WaPo: Trump plans to fight tax returns up to the Supreme Court

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Trump privately told his advisers that he will not hand over his tax returns to Congress and 'he would fight the issue to the Supreme Court,' according to the Washington Post

The Washington Post reports that according to two administration officials, "Privately, Trump has told White House advisers that he does not plan to hand over his tax returns to Congress and that he would fight the issue to the Supreme Court, hoping to stall it until after the 2020 election.

Source: Law Daily Report (lawdailyreport.net)


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Like taking candy from a baby. Or taxes from a grown man with baby sized hands.

He's taking it to Gorsuch, Kavanaugh LLC

Why ? Really WHY ? KellyannePolls DonaldJTrumpJr vdare GOP

We need to demand that DJT stop hiding his tax returns. The only reason he is doing it is to hide his criminal activity. It’s the best way to follow the money.

He always goes to court doesn't he?

What are you hiding realDonaldTrump?


Run Donny “Tweets” run. They’re coming for you!

We the people SPOKE in November!!!!, NOW we’ll should get together and take down this clown!!!! NEW elections!!!!

What is he hiding?

Scotus has turned into his personal firm. Wonder how much retainer is costing. Justice Stevens needs to say no. Not get in olved. He is breaking laws and gop is complicit.

He's shi**ing his urine-stained pants

Not asking you.

No crooked business man wants wants anyone to look at their tax returns esp this crooked business man who is a fraud as President

We’ll see what happens.


Funny thing is, no one is asking Donald. They're asking the IRS.

Indict Trump

Why if you’re so innocent? Sounds like the words of someone with a lot to hide!

So much to hide.

Why does MSNBC keep mis-stating this story? Trump wasn't asked to do anything. Congress commanded the IRS to produce his returns. Trump has no say

realDonaldTrump is clearly corrupt and criminal, we need to know if his corruption is driving our National policy, laws, and actions in the GOP controlled Senate.

Why not? Because he—realDonaldTrump— is a LIAR, a Cheat, and a Criminal!! (He tried so hard to defame BarackObama but his— realDonaldTrump’s— efforts of defaming works better on himself!! ) Karma, she is Beautiful 🌹

In his mind he owns the Supreme Court. I truly hope they prove him wrong.

Sounds like something Putin would say.

Transparency and security dictate sharing ones financial status if one wishes to hold public office. It is an integral part of any security clearance. Refusal to share this with the people one wishes to represent should be grounds for termination...

He’s broke, money laundering for Russians is how he’s been making a buck. He no longer owns his golf resorts & hotels. He defaulted on them and now Russia owns all Trump properties!

I can't wait to see the SCOTUS take a big dump on his delusion.

We’ll see, we’ll see

IRS Sec. 6103(f).

House Ways and Means Ctme. Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) has the authority under statute to request tax returns from the Treasury Department. The Ctme. could then review the returns privately and vote to make some or all of the information in the returns public.

SherriX69 Campaign promise broken. But, no worries, his lemmings don’t mind they’ve been lied to and conned.

Congress has the right under law to see anyone's tax returns, if the idiot trump is allowed to take this to the supreme court then our justice system is bending to dictator.

2b63fd3774924ad Good!!

What’s he hiding? realDonaldTrump

Why would He? He became rich from working hard on his own business, the DEMONRATS got rich from corruption while pretending to be working for the people!!

He is a billionaire and doesn’t take a DIME as President. Nancy Pelosi on the other hand has a net worth of 26.4 million on a government salary. I want to see HER damn tax returns

Get John Lewis and Al Sharpton to PAY theirs before you even think of asking me to show mine.

Dang. Wonder which, tax returns or Mueller report, will cast the most light on Trump and his pitiful craven life?

Congress needs to stop this tyranny now

He'll lose. There is simply no legal basis for this other than he is terrified that we'll learn how financially compromised he is. The law is clear: when requested by Congress, the Treasury Secretary will provide an individual's tax returns. That's it. Fatboy loses.

Buckle up buttercup. Let’s see if we still are a nation of law and order or a autocratic society

You are only guaranteeing that you will not be reelected in the 2020 election. What do you have to hide? That you are not as wealthy as you claim to be? That you gained your wealth by avoiding taxes? Or is it something else?

Wonder why?!

Good! Turning over his tax returns would only trigger another wasted $30 Million investigation hoax.

- they all ate a baby together and the proof is in trump's tax return. The historians are already documenting trump's era of corruption, American History classes are going to be a hoot to teach in the future.

He doesn’t have to! Stop trying to make something out of nothing.

Fake news

Since it was a private conversation why are you reporting it?

Why is he so vehemently against releasing his tax returns?😒 If the average person does that, is that person not likely to be behind bars?🙄 What is it that he is so stubbornly hiding? His over inflated wealth maybe? Or did he cut corners on his taxes?😳

so when do they trot out storme daniels again


Why shouldn’t he fight it? The Dems are fishing for a crime, not reacting to one. Not good for our country.

The longer he holds out, the guiltier realDonaldTrump looks. And he look very guilty from the beginning.

Such a freaking drama queen...

It’s a lot more than not paying his fair share of taxes. Taxes will reveal ties to foreign investors and inconsistencies with bank and insurance statements. As long as those are not compared, he thinks he got away with something.



Again and again Trump ignores and violates our ethical standards and laws. He shows absolute contempt for the American people he is supposed to be serving. And demonstrates daily his only loyalty & interest is his own ‘self interest’ RejectTrumpRegime VoteGOPOut

Nixon said the same thing regarding the White House Tapes back in 1973. Precedent has been set. The law is extremely clear. Pelosi explains tax law that would compel the release of his tax Returns. Having the actual law at hand.

Trump thinks he stacked the court to vote his way. None of those Judges signed a pledge to vote trump way on any thing. They are 9 free agents on the court. Trump just may get the surprise of his life!

Trump has something illegal to hide.

What is he hiding, his actual wealth, how his businesses use charitable events use them for their personal gains, or monetary ties to Russia and Saudi Arabia. I wonder!!

We want transparency with our government officials & he is not a private citizen but is in the highest office.

He can keep the returns. His resignation would be much better in my opinion.

We all saw him say loud and clear that he would share them. He is a bare-faced liar and criminal... why else would he hide them?

Because he has nothing to hide?!

No surprise if we saw them or not disgusting

MSNBC should consider the source...living in the Twilight Zone.

If he is not legally required to do it, why would Trump turn over his tax returns to a House of Representatives that starts out committed to impeaching him?

Good for him!

Even more reason to get his taxes. We all know he’s corrupt. now we need to know how deep

And we all know what’ll happen there...

I won’t be happy until this russian owned criminal is in prison.

Trump is winning!

President Trump should tell the deep state to go to hell, he shouldn't hand anything else over.

Why is he fighting nobody asked him for his taxes they told the IRS to follow the law

ReppatrickRami1 Amen trump

There are enough things in there that go “kaboom” that a movie of the week couldn’t cover them all.

Because the Russian collusion thing worked out so well for them

Your president is a career criminal. Why are you not calling him out face to face and denouncing his misogynistic behavior towards AOC. He is a sickening sexual predator and you are letting him attack her. What is wrong with you😡

What is he hiding? Why is it acceptable?

Does he address all the times he promised to release them

Some states have already changed their Laws for politicians to release their taxes or they cannot be on the ballots. Trump faces some rocky roads ahead.

Is there any question why 'stacking' the Supreme Court was important to the GOP. They wouldn't say it but Trump would and is. That's why he brings up going b4 them. He knows/believes the majority are LOYAL to him and will do his bidding. He knows their justice isn't blind



because he’s hiding something.

Don't care

Just another illegal act. Noone stops him and he continues.

He has the right to not disclose his personal finances. Allege a specific crime and have the courts order their release. Otherwise shut up.

I wonder if SCOTUS or their clerks have read 26 U.S. Code § 6103? I’m pretty sure trumps advisers have not

Why FIGHT if they show no CHEATING?

What are you hiding? The fact that you are a fraud and criminal? you promised you would release your tax returns! Another lie! I'm sure the IRS has completed some of the audits, release those now!!

Wait. I thought he promised to hand over returns after the audit. Even if each year was audited, every year, there would be a newly audited return available every year with a maximum 2 year delay. If you are under continuous audit the prior year sins would be washed out by now

Thats right POTUS defend your rights!!!! Screw the lynch mob of hypocrites...

Remember when he said he’d release them if he won the primary? Then he wanted to release them but he was being audited. Now he is willing to go to the Supreme Court to keep them from going public. I don’t need to see them to know that something very shady is in there!

You are so guilty

Last month, more than a dozen illegal aliens, who had committed heinous crimes in at least eight U.S. states were arrested by Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents. most of the offenses occurred throughout California and Arizona. the majority of convictions committed against minors.

Serious question, why is this reposted four times a day?

Stop fishing. And let's look here

What is Trump hiding?

because they are that damning

So his conservative judges can decide?

70% of wall street thinks Trump will be re-elected 2020

This is hearsay and unverified. Sham news agency.

He is really hiding something ! !!

Did the Tax Cheat tell SDNY, or New York AG.?

He doesn't have to hand them over - congress is going to TAKE 'em.

Ukrainian authorities say they have evidence of Democratic wrongdoing but US won’t review it

Wasting precious court time with bogus litigation. The MO has belonged to trump family for years. Why should he change it now?

But but but he's so rich, why hide the tax returns? But but but he's so smart, why hide transcripts and grades? But but but he's so innocent of collusion/conspiracy/obstruction, why hide the Mueller report? All seems so innocent to me.

Same thing with the damaging Mueller report that's why GOP Congress is doing everything in their power to block this information only red hats can't see it or pretend not to see it

It’s almost like he was hiding something....

Trump demanded that Barack Obama present his birth certificate and academic records to the public, yet he’ll do all he can to prevent the release of the Mueller report and his tax returns. Hypocrisy served like a cold hamberder.

Democrats can go to hell. lol When you GOT NOTHING, your party is floundering because they all know arrests are imminent. So what do you do? You start the 'distraction' tactics because constituents are morons. THE DEM PARTY IS DONE. THE ARRESTS FOR TREASON ARE COMING.

People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

Why should he exactly? Why is it needed? Isn’t that what the IRS is for? Has anyone made a compelling case for why the is of tantamount importance?

Maybe I missed something? The time for asking Trump is gone. The IRS was instructed to hand the tax returns over in accordance with the law. There is no discussion here, and Trump is no longer involved.

Part 2 - the question should be posed to him in open forum, why does he not want the People to know by this simple gesture? And the question should be asked until he answered it. No other question should even matter until he answer it.

If the president has to , so does Pelosi and all of the rest in Congress etc. Picking one person who has done nothing illegal and demanding the public to know his private taxes is wrong. All government workers do it or none.

The Supreme Court? Oh the one that he rigged? oh that one......c'mon IRS do your thing....hand it over or is that federal agency that collects taxes and runs audits just as complicit as McConnell? Time will tell.

This MOB RULE is undermining our republicans and civil liberties of our President and citizens

Good move he knows he has a upper hand there!!

And he will lose... 😉😁😎 Sorry Donald, realDonaldTrump hate to burst that Obese Orange Bubble of Yours, however... YOU ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW! 😛

realDonaldTrump, spread your stink but do it at your own bankruptcy-expense--not US-taxpayers' money!!

Waiting for Donald to say the IRS information is fake.

Why does an average American have there taxes dissected and this white ape doesn't. corruption

Nick Micky mulvany is having his way on Fox News Sunday, bill hammer is a joke! Chris Wallace would have ate micky $$ alive where is ' CHRIS'?

Let’s be clear. The President of the United States does not want The People to know what he has and continues to do that compromises his ability to do what he wants. Trump feels he is above that.

I think his insurance filings and loan applications would be equally as interesting. He'll stall this through the courts until he gets one more justice seated. Then we'll see just how impartial justice is.

Fine. Then Trump does not deserve to be OUR president. Resign then.

He’s not a billionaire, or as Bernie would say, billionai-uh.


Dude, have your lawyer read McGrain v Daugherty. It's a case made just for you & your cabinet of gritfters, in office, only to benefit yourself and your mob family.

Must be something special about his returns. National security? National embarrassment?

Trump seems to be under the impression that he has a choice.

Drain the swamp!

Hide nothing, if there’s nothing to hide.

Wait, what about when the audit is done? Or will this audit last forever? Hmmm.

He will not hand the tax returns over to Congress, the IRS will & his lawyers will be informed. He may try at the SupCrt but it will not go up the ladder of courts. But we now see clearly that Kavanaugh & Barr are not honest & are loyal Trump swine & he bets on them

So, he’s promise to release was a lie ?

We want taxes from every single person in politics for the past 10 years. When that happens, maybe, just maybe, you can ask for Trump's taxes! And no one has a right for someone else's taxes to be made public! Congress is not the IRS and if the IRS wants it they have it.

SHALL. realDonaldTrump you need to see what SHALL means legally. There is no room in SHALL. Why you hiding your TaxReturns? No tax returns are that complex you lying sack of 🤡💩

Golly realDonaldTrump those tax returns must be very damming.

No one is asking for Trump to turn over his tax returns... Congress is requiring the IRS to comply with federal law and provide requested tax returns. Trump is demanding the IRS not comply with the law and protect him.

There’s no law that says he has too. The dems are so hell bent on bringing this county down they waste tax payer money on ridiculous probes.

SherriX69 I’m going to say it again! The law requires the IRS to turn over the returns to the House Ways and Means Chair. TRUMP HAS NO SAY IN THE MATTER! Why are the news outlets not reporting it this way?


Bring it.

If he has done nothing wrong be a man and hand over your Tax Returns.

Why does he have a choice? If some legitimate source asked the IRS for my tax returns, I wouldn’t be able to keep them from turning them over...why can Trump stop them?

Thank God that there is nothing more important going on in our Country right now that these alt left dems have time for these childish games. Shit like this is exactly why Trump won and will win again.


Does he have a choice oh thats right he does not follow the rule of law

Good Let’s roll Democrats. Keep doing your job NancysHouse SCOTUS the world is watching. Are you the greatest institution of democratic judicial practice in the world... or are you a political tool for Individual1? ReleaseTheFullMuellerReport ReleaseHisTaxes WhatsHeHiding

Congress's job is literally to to create, litigate, & pass laws, oversight of president/executive branch, and to be the voice of the American people. How do some members not understand this once joining Congress? It is your job on our behalf to keep president in bounds.

Let's just start using Ouija Boards, Tarot Cards, Astrology, and Palm Readers as sources. Who Cares....as long as that damned orange man is bad.

Congress didn't ask Trump, they asked the IRS. It's the law. No need to go to the SC, any court should be able to decide this in five fucking seconds. It can all be done before this week's deadline to hand them over, in fact.

Is anyone else tired of him saying...I’ve got nothing to hide! ... but no you can’t see my taxes or the mueller report I’ll take you all the way to the Supreme Court. Yeah. Oh nooooo no coverup here. Nope.

And Capital One told Dems to get bent too. 😂

And why would you suppose that he would hide his taxes? Let me see!! Because it would prove he is guilty of tax evasions. Tax fraud. Lying and cheating.

Trump and Bernie both have something in common: both refuse to release their tax returns after telling people they'd release them. Both have something to hide.

Isn’t this a red flag for all Americans that he is a criminal. He should definitely not be the president. He is not my president and never will be.

Says the man who didn't think he would be dissected under a microscope when he took the office of president. Cripes ..... being a president is not like being a private business owner...... the old fool

We will have to call the russians they will retrieve them

Whats wrong wit that......it is not a law that he has to hand them over



That is why he put Kavanaugh in that area to preplan his escape.

This morning on MeetThePress, MittRomney commented that despite the clear and unequivocal statute which authorizes Congress to obtain anyone’s return in connection w it’s oversight role, that the Dem’s request is a joke. And ChuckTodd says NOTHING. WHY IS HE THERE?

Not to Congress, to the Dems in Congress, looking for anything to cause issues. They need to get to work on things that matter.

He is NOT being asked to hand over anything. Ways and Means is TELLING the IRS directly to hand them over.

What law mandates that Presidents release their tax returns? How about every member of Congress, release theirs and set the example? Many of us are curious about how making $75,000 a year makes Congressmen millionaires.

A million and 1 times now

Says someone with “nothing to hide”. 🙄🙄🙄 I commend the states taking him off the 2020 ballot unless candidates release their tax returns.

That's not what anyone who actually works at the WH is saying. VeryFakeNews

Why? Are there any bad things that are afraid of being made public?

For someone who’s not guilty, he sure is guilty. And, of course he would got to SCOTUS, he bought them, the majority will vote with him

I don’t quite get why this could be . Just get it over with .

How many laws is this guy going to be allowed to break? The Liar In Chief needs to be held accountable. HE SHOULD GIVE CONGRESS HIS TAXES & AN UN REDACTED MUELLER REPORT.

Gotta protect the deceit over the American people, and stay in office. Of course, upon being released, it would confirm Michael Cohen told the truth about Trump, and what better way to prove the truth than to have corroborating evidence?

Time to hold this man accountable other presidents have released their taxes .6 years worth. Time for the Republican accountability too.

He’s going to fight this? What a shocker! Of course conservative media will be in lock step with him and it’s disgusting. Go after Trump and his taxes with the same fervor that he went after President Obama and his birth certificate...✊

That's because he has been a cheater and liar ALL OF HIS LIFE, AND NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE. He is ALWAYS has something to hide because the liar has plenty to hide. Just a despicable POS, not a true president!

Then, get on with it...see what his 'packers' were paid for.🤕📉💊

Congress just wants to attack him for using the laws they wrote. If they don't like people avoiding paying taxes then they need to fix the laws. I understand they write them for their rich friends but try writing into law you can take this deduction unless we don't like you.

How many days in a row and how many times a day are you going to post this, MSNBC? You must be desperate to regain followers after your collusion lie bit the dust.

Dotard I'm quite certain that the House doesn't expect to get your taxes from you.

Weaponizing the IRS for political purposes is a dangerous game

He believes he is above the law. We need to prove him wrong.

Of course he will hide it for as long as he can. There are too many reasons why. He is not as successful as he claims. He has business ties that compromise his Presidency. He is a deadbeat when it comes to paying his fair share. I could go on forever.

Why don’t any Repubs wonder what is in these returns? They would lose their minds if this were Hillary or Obama


Well if there is tax fraud - then the IRS should be all over that .. or maybe they were paid off

He most likely lied or didn’t file

But, but, but...we thought it was THE AUDIT. So you’ve been lying to us all along? Gasp! Shocker!

'I have nothing to hide' (does everything in his power to hide it)

For someone so innocent of simply everything - he works very hard at hiding all of the things that would prove he's innocent.

Just call it a birth certificate to make it easier or transcripts...which btw 🤔

President Trump has rights, like the rest of Americans. Its not required that he turn over his taxes. We already saw his 2005 taxes, and he paid $37 MILLION dollars in Income Tax alone, in 2005!

TrumpCrimeSyndicate ReleaseTheFullMuellerReport BarrCoverUp

I don’t think he understands the legal wording, and the definition of one word in particular

= Time for Kavanaugh return on investment

Nothing to hide I guess

Knew he'd find a way NOT to show them

Good for him... piss on the leftists and their continued attempts to weaponize the IRS.

Oh boy there is VERY damaging information about Donald Trump in his tax returns!!

I guess you know we’re this is going

What’s the big deal? Nothing to hide right?

Good thing it's not up to president dummy.

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