US Steel temporarily lays off 200 workers in Michigan

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

US Steel is temporarily laying off about 200 workers from a Michigan plant as the steel-making industry continues to falter

New York .

The company notified the state of Michigan earlier this month that it would be laying off employees at its Great Lakes Works factory near Detroit. The layoffs were expected: US Steel said in June it would adjust the number of workers it would employ at its Gary, Indiana, plant in addition to the Michigan plant because of softening demand for steel.


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Didn’t CNN lay-off more than that a few weeks ago?

Trumpers are hanging on to temporarily

Sure, sure, another story for trade in steel outside the country. I don’t believe you. Have to head from reliable sources. You simply lie all the time

So much Trumpy winning I can’t stand it. So tired of winning. 25thAmendmentNow TheChosenOne

I find it hilarious the this network tries to be a news networ! Funny how no one believes anything that they broadcast!

But the heart of the (McDonald's) economy is booming!

Green New Deal

Are you tired of winning yet?

Partly thanks to the American President’s tariff increases?

vyurkevich The DrREpstein true story is even bigger than the completely different EpsteinConspiracy story. Mass digital voter manipulation committed by HillaryClinton and Google “I also love life and wouldn’t harm my pretty little ass in any way.” -Rodney-

vyurkevich Well, the company I work for we have decreased steel use the past two quarters.

vyurkevich I'm looking for a word that rhymes with Trump that means failure, incompetent, idiot, etc. Hmm. I found it. Trump.

vyurkevich The president is still bringing in job's ! Layoffs are part of business!

vyurkevich America everything comes out White House is a evil lie.

vyurkevich Fear mongers its all you have!!!!

GrogsGamut How is that going for all the Trump voters?

200 temporary layoffs is not time to panic

So much winning

200 people are losing their jobs and you guys are cheering! Assholes!

We’re in a fragile place now with jobs, stock market, economy...

This is a microcosm of the failure of Trump's tariffs!!

They are trying to drive up prices of steel. I am a machinist and am swamped with work, but we are having a hard time getting steel on a timely basis. Company we buy from says that they are busy as hell. So there is something fishy going on here.

But yet or president claims that the economy is doing good. Can anyone tell me what’s good about all these people done to be out of work?

Here's an idea: If we build a decent high speed rail system and improve our infrastructure US Steel could keep it's employees working.

Need to get the US infrastructure projects going if the Democrats ever want to govern instead of investigate

In Ohio we've had enough WinningWednesday winning how about you Michigan?

Thanks you Mr president!

Democrats rejoice

Michigan is a blue state. How weird.

If this is what Trump does for the steel industry, can’t wait to see what he has in store for “beautiful, clean coal.” Phew, all this winning! My goodness

I see he’s back on the brown menace today—deflecting from the economy

Try as you might to spread anti economic propaganda to Influence Americans enthusiasm for the best economy in fifty years President Trump with be re elected in a landslide. Fake a News CNN

winning , really?

Someone is not paying attention...

What happened to Trump only allowing steel made in the US to be used? My friend owns a big construction company and is still importing steel from several foreign countries for his projects.

Alyssa Milano is using CNN as a source 😂😂😂 she really is loca.

So after reading it, trump is to blame for the us companies buying up craploads of steel since the prices were finally competitive? How silly and juvenile. This is a prime example of people complaining about things they dont cnn, you never fail to disappoint.

Still convinced that “illegals” are taking “our” jobs away from us? Didn’t you guys vote trump in 2016?

The concept of trump winning business seems the opposite. I am wondering how the TrumpSupporters will still defend this.

Actually less than 200 and temporary. Do you tell both sides of the story, or just layout the Hitler version?

FrankDangelo23 Temporary..uh huh.

Hmmm. I could’ve sworn I read “temporarily” in your headline. 🤔

Trump is winning.

Thanks trump

KidRock is this what winning in Michigan looks like ?! This what you promised those blue collar workers and their families ?!!!

Except the WARN letter says they expect UP TO 200 for 6 months. They have not laid off 200, factual information isn't your strong suit but the tariffs allowed us to negotiate a strong contract with raises. But keep the lies churning fakenews

realDonaldTrump so much winning! SMFH!

Mexico sent the check for the wall yet? Repeal and Replace the KKKGOP

Can we get the actual number of U.S. Steel workers in this country? You know for some perspective on what percentage this actually is. I think fake news has laid off more than that this year. Carry on 🐷MAGA

Trump was just about to come out and talk about how he won Michigan in 2016 with the help of unions ,steel workers and the great super tariffs that are brining us more jobs 🤔 🙄🤣

That’s our “white hot steel industry” as the dolt in the White House just recently said.

Wonder if they regret voting for Trump yet?

Republicans do not care about blue collar workers. Yet, they will still vote for Clown in Chief. 🤷🏼‍♀️

He'll probably increase the tariffs after he reads this, and completely bury us.

So. Much. Winning. In. Manufacturing.

Trumps tariffs destroying more manufacturing jobs

Must be a mistake, fake news...Trump says steel industry is booming and had put thousands upon thousands back to work. Trump wouldn’t lie, would he?

Getting 12 tweets a day. every day. from Orange Foolius can be annoying but then id does provide us with re…

Hey, but MoscowMitchOligarchBitch can make secret deals with Russians to poison Kentucky with Aluminum mining toxins.

Not that any of you care for the truth but they are just finishing a planned outage. Spent hundreds of millions in upgrades to the blast furnace that is down and installed a brand new basic oxygen furnace. All of those employees will be back in a couple months.

Thank You Trump for yet one lie.

Just in time for GM to hire them.

what tariffs⁉️

Those employees were new hires btw, prob hired a good 4 to 500 ppl there in last cpl years.

10 years 0% + QE(3) Is Trump responsible? Trump is culpable. Why?

What do they expect from a Trump economy?

According to TRUMP the Steele industry is booming. If only in his head. So tired of Trump supporters saying no matter abt hs sociopathic behavior, economy is great. Like it ws awful b4 he ws elected. Thy sound like the German peple undrHitler. Ignoring wht he ws doing 2 the Jews.

If Democrats didn't hinder the fight for fair trade, US Steel would need to hire! But Democrats want the US economy to stay anemic, then they can invest in China while our sewage pipes leak.

So much winning!!! MAGA 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Oh so those steel tariffs are working? Steel is around 33% more expensive than it was a year ago, that is due to the tariffs which is suppose to fuel the steel production industry. But as we can se the affects is workers in steel production being laid off.

This is the machines automation

AndrewYang warned y’all in the debates

Potus GOP Getting the job done.....right to the unemployment line! MAGADoesntWin TraitorTrump Steelworkers tariffs

Aren't steel Trumpsters so happy they put him in office?!!!

Why, or better ask what makes Steel from China cheaper?

More winning for those trumpsters, Americans are gonna learn the hard way how much damage this liar in chief is doing. Hate to see it happen but we time to reap what ya voted in for...

200 workers. There are many jobs, trump said. So, they can find another job, right?

Thought trump was bringing back the American steel. So much winning.

Trump lol ... Tarriff man !

Sad news

Now do layoffs of your DNC's mainstream media. Pushing propaganda is the equivalent of lying whether it is by omitting certain facts or doing a politician's pre-edited package. Trust me, it's clear when the questions&answers are given ahead of recording interview. Too smooth✖

Once again you guys exaggerate the facts. You made it seem like it was thousands 😒 No wonder your ratings are 💩

More and more Americans are being forced into a concentration camp. Disability, Social Security, shut down over 10 years ago. When you can no longer pay taxes for college grants, housing, food stamps, Medicaid, the government built you a concentration camp. God bless.

'No more water, there'll be fire next time.' The supremacist elitist are protecting their money in high-rises made of steel. Most of the building is in housing people in cinder boxes. People will be charred, but big money will big safe. How much 'rain forest' is left anyway?

POTUS We Any more winning, America will be in a depression thanks to you! TrumpRussia


Who’s tired of winning here? 😂😂


Healthcare - a lie Ending wars- a lie Building wall - smoke and mirror Winning trade deals - big lie Jobs- not any more that Obama Pay raises- 5% wiped out by inflation Gun control - total lie All did was undo w/no idea what is going to fall apart, me trying to Fix a zomboni


More tariff-ic news from Trump.

AmazingGraceToo 'temporarily'? lolz

Wait. I thought Trump......meh, disregard.

So much for steel coming back. Explain please realDonaldTrump

You can than realDonaldTrump for that !

So much winning I'm spinning in the noose 😵

Trumpism policies at their best

It's because their product has been found effective in numerous cases... And therefore there should be an investigation as to why this happened... Losing your job is an awful awful thing

Ask your precious Trump to save you..Why did you vote for that 🍊 fool 😠?

How’s all this winning? MAGA 🤡

Oh that tax cut did wonders huh!!!!

a whole 200 people, that many call in sick

These 200 ppl can rest easy though. They at least kept Hillary Clinton from becoming President. Smh.

Amazing how happy everyone is over people loosing loosing jobs.Just unamerican.

CharlesDignam He can lie and blame all he wants. That won't change the obvious. These workers (foolishly) chose to believe him in spite of the obvious. I pray Legislators pull these companies out and begin rebuilding our infrastructure that Trump is trampling.


Build a wall or something, that seems to be the way that you stop unemployment, all politics are bullshit

Always out to sabotage American cnn



you have proven that news = propaganda now and has thrown real journalism to the curb. This is CNN in 2 years if not sooner

Fake news.

That’s weird. realDonaldTrump said everything was great... ImpeachTheRacistRapist

Thank you dear leader realDonaldTrump

Tariff man strikes again. So much winning.

Key word in headline - “Temporarily”

realDonaldTrump HAS LIED To 🇺🇸 PEOPLE AGAIN SEARS and KMART CLOSING 700 STORES FakeNewsKing FakeNewsKing FakeNewsKing FakeNewsKing LIES AGAIN FakeNewsKing FakeNewsKing Make this go VIRAL FakeNewsKing FakeNewsKING FakeNewsKing LIES AGAIN FakeNewsKing

🎶🎶🎶so much winning🎶🎶🎶 y’all notice some of the hardest hit voters are the buffoons who voted for that current squatter in the White House?

Millennials aren't buying enough steel.

But I thought our economy was booming?

Oh more job loss in Michigan? Yeah Trump definitely lost this state for 2020

They will still vote for Donald...

Thoughts and prayers

temporarily. right

temporarily, until nobody talks about it anymore.

Oh, now I understand why Dump is still bragging about his crowd size in NH. Makes perfect sense. LiarInChief WorstPresidentinHistory

Winning? I pray these workers are able to find work ASAP!

Hey Michigan You guys tired of winning yet Feeling good about yourPresident? This DonaldTrumpRecession will be hardest for you…


. It takes time & layoffs ⚀⚀⚀ to make America great again . MAGA 🇺🇸 1619Project

What on earth happened Trump has promised factories coming back and more jobs

'He's a businessman...' 'But her emails...' 'Winning...' Have y'all had enough yet?

Paper industry is suffering too!!!

But he is cutting their payroll taxes, so it kinda equals out If not there are plenty of coal and soybean farm jobs.

Ayo Trump...what it do babbeeee

Errrrr........... UBI FreedomDividend would have weathered this “temporary” layoffs. And I bet you they will be hired back in lower wages :( Yang2020 YangGang AndrewYang

psychdr100 According to Trump the steel industry is booming just another lie what’s new

Economy is the best its ever been! 🤡🤥🤥

Guess Hillary’s emails don’t look so bad now huh? But trumps lies sure do look bad. stupidtrumpvoters

Thoughts and prayers

First the farmers now steel workers! Trump is really looking out for his base.I wonder how many of his voters he has ' FIRED'

If we only have UBI now... FreedomDividend YangGang

Let's build a steel cage for Trump.

Such a great economy huh Michigan, I told you, you would regret your vote for him. Thoughts and prayers! 🙏🏾

Jobs that were overseas before realDonaldTrump was elected.

jo_kasprzak Thanks dump

Great job realDonaldTrump

And they say we are having a great economy. What a joke!!


China is really hurting now realDonaldTrump.😂😂😂

So much winning by realDonaldTrump

So. Much. Making. America. Great. Again.

Adds sign SteelWorkersForTrump

Who did Michigan vote for in 2016, again? Oh, right. The dude fucking them over right now.


Trump says the Steel Mills are making a great come back! If only he were a real boy! Lol

Hey maga2020 'Reality has a liberal bias'...Stephen Colbert Trump is a serial failure ConMan grifter

psychdr100 Damn that strong economy.

Thanks Trump!

Trump and 22/23 of the democratic candidates can’t see the affects of the fourth industrial revolution. Luckily AndrewYang does. yang2020


CNN hoping for a recession, that will hurt the Americans people’s.


What But winning.

But muh economy best ever!

But, but her emails 🙄

How happy this makes some liberals speaks volumes. Some are so broken by an election that they celebrate any downward turn in America. Thanks for being true to yourselves.

Yup, what ever

Tired of winning?

You know the steel workers and coal miners are not tired of winning yet.


ddale8 how many plants was US Steel opening again?

I feel bad for the non trump supporters being laid off by terrible lies from our president. As for the trump supporters that were laid off... no sympathy

But realDonaldTrump said.....🤔

Temporarily laying people off suggests they will later bring people back to work. I hope so but I dont think so.

“Temporary”? Yeah right. President* Dipshit and his tariffs NEED TO GO!

Thanks to Trump’s tariffs instead of learning to be competitive!!!

Russian steel mitchel is doing fine in Kentucky

What? How can that be? Trump just bragged about how great they were a while back - he says jobs jobs jobs 🙄🤪

realDonaldTrump didn’t u say something abt steel and how strong ur policies r for the steel industry when u addressed that captive audience in Pittsburg? Well maybe u weren’t quite truthful, huh? As our economy continues to falter ur election hopes get narrower😁😁

“Temporarily” so much winning

While I feel do the workers, we're talking about an industry that decided to suicide 50 years ago and shift dollars out of the country screwing families and towns. Now they're a small vestigial industry - focus on reforming the biggest employers to pay more & treat workers better

USSteal Steel yourself, America, for MAGA recession, Russians are coming again

ghty,0ytty8u_ihgfthj,ètgt2yn0gbvbhnjè,ujnbvfghyjui GoSpursGo sacramentokings nyc LakeShow AllEyesNorth DoItBig robertmarcone dallasmavericks GrindCity FearTheDeer TuesdayThoughts TuesdayMotivation TuesdayMorning


A sign the economy is not as strong as Mr Trump would like us to believe

I just heard the supreme leader say last week that steel was back and opening new plants. Obviously BS!

Lets face it folks, this country and its business industries are all going to hell in the end...UNIONS gone, demand for cheap on the rise and corporate greed and consumers lack empathy....just sad

Tariff's are working Donald, more job losses in America. Bet you're well pleased.

realDonaldTrump ... great economy huh? Lay offs at a US Steel company. TrumpSlump TrumpRecession2020

Nationalize it

What does temporarily even mean? Will those people be eligible to get their job back?

We’re not doing to good either

Oh, so what is Trump saying about it and who is he blaming for this? Hillary?

Even paying no taxes last year, U.S. Steel lost about 5.5 Billion dollars. That's with a 40 Million Dollar tax subsidy (ahem, hey Trump people, that's socialism) to offset Donald's TrumpTariffs making their jobs and businesses much less valuable. MAGA I guess? TrumpSlump

And thousands of Americans voted for this twit? I love watching in the wings. Great comedy. Pass the popcorn.

I am so glad that we have the best and the brightest to his administration to carry on to make America great again. NOT! RESIST THE MADNESS!!!

When will gomer realize that Coal and other materials that they used in the stone ages are not coming backThis is is going to be 2020, we are in the 21st century things have changed Donnie's trying to drag you all back into the middle ages and you know who y'all are.✋🏻💅🏻🤳🏻👈🏻

Thanks trump

Tell this to the Republican so trump gets his dually needed applause an pats on the back.

Enemy of the people!!!!!!!!

Great. Another 200 people who’ll be leeching off my tax dollars and/or resorting to crime. mooches

Obama forced steel manufacturers to leave this country. We used to have a good coal and steel manufacturing here in the US.

TEMPORARILY...means for a short time. Happens with companies such as this.

The lay offs call into question the claim President Trump has made about the resurgence of the domestic steel industry.

Lay offs before warnings is not good!

Strong dollar hurting exports.

News? Nonsense! A minor occurrence that has happened innumerable times in the steel industry for decades! Stop the stupidity.

Prices of hot rolled coil are down 37% from their 2018 peak.


US Steel said the lay-offs at Michigan plant could last beyond six months.


But, but, but didn’t he say...

Mr president, we need that steel to build more warehouses here in Pennsylvania that dont pay shit.

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