Vandalism on posters of Megan Rapinoe being investigated as possible hate crime: NYPD

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NYPD investigating vandalism of Megan Rapinoe posters in New York City as possible hate crime.

Eight posters featuring Rapinoe, who is openly gay, were found marked with various homophobic statements at the mezzanine for the B train at the Bryant Park subway station on 42nd Street in Manhattan on Monday night, a police source told ABC News.

The posters were found the day after the U.S. women's team defeated the Netherlands in Lyon, France, to win the 2019 FIFA World Cup.During her parade speech, Rapinoe praised the diversity of her teammates. "We have pink hair and purple hair. We have tattoos and dreadlocks. We got white girls and black girls and everything in between, straight girls and gay girls," she said to a cheering crowd.

USWNT star Megan Rapinoe praises teammates:"We have pink hair and purple hair. We have tattoos and dreadlocks. We got white girls and black girls and everything in between, straight girls and gay girls." #USWNTParade The team traveled to Los Angeles later that day to attend the ESPY awards, where they won"Best Team."


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Well yea, everyone hates Megan👍

No money for this for dis respect our president Trump and especially the flags of America a lot of soldiers they die for the freedom we have.and u need more money and u took a knee no ways u are not cause u are anti America

Send in some Antifa they will solve it

Absolutely absurd.

Pretty sure it’s a hate crime for subway posters NOT to be vandalized in NYC...

🤣😂🤣Even rabid NYC liberals don’t like anti-American Rapinoe! Hysterical!

This was bound to happen with all the hate in this world.

What they'd do draw a mustache on her face? mPinoe is a walking hate crime. She can disrespect the country but don't criticize her, or they'll make a federal case out of it 🙄

People said mean things to me because I'm white. HATE CRIIIIIIIMMMMMEEEEE!

The way she treated the American Flag is a hate crime

Big whoop, it’s just a poster. They have bigger issues to deal with.

. What did the posters identify as ?! .

Who gives a flying Fox?

...a lot of people hate her. not a crime.


Hate crime on a poster? The Left always manages to raise the bar on their insanity.

Oh FFS!!!!

She's the hater! Stand up for the national anthem, Stand up for your flag, Stand up for your country, role model...No, unless you set you set your standards that low.

Did someone pull his poster down?

It’s a piece of paper, not her personally!

It's a hate crime to see that face or hear that gravelly ass voice uhggggg

She's being groomed by Linda Sarsour's handler.

Wow, seriously? What an incredibly ridiculous waste of precious law enforcement resources! NYPD should be investigating rapes and murders, not this Mickey Mouse bullshit. Such a dereliction of duty!

Oh no. Please leave Megan as the hater. Don’t waste your time on this human trash mouth.

This is worrisome. She's a role model to a lot of young people out there no matter what others might think of her. In fact, I'm convinced her courage and image already has done a lot of good. Remember, it's not what what we say but what we do that has the greatest impact.

Well to be honest, she is pretty self centered, and so people don’t like her. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Cops have more important things to focus on

What a complete waste of resources

It was Jussie Smollett.

It is a hate crime. We hate purple haired soccer players who disrespect our flag and country.

I am appalled.

Need to investigate her

Please. A hate crime?

Posters? People get killed in Chicago and you say -NOTHING! Pathetic prop!

who cares

I'm sure New Yorkers are glad the NYPD can take time out off arresting murderers, rapist, and thieves to investigate poster vandalism...

I heard they drew a penis on it for the penis envy she has. She might support America next time

How stupid. I guess I'll have to post that comment every 4 hours when ABC News retweets the story.

Is it a hate crime ... IF EVERYBODY HATES YOU?

I am glad to see police have prioritized their resources.

Hoax again! abc how Quickly is your report!! lol

Will you be investigating the other 100+ posters that are vandalized?

Puh-lease !!!!!!! ..... said the American public. Rapinoe hired Smollett’s boys, eh ? 🤣🤣

Vandalizing a poster is a hate crime no

Who cares she is un-American, a Fascist=Socialist=Dem=Liberal. FACT

Why she had poster? Who pay for it?

Hate crime against paper products?

Don't care........Taking a Knee.......🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lol she trampled the US flag and someone burns the US flag but GASP OMG it’s a hate crime if someone writes on a Rapinoe poster!!! Send in the FBI!!!! And btw EVERY poster in NYC eventually gets ‘defaced’

with her attitude, she makes soccer unpopular again in US. Ironic 😐

Why don’t they investigate her apparently she is non-American and who gives a crap about Someone destroying a poster if that’s a hate crime where in the wrong country

How ridiculous!!

Never ends

You think

You asking for it after you run no sense from your flappy mouth!!

Hate crime for vandalizing posters of some contrarian on her 15 minutes. Super groovy use of police resources. Makes sense though. They hate the 1A. Free speech until it offends me. Blasphemy laws, essentially.

Hate crimes should be repealed.


People aren't in their right mind...

This is completely absurd. It’s New York City. Posters get vandalized all the time there. But hey it’s good to see the trying to clean up the place

That is bad

That doesn't seem to rise to the level of a 'hate crime'. Can you even count the number of posters in NY that have ever been vandalized, and with offensive verbiage at that?

Not a surprise, she makes it easy to hate her the way she talks about and disrespects the country that gave her this opportunity!! Not to mention her trash mouth!!

Republican xtians...such nice folk

Perhaps NYPD should investigate mPinoe’s dirty mouth first.

Nothing else happening in NYC for the NYPD to investigate ? 🤔

for equality, 😐 why there isn't investigation of her hate crime toward pres Trump & to the Anthem ?

We love Megan Rapinoe, she amazing soccer player.

No one gives a shit!

Her poster is more protected than my flag.

Jfc, a hate crime Gimme a break

Nation of snowflakes


The fact that people are lashing out at others because they feel the need to find victims to abuse and degrade simply to make themselves feel better or more superior to others is a hallmark flaw of today's modern American society.

Tell NYPD she may have done it to herself for attention!

Good! Kill this fake and stupid movement!

Don’t waste money and resources on this nonsense. And obviously it’s not a “hate crime.” Cut the malarkey.

I hate communists

Will our nation ever be the same, now that everyone feels hungry to disrespect our leaders, our nation, and people who think differently than them? How can this be healed? Everyone has gold within them, but it won’t be discovered when we continually throw dirt on them

And Dropping The American Flag On The Ground Isn’t?

Don't care

Will that include her performance at the World Cup against our president?

Of course they're gonna call it a hate crime. That way she can be more 'brave'

I think NYPD has more important thing to do than to investigate writing on posters

Sounds like London. A “hate crime?” 🙄

Yeah, a lot of people hate Megan Rapinoe. Not her gender or her sexual orientation. They hate her.


Whatever. I hate ABC

Th amount of hate she’s receiving, justifies exactly what she advocating for. Let this had been a straight male athlete fighting for a cause; mfkrs would ride him senseless. Foh

People who breath obnoxiousness like mPinoe sometimes grate on those with more tact....

Only in America can you burn the flag. Beat reporters. Riot and destroy property without punishment yet burning a pride flag or damaging a poster is a fucking hate crime. Should hate crimes be reserved for actual hate crimes?

Possible? It’s a hate crime, period.


Of course. Welcome to the USA.

Yes we hate her representing our country!

Always wonder what a “man up” Anderson Copper would look like... thanks

I wonder if by hate them mean hate unpatriotic individuals. ?

Oh wow She gay. I did not know that . It ok deface a wall with Graffiti it’s just that is vandalism but a poster and it’s a hate crime that a bit far reaching . Did it make a threatening if so what did it say . If just a hateful statement in general it’s still just vandalism.

She is good at kicking a ball and that's it. She is a bad person. Her actions speaks great volumes to her character. Oh yeah no one but liberals care she is gay. Big deal.

Waste of investing! Jussie fakes a hate crime and walked free. This grandstanding soccer player probably did this herself for attention!

As any New Yorker will tell you, graffiti in the subway is rare and shocking. This was most likely a coordinated hate crime, funded by a massive right wing conspirators.

If that’s a hate crime then so is her stomping on the American flag.


Jussie did it

Watching Soccer is like watching the grass grow, but with Soccer players in the way.

Who cares

The hater nation is in full effect.

I love the hockey coach: COACH To TEAM:”I think we can take a timeout to give two minutes’ worth of respect to our soldiers, to our firemen, to your policemen. I don’t think that’s asking too much. I’m not going to apologize...Respect our flag or leave.” This ArmyMom agrees

Poor baby....probably are hate crimes and well deserved!!

Oh for fucks sake!

I’m confused, was her image being used on campaign yard signs?


The Trumpets at their best.

Her behavior has caused that response.

Oh, FFS! TheDemocrats outraged demagogic juggernaut pervades. How long until Fake abcnews gets sick of their un-American mPinoe and they focus on losing in 2020?! cc POTUS realDonaldTrump

In Indonesia investigating someone because of hate crime is an ordinary thing. LOL

AnoNQcue 🙄🙄Hate crime? She can spew endless hate and receives praise for it. People retaliate to her hatred and get charged with a hate crime? What a backwards universe we are living in.

Too funny... hate crime. Get over it though many hate her anti American silliness.

The real crime...


Equality for posters!

It’s amazing how people keep calling her un-American and all she is doing is expressing her rights that are laid out in the constitution. But when Trump defies the constitution you all ignore it and keep cheering him on. Think about that. Who really is the un-American one

A hate crime? So, you put posters in the NY subway & they were vandalized... Kinda sounds like another one of those traps, soon you'll be talking about some kid getting life in prison for this hate crime (against a poster).

Not hate. Disgust.

Sad and very frightening. Thanks tRump.

Worse crimes being committed but let’s look into why somebody’s defaced a picture of an anti American poster.

What a bunch of HATERS!! Is it just NYer's or what? These replies are very sickeningly close to how tRUMP talks. Cancer spreading

Of course it’s a hate crime. She with her classless, profanity laced speeches, along with those of her equally classless and profane teammates, have made themselves a target. People are sick of these arrogant people. What are u gonna do to the vandal? I would shake their hand

They're posters..... When flags are thrown on the ground, burned or damaged it's okay, but oh shite no, don't mess with Rapinoe posters cause it's a hate crime... 😂🙄

Really NYPDnews, vandalising a poster is a hate crime? You people need your heads examined.

You know not everything is a hate crime. I disagree with vandalism when heartedly. Maybe these people don't like her stance on America and don't care about her sexuality


Playing in a sport that can end with a tied game and no winner is un-American

I don't like her, but if you keep on pushing despicable people in our face I can see why someone might tear down a few posters. Megan does not represent me or America. She has been extremely disrespectful. NotMyAmericanSoccerTeam

Funny, Megan uses her position to spew hate and you just encourage her? Stop the political BS.

Hating arrogance is a crime now?

TubbsShow Why...because she's gay or a had nothing to do with her vile behavior right?

Nothing better for NYPD to do? Things are vandalized every minute in NYC but this is a hate crime 🤣 You cant make this kind of stupid up.

Strike “possible” and you’ve got yourself a headline.

But cursing WH counts as hate bravery?

Hate crime? Lol Maybe so since she hates America.

Enough of that narcissist already.

Vandalism of a poster? Really! Burning a flag is not a hate crime though? I’m sure people who burn flags are doing out of hate. As well.

Your winning❤️❤️

“Hate Crime?”...🤦‍♂️ If that’s the case, Perez Hilton could be charged with a HateCrime for every picture with a drawn penis on it that he released between 2004-2011. Stop with the grievance victim culture that is rotting you!

Nothing better to do

She's not that famous. Enough of her already.

Can this get lame ass story line get any more screwy? Tune in tomarrow

Never heard of him.

This hunt is probably gonna end by finding out it was some dumba$$ 12yr old like w the chalk swastikas. What a waste of time/resources

''NYPD investigating vandalism of Megan Rapinoe posters in New York City as possible hate crime.'' Since when is vandalizing posters treated as a crime?

Wait, what? I questioned her character a few times on Twitter last week. Is that a hate crime too?

It was a poster right? Istn there more important shit for the NYPD to waste time on in NY?

They have the person in custody?

Ok what about trumps star in Hollywood?

Well she does act like a little fool 😆

isn't that a karma ? just like she hates pres Trump, right ? so why there isn't the investigation of her hates crime toward pres as the equality ? 🤪🤪🤪

Manufactured outrage. Who the hell is she?

Hate crime? Bye bye America! Nice knowing you.

U mean possible 1A

Ok, they vandalized posters... I dont see vandalizing posters as a hate crime, maybe destruction of public property maybe.

NO ONE GIVES A FUCKKKK!!!! Enough of Megan already JFC

So much for the free world and where freedom of speech, expression and association rule! All hot air.

What do you call it when megan throws the flag on the ground is that not a hate crime against America?


How is vandalizing some stupid poster of her sorry ugly face a “hate crime”...ppl hate her because she’s an embarrassment to her Country, her team and her teammates...

Pink kicks purples butt any day. 😎

What this woman will do to keep her name in the public eye! mPinoe did it yourself, she’s the next Jessie!

Waste of police resources she’s controversial public figure so it’s leap to make it hate crime. Vandalism great all day on board with that action but no more or less resources on average poster ripping.....get it!!!

Come on America, you know the Klan and Nazi supporters of Donald Trump can't stand it when anyone disrespects Trump.

You should investigate this guy for defacing the flag hundreds have died for. Get this guy out of America

I bet she's going to blame Trump for this

Feel like NYPD might have more important things to do....

That’s insane. I thought in this country free speech was allowed. Imagine being hated all bringing home a win

How is it a hate crime? It’s a property crime. If it happened directly to Megan Rapinoe or to her property you’d have an argument for a hate crime. This happened at a Metro Station to a poster. At most a vandalism. Not a hate crime. Stop this craziness.

Hate crime against a paper poster? I bet it was a plastic bag that did it!

Technically all crimes are hate crimes. I frown upon this term as it falsely gives those the impression one crime is worse than another only if it is done to minorities

Hate crime WTF! Its a fucken poster!!!

Please let her 15 minutes of fame be over.

thehamberdler1 NYPD has nothing more important to do

Free speech! Our rights trump your feelings. Especially when you're a terrorist like that woman is

Hate crime?

“Hate crime.” Lol. Who in the holy flying dog shit is the victim of this possible “hate crime”?

Lmaoooo are we adding extra protections to people who aren’t straight and white?

This is what special rights looks like.

Not surprised.

Definetally not a LOVE crime...

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