Two-thirds of Wall Street investors say stocks will worsen under the Biden administration

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A new survey of dozens of top Wall Street insiders reveals mixed feelings about the next four years.

, according to a new survey. Here a TV shows President-elect Joe Biden at a foreign exchange trading company in Tokyo on November 9.


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It is disingenuous to blame the Biden administration for stocks doing worse when actually mismanagement of the COVID pandemic and the long delays by congress to stimulate the economy will trigger a reset that has little to do with Biden. Biden like Obama will be a crisis manager.


That’s what people think when all they have on their minds is money. Rich people think their stocks will worsen. To the average American, it not a priority

is the worst media outlet. Baseless lies.

Nonsensical mutterings of the Donald Trump Casino and Brothel Regime's Cult of greed and the money laundering criminals.

The whole country will worsen. He is going to flood the country with millions of criminal aliens.

Maybe you should look at actual historical data, like that compiled by Vanguard Funds, instead of publishing blather. History shows it doesn't matter, Republican or Democrat.

It means the avg folk will be better off instead of those hounds of Wall Street!!


The stock market isn't the economy it's just a small part of the bigger picture

It's at record levels. It will go down that's a fact. Nothing to do with anyone. That's just a lie

Who gives a damn. They’re getting richer as we are starving

Sadly its true and China will take the lead.

Bullshit. They just won’t be highly inflated so you can lie to the public.

You are talking bullshit.

It will go down because of the nature of the fake bubble trump secured it with, then in 3 yrs trump will start his crap about running again and win because of his economic “superiority”, the us will revolt and Jesus will come back to end our misery

Good my sdow will sky rocket

2/3rds of Wall Street investors didn’t buy Tesla over the last 5 years...

Not only stocks but the economy.

Good, stop feeding the glutinous pigs.

It’s all propped up on bullshit anyway. There’s roughly $200 in my 403(b), let it burn. Crash was coming anyway.

It is way too high now regardless who is the president.

Who did they vote for?


What is wrong with the other one third, head stuck in the sand?

Great news for me. I just need TSE back to to march prices again. Cash ready to load up on bank and gas stocks

The People DGAF about Wall Street investors and their stock

Market been exuberant. Profit taking is around the corner. A smart investor will never pay capital gains.

Corporate tax going up 7% is marginal. Cost of living has gone up; why can't corporations reaping in lots of money pay more. We get taxed so much on the local level, and yank the tax cuts Trump gave the 1%, we have to pay for that criminal act.

If we're to have the word 'worsen,' I truly feel we also need its counterpart 'bettersen' in our lexicon

They are inflated to begin with abs due for a correction. Don’t blame an admin who hasn’t governed a day yet.

'Newsweek.' Do you think you're still relevant?

They could be right they could be wrong but while taxing corporations at a higher rate may not be good for stock prices it will help with the debt and pay for necessary programs which in the long term will be good for the economy thus good for stocks

stop your twaddle... you're becoming the onion, at this point...

Stocks will fall to correct levels?

So get back to reality.

Shut up. This is entirely opposite of what was said two months ago...

Wall Street big mad someone will tell them you can’t use slave labor :(

Who cares!!!!!!!! Stocks are not the economy and only the well to do, play the stock market ,so fun THEM ANY WAY!!!!

So are they saying that as a self fulfilling prophecy? Then if and when they do better they can act super surprised? Frankly- they are all twats. Piss off.

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