valley, Idaho. Every July, some of the world's most wealthy and powerful business people from the media, finance, technology and political spheres converge at the Sun Valley Resort for the exclusive weeklong conference.

Employees plan to walk out of the Back Bay offices at 1:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday. They have asked Wayfair to donate proceeds from the BCFS order to assist rescue organizations that support migrant families and refugees at the border.


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So, they want illegals to sleep on the floor so they go back home. Genius!

They should be walking out because the company is involved in sex traffic

deepstateexpos1 Well, isn't that rich!? Considering they are running a child trafficking business, in broad daylight, online.

You understand that most of these children are trafficked, right? They would NOT be reunited with their families, because their families sold them to traffickers!! They need to be sent back to their country and given care by anti-trafficking foster homes

So do they want kids to sleep on the floor? I don’t get it... Wayfair

deepstateexpos1 Suuure! and then they go to Walmart and buy crap made by people in deplorable condition for cents on the dollar. Hypocrites

So do they not want these children to have beds? I thought they were in cages, oh wait that was under the Obama Administration well the ones that didn’t go missing on Catholic Charity buses..

Would these idiots prefer they lie on the floor? Give me a break.

*slap* Get back to work!

FIRE THEM ALL! ( Businesses ) DO NOT exist to provide jobs; ( jobs ) become available as businesses profit & acquire new customers, THUS opening up new jobs. There are plenty of people THAT CAN BE HIRED TO REPLACE DELINQUENT WORKERS !

Ah great no beds to own Trump 👌🏻. Bravo resistance

Do they prefer they sleep on a concrete floor?

I think I'm more outraged that government funds are being wasted on overpriced Wayfair garbage. There must be army surplus cots around somewhere.

So let me see if I have this strait? Wayfair employees do not want Children to have beds to sleep on? Guess where I will NOT be shopping?

Wayfair employees are dumber than dirt. Apparently they prefer that migrant children don't have beds (while they themselves sip their latte's with the map of the world printed on their disposable paper cups).

Once again, the leftist virtue signalers deny help to those who knowingly and illegally crossed our border, because solving the crisis doesn't help them in 2020.

'Questions for these protestors & their supporters: what is the solution? NOT give migrants beds? The debate is not if conditions are acceptable. They aren’t. We improve conditions (not just in the interim) by addressing the problem at its source & reforming our asylum laws.'

So they don’t want the people to have beds?

Moving on to the next company then.

Liberals don't want beds for them. Are they going to boycott the water they drink too?

Never buying anything from Wayfair again!

They should work and give their pay to charity. Trump is still a twit.

Why do these employees want children to sleep on floors, especially after their 'parents' marched the children 1500 miles?

Does this really surprise anyone about wayfair ? Two weeks ago I was spammed with a Wayfair ad to email address wayfair acquired from spirit airlines. Shocked they are not ethical ? wayfairwalkout

Bo / Biden admin could’ve used some more beds

So they shouldn’t be sleeping on beds LiberalLogic

Boycott wayfair. Own by Muslims

I hope they are replaced.

I hope they are all Fired! New job postings at Wayfair are ready to be filled by rational people

Making beds for everyone but illegal immigrants is ok?!? Those people needing beds would also like your jobs you little princesses

They must like children to sleep on hard floors.

You can’t make this shit up 😂

so i guess they don't care about living conditions while they wait for their hearings

Best job market in recent history, just replace them. It's called a job, do your work without getting political.

The employees of Wayfair walking out are selfish assholes, putting their own beleifes ahead of children getting supplies they need. I hope Wayfair fires everyone of them.

🎶'Wayfair ain't got shit that I need'🎶

Let them walk. I never buy from them again.

How does that help these kids?

We await the walkout on companies that provide food and medicine. That will show them. WayfairWalkout

Fire them all wayfair. Re-hire with better vetting and only hire real Americans.

Imagine having the privilege to walk off your job.

Wayfair Bye bye Wayfair. SJW companies go into my 'won't ever buy from them ever again' bucket. You've now joined Target Starbucks NFL dickssportingss who have all learned the hard way.

That will fix the problem.

i'll be that guy then....why are we spending taxpayer money on beds for non citizens while we have homeless veterans with no beds?

Are they patriots, or no?

Any coverage on ATTWNministry that helps clinic workers leave the abortion industry?

Has anyone on the left thought this protest through? What happens if Wayfair says today that they are suspending the deal to provide beds. They are out of the hot seat and therefore no more beds for detainees? Seems like the wrong fight to pick.

I'd be the first in line for one of those good paying jobs...no need to put up with this nonsense in today's economy

Guess these Wayfair employees want the ILLEGAL ALIENS in the detention centers sleeping on the floor. I can get on board with that. Why do we coddle those who break our laws?

So these employees would rather not help the children be comfortable by making beds, in order to make a statement about the awful conditions at the border. TYPICAL LIBERAL LOGIC - or I should say lack thereof. Do they not have brains at all? Children’s discomfort is on them! 🔥

Uh, wouldn’t no beds be bad? This is some very confusing virtual signaling.

Make them “comfortable”

If the US would only deport these illegals sooner they would not have to sleep on the floor.

Wayfair I'll still take that job.

If they cave to these employees, I cancel my account.

They hire some pretty stupid people

So, the floor? 🤦‍♀️

i bet they are making a 400 percent profit off the gov too!

Fire them all! They need beds!!

You'd think they'd be happy these children would have comfortable beds to sleep on. Are wayfair beds that bad?

'Wayfair. You've got just what I need.' - except my job, 'cause I'm TDS positive.

Why would they want to hurt children just to get back at Trump? Doesn't make any sense. These aren't people you'd want working for you. Fire them all! These people want to hurt the children!

How do you explain these dems wanting to keep sick children on cement floors? Hypocrites

Don't they care that they're alleviating some of the problems at these centers, & the children will be the better for it. Make the beds for the kids everyone is so concerned about. DC's failure to address this problem has been ongoing for more years than Trump has been president.

Migrants? Do you call strangers wandering into your house, uninvited, illegally, migrants? Do you pull a gun on them & call the law or say welcome; what's mine is yours, without knowing who the hell they are? Need a interpreter?

Wayfair beds aren't much better than sleeping on the floor anyway.

Another company possibly goes down thanks to AOC --the champion of/for the people--what an idiot

Anyone walking out should be fired immediately.

This explains everything. First, there's outrage and everyone come on Twitter to voice their outrage. Now there's a company who's outraged but unwilling to help make things a little better in a bad situation. Biggest hypocrites ever!!

And each and every one of them should be fired.

If Wayfair didn't sell to the government, it wouldn't happen... once your products are sold, you have ZERO control on how it's used. Wayfair must revise their government contract: 'our products will not be used in any manner which hurts the feelings of leftist employees'

And you wonder why manufacturers don't want to make anything here!

Where was the rage when it was their precious Barack housing illegals?


Fire give their jobs to new legal citizens!

Why doesn’t each person adopt one of these illegal families?

It’s now become a BanWayfair moment !!

So they are outraged because they don’t want to help physically make people more comfortable? Fire their asses! I can assure you these skill sets aren’t anything special.

if they are having a walkout for unfairness then never come back to work as all their shit comes from oppressive communist China.

They should have the option to build furniture for the DC or not. People shouldn't be forced to directly respond to high profile social issues.

So when they are all fired for walking out, I guess there will be plenty of job openings available for the migrants to fill. It's a win any way you look at it.

Guess I know what website I can ignore.

When you want to make a point but have poor execution.

I'm not buying anything from them as well.👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

Wayfair should be celebrated by these employees. I wonder what politicians started this circus.

Horrifying that AOC is trying to stop children getting beds

No work-no job

Bye....plenty of other people that need a job

So they’d rather the children sleep on the floor?

Cool some other company can make them capitalism is great.

On a Wednesday? Walkout on Friday = 3 day weekend.

Well looks like some jobs are going to be opening up at wayfare! Get your apps in now!

Ask each of those employees to cover cost of lost revenue and how much are they willing to put up to house and support each of these illegal immigrants. Employed put up or shit up!

Good for the Wayfair workers for not wanting to send those illegal law breakers beds. Make them go back where they came from.

Proof that this has nothing to do with the children and everything to do with TDS.

You give into this they will own you

I can understand the refusal to participate in Evil. Where does one draw the lines! Why weren’t the beds planned before? Trump’s whole administration is incompetent and this has Stephen Miller name all over it.

Fire the employees who walk out

Do not knuckle under wayfair

These workers don’t realize BCFS is actually there to help.

Hey Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah, did you or your family emigrate to this country from another country for opportunity?Shame Shame Shame BOYCOTT WAYFAIR.....it’s cheap crap anywayWayfairWalkout

So management runs everything by employees? I know some companies who would still be in business if they had cared enough to talk to its employees. However, the big guns sign the checks!

Yeah, make them sleep on concrete. Great plan folks.

Who cares? Idiots hurting your own pay. Your not the only place that makes them. And if you don't watch out, they'll be on the floor.

You might want to put “former” in the headline. “Former Wayfair employees..”


I can’t figure out the left. They complain about treatment of immigrants but when Trump does something about it they don’t like it. They have so much hate.

Kids need bed, companies need profits, employees need paychecks. Why are they walking out?

GOP is totally gaslighting this. Your inhumanity will haunt you at some point.

If American citizens are sleeping in tents on sidewalks in LA, Seattle, SF, then so should the migrants

The sad truth is that if the immigration crisis had complete and honest coverage, this wouldn’t happen

So Wayfair employees want IllegalAliens to sleep on the Floor! This is so racist! maybe y'all should get fired for hating Illegals! That's such an Elitist move! You are all too good to make beds for people and now they will SLEEP ON THE DIRTY FLOORS! Way to go WayfairWalkout

How stupid. Something that is actually creating comfort for the people they claim to care about. Super smart.

Their concern must be the job to be done, not its end use or why did they accept in first place

People of Principle..can we assume these people will work for free so Mayfair can provide free furniture to the illegal immigrants

Leftists complain migrants are detained. They complain bc they believe they’re being held in (AOC’s terms) “concentration camps” in unreasonable conditions. They find out they’re making a means for the migrants to rest comfortably, so, naturally, they walk out. Ummmm🤔 confused

Noooooooo not beds for children! How dare they!

Good luck on the unemployment line!

So they don't want these people to have beds? Selfish assholes.

Then they will protest because illegals sleeping on ground. All libs do: hate, complain, and protest. No practical solutions, ever.

I’ve grown up in a Teamsters family and you NEVER work as a “scab” but in this case .... BRING ON THE SCABS!

Um, how does it help detainees by not making beds for them?

I’ve never seen so many confused tweeters before MAGA and RESISTANCE in one place before 😂🤣😂

Sooooo they prefer the kids sleep on the floor?

Buh bye.

Hope they have their cardboard boxes ready.

Deserves being asked, who is making the production of beds for migrant detention centers fiscally possible? Might have a lot to do with it.

Bravo, now the rest of us must stand with them. This is the true spirit of America. Those who don't share it are a minority.

alaskarebel BoycottWayfair

I don't love my home Wayfair employees. Please come repair my roof, put in a new septic, and replace my water heater. Thanks!

Easiest way to drain the Wayfair swamp. Give the kids beds & supplies and as expected the Godless terminate their own employment. Because it was NEVER about the kids and always about 'Orange man bad.' Good riddance to all the shitty purged sjw loons no longer at Wayfair!

RobertMaguire_ The employees could look at it in a positive manner. Their company is helping the migrants that are being detained under inhumane conditions by providing them with beds.

They are protesting Wayfair profiting off of concentration camps. I get it. If the CEO had any sense, they would go ahead and fulfill the order, but donate every dollar of revenue from the order to RAICESTEXAS.

I understand the concept of the protest—but I also understand that these children need bedding.

So what? They don't want the kids to have beds?

Wayfair employees really want to fuck over the migrants I. The Detention Centers. Hard core!

That’s so stupid. They should be thankful to be a part of resolving the crisis!

They should be fired...

Fire all of them

Good, fire them. Hire the illegals to replace them.

Those kids need beds.

Sooooo the people being detained shouldn’t have beds? Because essentially that is what happens when the ppl who build/ship them stop when they refuse to work.

Because unaccompanied minors should be forced to sleep on the floor. Sounds like Patton: 'Not enough latrines? Hell, they didn't even know what a latrine was until I showed them.'

Wait. We want to protest by not supplying goods and services to people we feel need goods and services. Am I seeing this correctly 🧐

Making kids sleep on a cold, hard floor to own Trump. Well done, morons.

So they want them to sleep on the floor? What? And they r ILLEGAL aliens not ‘migrants’

Where are the beds going to be put? Outside on the floor? Lots of you people are idiots not realizing the problem is the flow of people.

Wayfair Hiring Fair Thursday.

They prefer the people sleep on the floor. But will the first to cry out over people sleeping in the floor 🙄

Hey im not mad at you!!!nothing but love for ya!!

Yeah! Because that makes sense! Idiots.

Stupid...now they won’t have beds either...thanks liberals!!

Their products are inferior. Probably this is best for all involved.

What do they have against them having a bed?!?!?!

alaskarebel I'm not sure what they are protesting by this.

That will help, stop making beds for migrants. Congress appropriates money for this...or not.

Newsflash... they are not making beds! They just sell them but hey less China 💩 works for me!

Give me a break! They should be fired for this nonsense!

Keeps the narrative going

Good for them. Companies should not profit from this crisis.

What do Wayfair workers have against these unaccompanied migrant kids? Do they want them to just lay on the floor? How misguided and inhumane! BoycottWayfair

There’s no better way to protest that, walking out and not making beds its worse because they will be sleeping in the floor still...There should be another way here...😣

Great, hundreds of new jobs available at Wayfair!

They would rather them sleep on the floor? Horrible.

Fire them.


So they would rather they sleep on the floor

No beds means They sleep on the floor which means Photo ops for the Democrat media which means Pandering to ill-informed voters will sob stories which equals Democrat votes The Left wants these people to suffer as much as possible bc it means more Dem votes. WayfairWalkout

Wayfair doesn't make beds ... Try doing some journalism?

Good. Wayfair fire all their asses and bring in people who respect our countries laws

Good...Fire them all.

Kudos to the Wayfair employees for taking this action!! Y'all are my heroes. WayfairWalkout

That is the stupidest thing to protest. People have lost all common sense. Its like cut off your arm to spite your hand...

They are here illegally give them cots better yet deport them

HAHA YoureFired!

Omg! Dems screaming kids sleeping on the floor! Dems solution? Stop the company from selling beds to said kids sleeping on the floor!? Do these guys have mush for brains? NEVER EVER let these fools on charge of anything!

They must be Democrats.

This is confusing. Are they protesting the immigrants being here or the fact that the immigrants are being held in the detention centers? If they worked for me and were protesting how the product I made was being used I would dismiss them on the spot.

Wayfair sux anyway

🤣🤡 Let them walk. Ungrateful bunch of people.

What? They want the children to sleep on the floor? Daumn! Liberals are HEARTLESS!

you have a high ratio of deplorable tweeters. It's not a good look...

'How dare they make children sleep on the floor!' 'How dare they buy beds for the children!' Same people.

'The best way to help immigrants living in poor conditions? Well, it isn't with beds, dammit! Let those kids sleep on the floor.' Love, Wayfair Employees wayfairwalkout

Looks like Wayfair decided to take it up their own southern border... 😎

Seems about normal for liberals. They want to be charitable with OTHER people's money.

If I were sleeping on a floor I would like a bed. Whatever the conditions are, seems they must be better than where they came from or they wouldn’t be here.

The least they could do is make the beds in Mexico instead of China.

So sleeping on the ground is better. The logic, or lack there of, is astonishing!

Do these employees NOT want the detainees to have beds? 🤨


Fire the workers.

I'm confused, I understand them not wanting to help a concentration camp, but don't the kids need beds? I heard they were sleeping on concrete

Insane. A great example kf the Left's Open Border ideology. What they want us to attract immigrants by promising free stuff then when they arrive by the 1000s & overwhelm facilities, they want them immediately released. The Left is un-American.

YouknowMeMan1 So now they have to sleep on the floor? Real nice Wayfair...or should I say Wayunfair.

So to make improvements in conditions at the detention centers you stop selling them furniture like beds to sleep on. More LiberalLogic

*ILLEGAL migrant*

Zero fucks given

Very good

So they would rather have them sleeping on dirt. Hmm lefty's make no sense

What a bunch of lazy uncaring people Poor children, the ceo of wayfair needs to fire them all!

RobertMaguire_ So, they’re protesting the mishandling of immigration by the US Government and the poor conditions the overwhelming number of immigrants find themselves in by NOT helping those same immigrants have beds and other furniture? Now that sounds a little counterproductive

That a way to help the kids. No more business from us.

So the kids can continue sleeping on the floor


Wayfair employees would prefer the children sleep on the floor. This is not helping the crisis.

They believe we should let everyone in, completely unchecked? Oh well, so much for climate change. I was reading articles on illegal exotics across the border. So much for protecting children, wide open for trafficking. Why have the CDC? might as spread unchecked diseases.

Good for them and I won’t be ordering from Wayfait unless they stop servicing evil beings who profit off the misery of children!

Only in the lib mind would they feel validated by abandoning needy children.

Go Wayfair workers, at least real people aren’t morally corrupt.

That's why the children are sleeping on floors.

Very confusing story. They don’t want the kids to have beds or they don’t want to be a part of this travesty?

So all the wacko leftists complained that kids were sleeping on floors. Wayfair made beds for them to sleep on. So now they won’t have beds. This is pathetic virtue signaling in the extreme. All those who walk out should be fired.

They'll have to sleep on the floor then!


That has to be the stupidest thing i heard today. They want them to sleep on the floor then ?

Immediately they should be fired and replaced with employees grateful for their job and providing a safe bed for illegals who should not be here in the first place to sleep in. I wish it were my company... their rears would be on the street jobless

Good grief. Beds are good.

So...they don’t want to help then?

Oh that changes everything

Good thing there are plenty of jobs for them after they get fired.......

Liberals, always with spiteful actions instead of productive actions. LiberalLogic LiberalismIsAMentalDisease Dexit

So they would rather people sleep on the floor?


How bout keeping the kids home instead of dragging them to get free stuff from the dems? IF they cared about their kids that is.

Liberals won't make furniture for the children because they would rather force the children sleep on the floor

gardenofthegods Fire all who walk out.

RACIST for protesting against beds to all those poor asylum seeking children. Shame on them😡

Ummmmm does anyone realize to ask Wayfair u realize what your doing Brilliant move dopes

Uh... we do want the children and adults in these places to have toothbrushes, soap, and furniture, do we not? We want the people who make and sell this furniture to have an income, do we not? It doesn't make sense to protest this or to boycott Wayfair.

Wayfair employees want kids in detention centers to sleep on the floor. Fixed it for you.

Seems the dems are the problem.

Maybe they will all lose their jobs

Dano50 .Wayfair is now on my permanent boycott list—which is ironic, since I just made my first purchase there last week. Now it will be my first and last. BoycottWayfair

Wayfair announces a large number of job openings starting tomorrow!

communists. Can't live with them and don't want to.

Here's how many ICE detention centers are holding immigrants in every state

Have at it. Easy to replace you.

And this is being cheered by AOC BernieSanders giving everyone a glimpse of how socialism works. Spew a bunch of rhetoric (while previously ignoring the problem for months), get everyone believing America is so evil & killing kids - Wayfair capitalism bad = no beds for kids😡

They don’t want to pericipate in n inhumane act. Blood money

Because they don’t want to provide them with beds?

AOC and workers at Wayfair say that their beds are so awful that sleeping on them is like being in a Concentration Camp. Since I can't really afford Wayfair's prices, I'll keep shopping at the consignment stores. Thanks for the heads up, guys! WayfairWalkout

That's right, make those kids sleep on the cold concrete. Now you'll show Trump!

So they don’t want migrants to have beds?

This is an absurd protest. Are the employees of TEVA going to walk out for supplying antibiotics to the detention centers? Is the goal to get adequate supplies to them or deprive them even more, so that a judge will order them released into the general population? Wayfair 🐂💩

That’s pretty racist

Own the right by making children sleep on the floor.

“Yes, let’s make their conditions worse.” Great plan guys. 🙄

Not making beds mean no beds - seems legit for a hate group

How helpful to those migrants, that these very people that are complaining about the conditions that the migrants are living in, actually refuse to work because their company is sending help. Wow

So they want them sleeping on the floors 😂😂😂😂

Well there goes any more shopping at Wayfair

Cool. About to be about 500 open positions at Wayfair? That's awesome.

I hope every last one that walks out gets fired.

I bet they can find a bunch of guys outside Home Depot to make beds

Genius Wayfair employees the kids didn't really need a bed. 😕

Those that walk out should be fired. I guess the idiots complaining would rather those coming in be roaming the streets, no food or shelter. I don't remember the left saying a THING when this was happening under Obama. Leads me to believe it is all political, not compassion.

Fire them as no-shows.

What terrible comments on this post......I am heartened by the action of these workers who are condemning substandard treatment of children.....stop separating children from their parents.

Way to go Wayfair WayfairWalkout ! Taking beds away from kids to score political points against Trump! You are true paragons of morality n decency! Idiots.

This just in.. Wayfair hires entire new bed factory staff.

Will their virtue signaling pay their bills?

More idiocy from the virtue signalling left. I want to walk into one of their homes, set up residency, ask them to pay for everything and see if they call the police or let me stay.

I'm sure their jobs will be appreciated by those who get them next.... and the end results is kids still on the floor so worthless wokeness continues.

Better to just let them sleep on the floor, I guess?

They don't want kiddies to have beds? LMAO...when they get fired being being stupid, they won't get unemployment.

So they would rather have them on the floor 😂😂😂😂

Fire the workers. Cancel orders for beds and replace with mats that are much cheaper.

Ohhh no not beds

Fire them all.

Good, let them sleep on the floor or go home.

So now the kids can have even worse conditions? Good one.......🙄

Wow. And I was going to join Way Fair. Guess I’ll hold off.

So you don't want the kids to have beds now?

AOC is the gift that keeps on giving. Runs 25,000 jobs out of her city; and Instigates a walkout of workers who make beds for illegal alien children. WELL. DONE.

Liberals make no sense at all.

DianeOl20918490 So they should keep sleeping on floors?

What about the children!? They need the beds!

JEEEEZZZUUUUSSSSS PEOPLE!!!!! Get a damn grip!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Boycott Wayfair

Fire them all!

but everyone told me those poor children had to sleep on the ground with aluminium foil.... this can't be real

We make beds for immigrant children? No way, little Jose! Let's walk out! Little Jose can sleep on the concrete.

What is wrong with making beds for illegals

Good, replace them with Guatemalans for $5 a hour

The way I read this is the children won’t be getting beds to protest their not having beds. They didn't really think this one through did they? Leftist 101: Cut off their nose to spite their face.

Why are they racist?

Maybe that should read 'Wayfair employees upset that their company is supplying border camps with beds and would rather see children sleep on the floor.' Real cruel Wayfair employees, real cruel.

So they don’t want to help in assisting migrants with a bed to sleep on.

Fire them, they're not needed and there are plenty of people that can fill their jobs.

They should walk to the border and volunteer... Do something useful

While I applaud their efforts, aren't beds better than concrete floors? They have to get the beds from somebody. Yes, it would be better if they ReturnTheChildren. But face it, the Nazis aren't going to do that.

Ooohhh Making Beds....Building Beds....not putting on sheets and blankets.

cancel wayfair ! delete wayfair !

Alt Headline. 'People who work for cheap internet furniture distributor have more ethical boundaries than put elected officials.'

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