Trump threatens to close border with Mexico next week

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United States Headlines News

President Donald Trump tweets that he will close the nation's southern border, or large sections of it, next week if Mexico does not immediately stop illegal immigration.

President Donald Trump speaks during a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., Thursday, March 28, 2019.

“If Mexico doesn’t immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States through our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING the Border, or large sections of the Border, next week,” Trump said in a tweet. “This would be so easy for Mexico to do, but they just take our money and ‘talk.’” The president called on Congress to immediately change what he said were weak U.S. immigration laws, which he blamed on Democrats.


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Close it at your own risk to profits to companies. Your move.


All of it or they will still get in. USE military. THEY are Declaring war

Colonizer-fear, how ironical.😶

About time!

trump, creates, a crisis,...then he says o look,'...then is fixis it,...then, he says, c how great I,' who believe that,?..trumpubl

Please dont shut the side door we got to throw the illegals out along with diseased up kids

Pandering to his minions

Its about time! Too many already being released in the EL PASO TX AREA! Shut the boders down! ASAP




Good plan. Mexico should want to work with us to solve this issue that negatively impacts both countries.

In the meantime, our farmers lost so much in grains and livestock. Food shortages and the price of will be expensive too.

Close both.

Close the boarder!

As if Mexico has control over who illegally immigrates to the US 😒

Trump has his a$$ on his back since the Muller report came out🤨

And bubble gum fairies will float on cotton candy clouds and the world will be awesome.... Thank you fearless leader thank youuuuuu

I'm gushing at all the pansies whining on here. 😤😂😉😘

Oh go golfing and shut up

The face of madness.

Apparently Trump thinks he can order Mexico to do what he wants. What an autocrat!

Close it we will loose nothing

MEXICO SHOULD STOP TRADE W U.S BECAUSE WHAT IS HAPPENING IS APPALLING 🇲🇽 Mexico was our freindly border and if thay really wanted to be pricks thay could put RUSSIA right on our front 🚪Trump would aplaud it

It hasn’t been stressed to capacity for 100 years but this President creates a situation that puts stress on the border so that he can heroically claim he has to close the border. In other words, he creates problems so that he can appear to be solving them. He is pure scum.

What crap! He doesn't man the borders for legal immigration & then complains. Biggest a-hole EVER!

Of AP, as CNN and MSNBC does, you people choose the pictures to make a point, that you are so freaking bias that have to do this. Stick to the news!!!

December 2018 🤔

People that are against the President wanting to protect our country are STILL pissed off that Hillary lost. If a democrat wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, liberals would be celebrating. I laugh at liberal tears.

NoKing is that you George III ?

...a hero of the people? 😱

Angry white man points finger, makes threats

Blah blah blah

Awww the little fella has tossed his toys out of the crib again.

This guy... Smh!

I double-dog dare you.

Close it realDonaldTrump if Mexico won't take care of the problem.

Close it if Mexico won't take care of the problem.

If they stop illegal immigration you won't need the wall. You won't be able to separate kids from their parents. Are you sure that's what you want?

How about some facts regarding this made for prime time crisis / hoax 🤒

Do it you coward! Watch as the economy collapses! I live in Central California and dairy farmers are short of workers as it is. Lots of rain means lots of crops! Let's see when there is no one to pick them!!!

can we put him behind the border?

Have you come to notice how most of this man’s policies and actions tend to hurt more the country he serves

Is he shutting down all air travel as well ? As most people fly in, and then overstay their visa.

If he does this and is able to do it! He will attempt to close all the borders! I can see that coming!

Ooof. Trump, just stop. Please. Stop tweeting. All it does is hurt you, let people do their job and you can do yours.

Shut it down!!

Apparently, Mitch McConnell is asleep at the switch. Do the Republicans truly support the wickedness of the Trump family? Praying there will be a 'voice crying in the wilderness' that will open the eyes of good people bamboozled by this Administration.


If Conald D'Rump wasn't stomping on LEGAL IMMIGRATION, he wouldn't have a racist flag to wave for his base. Once again, like a firefighter starting a fire to put out and look like a hero, he makes the problem himself. Oh, and Miller. The evil Lee Harvey Oswald clone.

HouseJudiciary _Time to Consider Legislation- 'campaigning' MUST be Equivalently carried out in ALL states Equally. -aside from abolishing ElectoralCollege - PeopleVote LandDoesntVote its not 1860 anymore


AmieMcWayne It is NOT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! Stop giving power to his racist rhetoric. There is nothing illegal about crossing our border and requesting asylum. That is the current procedure and why his stupid wall will not resolve a thing.

Why would they want to come into USA, oh that’s right he is stopping people leaving and going to Mexico. What is the increase of Americans going into Canada


To quote the man in the photo, 'Would you vote for a face like that?' I didn't think so. For the sake of the whole world, please vote him out in 2020. A bully should not be President. He lies too...too many to count.

Sounds like Brexit logic, a tantrum followed by threats of self harm

President will take back our borders, stay tune...

From what I've heard the Mexican government is actually helping with the immigration problem on their side of the border.

Our President will leave know rock unturned..

He loves our Country..

Our President is gaining ground..

Geeze... I'd like one day to go by with out having some moronic news about this piece of garbage show up on my feed... Fuck Trump and all the stupid people that support and enable him.

Support POTUS today America..

Close our borders now!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

He's busy playing in Florida. How can we take this shit seriously?

It’s the same as if lopezobrador_ ask realDonaldTrump to stop the use of drugs in the 🇺🇸CNN

Great Job Mr President

Do it President Trump!

No more avocado toast 👀

Jerry Nadler said Trump is a 3card monte dealer. 'Don't look here , look over there.' Everything is misdirection. Chase a shiny object. Start a war with Mexico, detract from SDNY


Well then just close it...... Let the terrorist just fly in and set off the real bombs

Just close it and teach Mexico a lesson. Mexico will cave in for sure and stop delivering uninvited migrants to our doorsteps. When it comes to trade, they need us more than we need them.

Gosh, maybe now they'll pay for the wall...


Just like they’re going to pay for the wall? How many US jobs go down the toilet when Trump closes the border?

He seems to be able to do whatever he wants. Congress has to stand alone. Where is America heading?


Do it. High time his supporters understands the impact of his lies. Close it and all business between the two countries stop. Hell close the northern one too.


Marvelous idea! The economy will take a hit which is about the only thing holding him up with the Deplorable.

Love it.


Yes I’m sure the real oattiits are with Ne President . Keep up your style ny style that’s what I’m talking about🇺🇸


Hope he does it- enough of illegal migrants crossing our borders and cheating our system. Who on this thread would ever dare to cross another nations borders without proper documents?! No more cheating the system!

Good...shut it down.

TY Sir 🇺🇸

45 is an idiot. People crossing the border are not doing it at the border stations we are doing in in remote areas. Closing the border will only affect commerce and higher prices in the United States for e goods and products

westmisterr 787 stoped in Orlando due to titan row near Jacksonwille 🖊️ BrianKempGA Boeing Delta AtlAirportMgmt GulfstreamAero MaconGaSoul

Stop growing all that Afghanistan opium and Columbia cocaine too

realDonaldTrump Perhaps working with the countries with the people fleeing them might be an answer. The circus -peanut realDonaldTrump doesn’t understand that, or doesn’t want to

My hometown is overrun with illegals.

They should fund the wall, if it won't work just film migrants coming over it and use it against him in 2020.

Something needs to happen until the wall is built. 50k+ people a month get caught trying to cross illegally, if that's not a crisis, I don't know what is.

I wish he would close his narcissistic mouth. That nasally voice is so endearing (sarcasm.)

Close the border you Imbecile. Let’s see how much money is lost and how many votes you lose the next election. The border is way more important than you. Silly tits

Why is immigration into the United States a problem that Mexico should resolve? Most immigrants into this country are not from Mexico.

Loud mouth, empty threat. We've heard that before. realDonaldTrump cannot close the border because he does not have the balls to do it.

Why you looking so angry? Is it cause you have for a mushroom penis?

And 40 percent of Americans support this guy. Wow so much dumb.

Ummm that's not how it works....

he threatens this like once a week lol

Kudos. Most Americans wish he did it.

Oh my God is he really this dumb

Wow. What a disastrous idea from a disasterous President.

Just close!!!

Maybe he can take a trip there, then close it. Might learn how to be a decent human being.

Doesn’t that just block people legally crossing.

Stop measles, mumps, and viral infections and all communicable diseases. Either close them out or spend EVERY penny we have to vaccinate them, BUY them health insurance, GIVE them Medicaid, Food stamps, housing, and education. Send them ALL to Yale! Give them PELOSI'S address.

Anything for a cheer... except doing any work, focusing on others, supporting people, protecting democracy, ensuring justice, focusing on America...

Well close the damn thing akready

Don’t like a good economy, don’t fret Trump is doing his best to screw it up!

Yeah, yeah. Blah blah. Sure. This will be his “goal” until a plastic bag floats by on the sidewalk and he’s distracted by that instead.

Lol. The mental bone is back.

AP at least put some nice pictures of your President.

When you have absolutely zero to offer on anything and no plan whatsoever...toss another fear mongering tantrum. I watched him tweet it live time. I knew what the last tweet would say before it was posted, He's as predictable as stink on shit.

God bless our President

Thousands of Americans cross into Mexico every single day to do business.


Good move POTUS should do it Monday.

Why Mexico? This is a USA problem we need to resolve it. We cannot be asking other countries to resolve our problems .

Why not just rename President Tantrump . , that name suits him the most

So that means no goods from Mexico will be delivered to the US including parts used in the assembling of products in the US... Watch the economy fall...

Good. Do it!

You have to love how tweets are news these days

Please close the border. This is an invasion

It's already stopped idiot. More bullying

Why do you continue to cover his lying? He cannot speak without lying and yet you put it out in the headlines. Just stop.

Does someone have a pacifier they can lend

Donald Trump is asking another country to control our borders for us? That’s as crazy as asking Mexico to pay for his boondoggle wall.


When is that report being made public? Bet it’s next week about the same time

Those objecting or believe there isn't a national emergency happening at our southern border are fools.

Oh how the lefties will howl over this one!

President Trumpertantrum

As he should. No where to house and protect them

He cannot do that! Some of my employees will be trapped over there! More importantly, that’s just an inhuman thing to do

There are those threats again about doing something to rouse his base of lost and confused supporters, while at the same time misleading them too. How you expect a country stop something when gangs are in control of people coming here.

Soooo. I'm assuming that means if I want to cross the Border into Mexico I can not do that either? Well, Let Freedom ring.

cute! theres so many holes in it --theyll come anyways!


He’s pisses his ignoranous trade war ended up benefiting Mexico.

queenadalite Trump is a traitor and a bully, a Moran and is whirling out of control! Russia, r u listening? Trump is making even Putin look bad!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Resist

Right...I want to see him try to do this. He’s like a dog with rabies.

When Obama's DHS Sec Jeh Johnson says there is a crisis as he did this morning, you should believe it. Johnson has always been top-notch.

This dude totally doesn’t get causality. But I share his frustration. Just for entirely different reasons.

This right here is liberal. It’s not conservative. It’s the most liberal thing I’ve ever heard of. ‘Progressive’ doesn’t always mean progressing in the right direction.

The mouth that roared is still at it. The Mexican border can’t be closed without major repercussions. He is either stupid (which is already self evident), or idly threatening, his normal blather.

In related news, Congress- not the Executive branch- has PLENARY POWER over ALL ALIENS in the United States.

Wow, I didn't realize that Mexico was forcing American companies to offer jobs to illegal immigrants. Who would have thought.

Start sanctions on Mexico too! Tariffs and travel bans hurt them in the pocketbook!


This is a man who don;t have a real leg to stand on...He's full of stinky Wind...

Close it.

...closing the border goes both ways and we will lose billions.

Yeah and Mexico is paying for the wall you louse.

What about the wall? Hahaha

janet_yackle So, how’s he going to do that? 😀

You are sure acting tough. They were going to pay for the wall? Got a New Trade Deal with Mexico? You never said they were going to write a check for the wall? You would make money off the trade deal for your wall? Now you are going to close the border.? Now pounding your chest

Mexico's CIA didn't shatter the civil societies of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala - Reagan's did.

Try something doable ,shut your trap.

Maybe It's just me, but I don't think I've ever seen other Presidents with this kind of expression so often.


Hahahaha no, he won’t

lbaldor Playing to a racist following, what the whole purpose of E-verify was - even though now was all a fraud which they had no intention of following the laws?

Finally something will be done to stop the crisis.

We need to make psychological evaluations a requirement for becoming President. This is getting ridiculous.

His plan is to push immigrants so far that they will do something to try and come across the border regardless of where! Then our moronic dictator will push back with the military and people will be hurt and/or killed! Viola, he gets his violence and a perfect excuse!

Close the border Mr. President!

Not Mexico’s problem

Better keep an eye on the nuclear codes. He's going crazy

Hey Lying and Mentally Confusing Trump -- please get off the toilet, stop tweeting and tweet please about the big new health insurance program you are going to give us. You have no f'ing clue about business, trade, world relations or anything other than your shrinking net worth.

Everything will happen “next week.”

I’m starting to think realDonaldTrump hates Mexicans.

He really has no clue what he is doing.


Stunning ignorance personified!

Good for him!

JayinWashington Please do it!!

About time? BuildTheWall

why wait

President Donald Xenophobe........

The majority of those that Trump is claiming as 'illegal immigration' are seeking LEGAL ASYLUM in the US. Refusing their requests is illegal and sets him up for potential crimes against humanity charges (on top of all the other charges being lined up against him).

Come back down to reality. Space commander

Is it not time for him to go on a trip like Russia China or NK?

Sadly the media has to report every crazy thing he says because he was elected to be president by the minority of citizens thanks to republican gerrymandering and voter suppression VoteThemAllOut

Long overdue Mr . President

Wait a minute, but I thought the wall was already being built. Why close the border if the wall’s already up?

Call His Bluff ! What have we got to lose at this point ?


World watch out! Trumpzilla is unleashed!

I'll believe it when I see it. realDonaldTrump talks a lot, but very little of what he says should be believed.

blah blah He won't because business leaders will have his hide. But I sure hope he tries!

Close Slovenia -Yugoslav borders,a lot of money seeking HOs come out of there,right Donnie !!1968 BRANDED !!

Sure, whatever. Trump “says” a lot of shit.

Talks cheap

There he goes again with his trumptrum

I really don’t want to start paying $17 for five tomatoes.

hardhouz13 zaptrapped AgentMcnasty SGNSV_

He just also tell them to end world hunger by next week.

He's a madman run amok. Let him run. He's going to end up doing something that can't be ignored or explained away by his Republican allies and enablers. This is a power mad individual. God help us.

President R e t a r d

Is Mexico going to pay for the shutdown realDonaldTrump?

Do it !

are you proud of your sick potus trump AMERICA?/. we must rid ourselves of this scourge on our nation/. the day of trumps removal is the day of nations redemption/.

The Grunions are coming.

We have Border Patrol, military, fences, technology, and we need to shut the borders and wreck the economy? I live 8 miles north of the border for decades and I'm not buying this bullshit.

Lock him up.

The San Isidro crossing is down to one lane going South too.

rickdun CLOSE IT!!!!


So he wants to hurt the economy even more than he already has with his tariffs?

He has such success with telling Mexico what to do. *cough*

Awesome 👏 👏👏👏🤗

At some point, at some little point in the future, the GOP has to react to counter this incoherent president. He's obsessing now...

Their check is in the mail.

His ass could cover a lot of it

Blah blah blah. This is what a man who thinks he’s strong but is remarkably weak looks and sounds like.

Gee, how does one close a boarder? Build machinegun towers? You know, the ones he 'doesn't' want to use but are oh-so-effective. He can close boarder crossings, but he can't close the boarder. Not as soon as next week anyway.

He is insane. Racist always, but utterly insane.

Mexico need only reply: “define illegal immigration” because what these asylum seekers request is not illegal immigration.

But how are US Citzens who live in Mexico, but work in the US, suppose to get to work if the live near the closed section of the border?


Fine Mexico $1,000 for letting each person illegally crossing into our side and use the fines to pay for the wall.

Trump threatens Mexico - says if they don't stop the next migrant caravans 'I am telling you right now, we will close the damn border!' (He said migrant caravans)

Say what?!

realDonaldTrump what about the commerce that depends on borders. ReleaseTheFullMuellerReportNOW

Great time for my sister to be in Mexico

Do it!!

This should work out fantastically just like everything else this nut has tried.

Close the border. Stop the invasion.

Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report Mueller Report


~good I'm sick and tired of having my tax money going to illegal aliens from third world countries!! the Democrats think the US citizen is a blank check!!

If not for Robin Leach most of us would never had heard of this obtuse strain on society.

Someone needs to close your mouth!!

You know what would be nice? If potus realdonaldtrump would be so adamant about closing gun shops if they don't stop selling assault rifles to people who have not undergone strict licensing requirements and passed a mental health examination.

What a drawn out embarrassment it is having a President this stupid.

and I will huff, and I will huff, and I will blow your house down...shut up already.

Can we close large sections of his administration 😒

What about all the illegals who FLY in?

Does he think Mexico is in charge of everyone in Latin America?


He might want to rethink that considering how many farmers have lost crops this year and how much business TX and the US actually do with Mexico in terms of produce. Mr. “I alone can fix it.”~DJT He certainly fixed it alright.🙄What an idiot.🤦🏽‍♀️ FridayFeeling ImpeachAndIndict

Seeking asylum isn't illegal

now that move would screw up trade between both countries !

The fever is getting worse. He’s surrounded and panicky. He’s going to keep upping the ante everywhere he can.

No more produce for America. No more tourism for Mexico. What about Americans living in Mexico?

Stock up on your avocados now.

He needs to be shut down now! We all need to take to the streets.


Atta boy! No one goes in, no one goes out!!! Let’s flip Texas and Arizona to Blue in 2020!!!

GREAT NEWS- best of the day

God damn. Lmao because it just works like that with a snap of a finger 😂😂😂😂😂 biggest man baby in history.

A criminal president. I wish he would die already

He riding that no collusion wave 🌊

lol another trump empty pointless lie

Fascinating how many people think that border security is just completely irrelevant. Must be nice to live in a fantasy world.


And it will take billions of dollars and years to build his wall. At least he is choosing for a quicker option...but wait he still gutted the funding of numerous agencies for the wall...idk how people can't see this dude is just sabotaging shit left and right

Thank you !!!


More irresponsible childish rhetoric from POTUS. Closing the border would wreck the American economy overnight TJH

Another distraction. I'd rather see the full Mueller report. BTW, closing the US-Mexico border would cost America billions of dollars. Only Trump would be so stupid as to even pretend this would be a good idea.

It's about time

If you voted for him you should never be allowed to vote again


Can he close his mouth or large sections of it?

Good. See. He's taking action. Not just talking about what he wants to do. He's doing it.

Send in Space Force.


Shut it down until the situation is sorted.

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