Walmart to Require Face Masks in All U.S. Stores Starting July 20

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Breaking: Walmart will require shoppers to wear masks in all U.S. stores, becoming the largest company to impose restrictions amid a surge in coronavirus cases

Walmart Inc. will require customers to wear face coverings inside all of its U.S. Walmart and Sam’s Club stores starting July 20, becoming the largest company to impose restrictions amid a surge in coronavirus cases in several U.S. states.

Walmart follows a handful of national chains—including Best Buy Co., Starbucks Corp. and Costco Wholesale Corp.—to require face masks as companies try to protect its staff and customers against the pathogen.


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Wearing a mask for 30 minutes to do a quick errand out of your 24 hour day is not gonna kill you. Think about others around you’re not just you.

Now add security guards to protect the workers from the psychos who will attack them for this manadate


Walmart DrinksTheCoolAide

Should have started four months ago.

Agenda 21 is the kick off of the end times ! You will comply or not get services ! Food , Medicine , Money & Housing plus Land restrictions will be enforced!

Glad that in Puerto Rico the did since April. No fuss about it.

No thanks Walmart

sandy_lusk Oh Lord, get ready to view a lot of tantrums and cursing phone videos !

Uh oh. Dem Walmarters gonna not like dat.

Great PR but when the Pandemic happened it became a safety problem and every Store had to establish a requirement to enter store , So yeah not just a hypocrite understanding but makes others feel “Coronavirus who?

Then why put off the tap payment. It's like they are operating in 1999 not 2020.

mariashriver It's about time! What part of it saves lives , yours and mine don't you understand! Stop complaining, wear the mask and let's put an end to the spread. What happened to 'We're in this together '!! ?


Guess who’s gonna be avoiding Walmart from now on. This guy 🤷🏻‍♂️

so where do i find the biohazard waste bins for the disposal of these, highly contagious used masks? Shouldn't them and the gloves be disposed of in one?

I hope they lose tons of customers....biggest mistake, ever....😆😆😆

This will REALLY upset the uneducated.

People want freedom and empathy but they can’t even wear a mask to protect themselves or others. Weird flexes. Better late than never. Thank you Walmart.

Yet I still see people not wearing masks. It blows my mind how many people hold their mask in their hand, keep it hanging off their neck or don’t even have one. I also see people take their mask off to cough. When will people smart up and realize what commen sense can each us?

you can still wear pajamas

Correction: Walmart requires you to wear a mask when ENTERING the store. But once inside, you may REMOVE the mask. There is no one enforcing the MASK RULE from INSIDE the building. ALL FOR SHOW

Welcome to the real world USA!

Masks are just “masking” the soon coming real issue. GreenSabbath markofthebeast NationalSundayLaw


Oh thank god for waiting until it was 3 months too late!

Maybe now if the a$$holes who refuse to wear masks can’t get their Walmart shopping in they’ll finally get it through their thick skulls WE’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC!!! WearADamnMask

We will keep saying it, we Will keep pushing back; It's NOT about a 'virus'! It IS about one thing, and One thing Only; CONTROL! 21stCenturyScamdemic PrecursorForTotalitarianControl TheDominosAreFalling

Of Course If You Are Opposed To Wearing A Mask - You Can Always Just Find A Public School To Walk Around In:

Yeah but when are they going to require customers to wear pants?

I think the government should put out a mandate order — “don’t eat shit”, then those anti-mask morons will eat shit like crazy.

Thing to remember is that any face covering will suffice. I aint paying for none of those masks from China. I made this one for my wife for free.


What will the MAGAs and Q Anon followers say to that? What about their necessary freedom to spread the disease cause that's gods will? Will they boycott Walmart n Disney?

Shoudld have been EARLIER!

No one will shop at Walmart again. No sane Americans that is.

Health ambassadors? They can NOT determine someone's mental health, physical health, emotional health. BREACH OF PRIVACY!!!

Since when have all of you people turned to loving, caring and concerned for the health and safety of others?!

Wear masks for the health and safety of others STOP selling cigarettes, alcohol, beer, wine liquor, marijuana....... 😝😝😝

'Sheeeep!!!!!'Said the idiot

wait they’re just doing this now?

This is such bullshit. I have asthma and I CANT wear a mask for any great length of time without the risk of having an attach. So Walmart can kiss my ass if they think they'll make me wear a mask in their stores... GFY, morons...

What a load of BS...Kroger is doing it on July 22.

BoycottWalmart BoycottSams

The Walmart in my town has a big sign outside saying masks are required — unless a medical condition prevents it. Guess how many cite a “medical condition “? 🤔😠

Walgreens needs to do the same thing. I seen 2 men walk around the store without masks, they shouldn't have been allowed in. No shoes, no shirt, no mask NO FUCKING SERVICE. Walgreens of all places too, sick ppl get their meds there. Come on People W.A.M.

Not going to happen.

Require ALL employees, including vendors who are in store, to mask too, Walmart. This past senior Tuesday at 6am, 2 people stocking the bread aisle had NO masks!! 'Walmart is the latest major retailer to require that customers wear masks at stores'

francoislegault And they will sell their own brand. Next in line AMAZON. There is a fast buck to make here. Strange that insurance companies do not cover masks, MD's do not prescribe them: no quality certification, anybody and his brother can sell masks and these are supposedly HEALTH items?

Who got to Walmart ? Science deniers? I’m ok with NOT shopping Walmart.

I guess I won't be going to Walmart anymore to showcase my sense of high fashion.

The 'Karens' and trump cult members will be raising hell. I feel bad for those who have to stand at the doors and enforce the rule. AboutTime

I won’t be shopping there! More money for amazon!

IT'S ABOUT TIME..All those LOW LIFES Coming in without them can't cause a scene anymore..

I forsee some Karens and Kens about to act a fool when they have to wear a mask in Walmart . WearADamnMask

Queue the MAGATs....

The rednecks will not be happy about that. 🤣😂

When Patrick Henry said, 'Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!' He sure as hell wasn't talking about wearing a mask.

Oooh Lordy we better brace yourselves for the Karen videos coming our way

About friggin time!! And Kroger just announced they're doing the same. 👍Incoming: 'Karen' meltdowns.

They did this so customers don't confront other customers now they can blame the store.

Well, that chases the mouth breathers, and Trump lovers (wait, probably the same) out of Wallymart. Is bankruptcy next for them. Just wear a mask.

Instead of hiding behind a mask maybe we should allow doctors to prescribe the cure.

COVID19 is fake to push mail-in voting to cheat Trump2020 👉🏾 NO, im not Wearing a mask. 👉🏾 Come & force me to wear a mask 👉🏾 Kiss me ass 👉🏾 Pray Demarcates & there children get covid-19 YourActionsSaveLives

arahman97 Bet there will b plenty of these

Thank you Walmart for making everyone wear a mask!!! It’s a privately owned business and they have the right to Mandate.

So, COVID-19 is not as easy to catch until the 20th? Is that what they’re saying?

it wont matter. they wont enforce it

Will they enforce customers to wear proper clothing? WalmartInc Walmart

Since there is no leadership from the government, business will have to do it.

I sincerely hope they amp up staffing for online grocery. I think if Walmart truly wants to make a difference, they will double or triple their curbside business thus allowing greater social distancing. Instead, 3-5 business day pick up wait times drives ppl to the store.

Instead of crying about constitutional rights, why don't anti-maskers just do delivery or curbside?

Karens all over the world aren’t going to like this


francoislegault Wal mart is making money and profits mightily from this crisis. They are now a.tool of this crisis.

Why are there NO Industrial Hygienists on these decision making boards?

Good luck getting all the stupids to listen. Or wait, maybe their own stupidity will limit their ability to go places, and they will, in the end, either wear a damn mask, or die of starvation... win-win?

This is a great position for police who quit the force during the protests and marches for civil rights. Walmart has a bad reputation for fights in the warehouse.

Yeah fuck all that Good thing we got HEB here in Tx If I need something from Walmart that bad I'll get it online

Good. Enployees better adhere to the standards as well. Anyone looking for a sandwich with employee breath all over it? Yes, this is Walmart.

The people getting upset about having to wear a mask are the same ones talking about “all lives matter”... so I guess it should really be “no lives matter”. Eh?

Walmart requires shoppers to wear masks...amid a surge in coronavirus cases. The surge in coronavirus is apparently sloppy, inaccurate and fake test results because it's being told more and more that people who cancelled tests are receiving notice that they positive.

There is no surge. Liars.

Wasn't this already a thing?

Uh oh, it's red neck customers are about to lose their damned minds!

Me getting ready for all the idiot redneck Karen/Kevin freak out videos:

francoislegault they want a civil war cant beleive our liberty are being bashed and must of people beleive the propanganda!!!

All of them should be looking for unemployed bouncers to post at the entrances to stores. Typical elderly Walmart greeters should not be made to act as security in the face of the crazy folks who will lose their minds at the idea they have to wear a mask.

They should have done it from the beginning to protect there employees and the public. They should have followed Menards lead

Hoooooooowwwww did it take them this long?

Walmart do you plan on armed guards, cattle prods, pool hooks? You're going to have to figure out how to escort out mad MAGAs!

But pants are still optional?

Looking forward to the videos of a bunch of mouth-breathers going on tirades

Oh haha I thought this was July

Great - hope someone with a disability is denied entrance and they sue the hell out of them. I won't shop there anymore specifically because of this, and that's what libs should have done w/ Hobby Lobby & Chick Fil-A. But they didn't deny entrance due to disabilities.

Look forward to the upcoming Karen videos that'll no doubt flood social media because of this.

I like how the virus spread isn’t bad for today thru the 20th. It just resumes on the 20th.

What took so long for many to acknowledge / mandate mask wearing?

I wish people cared more about who is trafficking children than who is wearing a mask.

Hope Karen gets the memo...No shirts, no shoes, no mask, no business!! Please people...stop bullying the employees who are just trying to earn a living!! You should all be ashamed of yourselves!! WearAMask

Good news, maybe the home store for thick headed trumpkins requiring them to wear a mask while shopping will finally sink money is on it won't...SAD

Oh I can’t wait to see the Wally World 45s freak the fuck out - this is going to be epic and hilarious and the Karen’s in the world will be crying how they’re rights are being infringed upon because they’re being told what to do on someone else’s property and not their own

This will not sit well with TrumpSupporters who have been believing his conspiracytheories

When your back to schools sales are impacted, you take action. Too late. If they’d done this in April, things may be back to normal.....

Too little too late. I've had my mask on since March!!!

Oh this will be hilarious

Walmart CANNOT FORCE ANYBODY TO WEAR A MASK Who has any type of a Disability that a Mask might cause any form of a impairment under the Americans with Disabilities Act, HIPAA and any Constitutional Amendment violating Your Basic Human Rights. Researching The Law is Key!

What took you so long?

All the angry white men go hunting for hours. But won’t wear a mask in a shop

Let the COVIDIOTS whining begin!

Late as always, but better late than never I suppose.

francoislegault so dumb !! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Get ready for MAGA stupid on display

It’s about time! Say NO to the fools

Talk about taking in your base! Cant believe I'm supporting Walmart

It's all about politics....and garbage science.

Can’t wait for the videos of angry rednecks throwing tantrums.

Tyranny is here and it's the corporations pushing it. Fedex = Redskins. Comcast = Propaganda, Walmart and Starbuck = masks. STOP giving this companies any money.

This is going to produce some great Karens of Walmart videos.

First they make us wear seatbelts and now masks Where is our freedom

The breaking news would be, why until now?

How on Earth did it take Wal-Mart four months to finally start enforcing masks?

Why did Dr. Faucci call mask wearing “safety theater “

People still shop at retail stores? For real? It’s 2020

There's going to be some angry 'people of Walmart.' And I find that SOOOOOO very funny.

Thank you Walmart

Wearing a mask is a life and death scenario. That’s why it’s imperative that you wear a mask... 5 days from now.

The internet will crumble under the weight of all the Karen videos that will come of this.

walmart realized their customers are the dumb shits mainly dying from covid19 so it's just a simple business decision

Get ready for all the “but my freedom” posts

Now the Greeters will be hated!

Get ready for the daily stories of morons screaming at Walmart because they don't want to wear a mask.

francoislegault La décision s’appliquera aussi aux succursales au Québec et ailleurs au Canada? Would this decision apply also to the branches in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada? WalmartCanada WalmartCanadaFr


Cue the moron platoon in your mentions.

This is a wonderful thing. What great news.

Good going, Walmart ! Target will you follow suit? I prefer going to Target but the number of maskless customers lately is alarming. Not going back until this changes.

Largest? Is there a larger brick & mortar retailer?

Getting my camera and headed to Walmart to watch the meltdowns

crap pay AND more abusive customers!

Good decision by Walmart to protect both its employees and customers. But why wait until July 20th and not start today?

Good. I am sick of trying to dodge unmasked shoppers when I go to Walmart. The employees wear masks their entire shift to protect us. The least customers could do is wear a mask for them during shopping time

(Turns on phone camera to record) Then:

All retail employees need to be allowed to tell people who aren't wearing masks (and wearing them in the proper manner) to leave the store. Employees shouldn't have to be nice if the customer isn't nice. No one should get sick because Corporate is worried about losing customers.

then walmart can provide those masks

In Pasco County Florida, the mandate has been in place for a month now. The Super Walmart doesn't enforce the mandate. Personally stated to me when questioned as to why people didn't have to comply, ' We can't force them to wear one.' Even though there is a mandate. Insane!!

Wear a h*ckin mask, hoomans!!! 🐾

The Karens awake


That's it! I'm cancelling my Walmart membership!

Uh oh. Now where are magats going to shop?

Walmart - institute an “Alert” When someone enters without a mask, play it on the loud speaker. We have a no masker on aisle 4!! Once the person tries to get service. Close the register and move away from them. This will protect the employees from policing people.

I'm not going to lie to say this isn't going to go smoothly is an understatement get ready for a lot of videos of a lot of angry Karens

Let the 'Shit Show' begin and bring in the armed security guards because this is not going to be pretty.

Will looters have to wear them ?

It only took 139K deaths before they cared.

It’s really not that difficult

People shopping in Walmart should have been wearing masks YEARS AGO, given the clientele.




Unfortunately since it's Walmart all masks will probably be half off

Their mask enforcers better get hazard pay. We’ve all seen how militantly sh*tty some people have been about masks for whatever stupid reasons they have to be so militantly sh*tty about wearing a mask 😷


Htown49erFan A tadlate in the game, but better than not doing it at all!

They wearing Coats they Damn Sure aren't in Texas

Yeah, good luck on that. Masks have been required by law in our state for months, but there hasn't been one time I've gone into a Walmart & seen everyone wearing a mask

The face masks don't work to protect against this virus. Unless maybe u using a mask that people use to go in nuclear reactors or something. These masks everyone is wearing the CDC says don't protect either party. But can cause the wearer to get sick from other sicknesses.

Honestly thought this was already the case, but living in NY, we've had to wear masks everywhere since early April. So strange to see this as a headline in mid-July.

francoislegault Hey Legault pourquoi ne l’ont il pas fait pendant le confinement ? Combien sont mort a walmart ? Encore une manipulation politique dégeulasse pour tes patrons mondialiste

Half of Walmart shoppers don’t know how to wear pants.

About time

Is it a restriction to require shirts and shoes, too? This is a common sense practice right now. They are looking out not only for their customers, but their essential employees who have kept America fed when the supply chain was stressed.

It is against the law mask are guidelines not law they can not enforce this legally CivilRights lawsuit walmarttrafficking wayfairchildtrafficking walmartwednesday bye bye DemocratsAreDestroyingAmeri

francoislegault I am married and my age is 20 and the age of my husband is 20 We are dying of hunger in Lebanon We want asylum to work or study because we cannot go to Syria because of our areas under the control of the Assad regime The economic situation in the country. We ask for your protect

Wait they weren't doing that already? Golf clap I guess.

Good for Walmart - looking after their staff and customers. A mask isn’t primarily to protect the wearer - it’s much more about reducing the risk to others. Trying to politicise mask wearing is just nuts

I am not allowed to go shopping in that place

So what? Walmart employees won’t wear masks properly, customers go in wearing a mask and the take off. What’s the point. I will wear a mask 100%, but unless Walmart is enforcing, it a losing battle ‼️

This should get really interesting with those antimask imbeciles, the ones messing everything up for the entire nation. Where the hell are they going to shop now? None of them better act up against the employees enforcing this rule either.

Shopping at Walmart funds china. Coincidentally where the virus came from to begin with. Stop shopping there. 🤷‍♂️

I guess those of us in the northeast weren't were worrying about.

Who is giving them the legal action to make these demands? How is the Constitution holding up these demands?

So basically we are being forced to stay home at all times.


There are going to be a lot of anti-maskers that end up with a no trespass orders.

Ok. How will this be enforced? Half of the customers here strole right in without masks. Get ready for the cell phone videos. It's going to get ugly.😷

Yes, Walmart is requiring masks, but your jam packed with people practically standing in your pants in line for the cashier. The line was 40+ deep in the front of my local store in S. Jersey. Bus loads of migrant workers packing the store.

Good God what a bunch of sheep replying to this. We are doomed. 😡

Why are they waiting until July 20th. This should happen immediately.

Walmart can kiss my ass..

Here for the replays

Well I'm done shopping there.

AltmanErin Where are the chuds gonna shop now?

Eff Walmart

Not sure that is part of the Walmart dress code. It’s usually thongs, wife beaters, pajamas and clothes 2X too small

Karen is going to be super upset about this.

They have tried to do this at my local Walmart but usually customers wear them inside and then take them off while shopping.

Can’t wait to see all the twitter videos

The rage videos of inbred and over privileged people are going to be great.

The locals are to be mighty restless

BluestLuis eyyyyyyy

My state has mandated masks but I found out that shoppers at Walmart weren’t following it and getting hostile to employees trying to enforce it. It’s ridiculous how triggered folks are over a cloth barrier to a virus that acts like Russian roulette.

Eventually states,cities and businesses ,large and small,will get the message. The only way we get back to normalcy,and a return to making money, is thru the Overwhelming majority of people wearing masks and social distancing as much as possible for a certain period of time.

Oh boy, the Trumpanistas are going to go ballistic. Where will they shop now?

About time!

I have reserved a new domain:

francoislegault propaganda machine is super effective Goebbels would be proud to see this!!

Oh boy, going to be some epic anti mask videos coming out of Walmart.


They cannot lawfully do that. Americans need to fight back against such repression.

janashortal Get ready for some severe Karen moments come Monday!

And wear them over your nose too. You'll look cool and be the smartest one in your little facebook anti-mask group.

US: Walmart will require shoppers to wear the masks Germany & EU: Every store has the 'mandatory' rule of wearing mask from the day the lockdown is eased! . . . This is how the superpower of the world manages the country in the pandemic

Explain Sweden.

francoislegault En tout cas votre machine de propagande a marche en tabarnak!!! Goebbels serais fier en criss de voir sa!!!!

francoislegault lol bin sur walt-mart

This is GREAT news! We all know the trump supporters will never abandon Walmart! Guess the mask debate will finally be over.

They also announced a rollback on masks stock up kids

And who's going to enforce this ? I see many law suits

It's a good idea. It's all okay.

Surprised this hasn't been going on already.

they ll have to hier a lot of security because Karens incoming !!

Queue the Cult 45 crying

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