U.S. deploying carrier, bombers to Middle East in warning to Iran: Bolton

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The United States is deploying a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to...

FILE PHOTO - U.S. national security adviser John Bolton speaks to reporters at the White House in Washington, U.S., May 1, 2019. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

WASHINGTON - The United States is deploying a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Middle East to send a clear message to Iran that any attack on U.S. interests or its allies will be met with “unrelenting force,” U.S. national security adviser John Bolton said on Sunday. Amid rising tensions between the United States and Iran, Bolton said the decision was “in response to a number of troubling and escalatory indications and warnings.”

“The United States is not seeking war with the Iranian regime, but we are fully prepared to respond to any attack, whether by proxy, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or regular Iranian forces,” Bolton said in a statement.


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Dick Cheney should be proud

Another country in the ME for the US to destroy

Congrats to gop for allowing realDonaldTrump to bring us to verge of another destructive, pointless war in Middle East. Please be sure & let families of our servicemen & women you’re putting at risk know how valuable their deaths will be in distracting American public🖕🏻cowards

From Iran-Contra to Desert Storm, to Iraq's WMDs and now Iran again! John Bolton is always there pulling the strings. Get ready for DJT, the next 'War President'.

Omg! These war mongers are crazy! War with Iran is such a dangerous place to go. What is wrong with these idiots!

Why is an advisor giving details? Where are the generals? FuckBolton

Yeah., like America is going to follow Trump, a draft dodger, to war.

Where’s the Secretary of Defense? Bolton is just an advisor. Didn’t think he had the authority to direct troop movements.

Some one check the justification for this deployment.

So when does a carrier task group replace solid foreign diplomacy? A show of force without any substantive dialogue is actually a sign of weakness. That is want bullies do. Bolton and Pompeo totally inadequate for task with an idiot misdirecting them.

Look! A squirrel!


So, 'indications and warnings' is the new WMD?

The homeless guyes in the media are on the street corner begging again?

sam_vinograd When you want to distract and deflect , wage war on a Muslim or Arab country, just make shit up like the yellow cake crab and Iraq. And people wonder why the Muslims and Arabs hate us

Wag the dog.

This, and mueller, and why the phone call to putin? We nee dto stop being soft and talk to our translator

They are going to bomb a few days ahead of Meuller’s testimony.

And bombing another country helps in what way exactly 🤦‍♀️

Did I hear a saber rattle?

ParryPierce How appropriate John Bolton is making this statement !!! He has wanted to bomb Iran for decades !!

Assassinating Bolton rn wouldn't be unwarranted

WTF? Create a war to distract from Trump and the GOP.

So it begins.

But Hilary Clinton’s emails were going to destroy the World.

told yall

Uh......another distraction. Wag the Dog...


Guessing this won't be done right given the player's incompetence.

It appears Trump -Bolton will use trade war with China and initiating a war with Iran as a threat to Democrats talk of ImpeachmentHearings.

Looks like the so called fake news outlets are no so fake when I have an agenda to push forward🤔

As we spend more on military, alienate allies, engage in multi-front conflicts, secede our moral influence, allow our resources to be privatized - it is clear the trump admin has damaged America in 2 years more than any could have thought, thanks to a weak, immoral congress.

Starting a unprovoked War will not save Trump..

Idiots! Iran is America's first enemy. They are supporting worldwide terrorism for decades. Any of you, jerks, will be jailed and tortured in Iran, if not killed

Why deflectiondonnie

What is the reason for this 'warning'? What has Iran done?

Vénézuélien and Irananian you don’t sell your oil anymore because we must sell our oil. So I destroy you.

More idle threats!!

And then they’ll say “we can’t investigate the president right now, we need to support him in a time of war,” completely forgetting we’ve been at war for the last 18 years.

Chris Murphy,Dicky B,Jim Hines need to find a Vocation and leave politics due to always embarrassing CT. They are not the Prez Our Greatest President Trump will be on Mount Rushmore!Silent Majority has risen. Red Wave 2020!Hellenic Samurai 🇬🇷🇺🇸

Peace in the Middle East is burnt toast.

This is actually being done in Defense of Israel. With such a quick response to Hamas missiles which we think are being supplied by Iran, going to be hard to avoid WW3.

Seriously, hate Bolton if you wish but you're focused on the wrong little rodeo clown folks.

Trump is considering every angle to stay in office, starting or provoking a war with Iran is on the table as a way to do that. He’s desperate to avoid impeachment and indictments. He is looking to survive. He’s dangerous and will get worse if he thinks he’s going to lose 2020.

Dear God, I figured they would pull something like this. They have been heading down this path.

All He and Trump want is more dead U.S. children is this not enough proof or do You need more, He sends our children to die in battle all the while his are safe here in The United States, Trump and his entire administration are TRAITORS to Our Children's Future, if they have one.


This is the exact thing we've been expecting since Bolton joined the team. It was only a matter of time.

Trump wants to start a War,he believes it will help him. Wish he would think if it was good for our Country...🇺🇸⚖️

Mighty coincidental that this is happening with Mueller poised to testify. NOT.

I thought we were ending the endless wars?


North Korea has nukes and is firing missiles. The Saudis are beheading gay people. Russia meddled in our elections and has military deployed to Venezuela, but we're deploying bombers to Iran? We're so obvious, and stupid.



Gio cac ong lua dao toi nua dung không? Van con can tro dung không?

Routine deployment lol

What exactly did Iran do?

Sounds like we are headed to war. Bolton’s letter to Iran was very antagonizing. Very sad.

say it with me people:

Where is John Bolton in attacking with ' unrelenting force ' the attacks by Russia on US voting systems. Beating yr chest with Iran who were complying with agreement, justifies Fake War when a real one on/inside Voting machines & hackers happening now inside America. No incentive

This is frightening—it’s definitely something Bolton wanted, but trust me, Donny wants it more.

From Venezuela to Iran chickenhawk Bolton trying to start wars and confrontations.


So the war with Venezuela is cancelled?

Aż was USA wypierdola w powietrze gnoju rasistowska kurwo

This will not be war. This will be war crimes on the part of the US government. Bolton is a lying whore. He serves the money. He is a criminal.

Putin’s marching orders

Dear US Army, Trump is using you to stop Mr. Mueller from testifying before the HJC on May 15. Netanyahu, again using our sons & daughters to do his dirty job for him. We don’t need to attack another Muslim nation. We can’t do this yet wonder, “Why do they hate us?” SaveUSFirst

Wormtongue has shown himself.

I believe that the Wealthy Gulf States can defend themselves from Iran reuters

No particular reason.

Lol RockyRidgesPal

He is a warmongering SOB!

I hate this man

God bless America and Israel!

sam_vinograd And so it begins.

Will we bomb Venezuela or Iran first? Very exciting times!

Isn't Russia the one who interfered with elections why not even confront them when Trump made a call to Putin but ready to start a war with Iran

More gaslighting from a totally corrupt administration. Throw a flare here , there and everywhere. Befriend our nation's worst enemies, and torment our allies. Who's playbook would that be coming from? But he's no foreign agent.... right.


Bolton is the most vile human being on the planet.

do any of these people know what they are doing?

A war with Iran won’t be as easy for the U.S... as they think, it won’t be pretty....

John should be in a flak jacket on the front line, instead he'll send other people's kids to be killed

Nothing unifies a country like giving us a common enemy. Is trump really willing to provoke Iran into a war just to deflect from his domestic problems. wagthedog

I am an Iranian and I assure you that the Iranian regime helps the terrorists. Unless the regime of the Islamic Republic is in place, the people of the world will not be in peace and security. So help the people of Iran Crime Terrorist IslamicRepublicMustGo

What about Kim. Scared of him right. ? Hypocrite

Meanwhile, Lil’ Kim is shooting his wad - so to speak - into the sea of Japan and Trump says nothing.


USA couldn’t deal with n/Korea let alone pick a fight with Iran. “I don’t think so....it’s not happening.”

If the USA starts something over nothing, the world will begin to move away from the petrodollar just as Venezuela and Iran have already done. All nations will suffer in the ensuing currency wars... but our nation will collapse. And that's probably what the right wing nuts want.

Looks like Jared's Middle East peace plan is working well.

Utter stupidity of Trump, Pompeo and Bolton

Bolton was too crazy to be nominated during GW Bush because he was obsessed with invading Iran. DeranagedDonald

Appeasement from Trump to Bolton. Lol

I wonder how half the armed forces who think trump is a draft dodger feel about dying for his war profiteering.

Interesting that the TheDemocrats are silent on this

Great. Another manufactured war to profit from.

Shouldn’t those carriers be heading toward North Korea!

Trump goes for the three pointer. *Saves his ass at home *Gets kudos from his boss *Pays back son-in-law's debt +

sam_vinograd It’s a good thing we ripped up that ridiculous nuclear agreement with Iran. All is ok now it appears. Hawk Bolton in charge.

War has always been Bolton’s goal, we all know it. And his rationale sounds as suspect as Cheney’s was. And even a lot more vague.

Put John Bolton on the front lines, then we will see how big his dick is.

sam_vinograd diversion

The USA are dogs of war, it is big business for them. If they could have destroyed Iran when they did Iraq and Afghanistan they would have. It is the business of mass murderers for the industrial/military scourge that is the US.

Warmongering Bolton

A war is the one tool in the authoritarian toolkit they haven’t tried yet. Though with the level of incompetence, disorganization and delusion in this administration, I shudder to even contemplate what a disaster they would create.

What great news. The walrus man gets the war he’s always wanted and the bloated, orange grifter in chief get the distraction from his crimes he so desperately needs. WeAreAllGoingToDie

Has Congress approved this Deployment

yeah, this seems like something we should be doing. good work, america.

AmbJohnBolton As a warning for what? That the US is an utterly faithless negotiator bent on global hegemony rather than peace?

Should have been Russia

senatemajldr SpeakerPelosi are you seriously going to allow this administration to potentially go to war without a Secretary of Defence? DO SOMETHING

Planning to start a war to avoid impeachment and the loss of his base?

Trump needs a distraction right now. And he’s not above starting a war to get one. GOP SenatorBurr SenThomTillis, haven’t you had enough?


Wag the fucking dog. ImpeachTheMFTraitor

No one wants war, except US and Israel

GrayorGray He is the walrus, goo goo g'joob. StopTheInsanity Warmongers

it seems like this carrier deployment is a warning not to Iran but to Mueller


Nothing like being at war to get re-elected.

Outta control...someone should stop this madness! Congress Reichtag fire (s) revisited. He will not stop, people.

Because Bolton has always wanted war.

liamstack Ordering up some wag the dog!

Bolton: I will have blood, by God!

If only we could have predicted that w John Bolton back in government we may get ourselves into another war.

Wag the freakin' dog.

sam_vinograd Might as well get it over there now. Once the uprising that Bolton & Giuliani orchestrated begins it'll have to be there to back it up.

sam_vinograd Wonder now if the GOP think it was such a good idea to trash Obama's Nuclear deal?

sam_vinograd Russia has a free pass to do what it wants because Trump got their back, Venezuela is out of control and Maduro Still there, N. Korea has gotten everything they could expect to get from the US and the US has zero in return, Iran policy will fail because it has no world support.

sam_vinograd Cool it there AmbJohnBolton

It's bizarre for such an announcement to be made by a national security advisor. Where was the 'acting' Secretary of Defense? Did POTUS even know this was going to be announced?

This was all planned, think about it it people. But don’t worry Mueller will testify!’

This Admin is the dumbest. As if this isn't an obvious distraction

Distract. Mueller will testify

Lmao....so the US is treating war with Iran for what reasons? All the while Russia continues to meddle and tamper with US elections while the GOP senate judiciary committee's response is nonchalant and bordering a national security & elections emergencies! No confidence vote!

All planned with Putin in the phone call with the Clown

Girl in the back is hot

Guaidó's attempted military coup failed. 'Let's get back to Iran and China! Anything to make people forget that we can't govern our own country.'

Iran defeated the US in Iraq and Syria. Is not it enough to make you understand you can not mess up with Iran?

What’s up with Trump not announcing this?

Burying news on China no deal?

It's time for US gangsters to destroy Iran. Make Jews great again! Lol. :)

IDK - What could go wrong?

Give me a break..... we are not doing 💩........the world is gunning for us.... Iran, Russia, China, N Korea.... we just need to keep doing what we are doing and keep our mouths shut..... otherwise one of these days someone is going to do something vs talk

'Yeah..I got your carrot' - Bolton When you're really over that diplomacy stuff ..The Man. Iran

USA: Bloodthirsty government.

Oooohhhhh !!... ,,,,,take note rocket man..... .....be peaceful and stop firing rockets.....or you will get slapped....

John if it lasts more then four hours seek medical attention, it's right there under warnings.

Don’t spread your self too thin, as eyes need to be focused on Taiwan, North Korea, Ukraine, Syria and Africa. And who is running the Ministry of Defence?

Start a war with Iran and China. All we need is an aircraft carrier to win against each one of these countries. This country is headed in wrong direction.

So 1970’s, Bolton-Pompey

It's a good thing we didn't get Clinton then, otherwise... you'd probably still have an agreement with Iran and inspectors to make sure they're complying.

Oh Jesus Christ

Russia installs a puppet regime so let’s attack Iran

Let the distractions commence. Once the war starts he can decide we won’t be having an election. Mark my word

Wow. It is as if the Trump regime is doing everything possible to provoke a war

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