Trump tries to reframe 1st term in RNC speech, targeting Biden

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Trump delivered a 70-minute speech, second-longest in the history of conventions behind only his 2016 speech, targeting former Vice President Joe Biden in some of his harshest and misleading terms yet.

The evening’s speakers included President Donald Trump, his daughter Ivanka and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.

The president delivered what at times felt like a Frankenstein speech, fluctuating between what seemed in the style of a State of the Union address and then what you'd hear at a standard Trump rally.During his speech, Trump was at times speaking over screaming sirens and protesters just outside the White House calling for racial justice, a piece of reality creeping into a speech at times designed to use the unrest in the streets of Trump's America against Biden.

"If you give power to Joe Biden, the radical left will Defund Police Departments all across America," the president said."They will make every city look like Democrat-run Portland, Oregon. No one will be safe in Biden's America," Trump said, as an effort to try and pin mass unrest breaking out under his own presidency to Biden, who hasn't been in office in nearly four years.

In another example of the president trying to reframe the reality of the moment gripping the nation, Trump looked to re-write the history of his administration's coronavirus response, which experts have said resulted in aresponse to the worst pandemic in a century, painting the crisis in unrealistic rosy terms despite the country having well over 5 million cases and nearly 180,00 Americans dead.

"As one nation, we mourn, we grieve and we hold in our hearts forever the memories of all of those lives that have been so tragically taken, so unnecessary. In their honor, we will unite in their memory. We will overcome.


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And it was GREAT !

20 blatant lies, told like he really believes them himself. This man is so dangerous to America that he has to go, come what may. VOTE FOR BIDEN AND HARRIS. Make America Great Again.

Blowhard bully.

What a waste of time.

Misleading? Ha

thauserkstp The liberal panic is palpable

Media should share information and not manipulated information.. its for the people to decide the truth or lies..

thauserkstp Fantastic speech! I didn't even notice the time.

Misleading my ass, your headlines are misleading ! How can anyone with a brain not see the destruction from the far left radicals .


you fact checkers need to do Biden.

What are you clowns talking about 'misleading?' He is expressing his opinion.

Misleading? Only for the media.

So he f()cked up the second word of his 70minute speech and we are supposed to take him seriously 😐

QAnon: I understand they love me. Charlottsville Neo-Nazis: Very fine people. Stephen Miller: NeoNazi. Steve Bannon: white identity. Rittenhouse: Trump silent. Pulse: gay. ElPaso: Mexican. Pittsburg: Jewish. SC: Black. Racist? What makes you think that?

🇺🇸PRESIDENT TRUMP’s Speech , gave Me Hope for America and gave me Pride in my Vote that I am casting on November 3rd .., 🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸✨‼️


ABC is shameful. boycottABC

He is WEAK!! He is AFRAID!! He’s going to LOSE and he knows it!!! WorstPresidentEver TrumpCrimeFamily TrumpVirusDeathToll180K GOPCorruptionOverCountry GOPTraitors VoteBlueToSaveAmerica2020

but Biden gets to use the fine people hoax all day long and you guys let him do it.

I counted the lies the first 15 minutes. There were so many, it was exhausting. Just his eluding to rioting,violence as someone else's? Funny, who is in charge? tRump is inciter, instigator for violence, police treatment- 'knock him around some on the way to jail.'

All It does is tell Lie after Lie on top of Lies

'Misleading terms'? Stop the euphemisms and describe them more accurately: lies. Please do a better job.

Misleading to who, the lying fake news Hahaha!!!

Pence speech was great. Trump's way too long. Interest lost after 30 minutes. Too much bragging. He still has my vote, but I never listen to speeches that long.

Trump didn’t speak lies about Biden.Just Truths.the crowd is grown, they chose not to wear masks.Stop acting like it’s his fault.

I loved it!

LOLOL..As if you are qualified to judge anyone on misleading anyone.

There's nothing this my eyes will not see on tweeter

Misleading? BAHAHA

Blah, blah blah !

He knocked it out of the park. Proud to be an American 🇺🇸. Trump 2020 . Four more years ⭐️💯

Targeting and misleading? Nice campaigning for Biden and Harris. How about save your opinion and report facts? But, that would make you real news.

God 70 minutes of me, me, me, me.

Kind it up donnie!

That's all he can talk about bad-mouthing other people and name-calling them. He's the worst President the United States has ever had in history. He's done nothing but brings shame to this great country. The US is the laughing stock of the World right now.

KeithOlbermann Trump could NOT win anything without LYING nothing

Don’t forget that they ‘targeted’ him last week. And if you actually listened to it, it was mostly about what we need. Not about creepy and crazy.

70 minutes I can’t even stand him anymore than 7 seconds.

again FAKEABCNEWS with long time DNC operative GStephanopoulos try misleading the American People in hopes of electing JoeBiden. WeThePeople do not fall for your BS any longer! Thank you realDonaldTrump for your Leadership and Hardworking ethics you put all Americans 1st!

'LYING' - How hard is to write that?

What was misleading? Is biden not capable of defending himself? Some more opinion disguising itself as news. Enemy of the people. MSM is just gross at this point

KeithOlbermann Harshest! How about LIES! Trump is a narcissistic psychopath and you use soft terms about him. is part of the problem!

Trump delivered a 70 minutes' speech of lies, made history as to how many lies have been told at a convention, targeting former Vice President Joe Biden who I will vote for because I am tired of how in four years this country has become more devisive and been drug down the drain

The democratic party is history. Your done.

The main stream media is purposely misleading. America sees thru your anti-America agenda

nice try running cover for the violent democrats. nobody's buying it abc

ABC sucks. You’re so biased, it’s transparent! At least try to be level.

KeithOlbermann Not misleading terms but biggest lying terms yet. We know he lies quit being afraid to print it.

lol Misleading terms lol What were they?

KeithOlbermann Donald J Trump Claims & Repeatedly Says 'Radically Leftist Socialist Democrats Want To Destroy Our American Dream.' Translation: Republicans 'American Dream' is More Tax Cuts for Wealthy & Business, Defund Social Security, End Employer Paid Social Security Taxes, & End Obamacare

ABC news is so vain!! Trump 2020 🇺🇸!!

What’s the deal with all the flag? If you display 30+ US flags does it cancel out your allegiance to Putin? Are we supposed to feel better about 200,000 dead because Trump set up lots of flags? VoteBidenHarris2020

Misleading and some blatant falsehoods as well. WorstPresidentEver

With all the respect, if Democrats want to win, why did they choose a candidate like that? Any movie star from their beloved Hollywood would be more electable. Is this some kind of conspiracy, do they want to make sure that Trump is winning?

Blame and shame will end his game.

Your headline should include the fact that he told 20 flat out fact checkable lies in 70 minutes.

trump's a bum followed and suported by bums !

When Biden misleads about Charlottesville you don’t correct it. You know what that means? It means you have a bias and credibility problem. Be better.

This speech reflects he is scared of losing. Wow!

Misleading? 🤣🤣 ABC used fake war time video & said it was Kentucky. Sit this one out.

You mean lies.

ABC trying to mislead its dwindling audience YET again.

How about you report that Trump made more than 25 false claims (lies) during the longest convention speech in history. Don’t sugar coat the truth.

Lying. Not misleading.

I smell Panic...

ABC. Why do you find it necessary to say misleading, that’s your interpretation. It’s clearly not misleading what the Democrats are doing. They are using an elderly man sign dementia to push their socialist platform. Disgusting.

Definitely NOT misleading!! TRUTH!!!

He also did it by his straight “chilling” demeanor. Leaning on the podium THE ENTIRE time with his disgusting mug! WTF? DumpTrump2020 ProjectLincoln RandyRainbow

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