Washington Post says Trump, the 'say anything' president, has made 10,000 false statements

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Washington Post says President Trump has made 10,000 false statements since Inauguration Day

New York A version of this article first appeared in the"Reliable Sources" newsletter. You can sign up for free right here.

The Washington Post on Monday came out with an updated count of President Trump's false and misleading statements since Inauguration Day. And it shows that Trump has surpassed the 10,000 mark. Whatever the opposite of popping champagne is, do that, I guess?The Post's fact-checker-in-chief, Glenn Kessler, was still crunching the numbers when I spoke with him on Sunday.


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GlennKesslerWP Keep spinning the narrative and lying to people. Your numbers are dropping like a rock and people are finally figuring out how dishonest your 'news' is. No matter how many times you have been caught making stuff up out of air you just keep going. Unbelievable!

GlennKesslerWP I have been quitting watching CNN and other TV news for a while because I can’t stand this FAKER keeping telling lies over and over on TV! What a phony bologna!There is no doubt that he is the WORST president in U.S. history!Can’t wait to see him packing himself out of office!🤣

seb_say GlennKesslerWP Once false thing he did not say was CNN was trash.

seb_say GlennKesslerWP Hard to believe that this reptile of a man exists. Glen Kessler has got to be the biggest loser next 2 J Berman ( giddy !) on the planet.

GlennKesslerWP Trump What has happened to the once great USA that they tolerate this buffoon's inane behavior? To the extent of statistics of occurrence? Leader of the Western world? My big fat toe! Why? This can't be mindlessness it is just too ridiculous.

GlennKesslerWP How many Fake News stories has CNN put out there, I hope someone is counting.

GlennKesslerWP ?'living and barely surviving at 59 1/2 it amazes me that so many people believe him!

GlennKesslerWP World changing news. Glad i seen it here first. His little fibs almost add to equal 1 or maybe 2 of the guy from Kenya

GlennKesslerWP Mexico's president is about the same rating or worse

GlennKesslerWP CNN beats these numbers in a week.

claydavis24 GlennKesslerWP Coming from CNN🤣🤦‍♀️

GlennKesslerWP Would anyone care to put up the running total from CNN? Let alone all of the news media together? I know there are fringe wackos that buy whatever you put in front of them, but the rest of us see you guys as just as bad as if not worse than Trump.

GlennKesslerWP Blah blah blah blah. Hey cnn and washingtonpost check in the mirror. You flat out lie all the time. You are the ones that should be ashamed. fakenews

GlennKesslerWP Fake news

GlennKesslerWP Lies, lies........no matter how you word it, it's F^*+*€€KING lies....


GlennKesslerWP He is mentally sick

GlennKesslerWP Everything out if his mouth is a lie he continues to decieve all of the time

GlennKesslerWP CNN is so pure and truthful. LOL 😂 😂😂

DrGMG GlennKesslerWP Lies. Honest people call them lies. You can do it, too. I know you can. So, do it.

GlennKesslerWP Wow CNN Tell me how many Misleading Russiagate Claims have you made over a 2 year period?

GlennKesslerWP How does that stack up against RepAdamSchiff and ?

GlennKesslerWP And yet , this person is still in power . (President) Amazing . I guess if he didn’t have access to a Twitter account we wouldn’t hear half of these.

GlennKesslerWP You tell lies to the ignorant more than 15 times they begin to believe it. It's a form of propaganda and brain washing. Hitler did it.

GlennKesslerWP Not news.

GlennKesslerWP Glenn Eun Uch

GlennKesslerWP You wonder why Americans call you Fake News!!!

GlennKesslerWP Fake news, your fake news has hit over 1 miilion

GlennKesslerWP right. show me one real news organization that says that.

GlennKesslerWP At a certain point, you gotta ask yourself if the president of the United States isn’t just...well... stupid ?!

GlennKesslerWP They’re not “false r misleading statements”. They’re LIES!!!!!!! Why TF is that so difficult for you to say? DerangedDonald

GlennKesslerWP So do you have a count of statements mr shueler and ms Pelosi say that are spin and misleading and how about Ocasio-Cortez shes only in since January and has to be close to that number

GlennKesslerWP Once more, realDonaldTrump lies. They’re lies, not misleading statements. Lies. DerangedDonald

GlennKesslerWP I have to say, the state of US politics is pathetic. Nobody has any guts to walk up to the president and call him out publicly on his LIES. Embarass him, make him mad...just hold him personally accountable. Dems? Reps? Anyone?

GlennKesslerWP Total POS PRESIDENT! & family!!

GlennKesslerWP CNN if you tally Obama’s it would be double

GlennKesslerWP To much of a coward to tell the truth.

GlennKesslerWP Obama's was probably 10 times that

GlennKesslerWP Why do media outlets report what he says without factchecking first? Then, either don’t report or say “this is a lie”.

GlennKesslerWP Get this mother fn sob out of Washington.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Call them LIES

GlennKesslerWP Enough!!!! Move along. You’ve done enough damage!!!

GlennKesslerWP Who believes CNN? Nobody. If I go into a hotel, restaurant, gym, etc and see CNN on the screen I immediately request the channel be changed!

GlennKesslerWP BS

GlennKesslerWP Trump has no problem calling people out of their name so no one should have an issue with him being called a liar, cheater, violator or loser...

GlennKesslerWP Fake news

GlennKesslerWP Correction!! CNN has the all-time record for misleading claims and false propaganda! Anyone that believes anything that the so-called journalist of CNN has to share, will be misled! I wouldn't waste one second watching CNN, MSNBC and CBS! They mislead the American people!

GlennKesslerWP Good. I hope he keeps telling lies. I’m still going to vote for him. I love when he lies and it pisses off the left and the scumbag media. Hope he lies even more going forward. Best economy in the world. Go Trump, keep telling lies.

GlennKesslerWP Not as fast a pace as CNN on collusion for TWO years.

GlennKesslerWP This is the CNN Pot calling the Kettle Black!!😂😂😂

GlennKesslerWP liberalhypocrisyExposed Let’s measure the Fake News Media and see how many attack’s & Fake News generated Bet it’s way more!! fakenewswillnevertellthetruth

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Pathological liar his entire life, just par for the course!

GlennKesslerWP What number are the Dems at

GlennKesslerWP And he is still in second place, no one beats CNN in the fake news arena

GlennKesslerWP According to lying cnn.

GlennKesslerWP Let the lying press document each and every one!

GlennKesslerWP Slacker. CNN does that in a week.

GlennKesslerWP KingLiar 10111 lies in just a couple of years that could reach 40,000 lies if he gets re-elected? and his TrumpismCult base respects the thousands and thousands of lies just like any other cult. Very sad times for America!!

GlennKesslerWP 🤢🤢🤢🤮deranged Donald trump

GlennKesslerWP Unbelievable is right!

GlennKesslerWP Let’s see who do I believe CNN or anyone else in the world? Answer Anyone else

GlennKesslerWP Not like CNN and it’s truth machine with incredible ratings!!! My nose just grew,,

GlennKesslerWP Yall are full of bs. Hillary stole uranium from the u.s. to sale to Russia!

GlennKesslerWP Comedy News Network CNN at it again if they report it, it's fiction.

GlennKesslerWP Donald Trump is bad man. Final trump is liar. Donald trump is racist. Donald trump is bad man. Donald trump is nazi

GlennKesslerWP If he is talking he is telling lies. I no longer tag him. Join me.

GlennKesslerWP Trump 2020

GlennKesslerWP Think god for trump. He is truly a gods gift . TO America.


GlennKesslerWP Hahahahahajahajahahahajajajajhahahaahahahahahahahahaha! Who better than CNN to track misleading or false claims You are the Subject Matter Expert!! FAKE NEWS at its best!!!

GlennKesslerWP The fake news just hit 200000000 liars a new record! That includes propaganda news from war time! Pretty slimy hey!!!

GlennKesslerWP Seriously, why do Americans continue to normalize this behavior and when did we start counting the lies a President tells?

GlennKesslerWP Look everybody, CNN is calling out others who make false or misleading statements..... oh wait, though they would be the expert at false and misleading statements, how can we know that this report isn’t one? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP George - look at the source!!!! Oh wait - you don’t care - you just hate Trump.

macterrell GlennKesslerWP We go on counting, because...

GlennKesslerWP You can't get impeached for lying. We need more proof that he is breaking the law.


GlennKesslerWP He’s just a disgusting human being

GlennKesslerWP Just think how many false or misleading things CNN has said over the last 2 years!!!!

GlennKesslerWP He still can’t catch CNN

GlennKesslerWP Ridiculous. He is who he is

GlennKesslerWP Man, people must be REALLY stupid to vote for this guy then. 🥳

GlennKesslerWP realDonaldTrump is trying to keep pace with

GlennKesslerWP Then why don’t CNN and Washington Post adjust the 24/7 coverage. Instead of showing a clip of him lying in front of the White House just say we will not cover the President if he lies. We will cover him if he tells the truth.

GlennKesslerWP That is so so rich coming from the biggest fake news media outlet on the planet. Clinton News Network

GlennKesslerWP I disagree but let's go there: TheDemocrats have been lying about RussianHoax for over 800 days x at least 10 mentions/hr x 24 hr/day = 192,000 lies. I'd say realDonaldTrump is less than 1/10th the liar that Dems and their propagandist media are. See how this works?

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP trump pretty much tells a lie every time he says something. And if he isn’t lying about something, he is making some idiotic comment or patting himself on the back for something he didn’t actually do. He’s a douchebag!

GlennKesslerWP How about the RussianNarrative ?

GlennKesslerWP His claim that CNN is fake news is 100% accurate. Fact check that.

GlennKesslerWP How sad

STPFreak GlennKesslerWP These are NOT FALSE or MISLEADING CLAIMS...they are outright LIES!!! Media, I implore you...DO YOUR GODDAMN JOBS. Report facts! Not what tRump propaganda machine wants us to believe are facts!!! Haven’t you journalist clowns done enough damage ?!

GlennKesslerWP realDonaldTrump wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked him in the face.

GlennKesslerWP And whose the organization that is getting sued for spreading fake news? Oh, yeah... It's WApo and CNN.

gdirtydime GlennKesslerWP HE'S A LIAR. SAY THE WORD! LIAR. It's freeing really

GlennKesslerWP Afraid of competition? I guess realDonaldTrump will never surpass CNN, 24/7 liar news Network.

GlennKesslerWP CNN lied to the American people for 2 years about a Russia Trump collusion hoax you started.

GlennKesslerWP And what’s the truth average he says pay?

GlennKesslerWP It doesn't seem to matter - the media keeps broadcasting his lies around the world & is also very responsible for the mess we are in. Their ratings & sensationalism are more important that their responsibility to the public. They keep broadcasting Sarah Huckabee's lies too. Sad

GlennKesslerWP Can we just use 'potty mouth' ?

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP LIES what he tells are LIES!

GlennKesslerWP CNN will you STOP with “THE FALSE OE MISLEADING STATEMENTS”. They are lies, L I E S, lies, LIES!

GlennKesslerWP A 'fraudulent misrepresentation' is a lie. Problem identified. Solution, please

GlennKesslerWP And how many from the the FakeNews propaganda media, I wonder.

GlennKesslerWP Smh ‘ what an embarrassment!

Davidlaz GlennKesslerWP

GlennKesslerWP Incredible reporting! How many false or misleading statements has say Adam Schiff or even the Washington Post made?

GlennKesslerWP CNN SUCKS


GlennKesslerWP He lies constantly.

GlennKesslerWP CNN at 100,000 and counting Fake News is truly the enemy of the people

GlennKesslerWP America, had enough yet? IMPEACH THE TRUMPS NOW.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP if u want to take the speck out of someone else's eye remove the plank from your own first! from the kings of FAKE NEWS. GDP 3.2% CNN where is our apology? MAGA BLEXIT WalkAway BuildTheWall FundTheWall MeToo QAnon QArmy WWG1WGA MAGA2020 GOP MSNBC OrangeManBad

GlennKesslerWP Lies. He lies constantly. Why are you still unable to use the simple, correct word to discribe his behavior?

GlennKesslerWP BS!

GlennKesslerWP FAKE NEWS!!!!

GlennKesslerWP How about a segment at 00:58 of each hour called “Trump’s Lie of the Hour?” I mean… It’s not like you won’t have enough content to fill it.

GlennKesslerWP Oh, just stop it...

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP IndictTrump - please RT


GlennKesslerWP CNN is a comedy station, bunch of bloggers turn comedians

GlennKesslerWP What would CNN’s number of false or misleading statements be for the same time period? I’ll bet you got him beat.

GlennKesslerWP Do I take that to the bank 🏦 I take my profits on stock market to bank

GlennKesslerWP Eens een leugenaar altijd een leugenaar!!! Donnie is consequent!!!

GlennKesslerWP Um, like your Dr, keep your Dr; like your plan, keep your plan. I'll take quality of a lie over quantity of truth bends. FakeNews

GlennKesslerWP Has made 1,000,000,000,000 false statements

GlennKesslerWP Hillary said if it were anyone other than Trump they'd be indicted? How is this statement being classified? Such idiots.

GlennKesslerWP Here's what they use to count with:

GlennKesslerWP Sham

GlennKesslerWP BS pure and simple from the lying press!

GlennKesslerWP I was just wonder how many...then I saw this post...wonders if devils lie as much

GlennKesslerWP 😂😂😂clown city

GlennKesslerWP Says Fake News CNN

GlennKesslerWP They say a sucker is born every minute, and Trump proves that theory right!

GlennKesslerWP He’s only 20000 behind the Washington post

GlennKesslerWP Hahahaha and that’s from you at CNN? Now that’s funny

GlennKesslerWP And you guys hit 20,000. You are winning. You should be proud as it seems!!!

GlennKesslerWP So how many false or misleading claims per day does CNN and their ridiculous talking heads do? 20 maybe 30 thousand? lolol


GlennKesslerWP Imagine the WAPO being negative against Trump!! That’s one way to get CNN to quote you..

GlennKesslerWP Keep bashing Trump this is why your ratings are going down the shitter!

GlennKesslerWP Lol, do you think Trump voters care? Cnn talk about how he sexually assaulted women.

GlennKesslerWP How many misleading or false claims has made about trump ?

GlennKesslerWP Starting when he claimed Obama was born in Kenya!!! Imagine a REAL foreign born person became US President and nobody could do anything. Are we such a loser?!!

GlennKesslerWP The word you are looking for is Lies


GlennKesslerWP Fake news means no facts from fake news sources. The whole report is disingenuous at best.LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

GlennKesslerWP “And we’re going to keep giving him plenty of air time so he can continue his tirade.” Quit covering him. He drops off TV and he’ll whither away.

GlennKesslerWP What about your boy Brian, When he said Trump didn't go on any view show, LOL. You ALL FULL OF LIES

GlennKesslerWP TNN (Trump News Network)

GlennKesslerWP N still there more reasons for impeachment

GlennKesslerWP Jezz if trump has hit 10,000 in 3 yrs imagine where will be by now.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Not acceptable!

GlennKesslerWP Lol, no wonder you are reduced to fake news. That's what your journalists now do?

GlennKesslerWP And if those are just the ones that can be counted imagine how many more there are that aren't being counted

GlennKesslerWP If only there was a simple word that carries more weight, and accurately describes the situation better than “false or misleading statements.” Hmm... maybe it could rhyme with “tie”, or “bye”.

GlennKesslerWP It's a school...

GlennKesslerWP Its about time the media called Trump what he is. A patholigical liar. Change the tune. Instead of reporting what he says as fact, report it as a lie until proven otherwise. Make fun of his inability to tell the truth. Call him out. To his face. TrumpyMitty

GlennKesslerWP Trump's dishonesty is a SYMPTOM of his dementia. He is incapable of telling the truth. He is delusional and does not know from moment to moment what is real. He trusts nobody. He thinks he is smarter than everyone. He is not fit for office and the GOP is afraid to face it.

GlennKesslerWP Pitiful attempt at a ratings grab.

GlennKesslerWP Can’t we just call them lies for goodness sake?

GlennKesslerWP He failed 10,000 lie detector tests

GlennKesslerWP washingtonpost “fact checking” is like asking Bill Clinton to check on the welfare of prostitutes in a whore house

GlennKesslerWP HE IS LYING. Is it really that hard to say? Are you that worried he's gonna say mean things about you?


GlennKesslerWP And this pales in comparison to CNNs 50,000 misleading claims over the same period. 30% were “he clearly colluded with Russia” FakeNews FakeNewsWapo

GlennKesslerWP Word play there. The number of false statements would be kind of good to have as it is kind of verify-able (I say that cautiously) but “misleading statements” is completely subjective and up to the bias of the person interpreting the sentence.

GlennKesslerWP Who gives a s*** 😂 you are Fake News Any way.

GlennKesslerWP CNN, WP, Hill, NYT all in full on 2020 DNC campaign mode.



GlennKesslerWP '...false or misleading claims.' Please CNN, call them what they are LIES, LIES, LIES! Please stop sugar coating his statements.

GlennKesslerWP is THE FOUNTAIN of misinformation! Which is the number One reason your a failing organization!

GlennKesslerWP CNN = No Credibility

GlennKesslerWP Turns my stomach. So disrespectful of the people he is supposed to be representing.

GlennKesslerWP Wages rising. Feds not having to raise rates. Record low unemployment. Great 3.2% GDP growth. Prison reform(first step act), stock market constantly breaking records, first pres to get north and South Korea to meet, working on trade deal with china. No credit for any of it

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Just *say* it...LIES!!!

GlennKesslerWP You mean like CNN ?

GlennKesslerWP And yet he still has not even gotten close to the number of lies and fake news stories the press has put out there on a daily basis.

GlennKesslerWP Obama said millions of lies and used CNN as his tool of lies

GlennKesslerWP I wonder what our outlook would be like if we had applied this same scrutiny to Obama, Bush 43 or Clinton?


GlennKesslerWP I guess that matched CNN and MSNBC I’m fake false news on Trump. I counted over 8,000 from all news networks. I guess they are even.

GlennKesslerWP Huh, I wonder how many misleading claims your network has pronounced. Let's see. Every day for 2 and a half years worth.

GlennKesslerWP You people deserve it. It keeps you busy. We are way ahead of you. The purge is coming.

GlennKesslerWP reporting on the Washington post...

GlennKesslerWP The Bozo Media Group imploding?

GlennKesslerWP He has more false claims than you have viewers according to your numbers.

jmpmck GlennKesslerWP Not close to the number of felonious emails Hillary erased, 33,000. Even if he reaches 33,000, none are felonies. Keep whinimg.

GlennKesslerWP Trump should be very proud of himself, for these lies!! Kills me how many sheep are still blindly following this DESPICABLE potus


GlennKesslerWP CNN doesn’t have to courage to report this as their own so they quote to WackPost. Both of which continue to lie and mislead at alarming rates. They are now at approximately 10,654, 213 direct lies or misleading reports this month. Bwahahahahaha


GlennKesslerWP Keep up the hate clinton news network

GlennKesslerWP They're lies people. Lies. Sheesh.

GlennKesslerWP Laughable....if anyone cared enough to apply this to the Fake News media the number of lies they tell would make the National Debt amount look like a piggy bank sum.

~ hashtag role models

GlennKesslerWP So now CNN needs to quote the NY Post?! What jerks. CNN should shut down!

GlennKesslerWP FakeNewsCNN

GlennKesslerWP So this is what it looks like when two failing sources get together lol. How do you have the balls to say he lies when all you ppl do is lie to the ppl daily. Enjoy the sinking ship.

GlennKesslerWP CNN Fake News

GlennKesslerWP Compared to CNN, those are rookie numbers. He’s gotta pump up those numbers

GlennKesslerWP CNN defining misleading. You cant make it up

GlennKesslerWP cnn 100% fake news

GlennKesslerWP This is why CNN is known as FAKE NEWS.

GlennKesslerWP WINNING ON LIES 🥇 AWARD GOES TO realDonaldTrump Tie for 🥈and 🥉 place foxandfriends and lying PressSec

GlennKesslerWP Did you ass-wipes do this when Obama was in office? I really don't think so

GlennKesslerWP Fake news

GlennKesslerWP They're not misleading statements. They are LIES. Debased language helps the Big Liar.

GlennKesslerWP No Russian collusion. It was a lie. A hoax. A concoction of false & fabricated allegations. A set up at the highest levels of our government. You liars pushed that lie for years. Now it’s debunked & you still try to push it. You gave Obama a pass on multiple scandals. Barr won’t

GlennKesslerWP Like the charts and the bold way of showing it. CNN keep it up!

GlennKesslerWP You MSM hacks push FakeNews 24/7. You’re an unregistered Democrat propaganda PAC. Let’s take a look at Democrat governor Nordstrom’s own words on his stance on failed abortion procedure & let’s look at New York legislators celebrating their recent Late Term Abortion law.

GlennKesslerWP I hope someone is counting cnns lies by the hour. They'd hit 100000 every 48 hours.

GlennKesslerWP Please report news again. His rally was powerful. So many achievements that you refuse to talk about. 3.2 gdp. Just like he says, the cnn is only there to catch a mistake. TRUMP2020Landside

GlennKesslerWP I wish CNN would have watched Obama this close. The media spent a majority of time covering up his failings and America has paid dearly for that.

GlennKesslerWP He’s just trying to keep up with the fake news media. Personally, I think the msm has him beat by a factor of 10 to 1.

GlennKesslerWP What a sorry excuse for a man, let alone our country's president.

GlennKesslerWP Nice number CNN....23? Really? ThesePeopleAreSick ThesePeopleAreStupid

GlennKesslerWP Master troll for the fake news media!!!

GlennKesslerWP M A G A

GlennKesslerWP And CNN along with the WAPO lied to the American people for 2 yrs about collusion with Russia, so what's your point ?

GlennKesslerWP Who determines they are misleading? The FAKE news....

GlennKesslerWP Wow! I see another Pulitzer in your future...🙄

GlennKesslerWP Who's calling the kettle black now?

GlennKesslerWP He is and always be a liar. He only speaks to his base who is a projection of him!

GlennKesslerWP Fake news. I watch them all and cnn is shameless

GlennKesslerWP He will lie, lie to win! America is losing her footing because so many just dont care anymore about TRUTH. The biggest stain on America is the trump presidency. WakeUpAmerica

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP

GlennKesslerWP Bezos scared? Why?

GlennKesslerWP Meanwhile CNN’s misleading or false claims surpasses 1,000,000,000 🙄

GlennKesslerWP Coming from the network that shamelessly pushed the false Russian Collusion Narrative...

GlennKesslerWP FakenewsCNN

GlennKesslerWP You know there's help for those so obsessed with someone that they hang on every word. Being a stalker is creepy. Its a form of OCD, and one of the most popular reason is jealousy of what one has. Another is an infatuation of needing to be with that person.


GlennKesslerWP Why not just make it a million,CNN. You have yet to tell the truth so far.

GlennKesslerWP FAKE NEWS

GlennKesslerWP If indeed your ‘story’ is correct, that figure still dwarfs your false narrative and FakeNewsCNN counter. Desperate much?


GlennKesslerWP You guys are so infatuated with Trump that your actually just sitting and watching him instead of tracking actual news through out the world

GlennKesslerWP And the media only tells the truth. Gotcha.

GlennKesslerWP It’s amazing. Conservatives know that he lies. But they’re response isn’t “ that’s wrong we shouldn’t support him” it’s “ well the dems have lies before too! CNN is fake news!” They don’t want to hear the truth.. no matter what happens these people aren’t gonna change. Too dumb.

GlennKesslerWP Fake news!!!

GlennKesslerWP You guys have nothing better to do but play the TMZ game with Americans. kidkohls72

GlennKesslerWP Fake news network knows best uhhhh

GlennKesslerWP He is correct about illegal immigration with the Catch and release, this is no lie.Sanctuary cities that protect Illegal Immigrants is no lie. No Russian Collusion! is no lie. Good people on both sides in Charlottesville, is no lie.kidkohls72

GlennKesslerWP Junk Journalism- GDP and jobs!!!! Stupid...

GlennKesslerWP Fakenews


FrankJannuzi GlennKesslerWP He told the truth when he said your ratings were CRAP 💩!!!

GlennKesslerWP To CNN, everything Trump says is false or misleading, so this 'count' is irrelevant. XD Can anyone provide a clip of even one time that CNN acknowledged that a Trump statement was correct?

GlennKesslerWP This is what they call false... if we judge every politician by this standard then unkept promises and conjecture, political fluff, would all be lies.

GlennKesslerWP CNN is full of U nooks

GlennKesslerWP And your station had mike Avenatti on for months talking false statements and you tried to build up his crap

GlennKesslerWP What's the count for CNN up to now at this point? You're the left version of Fox news

GlennKesslerWP WOW !! 10,000 He maybe catching up with CNN !

GlennKesslerWP Call them lies. Cause they are lies.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Says CNN fake news losing people like crazy after 2 years,Russia, Russia, Russia!

GlennKesslerWP lied about Russia interfering with the 2016 elections. That’s what’s unbelievable.

GlennKesslerWP If Trump's at 10,000 must be at 10,000,000.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP At this point wouldn't it be easier to count his truths? I'm sure the number would be ridiculously low.

GlennKesslerWP He’s starting to sound like a real politician ! Bravo sir!

GlennKesslerWP SNOWFLAKES: Your desperation is palpable No Future Indictments, No Collusion Indictments &No Obstruction of Justice Indictments. POTUS TRUMP had been exonerated. Liberal MSM claims lies. I see 3.2 GDP, skyrocket stock market, income/employment increase, welfare/tax down MAGA!!

GlennKesslerWP Unfucking real

GlennKesslerWP if you want your fake news you can keep your fake news.

GlennKesslerWP The Washington Compost is fake news.

GlennKesslerWP Eye roll

GlennKesslerWP ForAmerica and why should anyone believe the lies that come out of the post and cnn?!

GlennKesslerWP I just wonder how many from CNN and WP? 100,000? Or more?

GlennKesslerWP Only to you. We R’s make up about own mind. We follow you for laughs!!

GlennKesslerWP Hahahahaha fact check by real fact checkers show you’re lying and fake news.

GlennKesslerWP Ok. How many by CNN?

GlennKesslerWP FakeNews LockThemAllUp HangTheTraitors 👉🏼FakeNewsMedia lying to us for decades. WakeUp

GlennKesslerWP Imagine how much healthier our Democracy would be if kept Democrats honest and tallied their lies.

GlennKesslerWP You guys state that many falsehoods minute by minute.......

GlennKesslerWP As opposed to Obama whose college records are so filled with false statements they had to be sealed

GlennKesslerWP When are you going to call it what it is : he's a LIAR, plain and simple. He deliberately lies to the people of the United States on a daily basis to push his agenda and rile up his base, and people die because of it.

GlennKesslerWP washingtonpost has now told 10001 lies about realDonaldTrump .

dash_bandy GlennKesslerWP Truth

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Mr Lies is just out of this world

GlennKesslerWP And who cares what the Washington Post says!! It is another CNN fake news!!!!

GlennKesslerWP Wow! Right up there with CNN in false claims!!

GlennKesslerWP All does is produce FakeNews sooooo right now we are over 150000 FakeNews stories keep up the great work

GlennKesslerWP Laughable that thoroughly disgraced FakeNewsCNN keeps running this post 24/7. How about we take a quick look at just how “thoroughly disgraced” this network as become:

GlennKesslerWP U guys lied to us the Clinton was winning

GlennKesslerWP False and misleading - call them what they are, lies.


GlennKesslerWP 10000lies



GlennKesslerWP All I keep hearing is “you can keep your doctor”.

GlennKesslerWP Wahahahahaha. Wahahahahaha. Wahahahahaha......🤣

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP *Public lies - no one is counting private lies

GlennKesslerWP 😂😂 that’s a joke right!!! Look who is talking about false and misleading information 😂 The biggest FakeNewsMedia

GlennKesslerWP If he's at 10,000, CNN is at 50,000.

GlennKesslerWP What a crock of Bull 💩. These so-called journalist must be counting things President Trump says that the left doesn't want to hear. It's called the truth. TRUMP IS MAKING AMERICIA GREAT AGAIN.

GlennKesslerWP Now do CNN

GlennKesslerWP He lies. Call it as it is.

GlennKesslerWP The left complains about President Trumps exaggerations. However, not only has the left lied for over 2 years about fake Russian collusion, after getting busted for lying, they keep on lying. Stop listening to fake cnn, msnbc, Washington post, ny times,etc. U will be better off.

GlennKesslerWP realDonaldTrump, you must be so proud

GlennKesslerWP ABtotha3 break out the bubbly, woohooo!!!!!

GlennKesslerWP You are full of manure

GlennKesslerWP Still far behind CNN !

Unclescrooge9 GlennKesslerWP Kinda speaks to the unravelling of his mind.

GlennKesslerWP CNN go learn it from CGTV

GlennKesslerWP He got a running record

GovHowardDean GlennKesslerWP 🤦‍♀️Too much coverage with zero impact except for Trump... ignore please


GlennKesslerWP Is Trump’s supports that fricking DUMP-YEA!!!!!!!

GlennKesslerWP We call them lies. So should all reporters.

GlennKesslerWP So is that a per minute count?

GlennKesslerWP ? News? ROFLMAO! 🤣🤣🤣🤡 They don't keep track of their own lies because they are an order of magnitude larger... So this is 's corporate strategy until 2020? How many go-fers have they assigned to research this blockbuster lead?

GlennKesslerWP Trump could say that it’s partly sunny and then MSM would coerce the American Meteorological Society into saying it’s partly cloudy just to dunk on Trump. You people are the definition of pathetic.

GlennKesslerWP Now do Obama Now do Hillary

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP realDonaldTrump LIES

GlennKesslerWP This report is why we all believe that CNN is fake news and sucks. Your bias and propaganda does not influence those of us that have the ability to think for ourselves.

GlennKesslerWP Ooh.. Let's see CNN's number.... LMAO.

GlennKesslerWP Oh brother!!

GovHowardDean GlennKesslerWP Dear CNN, Stop saying Trump has made falsehoods and misleading claims. Trump is a habitual LIAR!

GlennKesslerWP That would mean he's on a par with CNN & MSNBC 🤣🤣🤣🤣

GlennKesslerWP Wapo has just surpassed 10 GAZILLION FAKE NEWS Posts!

GlennKesslerWP Is Kessler a reporter or Liberal Accountant?

GlennKesslerWP That’s actually pathetic that they count every single one of the “lies” he’s said

GovHowardDean GlennKesslerWP Dear CNN, Stop saying Trump has madefalsehoods and misleading statements. Trump is an habitual LIAR.

GlennKesslerWP Lol look at all these trump supporters 😆😆

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP DING DING DING- we have a winner!!!! (well actually, ...loser.)🤦‍♂️

GlennKesslerWP they are not false or misleading.....................they are lies. call tem for that are !

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP realDonaldTrump doesn't 'say false or misleading statements.' He LIES. Say it. Stop using euphemisms that down play what this grifter is doing tens of times per day, every day, seven days a week.

GlennKesslerWP If he’s at that number you guys are over a million in flat out lies.

GlennKesslerWP Pathological liar and we all know it! How could we negotiate with any country when America has no credibility

GlennKesslerWP Trump’s mantra 'A lie told once remains a lie. But, a lie told a thousand times becomes truth!' ~ Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, Nazi Germany, circa 1940

GlennKesslerWP Yep. That sums it up for CNN and it's viewers.

GlennKesslerWP Speaking of false or misleading claims. 😂😂

GlennKesslerWP They are lies. Call them what they are.

GlennKesslerWP CNN has the time and resources to count all those claims. Do they actually do something useful like cover real news instead of wasting all of that time?!

GlennKesslerWP More Fake News from the former respectable network that cannot get over Trump. Sad. The country has moved on

GlennKesslerWP “False and misleading statements”. = BLATANT LIES There, fixed it for you… You’re welcome.

GlennKesslerWP Do brianstelter now 🤣🤣🤣

GlennKesslerWP And he’s still President.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Deranged Donald.

GlennKesslerWP 👍

GlennKesslerWP The economy is strong, Black and Hispanic unemployment is at lowest point since this measure has been tracked. Other countries including China are paying their fair share in trade. The Iran deal and the Paris Agreement (climate hoax) have been exited. ISIS virtually killed. 🇺🇸

GlennKesslerWP At what point do you call the Guinness World Records people?

GlennKesslerWP What a bunch of BS. This is by far one of the dumbest stories I have read. As if I believe Jeff Bezos and his rag of a news paper. 😂 I don’t remember anybody keeping track of presidential lies before I guess I am to believe no other president has lied before now. 🙄 Pathetic!

GlennKesslerWP Hahaha, you are CNN... All we heard from you is 'COLLUSION, COLLUSION!!' For two whole years, then there was none... And you cried. You literally cried because a US president wasn't working with the Russians. Amazing.

GlennKesslerWP So says the Fake News Media

GlennKesslerWP Why do his cult followers not see this? Why do they think it’s OK or even good?

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP We have a President who is unfamiliar with honesty. He has probably only uttered a few honest things in his entire life. The exact opposite of “Honest Abe”, we have Dishonest Donald, someone no child should emulate.

GlennKesslerWP The problem is not only that he tells them, but there are some sad sad souls that actually believe them!!

GlennKesslerWP He'll catch Obama by 2021.

GlennKesslerWP Now is not the time to be spieling so much hate CNN Please stop...


GlennKesslerWP Wrong, this is all you can come up with after the Russia scam?

GlennKesslerWP You mean

GlennKesslerWP Examples please. No BS.

GlennKesslerWP Your opinion means nothing when you are anti-Trump propaganda. Trump2020

GlennKesslerWP Probably 10% of the number of lies the WaPo and CNN has made.

GlennKesslerWP Bunch of dibber dobbers!

GlennKesslerWP According to the FakeNewsNetwork, that is consistently beaten in the ratings by a network that features a talking sponge.


GlennKesslerWP Most of which are 'High crimes and misdemeanors' plus lying to the American people. All impeachable offences. That is for Trumph himself, what about his family, their financial dealings and all the criminal behavior by the Trumph family and criminal associates. Impeach now.


GlennKesslerWP Why wasn't the counter started during previous administrations?

GlennKesslerWP realDonaldTrump

GlennKesslerWP Kind of ironic that cnn is reporting on this. FakeNewsCNN

GlennKesslerWP Still doesn’t meet your lie numbers.

GlennKesslerWP Amazing, Trump is almost as bad as other politicians and CNN.

GlennKesslerWP But even THAT doesn’t disqualify you from the highest office in the country. What a great country, full of honest, hardworking people, who really care about their fellow man. 🇺🇸


GlennKesslerWP CNN's entire broadcast is nothing but misleading and made up claims. Russia collusion false. Obstruction false. Dossier Falls

elder_jodi GlennKesslerWP Call them what they are . . .

GlennKesslerWP CNN is still in the lead, however, with over 100,000 false claims. FakeNews

GlennKesslerWP It’s so sad that it’s really pretty pathetic. My fear for the country is that we are all becoming numb to the lying and that it will be considered the new norm going forward.

GlennKesslerWP BrittneyEsquiv3 Hey look! A defaming news station is claiming false/misleading statements. Oh the irony!

GlennKesslerWP So Mueller knew 3 months into this witch hunt investigation that Trump was not a Russian agent. CNN and WAPO both perpetuated this lie for 2 1/2 years for sheer joy of ratings and hatred of Trump! Where is the apology! New York Times at least has the credibility to apologize!!

GlennKesslerWP Oh are we counting your lies now ?

GlennKesslerWP And the MSM lied to us everyday for the last 3 years. Still does.

GlennKesslerWP CNN has already been shown to be “fake news”. Your credibility on anything is toilet worthy.

GlennKesslerWP If there really was a god, you'd think trump would have a lightening bolt though his face by now.

GlennKesslerWP AKA blatant lies.

GlennKesslerWP Hahaha.... funny!! What about your lies...1,000,000,000?

GlennKesslerWP Trump us telling his base what they want to hear to continue hanging on to power.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP DerangedDonald

GlennKesslerWP This 'count' is so absurd. They count opinions they disagree with as lies or false statements.

Nievenegro GlennKesslerWP It’s easy. He’s gaslighting his own gaslights.

GlennKesslerWP History undoubtedly, will crown realDonaldTrump the worst President ever for multiple reasons! Being a BIG LIAR is in the top five!! As we all know there has been some bad ones! He will also earned a asterisk for being elected President with the help of a foreign power!

GlennKesslerWP I've seen more bullshit from your 'news' organization, than anything Trump has said. So, why dont you hold democratic politicians to the same standards, that you do for Trump?....is it because you are bought and paid for by the DNC? Yep, i thought so.

GlennKesslerWP You keep reporting on reporters. Why dont you try real news?

GlennKesslerWP Lies. They are called lies.

GlennKesslerWP just keep posting his lies and deceptions hopefully his followers will get a clue

GlennKesslerWP How many does your fake news channel have everyday

GlennKesslerWP Wall? Tax Cuts? Jobs? GDP Growth? You conveniently confuse the hyperbole of a braggart with lies based on real malice (like peeing Russian prostitutes). Why you were awarded the appellation 'Fake News'.

GlennKesslerWP So we have to believe what a fake news outlet says is a lie? CNN you are a joke. Wonder how long AT&T will subsidize your losses.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP So stop reporting the lies and covering him.

GlennKesslerWP Irony incarnate.

GlennKesslerWP You should consider the view point that possibly CNN is lying to you and not the president OpenYourEyesPeople

GlennKesslerWP Are they false statements, or just statements that you don’t agree with?

GlennKesslerWP CNN is now the standard of honesty You are not only Fake News; you're pure evil!

GlennKesslerWP CNN is not credible news.

GlennKesslerWP Next you’ll get SPLC to fact check. WalkAway from FakeNews

GlennKesslerWP How many times did CNN say the President Trump was involved in Russia Collusion? Oh let me count the ways!

No worries - realDonaldTrump will never catch up to ya'll! MAGA!

GlennKesslerWP Since the people who are counting can't distinguish truth from fiction, well?

GlennKesslerWP Glenn Kessler: Perfect example there is no 'White Supremacy'.

GlennKesslerWP Really CNN? these are all stories you twisted the truth on

GlennKesslerWP stop hating so much CNN

GlennKesslerWP Wow! I wonder who is/are the loser(s)that is/are assigned to count statements! 😂🤣

GlennKesslerWP Trade deficits are less income than your trading partner, not lost money. Either we make more money on Exports or the other country makes more money Importing to U.S. Glenn Kessler should go back to school and try not to fall asleep during his required class in Macroeconomics..

GlennKesslerWP Oh the irony. Pot and kettle. Who can call the other a liar the most.

GlennKesslerWP CNN, your post here in itself is misleading.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP P

GlennKesslerWP Do you have Obama’s records and Bush’s records, and Clinton’s records to compare?😂 I want to see all those politicians records!

GlennKesslerWP OMG! CNN’s false statements exceed 10,000 in any weeks reporting.

GlennKesslerWP Not it’s false or misleading. It’s pretty sad if that all CNN has.

GlennKesslerWP same network that LIED about evidence of collusion with Russia for the past 2 1/2 years in order to assist the Democrats in overturning the election. Ever heard of this CommunistNN ever tracking any supposed lies of any other President?

GlennKesslerWP Glenn GlennKesslerWP is a dumbsh*t. He, Jake Tapper, Chris Cuomo, and Brian Stelter are perfect examples there is no 'white supremacy'.

GlennKesslerWP Typical sociopathic behavior

GlennKesslerWP Nothing on Russia? I guess we have to accuse him of doing with 99.000% of other politicians do!!!


GlennKesslerWP His base does not care; they will still re elect him...!..

GlennKesslerWP I think you spelled 'lied' wrong

GlennKesslerWP Caption should read..”he continues to lie unchecked and you continue to give him a platform”!!

GlennKesslerWP Wow, that is nothing compared to the lies/misleading claims CNN tells each day. Even this story is misleading, the true story here, look at all the good President Trump, has done for our country, with very little help from anyone in D.C. & little positive coverage in the news.

GlennKesslerWP Yeah, are you so seriously deluded that you actually believe this nonsense? Smh 🤦‍♂️

GlennKesslerWP This, coming from the biggest misleading news network out there. CNN so tone deaf!!

GlennKesslerWP Like you guys think he invented this Washington pastime! When in Rome, what can you expect! Why don’t you report the Dem lies and make it your story of the day? We know why you the Dems propaganda machine and don’t tell the truth yourself when it comes to Dems! Hypocrisy Inc.

GlennKesslerWP 'Journalists' reporting on fake news created by other 'journalists.' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

GlennKesslerWP I think he’s going for Pinocchio’s record. But he is now the Most Likely to Lie President of all time.

GlennKesslerWP This is funny considering the source. When have you reported facts and not editorials. Please count every politician...they speak they lie. LikevzCNN.

GlennKesslerWP At 10,000 he still has a ways to go before catching cnn


GlennKesslerWP Well shy of cnn MSNBC and the rest of the left’s “news”organizations pace of biased and blatant lies

GlennKesslerWP Wow talk about lying🙄 Take a very hard look in the mirror CNN 🤦🏻‍♂️

GlennKesslerWP Can we lie too?

GlennKesslerWP Trump is a liar. This is not news.

GlennKesslerWP And one of those is “ one in three women are assaulted on the trek to the us border” when the real number is 32%. Really? CNN, what is your number?

GlennKesslerWP Damn. Nearly as high as yours.... If he tripled this number

GlennKesslerWP Did you Obama worshippers keep count of his lies ? NO but we did ,not just his but the democrat party and the propaganda media

GlennKesslerWP Wicked

GlennKesslerWP All Politician lies. If you are shock by the amount of lies Politicians says then you live in Lala Land. CNN and most MSM lies... that is more shocking! I expect Media to be fair, balanced, and truthful. Not anymore. I process the news I read and make my own due diligence.

GlennKesslerWP The devil is the father of lies

GlennKesslerWP Unlike the MSM, right?

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Lies. They are called lies.

GlennKesslerWP His voters are liars

GlennKesslerWP Lies galore!

GlennKesslerWP But how many false statements has CNN made in the last seven months


GlennKesslerWP Did you count Obama’s or Hillary’s ? Idiots.

GlennKesslerWP No,,, your so called reporters do that! Fox is the only station that is unbiased. And not Liberal!!!

GlennKesslerWP And he STILL hasn’t caught up to CNN !

GlennKesslerWP The President LIES & LIES & LIES & LIES. There I fixed it for you.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Trump is totally off the rails, a madman and anyone who refuses to admit it, is doing so by choice! Why? Because they are receiving some kind of gain from denying it, plain and simple!!! senatemajldr LindseyGrahamSC SenateGOP

GlennKesslerWP to think that a President of the United States can get away with false statements is wrong.

GlennKesslerWP Opinion.JournalismIsDead

GlennKesslerWP Use the word “lie”

GlennKesslerWP False and/or misleading spooling thread pretext design context expertisematter cost unions office asit table bsit reading water msit around breeding mosquitos bet even science thePRos kbtoys mbA TeamGB Phit chronicle policy

GlennKesslerWP This is the newest pitch. Publish all of them or STFU. YOU DO THE MATH! What hogwash! What can we expect next?

GlennKesslerWP He's doing his best to keep up with !

GlennKesslerWP And, for all CNN believers, More verbal propaganda.....remember their take on the 2016 election? The Mueller report?

GlennKesslerWP Wow and yet Americans believe all his lie !

GlennKesslerWP Nobody gives a shit...really. Get on to some real news.

GlennKesslerWP realDonaldTrump does not make false or misleading statements, they are blatant lies!!!

GlennKesslerWP BS. This is why CNN ratings are so pitiful. They and Dem have attacked Trump relentlessly since he said he would drain the swamp. Coincidental? No.

GlennKesslerWP Communist News Network

GlennKesslerWP Still trying to stay relevant... 🙄😂😂

GlennKesslerWP Trump is fucking crazy!

GlennKesslerWP WP and CNN is well over half a million false twisted statements about Trump.

GlennKesslerWP At this pace, he could catch up to CNN in a few years.

GlennKesslerWP Where is the CNN misleading statement count? The counter doesn’t go that high.


GlennKesslerWP ImpeachTrump

GlennKesslerWP He has liabetes

GlennKesslerWP The falsehoods and misleading statements that you reference could be as simple as he says right and it's left is that correct: is that considered a lie?


GlennKesslerWP Oh CNN mirroring again


GlennKesslerWP All mocked this president in a way no other president in the world faced it!

GlennKesslerWP That’s terrible. How many false statements did Obama make while in office? I didn’t see a constant CNN count. He’s a politician, there’s no way he didn’t tell any lies. Why only keep track of one of them? Could that be the issue people have with the media today?

GlennKesslerWP Can we let Donald Trump be?As we all know your president was born to lie or mislead people

GlennKesslerWP too funny, says the Leftists/communists Propaganda Ministry who probably has not told the truth in 10 or 15 years...

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP 'Confabulator'! 😡

GlennKesslerWP The washingtonpost Lmao they're as FakeNews as

GlennKesslerWP and equally at a feverish pace is who’s become The Trump Network. I don’t even consider CNN a news network anymore. Trump saturation Network is more fitting

Frankie1654 GlennKesslerWP Lies.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP I noticed he suddenly had people of mixed color cheering behind him at his latest rally. Wonder how much they were paid to do that

GlennKesslerWP Only 10,000?



gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Curious how you explain this to your children GOP RepLeeZeldin

GlennKesslerWP That’s probably low. We can’t count what he says in private.

GlennKesslerWP The falling !!

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP Wow! What were his vows to all his wives?😜

GlennKesslerWP Every time you talk to him ask him on each lie he made, and keep embarrassing him about it.

GlennKesslerWP You people still don't get it and you fall into the trap all the time. If you were real reporters instead of going after the president, you would know misleading & false statements are a throw off. If you reported the truth, you would find out how he is getting everything done.


gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP And those are just ones on the record.


gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP When is MSM going to get this right? Call it what it is, 10,000 LIES.

GlennKesslerWP 😂😂😂😂😂😂👅👅👅👅👅👅👅

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP ImpeachTrump

GlennKesslerWP And no one says a word. 🤦🏻‍♀️


GlennKesslerWP And that’s only lies he made to the public.....do doubt he lies each and every time he opens his mouth.

GlennKesslerWP And yet somehow if I say okay, tell me what those 23 fall statements were today? I will get no response, or I will get 'opinions'! I did notice they're calling them false statements now, and not lies, maybe because they can't prove they are lies, but the rhetoric must continue!

GlennKesslerWP Washington post owned by Amazon propaganda source

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP How many did past presidents say per day? Just curious.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP ...lets hope he tells the truth when he meets Her Majesty the Queen ...but I somehow doubt it -(

GlennKesslerWP Are you going to lecture me on false statements? Your network is a joke.

GlennKesslerWP Church bombings, living while black, police violence, violence against Jews and Muslims, families in need at the border, water in Flint, Puerto Rico in need, and on and on and on. We have so many important things to talk about that we aren't because of this clown.

GlennKesslerWP This is not my president!! Why are we letting him get away with this?!?!?! He is degrading this country! HE IS NOT MAKING AMERICA GREAT AT ALL!!! Please IMPEACH!

GlennKesslerWP So his rate of lies is essentially the same as his golf game.

gtconway3d GlennKesslerWP It is called LIES!🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🐘

GlennKesslerWP Now do CNN ...

GlennKesslerWP CNN lies

GlennKesslerWP What a surprised!

GlennKesslerWP Since trump likes awards & will never qualify for a Nobel, put him in for a Guinness award for the most lies but a US president. Maybe that will shut him up. DerangedDonald



GlennKesslerWP Fake News CNN!

GlennKesslerWP Cnn has hit 100,000 fake news stories


GlennKesslerWP Didn’t he already broke the world record?

GlennKesslerWP More fake news. Similar to reporting Hillary poll lies, fake dossier, and collusion lies. The American public does not believe you anymore.

GlennKesslerWP Most of those claims are contextual biased in the form of gerrymandering.

GlennKesslerWP More fake news !

GlennKesslerWP He’s catching CNN, NYT, WA Post, MSNBC 😂😂😂😂



GlennKesslerWP This is not normal. We should not be tolerating a president who lies to us every single day! His approval rating should be 0%.

GlennKesslerWP Yet, his mouth breathing, undereducated, unwashed followers do not care.

GlennKesslerWP BULLSHIT artist..Down in 2020..💙💙💙

GlennKesslerWP Hey CNN. How’s that defamation suit going? $275 million...correct


GlennKesslerWP The news continues to work for the Dems. We know better. Don’t listen to them.

GlennKesslerWP 'Brainwashing'in 'section' by the 'radical' 'left'!!

GlennKesslerWP What are the lies you claim for him to have told? I do recall your network spewing lies for the last 2 1/2 years, Russia collusion ring a bell! You have the worst rating of any network, great journalism CNN😂😂😂😂

GlennKesslerWP How many fake news reports has CNN spread ?

GlennKesslerWP 23 per day? You guys are getting dumber 23 times per day.

GlennKesslerWP Now, let’s see the counter for all the false accusations, smears and fake news claims made by CNN and the msm over the past 3 years.

GlennKesslerWP Instead of prevaricating, couldn't you just say 'He lies'? That's what he does--he lies.

GlennKesslerWP They're called lies. Not 'False or misleading' but lies.

GlennKesslerWP DerangedDonald

GlennKesslerWP We really need CNN to tell us what The Post reports? Oh, for those zillions of Americans who don't read.

GlennKesslerWP GARCONANOKIN...'U are what U eat'👹👺👹👺

GlennKesslerWP The president continues to lie. He lies. He's a liar.

GlennKesslerWP Your network is ten fold his stat. And the fact you waste peoples time with this made up stat shows your level of degrading at an all time low.


GlennKesslerWP Trump lies, Fox and Rush Limbaugh swear to it, and republicans believe all of it.

GlennKesslerWP Try some investigate journalism and tell us which President if any have NEVER gave misleading statements. 1. I never had relations with that woman 2. WMD in Iraq 3. If you like your doctor....... MAGA

GlennKesslerWP Well by my reckoning the President STILL hasn't caught up to ALL the lies and misleading statements CNN has told America in the past 2 years.

GlennKesslerWP Is this real journalism? What a joke! Notice how the two take turns at hitting President Trump. They talk about pinocchios and misleading, his jobs number, the economy... None of it is misleading, these failed news propagandists are vultures looking for their next meal! FAKE!

GlennKesslerWP NO HE LIES AT AN UNBELIEVABLE PACE! Say it loud for the press core in the back.

GlennKesslerWP As CNN continues their disinformation campaign to hide the truth, they're making it easier to find by challenging POTUS' statements. Just research a few of Trump statements and you'll see who's lying.

GlennKesslerWP If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

GlennKesslerWP Really people! Let’s talk about the Russian Hoax. The most disturbing event during a Presidential election in my lifetime. These people lied and continue to lie to all of us. CNN, make this your HEADLINE NEWS.


GlennKesslerWP From the network which stages rescues, protests, debates, etc. etc. etc... what exactly is your criteria?

GlennKesslerWP Wow, the Washington Post has something negative to say about Trump today “STOP THE PRESSES”!!!

GlennKesslerWP This from CNN-the leader in reporting fiction.

GlennKesslerWP = Socialismo/comunismo

GlennKesslerWP Where’s Waldo......

GlennKesslerWP What is CNN's record for false claims? Is there anyone there honest enough to tell? You aren't known as fake news for nothing!

GlennKesslerWP This from the company that gave us Russia Russia Russia for 2+ years SMH!

GlennKesslerWP You mean LIES right?

GlennKesslerWP Right, like anyone believes these purveyors of fake news. Who’s Lying?

GlennKesslerWP NEW RULE: DonTheCon knowingly LIES to the American people, DonTheCon must resign!!! RT if you agree

GlennKesslerWP Great! So, is he going to receive the Pulitzer like you?

GlennKesslerWP CNN: Certainly Not News. Send your checks to me, plz....

GlennKesslerWP We don’t believe anything you say. All statements must be examined and vetted. You are an echo chamber for the Democrat party, and have no credibility. FakeNews Liar

GlennKesslerWP You must be so proud America, this is what the rest of the world wakes up too. Couldn't bebetter if you tried. If nothing else Trump dragged your racism and intolerance into the light of day .

GlennKesslerWP This man has ruined the good name of the President of the United States.

GlennKesslerWP Oh well if wapo says it then we should believe it! No bias there at all! Please! Even should know better than to make such an asinine assertion. You could report on the real news bc there is plenty of it but no, you choose to make a mockery of journalism daily. 🙁

GlennKesslerWP Bitch and moan CNN, bitch and moan

GlennKesslerWP Amazing that you count mistakes. Very small-minded!


GlennKesslerWP CNN continues to print false or misleading statements about the President at an unbelievable pace. There. Fixed it for you.

GlennKesslerWP That's a lie!

GlennKesslerWP Is this all the fake news you have

GlennKesslerWP I have been on here over an hour & have read many tweets from CNN & I can tell you they lie too. So does the Washington Post. I also proved that one thing they said the President lied about was wrong. He DID NOT LIE. They need to check their Facts.

GlennKesslerWP Fake News is the enemy of the people. Much like Satan, the author of confusion, the prince of lies and darkness.

GlennKesslerWP And he will get reelected in a landslide!!!. This must drive you crazy.... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

GlennKesslerWP You know you’re bored when.....

GlennKesslerWP Hysterical, coming from the two main branches of the FakeNews propaganda wing of the liberal echo chamber.

GlennKesslerWP A still over 500,000 less than the FakeNewsMedia. ABC NBCNews CBSNews washingtonpost nytimes TrumpHatred

GlennKesslerWP Trump 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

GlennKesslerWP CNN & MSM has spent two yrs working unstop to destroy the president. They cannot accept he won the election. So many false stories & lies yet POTUS continues to achieve prosperity for ALL Americans. Trump2020

GlennKesslerWP , you're going to only convince radical leftists that he's lied 10,000 times. From a news station that has proven their own deception, hoaxes, and tabloid tongue.

GlennKesslerWP 😂. Hahahahahhahahahahahhahaha..!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. What entertainment!! You people should have a cover charge!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 losers

GlennKesslerWP Really ? Here’s your lie.

GlennKesslerWP Definition of false or misleading statement, anything that makes Democrats or the DemocratMedia look bad

GlennKesslerWP Hey Cnn saying false or misleading things is called telling a Lie. Say it with me , ' Trump lied...'


GlennKesslerWP CNN would know about false and misleading comments. But add a couple more things to their repertoire...blatant lying 24/7 and disparaging of a duly elected President!

GlennKesslerWP him lying is not news anymore. the tragedy is that nothing can stop him from doing it. the system failed in holding him responsible...very sad

GlennKesslerWP Dear CNN, please apologize for lying to Americans for two solid years over Russia. Thanks.

GlennKesslerWP To be fair to Trump, the fact checkers of the fact checkers find that 70-80% of these are truly false or misleading claims...so he might just be in the 7000-8000 range.

GlennKesslerWP BREAKING NEWS: The pot was caught again calling the kettle black! The MSM continues to report false or misleading news at an unbelievable pace. It’s gotten to the point where they don’t even care about telling the truth anymore.

GlennKesslerWP He’s a compulsive liar

GlennKesslerWP Always remember that the press counts a Trump misstatement if he says it's 2:30 p.m. but it's actually only 2:27. Their lie count is itself a lie.

GlennKesslerWP People voted for commander in chief but got liar in chief instead.

GlennKesslerWP So how many false or misleading claims is CNN up to now?

GlennKesslerWP And we are supposed to believe the “opinion news” that lies every second they are on air?!!! Hahaha don’t think so!

GlennKesslerWP They are called LIES.

GlennKesslerWP What president hasn't? If you want to find fault you can it's better to look at your own selves first if you dont find fault keep working on to easy to find fault with others instead of yourselves

GlennKesslerWP WDGAF

GlennKesslerWP Fake news

GlennKesslerWP President Trump is the most honest and transparent President in history, he was investigated by Obama’s Administration’s highest government Agency’s and the British Government to fine dirt on him to keep him from winning the election then staying in office and nothing was found.

GlennKesslerWP So there’s 20 people running against him & campaigning hard with 0 misleading or false statements. You may want to spend some time researching them

GlennKesslerWP Why won’t you say that he lies? Call him out. I thought the 4th estate was to hold those in office and those with power accountable? Do your damned job or Trump will shut you down.

GlennKesslerWP Also know as things you disagree with that make you look bad. The truth is there, you just can’t deal with it. I mean, geez, you’re cnn and twp. That says it all.

GlennKesslerWP Washington Times is at 40,000, CNN at 50,000 between news and commentators. Let American people decide at election time. What’s the difference between what Russians did and American media is doing? US biased media colluding with Dems! Russians only post, ur on TV everyday.

GlennKesslerWP He makes me sick!

GlennKesslerWP lies about almost every story from fake protests to racism. They spread more lies than a criminal. FakeNewsMedia

GlennKesslerWP The only way to deal with a pathological liar is to avoid and to run away from him as much as you can. Whatever happens you don't elect him president of the U.S.!

GlennKesslerWP WaPo? You report them like they have credibility or something

GlennKesslerWP Yet his sheep just eat it up like the gospel.

GlennKesslerWP Looks who's talking!

GlennKesslerWP Now let’s do your “ mistakes” I hear MichaelAvenatti is available

GlennKesslerWP He is trying to change the news narstive from obstruction and he knows you guys will chase this like a dog chase his tail. Stay with the obstruction.

GlennKesslerWP CNN continue to make false statements!!!!!

GlennKesslerWP Congrats to him... And yet the Giant Orange still has presidency. Think about that. If ANYONE, ANYONE was to do what he has done or is doing we'd already be in jail. I am so disappointed in the people that live here.

GlennKesslerWP Uh, you made up and lied about russian collusion for 2 years... Care to talk about that ? Hahaha ! No Credibility.. Losers

GlennKesslerWP What about Obama betraying America . Hmm same old pathetic CNN .. good grief give up the Trump bashing your exposure is coming .. tick tock


GlennKesslerWP Fake News Story

GlennKesslerWP CNN mad they have competition.....they lie 100 times per half hour


GlennKesslerWP He'll never catch up with CNN's false statements/claims! Trump continues to gain more and more support, so stop fooling yourselves, liberals!

GlennKesslerWP I wonder how many times CNN was misleading with the Russia investigation?

GlennKesslerWP reecesmiithh


GlennKesslerWP The liberal media and their low IQ audience have been trolled by the POTUS 10,111 times. So fun to watch.

GlennKesslerWP LIES call it what it is!!!

GlennKesslerWP Remember your lying polls and forecasts in 2016. That was funny.

GlennKesslerWP Thats still less than CNN

GlennKesslerWP Trump 2020

GlennKesslerWP If the President has hit 10k CNN has hit 100k. He’s all you’ve got for news since you won’t report on deep state.

GlennKesslerWP CommunistNewsNetwork

GlennKesslerWP Is this something like You can keep your Dr. and you can keep your insurance.

GlennKesslerWP “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor; if you like your plan you can keep your plan.” That lie, as told by a silver tongued devil, was more damaging and showed more contempt for the people of this country than all of Trumps “lies” put together.

GlennKesslerWP They are deliberate and calculated lies. Trump knows exactly what he is doing.

GlennKesslerWP lies 1.000.125

GlennKesslerWP Just call them what they really are. LIES, LIES, LIES. They are not misleading statements or falsehoods, they are all L I E S

GlennKesslerWP And who decides what’s a lie ? CNN and the WAPO ? Are you for real ? Or is this also one of your lies ?

GlennKesslerWP Gee, I hope someone is counting false and misleading information coming out of

GlennKesslerWP Coming from CNN who strung a lie out for over two years and continue to peddal hatred of the President.

GlennKesslerWP Northam agrees ?

GlennKesslerWP is a joke

GlennKesslerWP So if you lie less than some one else that makes it ok.....

GlennKesslerWP No more Russia Russia now they count every single word

GlennKesslerWP Compared to the last two US Presidents, he's a living saint.

GlennKesslerWP FakeNews

GlennKesslerWP People don’t believe your bs story’s , you probably made 100k false lies .

GlennKesslerWP They are called LIES!! Say the word. Print the word! LIES!! He is a LIAR!!

GlennKesslerWP Only morons would count! Hateful cnn

GlennKesslerWP There should be an 'Award' for that. How about the 'Goebbels Award'?

GlennKesslerWP Yawn....



GlennKesslerWP If Trumps at ten thousand; CNN must be in the McDonald’s “Billions Served” category!!

GlennKesslerWP Who is tallying the false and/or misleading statements of the Leftist Propagandist MSM for the past 36 months? About Kavanaugh, Sandmann, Nicky Haley, Mueller Probe closing in, the beginning of the end, Cohen ordered to lie. At least 100 per day. From those who are protecting us?

GlennKesslerWP And hasn’t once ever said a truthful thing.....literally MILLIONS of lies have been a spread through Politics

GlennKesslerWP Why can’t CNN call them lies?

GlennKesslerWP funny, but CNN surpassed Trump a hundred times! Do not believe - count!

GlennKesslerWP What is false? To the majority of people everything the MSM is saying is false. But we know this fact Biden and Obama are criminals

GlennKesslerWP Did he lie about lowering Unemployment? Did he lie about bringing jobs back? 🙄 LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

GlennKesslerWP Only liberals think he lies

GlennKesslerWP We need to start calling out the people that voted for Trump. Why did they vote for a man who would walk up to their daughters and grab them by the p***y? If they had a handicapped family member, Trump would make fun of them. Is it worth giving up all decency?

GlennKesslerWP The problem is he doesn’t care

GlennKesslerWP more propaganda from the news nitwits

GlennKesslerWP TrumpLiesEveryTimeHeSpeaks

GlennKesslerWP SenatorIsakson Are the continuous and outrageous lies of the President okay with you? Standup Speakup

GlennKesslerWP so the actual generator of fake news is the president and not the news organizations reporting on what he is saying DerangedDonald IdiotInCheif WorstPresidentEver VoteBlueNoMatterWho2020

GlennKesslerWP Lies, they're called lies.

GlennKesslerWP Is this true realDonaldTrump? 🤷🏽‍♀️Or were they alternative facts?

GlennKesslerWP Stop acting surprised & start educating about malignant narcissism.

GlennKesslerWP This is why no one takes cnn seriously.

GlennKesslerWP The media doing what they do best

GlennKesslerWP '[Trump] continues to say false or misleading statements at an unbelievable pace' 'He's now hit 10,000. That's an average of about 23 false or misleading claims a day in the last seven months' Election USA Pence Pompeo Russia Mueller Journalism

GlennKesslerWP Hit me with some more fake news, cnn.

GlennKesslerWP Blah blah blah

GlennKesslerWP 10,000+++. We haven't even started May.

GlennKesslerWP CNN continues to say false or misleading statements at an unbelievable pace. We have counted over 15000 examples.

GlennKesslerWP He lies, not misleads!


GlennKesslerWP And his people continue to applaud him for it....

GlennKesslerWP How many lies have we overlooked from Cnn? Stories not covered...half stories told. Fake stories. Hundreds of interviews with that sleezy lawyer including the last one where he says he is humbled... Washington post exactly the same.

GlennKesslerWP Lol the horrible fake news

GlennKesslerWP FakeNews

GlennKesslerWP Prove it.......it's easy to say this and mislead everyone like you always do. one can also say 'CNN has made over 20,000 misleading statements in the past 6 months and continues even after they are proven to mislead'/

GlennKesslerWP Their not false or misleading, they are lies. We’re now going on three years and for some reason the media still has a hard time calling the president a liar. Either the mainstream media are just not very smart or they are kinda misleading the America people also.

GlennKesslerWP CNN: The president is keeping peace through strength, negotiating fair trade, creating jobs at home, & respect for law & order. We are now energy independent!! - all in just two years. Americans are tired of your fake news & negativity. MAGA

GlennKesslerWP Biggest liar president ever why do you want to present to the layered deplorable’s why because his white suits your interest not good enough and wire will lie to you too but then again he used to being stupid

GlennKesslerWP Says fake news!

GlennKesslerWP That number isn't even close to the miss leading, false statements you guys report in a day lol. CNN you are pathetic.

GlennKesslerWP CNN, why not grab a day, any give us 10 of them. Bet you can't

GlennKesslerWP Oh SURPRISE! the Pathological Liar Makes Sh't Uuup! !

GlennKesslerWP Do lies matter to voters anymore?

GlennKesslerWP It’s called either being a politician or being MSM.

GlennKesslerWP Fake news CNN trash

GlennKesslerWP You’re out-pacing him, CNN. We aren’t as stupid as you think. At this point I’m beginning to think you believe your own lies. There’s a psychological term for that.

GlennKesslerWP NO ONE BELIEVES THIS! It’s just too far fetched

GlennKesslerWP CNN fake news and full of hatred

GlennKesslerWP Lmao CNN are you serious? Misleading, false the foundation of your organisation lmao

GlennKesslerWP CNN, your pathetic. If you reported real news like the booming economy, current job numbers, REAL border issues or some real news you may have a chance to make it. Then again your rep is way too tarnished.

GlennKesslerWP Eviscerate him and read the future in his steaming entrails. It will be more truthful than his mouth.

GlennKesslerWP A false statement is called a lie.

GlennKesslerWP Buddy....u got bigger problems to report on!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤮🤮🤮

GlennKesslerWP Says fake news lol

GlennKesslerWP 24/7 CNN trashes the president... yet he still gets more supporters at his rallies than CNN has viewers

GlennKesslerWP No treasonous Russian collusion, so now your networks tact is discussing how Trump is bad...he spins facts. That’s not news. We all know. We all know every politician does this. We all know every human does this. Trump’s gonna win in 2020.

GlennKesslerWP Coming from cnn the creator of news to fit their agenda

GlennKesslerWP Thereby exposing an underlying flaw in the Constitution that dictates his powers, namely if 'his team' also controls another governing body and will repeatedly look the other way, he can constantly make false claims without reproach.

GlennKesslerWP And just how many has CNN, and the Washington Post made or exaggerated. Don Lemon , anderson Cooper, wolf Blitzer , King etcand your numbers are fabricated to be anti trump., Politics is all about misleading the John Q. Public , and the Democrats are famous for false promises,

GlennKesslerWP Whoa! Are the 🇺🇸ppl proud to have such a vile person in WH?

GlennKesslerWP I'm not a Trump supporter, however your coverage is changing my mind. Your prime time hosts are the worst I have seen. Cooper, lemon, and Cuomo or going to reelect Trump.

GlennKesslerWP Still far behind CNN

GlennKesslerWP The trump economy, jobs, trade advantages, taking on illegal immigration and rebuilding the military owns the day so what is left with.... oh Trump would never do the view and counting “falsehoods”. How did that Russia thing work out Good grief, enjoy last place

GlennKesslerWP Is that how are you guys earned this? FoxNews FoxBusiness realDonaldTrump FakeNews

GlennKesslerWP I believe the correct word is “lies”.

GlennKesslerWP Yawn

GlennKesslerWP Yet, y'all keep bringing on the same people who make excuses for why those lies are told.

GlennKesslerWP They are not false!!!!!!

GlennKesslerWP 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 starting to really pity the fake news

GlennKesslerWP CNN 1,000,000 In two years.

GlennKesslerWP Almost as many as CNN had this morning

GlennKesslerWP he’s catching up to you,

GlennKesslerWP You guys must be extremely board .. you know you are irrelevant don't you? MAGA

GlennKesslerWP He us NotMyPresident

GlennKesslerWP Lies

GlennKesslerWP Says the least trusted name in news.

GlennKesslerWP deberia darle verguenza ser tan mentiroso a su edad

GlennKesslerWP When will someone, particularly in his own party, just say enough is enough. Please stop with the lies.

GlennKesslerWP Democrats and liberal media has to focus on what the president says and not what he does. Otherwise, they would have no choice but to support him.

GlennKesslerWP Monday morning wake up call. Every parent getting kids ready for the school week would never allow our K-12 kids to tell this many lies. Why should we allow POTUS to act worse than our kids? Telling Lies & Calling Names should not be tolerated at any age.

GlennKesslerWP You are the people making false statements

GlennKesslerWP Looks like jesus christ from off the cross to me. You know pits of heaven did not it come from there?

GlennKesslerWP Lies. They are lies. Call them by their proper name!

GlennKesslerWP How does it compare to past presidents? Or is this a new stat that y'all made up? Do you have a list to show what they were? Where's the transparency? FakeNewsMedia

GlennKesslerWP official DNC network

GlennKesslerWP Congrats!🎈🎉🍾🎊

GlennKesslerWP I was expecting more LIES than this as every time he opens his mouth or uses his index finger to tweet he is LYING. We all know he uses one finger 😂. BTW, Just say LIE because it is a LIE.

GlennKesslerWP Trump: Looks like a nice day today. CNN: LIAR!!! It's cloudy. 10,001

GlennKesslerWP Just goes to show you should not believe a single thing he blurts LiarInChief monumentalmoron

GlennKesslerWP How many lies over Decades has spread or covered up? IS NOT NEWS!

GlennKesslerWP Jealous?

GovHowardDean GlennKesslerWP realDonaldTrump only you could hit this kind of milestone! You are giving SenateDems TheDemocrats great campaign info😂🤣 Oh you....DerangedDonald

GlennKesslerWP Best president ever

GlennKesslerWP FAKE NEWS

GlennKesslerWP But yet his base believes every word he says..... why?

GlennKesslerWP Says fake news CNN... the least watched propaganda on the planet.

GlennKesslerWP CNN and the Washington Post are talking about lies? That's rich.

GlennKesslerWP If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.

GlennKesslerWP “Lies”. Use the word. It’s shorter and to the point. And accurate.

GlennKesslerWP We don't care what you print it is all lies. KAG TRUMP/PENCE 2020

GlennKesslerWP Alexa, how many lies does he tell in the bedroom?

GlennKesslerWP Then he’s got a ways to go catching up to you guys

GlennKesslerWP You make false claims on all shows 24 hours a day. Funny coming from you traitors

GlennKesslerWP He will never catch up with the liberal media on lies and falsehoods.

GlennKesslerWP The President of the United States is a proven notorious liar. What a statement.

GlennKesslerWP Presidents always lie...now you care?

GlennKesslerWP . Total false statements from CNN over one million

GlennKesslerWP LiarInChief

GlennKesslerWP You are the liars.

GlennKesslerWP Happy Lie10k everybody!


GlennKesslerWP The only thing realDonaldTrump truly is best at is lying

GlennKesslerWP InvacionDemocrata CNNSenatorialDebate


GlennKesslerWP Still cant beat CNN

GlennKesslerWP Fake News!



GlennKesslerWP Mr. President...


GlennKesslerWP FakeNewsMedia

GlennKesslerWP Shame on you Donald! You made America ashamed again!!

GlennKesslerWP Well you can’t count him saying No Collusion and no obstruction ( that would account for about 9,999) On the other hand what is CNN up to for false statements including most their so called expert panels 100,000? Move on folks and start helping solve problems for a change!


GlennKesslerWP Yawn...

GlennKesslerWP I got you a bottomless Pinocchio


GlennKesslerWP The POTUS disagreeing with is not the definition of 'false statement,' fake news lying .

GlennKesslerWP He still can’t compete with cnn though...

GlennKesslerWP The people at CNN are afraid of Trump beating their record. 🤣


GlennKesslerWP Congratulations President Trump! Now you can claim you are the best at something WITHOUT it being a lie!

GlennKesslerWP As long as he keeps monumental dweebs like Kessler and Stelter spinning their pointy heads.

GlennKesslerWP Says CNN, who's ratings have TANKED because of their daily FakeNews and Hate

GlennKesslerWP His got a better average than LeBron 🏀

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