U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Handing Out Flyers To Advertise World Cup Tournament

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

NEW YORK—As they stood on the corners of several busy intersections, members of the U.S. women’s national soccer team reportedly handed out flyers Friday to advertise their participation in the FIFA World Cup tournament, letting passersby know they would really appreciate everyone’s support. “It’s going to be pretty cool. We get to go to France and represent our entire country. We’re even favored to win,” forward Alex Morgan said to a pedestrian who crossed the street to avoid the Olympic gold medalist, while her teammates taped several of the handmade flyers to telephone poles and asked local business owners to post them in their shop windows. “We’re playing Thailand on Tuesday, and it’s going to be on TV, so check it out. If you enjoy the match, we hope you’ll consider making a donation to our new-uniform fund. It would really up our game to trade in the men’s team’s hand-me-downs we’ve been wearing and get some shin guards that fit.” At press time, sources confirmed members of the defending Women’s World Cup champions were disheartened after passing several trash cans filled with the leaflets they had just distributed.


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I’m just sorry....that I’ll be rearranging my sock drawer whenever soccer is on

Imagine getting to make fun of everyone, all the time, and get paid to do it. Damn has it good.


Win or don’t come back

USA women’s team vs ManU’s U15!!!!

As a proud WNBA season ticket holder...I concur

The don't think it be like it is but it do.

Fjc_1989 Eman_zcru 😂

That should come nicely packaged with a sandwich.


U.S. Women’s Soccer Team is the best. Good Luck at the World Cup.

Ahem. So the USWNT literally did this in '99. As discussed on the new SInow podcast, Throwback. GrantWahl

I had no idea it was going on before reading this tweet




lol this is actually true, except it was a post in the 'for you' section in the google news app

Elenaperito :////

At least the women's team qualified for the tournament.

mchlspada4a Spadafora1023 MichaelBraune1

So true. Virtually no one cares. Mostly just a bunch of liberal progressive public virtue signaling bullshit.

what the fuck

Funny stuff. And probably true.

The women's team are just as good as the men! They deserve equal pay, support and sponsorship! They definitely weren't beaten by a team of boys ....


i didn't even knew there was a women's soccer world cup



USA's games all sold out. Try harder.



Fliers can be redeemed for two free alcoholic drinks at the concession stands... ...and you're gonna need them...

The U.S. has a womens soccer team? say whaaaaaa!

And this is why their salary is lower than that of the players on the men’s team.

There’s a World Cup tournament?

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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United States Latest News, United States Headlines

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