Utah teen gets five years to life for helping friend hang herself

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A Utah teenager who helped a girl hang herself last year has been sentenced to between five years and life in prison as part of a plea deal


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judy83826844 😡


Nope, give him a life sentence staring at a noose for 23 hours a day.

That's a fair sentence, as long as they deny parole 75 times.

This shouldn't be happening. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. The child would be alive today. Let it had been a person of color he would've been sentenced 40 to life or even the death penalty. OMG this hurts to the core. I'm not racist just weighing out facts

These are dangerous times for kids as they could be approached & misguided on multiple avenues.

My heart goes go to Jchandra’s family. Please put this very damaged individual in a place and for an extreme length of term do he can’t hurt anyone else.

Shows the moral standards (or lack there of) of our youth in these modern times. Stems from lack of parenting and teaching respect for life!

Christ , why did I click open that story? 🙁

Hmmm..Euthinasia and the law....tough contrast

Doesn’t sound right. What did kevorkian get?

Helped? Did he tell her how, kick the chair? Give him life. Even states like Utah are getting soft.

Well, He was just trying to help 🤷‍♂️

Never trust a neck beard double if it's red

Jails are full of people like himself. Good luck

This is a sick guy.

Trump help Saudi princ kill reporter he should get life in prison.

Horible. This kind of stories should be part of high school curriculum, as an example of wrong choices.

If it is black teenager, they would have shot hin twice in the head, hand cuff him and shoot again.

Michelle carter's soulmate? An unexplored love story: 50 shades of being a psychopath michellecarter

This is when the whole 'right to life, right to death' propaganda the left spits out is going to be a major problem. If the girl wanted to die, why are so many people arguing he is responsible for her death? Liberal logic fails yet again.

You have to be a sick individual to record someone hanging them self on your cell phone!!!! At 16 years old your living with your parents show there faces and what do they have to say?

Hang him.

I wish CNN would’ve provided a little more information regarding the law surrounding assisted suicide that was passed in Utah. That’s not exactly a throwaway statement. Does it also apply to the terminally ill? I mean, I’ll go research it, but at least drop a link or something.

Seriously this dude.... wtf is wrong with Utah?

recorded it on his phone. smh. wtf is happening to people?

This might be one of the most weird things I have read today. Why would you help a person hang themself. Do your duty as a human being and help them with their problems by talking, not hanging 😕🗞️

Utah passed a law to make it a crime to assist a suicide after the crime was already committed. That brings up legality questions. It is a disturbing case, and he obviously should have sought help instead of helping, but the minds of teenagers are not rational.

Is this about that fb hanging?

MerryChristmas NewYear

Good. Maybe he can take his own advice while locked up.

The guy is sick.


Life does matter,suicide assist 100percent should be illegal

It looks like Trump pulled back from building in Russia to avoid conflict of interest. Mueller has apparently failed to find any money paid by Trump to Putin to assist in disrupting the 2016 vote. No collusion.

Can't we help him do the same ?

And he called himself her friend? 🤔 I true friend would slapped some sense into her.. sad.

This teenager needs to remember even if you help a person kill themselves it’s against the law he needs to learn this important message.

Seems like a ridiculous sentence. Pick a number and stick with it.

Suicide assist shd be legal

Suicide should be legalized. It's fucking ridiculous. That girl chose her fate and he simply was trying to save her pain. Who tf are we to say who lives and who dies. Smdh

Omg so sad

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