US says Turkey agrees to a ceasefire in Syria: Live updates

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Pence announces that the US and Turkey have reached a deal to suspend the Turkish military offensive in Syria

Pence: The US will continue to "continue to engage" in Syria, but "not militarily"Vice President Mike Pence, speaking at a news conference on the ceasefire, said the United States will “continue to engage” in Syria, but “not militarily.”

“The President made it clear that we're not going to have military personnel on the ground, but the United States will continue to engage diplomatically, politically and, of course, in humanitarian aid and support to effect all of the people affected in this region,” Pence said.“We've achieved that.

And while Pence said the US did not support the Turkish military offensive, Trump enabled the Turks to enter Syria Sunday when he ordered US troops in Northern Syria to pull out of the region.


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Trump's next bookstore clearance rack special 'The Art of Dealing One's Self Out of the Deal'.

That's definitely Fake News. Turkey is still head on attacking the border.

Affectionally known as the Turkey Deal.

TurkeyStance All players in this dirty deal pretend they have accomplished something, puppets in puppetry show of politics pretending peace, under which blood of Kurds demanding justice, US has become a place where betrayals breed

Why no stories on Hillary claiming one of the Democrats running for the presidency is colluding with the Russians Seems newsworthy ?

Where does it say the USA has the authority to give a 20 mile band of Syrian land along the border to Trukey? Kind of like giving Crimea to Russia?


Trump had it all planned with his tough love crap, didnt care that it took kurds lives! Money and dictatorship are all he is about, would be so embarrassed to be a member of his family

Pence might want to reconsider that announcement if he wants to maintain any semblance of decency.

They Safety of the People is the utmost priority.

Dems -Trumps going to get us in a war! Trump stops war. Dems - Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing. CNN - Erdogan won’t meet with Trump officials - Erdogan meets with Trump officials. Dems. Impeach! Trump makes deal saves Kurds. Dems/CNN wrong over and over again Trump wins

Democrats would rather there be blood shed just so they could say “I told you so”... the article didn’t say 💩 either .

One of the biggest losers and traitors in the US president's office is Donald Trump. He innately freed countless IS fighters when he betrayed the Kurds to the Turks. In the States, this fool puts up and tells his Hillbillies, the US has defeated the IS to 100%. What a FAKE!

In the middle east future Russia will have the shots. The Amis have messed it up since the Iraq war, in this region. A paranoid dream dancer like Trump has only forced this development. His deal with Erdogan is an embarrassing joke. Erdogan Trump has pulled over the table.

In Dallas Trump lets himself celebrate like a god. As a deal maker, as a peace-maker in Syria. A foam and fog maker he is, in truth. The Turks gave him 5 days ceasefire for the removal of all sanctions. A shit Trump got. It continues to fight.

This is why our own military is so upset about withdrawing, we aren’t just screwing the Kurds over! All of this started when we took out Saddam, but America made a fortune, same thing is happening all over again, it’s not about stupidity, it’s about $ 😞

Seems there is other news that says the Turks make no such promise to Pence. Is there anyone in the US who knows what plans the Turks have.

But why? trump said there coming home get out, besides that pence sold us out giving all that turkey wanted, and remember this is only between the u.s and turkey, Kurds, assad and russia wasn't there you guys think you rule the world. Like you speak for everyone.

The only loser will be Palestine. We will never forget the condemnation in the Arab League, including the Turkish people. Everything will be very different. Most likely, relations with Israel will be different.

Sayın cumurbaşkanın bu amerikaya yine güvendiniz bu amarika türkiye yıllardır kandırdı bu amarika yıllardır bu ülkeye kan döktürdü hala neyine güvendiniz bu amarika yalan üstüne yalan kuruyor

As usual you got this story all wrong. Hyperventilating shills of recent days all wrong. Apologize to the American people for promoting bullshit. Zero credibility and ratings nos prove it.

A real DEAL should include all parties. The Kurds aren’t a part of this deal, so this is nothing more than 2 bullies deciding what they are going to do to the victim aka the Kurds.

Gotta wonder what CIA-supplied Polaroids Pence showed Erdogan to get him to agree so quickly to the ceasefire, LOL.

So the liberals hate realDonaldTrump so much that now they are the warhawks? Wow.

The only one that can make a deal are russians now. You can't make a deal when you left and the kurds are not at the table! The greatest power in the world turned into a joke!! What happened to us!! Disgraceful!!

Right and trump got North Korea to stop their Nuclear weapons program. I have difficulty trusting anything that comes out of this administration

A deal? 120 hours of a pause....Not cease fire

that’s gonna last at least 5 minutes

From the looks of this photo, it does not look like Erdogan (Turkey) is cooperating. PythonPence is as trustworthy as his handler.

NatSecCNN CNNPolitics HouseDemocrats SenateGOP EsperDoD What’s the deal, more withholding of military aid, or let them have the F35’s even while acquiring Russian anti-aircraft technology?

Nothing to do with the kurds

This guy is totally not CIA 😅

Not sure calling a militia on live is a good way for credibility

Richard Engel and Clarissa Ward are nothing more than MSM Pentagon PR puppets for endless war (hint: Pentagon Profits and death 🤫)


Yea regime change is illegal, I guess its time to leave their country since it failed this time.

Then (djt) the person who started the bombing, thus leading to loss of life/blood shef, and thousands of civilians fleeing there homes, now takes credit for the cease fire. Trump reminds me of a pyromaniac, a person who starts the fire, calls the FD, either stays away or helps.

John Bolton lost his little “hard on”. 🤷‍♂️

Should of never left!

5 days...They should be headed back to Turkey where they belong..and free thosee Syrians to go back home to their land not Turkeys

Wonder I'd they really enjoy clean cleaning up Daddy trumps messes? Trump doesn't have the balls to go to that area of the country. He expects everyone to come to him

Yeah.. SYRIA IS NOT OUR PROBLEM... so there.. suck a camel shlong liberals... we saved the world... AGAIN... like 5th time this week. Now can we address the homeless in urban cities HERE in the USA?.... you seem to always forget about them?..

And everyone down to your cockroaches are now scrambling to figure out how a ceasefire orchestrated by the Trump administration proves that Trump is racist...

Actually Turkish officials deny they agreed to a ceasefire

Starts 🔥🔥, then wants credit for putting it out! 🤪 RussianRepublicans

Thank you realDonaldTrump

Good job President Putin.

And what did those 2 puppets promise him

Thank You Trump. Poor Nancy. She want war

120 hours to get the Hell outta Dodge. Deal?

The hacks at cnn will only be happy when there’s casualties any form of a cease fire doesn’t fit their liberal propaganda agenda. exposeCNN clownnewsnetwork

بكل تأكيد كان النقاش حاد جداً وذلك يظهر على ملامح وزير خارجية تركيا 🤣🤣🤣

No wonder it's all Trump related

Makes Pelosi look like a bigger fool. And that’s hard to do.

End or suspend

For five days, to give the Kurds time to flee their own land. And if they refuse, the massacre will continue.

Total sham. Turkey is not confirming this 'agreement.' Trump created this crisis. Now he wants to be a hero. Blood is on Trump's filthy hands and evil, sick heart.

And all it took was stabbing our allies in the back, removing the people who live there and giving Putin, Assad and Turkey everything they wanted. Job well done, Dictator Donny

More breaking news!

Anyone else starting to get that pumped feeling for the Trump rally, tonight?

Real quick, how many millions did it cost the US?

219 people,mostly civilians have been murdered by trump ordering the abandonment of the Kurds,blood is on his hands & those that support him for life

Great job President Trump realDonaldTrump we are not sick of seeing you winning ❤️ 👍

FakeNewsCNN MAGA2020 KAG2020

Well imagine that. Once again Trumps plan worked...

So let me get this straight: * US pulls support for Kurds * Turkey swoops in to take over * US steps in to say 'woah, woah - too fast' * Turkey still get what they want * US still fucked the Kurds over, but looks the peacekeepers Do I have that right?

Is this fake, the other day Turkey president said he would not meet Pence.

There are a whole lot of people in this thread thar really really wanted us to stay in a war zone in the Middle East. Take a good look. These people don't care if you are sons and daughters die on foreign soil.

This is bad news for all you at CNN. Better if Trump keeps looking bad !! No matter the cost and lives lost. Those on here that want to bash Trump about this are truly deranged and twisted individuals !!!!

TrumpLoveSlaughter BetrayalIsNotToughLove BattleSin SlaughteredToTheTable

A deal that should have been made PRIOR to pulling soldiers out.

And CNN is SO PISSED! Winning

Do these fools think we’ll think they’re heroes for this? 🤦🏻‍♀️

So now the turks are going to investigate the bidens

Too late. We've lost the hard earned victories against ISIS, our allies who have fought so diligently on our behalf have suffered massive deaths. Our word given to allies has no substance any longer and trust in our integrity has been demolished. 45 can't play hero here.

Trump drunk-wrecks the family car then wants praise for spray painting it.

Is this still part of the Arab Spring?

Pence is the negotiator, getting ready to take over as POTUS when Trump resigns or is removed soon.

120 hour ceasefire.. realDonaldTrump caused this mess and thats not good enough or anywhere near the damage he did

How much money did Trump win? So much winning using the Art of the Deal.

Sell out the Kurds. Let Trump keep his Turkish properties. Done.

Pence gave everything away. Got nothing. And eliminated the sanctions. SoMuchWinning.

Trump, Turkey and Russia had this all planned months ago !


Yeah right. Kurds give us the land. US stop sanctions. And this was a great deal for who? putinsPuppet SwampCritter

Laurel and Hardy, what an embarrassment! Throw in Mulvanney and you've got The Three Stooges!

So the US betrayed the kurds twice. What a way to treat allies.

SafeZone is the project of Erdogan which he told on UN summit 3 weeks ago.This project is for Syrians

Create a horrendous problem, jet in and 'solve' it, take the credit.

Let’s not forget that this “deal” means the Kurds have to evacuate! The Kurds have not only been murdered by Turkey, now they’re being made refugees by the US as well! God help us!

No more wars! Thanks POTUS ❣️🇺🇸 PromisesMadePromisesKept

Did Pence participate so he could avoid being part of the impeachment process?

Traitorous Lies from Mike Silly Putty Pence! As Trump’s LEAD-SYCOPHANT he takes whatever Bendable Shape the situation calls for.

Thats nothing compared to your President Xucker of CNN's wife hanging out with Epstein's Chief personal assistant!! Now we know why Epstein News was dropped so quick!

Do people realize there is no 'cease fire' because Turkey has no one to ensure they oblige by this deal? We left the region, who's going to hold Turkey to task? Turkey will violate this 'deal' and the idiot in the white house will offer even more concessions.

After the horse left the barn pathetic

Dam, good for lives of others is bad for lil cnn

You mean VP handed Syria to Turkey because America is run by a man who wants to be a dictator and Hope's to make friends with Puti baby and Erdogan. ImpeachThePres

This fighting is not going to end any time soon. Don't kid yourselves

I wonder what the Turkish are gonna get in return, nobody does anything for free.

How much did it cost?

Hey look, Trump administration ‘solves’ another problem it created itself.

Trump started this disaster. Turkey is the one making the rules of the 120 hour 'peace' agreement The US has 50 nuclear weapons in Turkey and doesn't have a plan to secure them if Turkey tries to take them Trump has placed the US in the middle of a heap of shit with no way our

Less war is always good news! I dont care who you side with politically.

Give the agressor what he wants and the problem is solved This is so wrong.

Trump does it again.. your whole entire morning of fake news comes back to bite your divisive asses!!!! And yet you still report this is a mess caused by TRUMP. Our soldiers were taken out of harms way and now. Cease fire between two countries that have fought for decades.

Another Trump sets the fire and proclaims he's a hero for putting it out. We'll see how long it lasts. Probably like he's talks with NK. VP & GOP How many Billions is this 'cease fire' going to cost the American tax payer. I'll bet it was cheaper to leave spec forces in place

VP can barely force the lies through his lips ... the man has surely sold his soul

Must be a bad day for fake news

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