UN: Ukraine war is `child rights crisis' with school attacks

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The U.N. children’s agency says the war in Ukraine is a “child rights crisis” where education is under attack, nearly 100 youngsters have been killed in just the last month, and millions more have been forced to flee.

In mid-March, over 15,000 schools resumed education in Ukraine mostly through remote learning or in-person hybrid options, he said. “It is estimated that 3.7 million children in Ukraine and abroad are using online and distance learning options,” he said.

U.S. deputy ambassador Richard Mills said the blast killed as many as 60 people, many of them children. “And reliable reports indicate that when first responders arrived at the school to assist victims of the bombing, Russia’s forces opened fire on them,” he added. Woodward cited the killing and maiming of children, the targeting of schools and nurseries, “credible allegations of sexual violence against children by Russian forces,” and continuing reports of forced deportations of over 700,000 people, including many mothers and children, from Ukraine to Russia.“There is now a very real risk of a lost generation, and the continuation of a cycle of violence, caused by Russia’s invasion and the devastation it has created,” she said.


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We need to give up hatred and end the war as soon as possible.

there are child crisis in yemen palestine,Myanmer,Afghanistan and many more are you blind for them?

Now do Palestine

Now do Afghanistan.

Why are you guys fixated only on Ukraine? What about the Saudi led American war war in Yemen? What about the Israelis continuos aggression in the Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza? Why is the world so partial?

Yemen, in the Middle East, is experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Today, over 24.3 million people, including more than 12.4 million children are in need of food, medical treatment, education, water and sanitation.

Harming children...that helps explain why Republicans support Putin.

Just count the numbers

And an unknown number of never to be born.

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