U.S. Reviews Guidance on Masks to Fight Coronavirus as Europe Embraces Their Use

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The U.S. is reviewing recommendations for wearing face masks and European governments have ordered citizens to use them outside the home, signaling a shift among Western governments

U.S. public-health authorities are reviewing recommendations for wearing face masks and a wave of European governments have ordered citizens to use them outside the home, signaling a shift among Western governments on a contentious issue in the coronavirus pandemic.

European countries have largely followed the guidance of the World Health Organization which has discouraged healthy people who aren’t hospital workers from wearing masks, saying there is no evidence it slows the spread of the new coronavirus. The U.S. Centers...


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I think we just kill ourselves. 💉maybe lethal injection. That would make liberals most happy. weeee!

That's Just America

On you can find hand-crafted fabric masks, with & without slots for PM 2.5 filter inserts. The PM 2.5 filter inserts (buy on eBay) provide additional level of filtration protection without taking away critical PPE resources from frontline HCW. Masks4All

Cool. Where can I get some?

We should’ve started doing this sooner so that ppl in mass gatherings are less likely to get infected. But it’s a good start nonetheless.

I don't listen to the U.S. government. Anyone that would tell its citizens they don't need masks are idiots.

Get housewives to make cotton masks that can be washed & reused. disinfected.

hanifbali Ivarpi HenrikSundstrom Vi måste se till att Sverige inte är sist på bollen här

希望你的受众更广么?我提供相关的服务哦!Want to increase your Chinese audience?Please contact me


Most would have understood that limited supplies should be reserved for medical personnel. Yet we were told that wearing them could be dangerous by our Surgeon General. Stop the BS, explain why and then demand that the public to do the right thing.

If this was an important article everyone would be allowed to read it... subscription, really? geez 🙄

Tragic delay. Tragic shortage of masks

It's criminal that the CDC and Surgeon General told people NOT to wear masks from the get-go. CRIMINAL negligence.

提醒一点,如果从中国买口罩请定制!!!因为中国前期生产的口罩只适合亚裔佩戴,西方人戴可能会很小。还有请到中国政府认证的厂商购买。 别到时候买了就说中国口罩质量差,偷工减料。就知道你们西方媒体那副嘴脸!真恶心!

Wearing masks is only common sense but which we seem to be lacking sorely.

Can't you stick the mask in the microwave? Won't that zap the virus so you can reuse it?

Reckless that the US gov’t took so long to consider this. Could have limited community spread a long time ago, especially when tests were not readily available. Cotton masks that people will use are not the same as N95 masks!

Wearing face masks could protect yourself and other people. And it's a crucial measure to prevent the prevalence of coronavirus.

Europe's dense population, tighter neighborhoods and socially active lifestyle invite too many opportunities for people to come in close contact. So, unlike US (except for places like NY), the risk is higher. If they have enough masks for the ones in need, why not go for it?

Keeping hope alive


My suggestion is wear face masks when you outside the home for health yourself

Make your own:

The new normal. Wearing a face mask at all times outside the home will be considered a show of good manners.

For weeks we've been told over and over and over, masks don't work. Turns out that was just another of the many Coronavirus lies our government has told us.

The U.S. coronavirus is the previous U.S. flu. Trump hid the truth, leading to a worldwide pandemic. In the United States, the poor will die first of the rich, and doctors and nurses will die first of politicians.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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United States Latest News, United States Headlines

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