US and Canada have lost 2.9 billion birds since 1970, study says

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Bird populations in the United States and Canada have dropped by 29% since 1970, signifying 2.9 billion birds lost in almost 50 years, according to a new study


The scientists involved in the study warn that like a canary in a coalmine, birds reveal environmental health. This steep loss of bird populations, including some of the most common birds like sparrows and finches, shows that human impacts on the continent's environment mean it can no longer support the wildlife systems it once did. Normally, it's hard to track animal populations this way. But birds are much easier to monitor.


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All those “super green” wind/energy farms kill birds chicka boom.

MonopointAmy We have got to turn this around before our skies are quiet and our oceans empty of all life.

Too many windmill farms. They interrupt local bird flight paths and migration routes. More windmills will only increase the loss %tage we blamed on use of DDT, up thru the '60s. A single revolution of the gigantic blades can decimate thousands in less than a minute.(Video proof)

🐈 are killing inocent birds

Quit feeding feral cats.

So it is not Trump’s fault?

The water made them gay?

Bout time I get to sleep in

It's those pesky house cats!

steveakovacs Have you seen the dead birds around the wind turbines...?

The initial book which started the Environmental Movement was Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

RayShove1 Why is this surprising now? Pesticides produce poisoned insects which kill birds. On a visit to Cape Cod in August 2000, there were NO insects, and birds were dying in thousands.

From all the nuclear waste floating in the air

Thanks, Mr. Trump

BS propaganda

It's your cat's fault!!

Same problem in Europe, thanks to Bayer Monsanto and others, the reasons are your chemical poisons all over this planet.

So sad...

So sad to know that. If it is hapenning in the first world what not is happening to the birds (particularly migratory) in the 3rd world country?

Trump will blame the windmills.

Fly faster birds. Tell the Hillary supporter to stop letting her 60 cats out of the house. Little steps.

Wait a sec. I thought Trump said we have the best birds ever. Beautiful birds. In fact, perfect.


Solar panels and turbine windmills are killing birds on a massive scale..

Birds bees and bats pollinate our food! They go and we don’t eat!

Songbirds live in hedgerows. Don’t cut them down. Grow more.

How do you feel about this?⬇️

How many of them were killed by cats?

This is why you keep your cat indoors.

Thanks, bayer, DowNewsroom, 3M, et al.!

Deforestation, air pollution, light pollution, noise pollution, toxic waste, ...

And the Republicans want to do Away with the EPA!

that is the impact of destruction of Forest.

We figured out that they are FBI spies by now...

I noticed Guns were No mentioned. Everything else was

. Worldwide many animals are extinction

Too bad !


One word.... windmills.....

And that too...🤯

Hell, this answers where all the chicken wings are coming from bird parts

They probably just didn't bother to return their census reports...

Is it true that the wind energy is killing these birds?

Don't you think all those windmills and solar mirrors have something to do with it?

were they killed off by all the windmills ?

Feral cats will do that

Mainly because of house cats. Get yourself a dog. Dogs are better.

Guess we need to ban cats then.

But a corporate CEOs are rich so it’s ok.


the claim is climate change, but is that the 70's predicted ice age or today's global warming?

Try significantly since 2017. Everyone is talking about it. Not just birds, either. Rodents, coons, possum, foxes, rabbits etc. I am sure it has nothing to with Dr Von Frankensteins work in the Agro sector. Nothing at all.

The article mentions at the end that we can all take steps to change this, but does not specify. I have noticed in my neighbourhood the loss of birds. What can we do?

I have 29% less birdshit on my car

Im sorry to hear that and im sorry for people who gonna be born into this world eh it might gonna be horrible world in the future. Hopefully not. Lets hope at least lol

Our President and his followers say we don't need them.

But people breed like viruses .....

This isn't helping.

It's totally humans fault. It's happening not only in US/Canada all over the world because lack of awareness in humans. Let's change their mindset in order to be softhearted towards other creatures coz This world is not only belongs to humans. LeoDiCaprio elonmusk

So sad to hear that.

This is dengrous scanerio

Almost catching up to the percentage of CNN viewers abandoning ship.

I blame chick-fila

Now would be a good time to stop spewing chemicals and metals into the atmosphere to try and manipulate the weather.

So sad, how many species have gone extinct?

망령 깨우는 아베 역사왜곡 전범기 도발 한미일 노예 식민지로 현대판 경제노예 재침 껍데기만 한국 반공방첩 일본 꼭두각시 정부 매국노 정치 적폐청산 안보 체제보장 경제 비핵화 윈윈남북 문재인 대통령 빵상 아줌마 손 잡아라 동해 독도는 한국 땅 세계에서 우뚝 선다!!!

녹색의 나무 산소의 공급 인간과 함께 공존하는 조류 감소 욕망 물질문명 종교와 과학 우상화 정치 거룩하고 고귀한 생명 자신을 망각 진실을 비하 조작 왜곡 차단 은폐 음해 훼손 기득권 1% 즐거운 행복 돈 노예라 99% 희생과 봉사 처절한 죽음 지구정화 인류 대재앙 빵상 아줌마 손 잡아야 산다!!!

“Introduced” birds like the European starling are nest predators. And the house sparrows are food hogs for our native birds. Ground nesters are being killed by rodents and the deluge of fire ants

Bird populations in the United States and Canada have dropped by 29% since 1970, signifying 2.9 billion birds lost in almost 50 years, according to a tumblr post

Good job!!

Here come the Republican's who would rather believe what their party tells them to believe rather then actual scientists


Hint: GeoEngineering

Sad our actions are predominantly to blame for all earth's problems! Nowhere to hide! We sometimes hunt them down for sport, and the few escaping we making their habitat unliveable

How many new birds in the same time period?

Birds are everywhere


*laughs in windmill*

So, should all the house cats in North America be murdered? They hunt down between, an estimated, 1 and 4 Billion birds per year which is pretty significant to your article and you left that out. (The answer is NO, so don't get any stupid ideas for your opinion shows)

Sad 😢


That’s crap, we have crows coming out our ears. Bunk

Number of ‘bird lovers’ is declining. There are less people to take care of birds. In fact, anything that relates to nature, is in danger. People are too busy with the rigmaroles of their lives.


I need a sugar baby to get spoiled dm on kik mark_smith09 to receive &5000

So sad

All flora and fauna are getting devastating effects of human activities these times. High time to save them to balance our ecology.

I can't wait to retweet this.

I guess wind energy isn’t so great after all

Who’s counting birds 😂

Must have emigrated.... 😏

What that's very serious and sad news

According to our President: We don't need them. 😁

Who counted the birds?

Fake News

Wind turbines

Of course, the NUMBER of birds MAY go UP and down in population cycles?

What ? But the EPA makes industry abide by the migratory bird act ?! So, you're telling me this is another problem the government cant fix and is probably wrong about in the first place ? Say it ain't so CNN !

How do they generate and keep such statistics?

does this count nuisance birds? probably, typical national news getting clicks....

Windmill cancer?

So sad 😪

That's a lot of lost drones.

Damn I love birds

Cats, wind turbines and cell phone towers are bad for birds

The same is in India. Some rare species are extinct & many have been lost in the recent years. Some say the radio transmitters for the mobile network are causing its disappearance. By the way how do you collect the population data for the birds🐦

shutterbug33 You sure about that? ‘Cause people still getting pooped on in a major way.

we have to saved the birds

Visited the farm couple of years ago.Growing up in Iowa, birds were abundant, trees rustled geese flew in formation,honking . Now no trees, no sounds of the wind or any life at all.Heart breaking.

LGBT strikes again. Either that or planned parenthood has infiltrated the avian dinosaur population, the world's most numerically successful class of feathered toothless tetrapods are now politically correct.

realDonaldTrump told Fox that his wall will keep birds in the country and Mexican Governors out.

Well if that's true, and I highly doubt it! Just another fearmongering tactic by the obsessed left! But if true, I say good. Less bird shit to worry about on my car. 10 billion birds is too damn many birds!

I use to sit outside just to listen to the birds sing. Now it is quiet. A neighbor's cat caught two baby birds on my lawn that were fledging in the spring and I was horrified. Cat owners should receive a hefty fine. I am seeing fewer chameleons this year too.

Windmills kill birds.

Very sad!

Come on, they migrated.

I’m sure climate change is responsible

This is not only a US phenomenon, similar statistics have been recorded in UK too. Deeply worrying.

I want to know who counts the birds. They surely dont sit still to be counted. More guessing, just like climate change. But yet morons believe this crap. Hahahahahaha

Ban assault cats!


A new study shows that cats, over the past 50 years, have gotten bigger.

Exactly, how was that number calculated?

so we gotta put some solutions on the table


Too many windmills. I find dead birds all over around windmills. They’re killing machines.

they may have emigrated to bird-friendly countries

How many were born?

Many are being killed by windmills. It's a small price to pay in order to 'save the planet'. Maybe we can rely less on windmills if we do something environmentally dramatic, like ban plastic straws in the USA. That'll save the earth, I'm sure.

Wind turbines are killing birds by the millions

Let me guess you'll blame this on 'climent change' I think my car will disagree with this assessment Yuck!

ياحليلهم مايدرون ليه 😅


Trump will tell you why this is happening

Sources say “ thousands of massive windmills spanning 3 football fields each have wiped out compete flocks of migratory birds” while generating very little electrical power.” Adding: “wind power is a legislated tax dodge for corporations”

Heartbreaking 😢

How tf can you accurately count a bird population of two giant countries?

There’s plenty of fucking birds

If only the good birds had more guns


We don't even know how many people are in the US but we are supposed to believe they know (even approximately) how many birds there are? Lol ok


Because of YOU liberal hypocrites!!!


When do birds sing?

Cats 😩

And half of the decline is due to my cat

A lot thanks to windmills

We like our wings.

Thanks to all the cell phones. And. The use of. Powers burning up the zone

No surprise there, we destroy their habitats and expect them to just deal

How many are affected by the wind turbine?

Yes they all flew to my house!

We fucking suck. In the worst way. Great job humans. Will this report change anything? Plant native plants! Nit so many exotics that displace all the natural fauna. It should be law! When will we learn

This is normal.

This is so upsetting. Birds, butterflies, bees, etc. Like the canary in the mines. We are not paying attention to the warnings.

Bird populations in the United States and Canada have dropped by 29% since 1970, signifying 2.9 billion birds lost in almost 50 years, according to a tumblr post

Yeahhh and Trump is the cause 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Some have problem on housing mortgage ,college tuition and medical bills and some have bird problem.

Look what humans did to this magnificent American land scape. It was paradise not long ago .

So... Canaries in the mine?

I want a recount.


Still plenty of bird shit all around.

And they have been replaced by drones birdsarentreal


My apologies... my cat ate a few. Sorry.

Democrats : “ Let’s blame Trump “

Who cares, they are rats with wings. 🤭

Who the heck counts birds? Do we have a bird census?

Fake news

If birds could sing in audible human language they would blame human propensity for breeding for impending climate catastrophe. 29% of bird population lost because equivalently 29% of trees where birds could perch lost to deforestation, logging, to make room for humans.

I know a lot of bird hunters like this kind of yellow bird and they enjoy eating them!

Good! Dirty rats with wings! Those songbirds sing of pain and death

Liberals don't care; they continue to support immigration. Immigration raises our population by 1% every 2 years. Without immigration, our population would decrease by 1% every 2 years. Immigration is unsustainable.

Maybe it is the GMO!


She was right.

This is all BS. Someone is making a wild guess. They have no idea how many birds were around 50 years ago. They have no idea how many are around now. Wild guess to support a socialist agenda.

This is horrible news! We better switch to socialism, no, communism, NOW! Pfffft.

Twitter should 'own this' as their favored cause! They use the bird as a logo. They owe the birds this much at least. tweet-tweet TwitterMoments TwitterSmarter

I like how a study shows. They have come up with a estimation but they don't know for sure.

Silent spring? The US and Canada have lost 29% of their bird population since 1970, a tumblr post shows

I just did a study by looking out the window. There are more birds than 1970.

. /⌒ヽ / ^ω ^ ヽ _ノヽ ノ \_ / `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ ( (三ヽ人 / | | ノ⌒\  ̄ ̄ヽ ノ ヽ___>、___/ | ( 🐦 ノ 〈 / ミ`ー―彡 ヽ / ヽ_/ | | / ノ Blue bird, Be always with you

Makes me want to look into how people can encourage expansion of bird populations in their neighborhood.

except crows, seagulls, and pigeons.

FakeNews 1) Who counted the birds 50 yrs ago? 2) Who counted the birds this yr? 3) How do you know that you didn’t accidentally count the same bird, twice? After all, they all look alike. Stop putting LiarLewandowski on your shows & stop lying to me about bird populations.

You can thank the windmills for that!!

I dont know what the problem is, we cut down all the pesky trees and plants and replaced them with houses and roads and gas stations yet the birds still refuse to assimilate into modern society...pigeons seem to do alright

I’m sure these have nothing to do with it.

So y'all got that time to count birds? 😔😔

More evidence of the catastrophic effects of climatechange realDonaldTrump ScottMorrisonMP AlanJones RNBreakfast 4corners

Who tracked it, and fucking when. Back to watching animals and kids falling over. Y’all just wanna watch the world burn.

I wonder how many of those have fallen prey to windmills and solar farms.... ? 🤔 The number has to be pretty high by now.


Good lord. Keep your cats indoors. Stop using deadly pestcides

White popuation in the US has dropped from 90% to around 60% in about 50 years and is continuing to drop. And no one cares. The left cares more about birds than an entire population of humans.

k.. encyclopedia of anything starts and ends with nothing.. leave it carefully

'This is a Christian nation, not a nation of, by, and for birds' -- Fox and Friends anchors, probably

Here in Ky, Iv'e noticed a huge drop in Bees, Wasp, Dragonfly's, and Butterflies are almost non existent!☹️

I blame cats for this

best words to listen so far

Thats really sad

Me too mvmt, and whistling, did that I’m sorry, I used to go past a construction sight and receive cat calls-whistles Now, nothing.. Side note: I’m 53 ...

😢 must be because all that 'clean air' in the area⁉️🤔

Very sad🤮

Horrible humans

Not a big worry of mine. They poop everywhere!

If anyone was worried about bird populations then they would stop building those bird killing windmills and solar towers.

I blame Brexit.

How much nature have we payed over since then?

strange..that there are more birds and species than ever now in the metro NY area. How does that work?


Windmill farms. Kills 1000s daily.

This is why I never clean my windows

Depression Anger Stress Hopelessness Hatred Victimhood We are liberals We are CNN

Cat eat birds

Not n my yard. Martha n me feed them to keep them happy,, can’t believe the democants won’t feed birds like me. Wow.

Y eso se perdio en una semana de incendio en el amazonas

Thanks Obama


They not target practice peeps

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