Trump thinks the Supreme Court can save him from impeachment (it can't)

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.MaddowBlog: Pres. Trump thinks the Supreme Court can save him from impeachment (it can’t)

Now that he’s placed two far-right jurists on the Supreme Court, Donald Trump seems convinced that the nation’s highest bench will effectively serve as a rubber stamp, clearing the way for everything he wants.

“Not only are there no ‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors,’ there are no Crimes by me at all. All of the Crimes were committed by Crooked Hillary, the Dems, the DNC and Dirty Cops - and we caught them in the act! We waited for Mueller and WON, so now the Dems look to Congress as last hope!” But what may matter most is Trump’s intention to “head to the U.S. Supreme Court” if congressional Dems launch an impeachment effort.

Trump could “head to the U.S. Supreme Court,” but there’s literally nothing justices could do for him, even if they wanted to. The judiciary has no authority to help or hinder the impeachment proceedings.


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MaddowBlog Impeachment is the next big lie for Maddow & MSNBC. Impeachment would require a 2/3 vote from the Republican controlled Senate. Democrats have a better chance of hitting the lottery which is about the same chance as Maddow & MSNBC being truthful.

MaddowBlog Wait.. What... Trump Thinks? Is that a type-o?

MaddowBlog Homosexuality ideology sure reigns on cnn and msnbc

MaddowBlog Trump assumes he has the Supreme Court bought and paid for. but the joke's on him, they have nothing to do with impeachment.

MaddowBlog It won't get that far, it will never pass the Senate...

MaddowBlog Seems Trump stacked the wrong branch of government . Reading is fundamental, Trump learn about how the United States works.

MaddowBlog maddow DavidCornDC politico Positive Spin on understanding Trump When dealing with CRIMINALS they are PREDICTABLE? THEY only KNOW the CRIMINAL method of doing anything. trump is a PRIME EXAMPLE! He was avoided by DECENT PEOPLE b4 he was Elected?

MaddowBlog Hey Google, how come you keep giving CNN slot 1 for Target Keyphrase 'Trump' I did some metrics and it turns out they don't deserve to be in his page 1 index, using your algorithm that you just fucking made up that is. 😂 'How many Genders are there' Search

MaddowBlog Trump is dumb if he thinks the Supreme Court, the constitution States Congress rights to impeach trump, hold trump accountable for his wrongdoing, sorry trump, Supreme Court can't help trump on impeachment of trump, sorry bro

MaddowBlog another day another VIVID example that this dimwit hasn't the first clue or care about how his country works. And people who use to know better are SILENT SPINELESS and COMPLICITE AKA the GOP NEVER FORGET that everything this pig does IS the GOPS FAULT for keeping quiet!!


MaddowBlog Ignorance of the American laws are no excuse for anyone including Trump. .the court can't save Trump. .thats a no no

MaddowBlog Let me get this straight; he shuns the law when he disagrees, but wants to run to the justices when he is potentially in trouble?

MaddowBlog realDonaldTrump is so ignorant that it’s pitiful.stacking the Supreme Court makes him think he’s got it made in or out of office..wrong..I believe in the Supreme Court and I know they will enforce the constitution and protect our democracy in spite of terrorist trump.he’s rotten

MaddowBlog He has absolutely no idea.

newellsally31 MaddowBlog Trump has turned the Republicans into the banana Republicans. Don't slip on the banana🍌🐘

MaddowBlog Idiot!

MaddowBlog The Mob Boss always has a 'fixer' in his family.

MaddowBlog but they can if they want to go over to the dark side. just like they did w/bush v. gore.

MaddowBlog can MSNBC be impeached?

MaddowBlog Our “president” doesn’t know much about anything. His Twitter rants recap last night’s Hannity & the FoxNews lineup. The crazy thing- FoxNews gets amped up from Trump so they’re just playing off of each other as reality circles down a giant toilet that is this administration!

MaddowBlog People will never trust the gov again if the sup ct fails to support the constitution

MaddowBlog The dotard who occupies the highest position in the government doesn’t have a clue how it works. Only impeachment hearings will be must-see TV, to better educate the electorate on the real DT, and hold him accountable, for once in his disgusting life. TrumpCrimeSyndicate

MaddowBlog He can't be impeached... please stop

MaddowBlog Its apparent those who support your insanity dont have a life outside of social media, or drive by media. GodoSomething

MaddowBlog I guess he misunderstood that part of the constitution on impeachment.

MaddowBlog Impeach for what? Getting a little pissy about being accused of treason for 2 years.....that's pretty normal behavior. Fact is, you can't knowingly and corruptly obstruct an investigation into a crime that wasn't committed.

MaddowBlog Pretty sure. Not going to get 67 votes in the Senate. ? Please try libs.

MaddowBlog He knows America won’t stand to impeach an innocent man. Jesus already paid our debt by an unjust judicial system. America’s judicial system hopefully learned during the Obama admin not to rule by corruption but by fair justice.

MaddowBlog All eyes are on KAVANAUGH!

MaddowBlog 😂😂😂

MaddowBlog . Blah blah blah Impeachment Blah blah blah . Get a new routine!

MaddowBlog Rachel,as he said, 'I'm f- - -ed'. For one time he was right. Congress will get everything they are requesting, because the have law in their corner.

MaddowBlog This man is SICK !!!

MaddowBlog Nope it can’t he’s not smart enough to figure that out

MaddowBlog everything illegal president does is confession of guilt

MaddowBlog nothing to impeach trump for: no crime, no evidence. NO COLLUSION. NO OBSTRUCTION. NO AMERICAN WAS CHARGED/INDICTED FOR COLLUSION/OBSTRUCTION. i-mania is just an insane fantasy, dead on arrival in the senate.

MaddowBlog Doubtful

MaddowBlog Just another stupid example of how little this president understands about the foundation of the constitution.

MaddowBlog He's not going to be impeached. Face out Maddow you lost.

MaddowBlog Impeachment so what? People can see what is going on here. 2020 Red Wave is building to take back the House and of course reelection of realDonaldTrump . FISC Huber And Horowitz are gunna fill Gitmo with the last Administration.


MaddowBlog It won’t have to.


MaddowBlog because he thinks he is above the law and the parties let him

MaddowBlog Waste of time. Asshat Democrats keep trying to derail the president. At the same time, this nonsense is taking all of their time, we are the victims! I'm going to look into a lawsuit myself. They don't want to do their jobs? We'll find replacements!

MaddowBlog We miss watching your show but until MSNBC brings back MalcolmNance we won’t be watching any MSNBC!

MaddowBlog No it's actually the voters that will save him. Try impeachment and the Dems will be in the wilderness for a while.

MaddowBlog But, but, but...Kavanaugh! Gorsuch! But...THEY SAID!!!

MaddowBlog He still doesn’t understand that the three branches of government are equal. He continues to show how ignorant he is about our system.

MaddowBlog Stupid. Doesn't know the law or Constitutio. Court has no place in impeachment proces. 🙁

MaddowBlog The Republican senate can .

MaddowBlog In his world, the constitution dorant exist because he’s never read it

MaddowBlog don't be to sure about that.

MaddowBlog Of course, that's why he is stacking the court with racist sexist Males so they will let him off the hook just like Russian agent Mueller let trump off the hook.

MaddowBlog He thinks he owns the Supreme Court

MaddowBlog UK spy agency responds to Trump’s false allegation they spied on him: 'As we have previously stated, the allegations that GCHQ was asked to conduct 'wire tapping' against the then President Elect are nonsense. They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored.'



MaddowBlog That’s why he packed it; to get him out of the mess of his own making. He thinks he’s rigged the system. 🤔

MaddowBlog Hate is not a reason for impeachment. Democrats are incensed that Trump denied them their historic moment, a Hillary presidency. They will do anything, legal or illegal, to overthrow his administration. Time for the real criminals to be investigated.

MaddowBlog No need

MaddowBlog Impeachment for what ?

MaddowBlog Fake News

MaddowBlog Don't worry. Senate and American people will protect 45 and then reelect him in 2020. MAGA Trump Trump2020 TrumpLandSlide2020

MaddowBlog You know, it really doesn’t matter what Mueller found as long as you’ve got a young - and beautiful - Supreme Court Justice!!! I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her!!! BOTTA BOOM!!!

MaddowBlog Trump's version of 'my dad can beat up your dad'.

MaddowBlog He still doesn’t understand separation of powers.

MaddowBlog Ha! Ha! What a dreamer. Too bad tRump failed Civics 101.

MaddowBlog delusional

MaddowBlog Idiot.

MaddowBlog MSNBC fancies itself a news organization (it isn't).

MaddowBlog He thinks the Supreme Court belong to him & that they work for him. He thinks they will do his bidding just like the Senate GOP are doing.Maybe he is right! There seems to be a twinge of Deep State effect taking place now!

MaddowBlog Trump's end game!

MaddowBlog Where does Donald Trump get the notion he is above the law?! He needs to get it through that thick skull of his that everyone obeys the law in the USA!

MaddowBlog AWESOME 👏🏼!!!

MaddowBlog Know what can save him from impeachment? The mueller report and it did. Please find new lies to peddle we’re tired from 2 years of lies about collusion.

MaddowBlog Is that why he quickly filled a bunch of Supreme Court seats? That means he had this plan all along. PosterBoyForImpeachment

MaddowBlog No one can save him. It’s time to impeach!

MaddowBlog No biggie. He'll just pardon himself.

MaddowBlog SNOWFLAKES: The Republican Senate will never vote to impeach POTUS Trump. Only an idiot like MADCOW believes otherwise. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!! MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!


MaddowBlog Once an individual obtains the high office of Supreme Court Justice it is hoped that they no longer look at issues as political party issues . They owe Trump no absolutely no loyalty and should not and any attempt by this president to manipulate that process is obstruction

MaddowBlog He won’t need the courts. The assholes on the left won’t have the votes.

MaddowBlog Imagine. If Congress gets involved Trump will thinks he’ll Judge Dredd. Or Putin.

MaddowBlog I hope you're right...

MaddowBlog He's working hard on breaking the government by giving it the middle finger , part by part. . I expect he wants to try to break the SC as well. God help us all if he does.

MaddowBlog They do owe him.

MaddowBlog The supreme court just like the the Dept. of justice are A-political branches of the government and are therefore not to decide any matter regarding politics. Bill Barr, however has broken that precedent and that move will eventually bring about his resignation.

MaddowBlog Isn’t he dumb

MaddowBlog This from the same person who had his tax returns Pathetic

MaddowBlog You clearly have not been burdened by an overabundance of education. Impeachment and Russia-on-the-brain = ROT Brain = Rachel Maddow is consumed by hate towards our decent and patriotic president Trump. realDonaldTrump KellyannePolls

MaddowBlog there is that small issue of proving a crime was committed. You are struggling with that one mightily. And then of course there is convincing the Senate to agree, not likely going to happen. But, who knows. If you and Wolf Blitzer repeat it enough maybe it will happen anyway 🤡

MaddowBlog No, Supreme Court can't rescue Trump from impeachment. SpeakerPelosi is rescuing him from impeachment. Neither courts nor Trump are slowing it down: HouseDems are slowing it down. Delay is A CHOICE. Dems set the pace. 2 years already. Do it within 30 days. Make the damn case.


MaddowBlog Impeachment for what, is to stop the mediocracy of the Democraticparty that is stalling everything...SORE LOSERS...!!!!

MaddowBlog Well POTUS is an idiot, so.......

MaddowBlog And who lost their viewers ratings tanked 180,000 in primetime lying to the people 24/7

MaddowBlog If the Supreme Court descends into his fetid sewer, we are all screwed.

MaddowBlog Wow!!! So the president thinks he can do whatever he wants and then tell the other branches of government what to do. Because If they don’t do it they will face his wrath ( noted by all the firings). Hmmmm sounds oddly like something a russian leader would do.... just saying👀

MaddowBlog How about the Senate 🤣😜🤣😜

MaddowBlog Trump must know that there is only one Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court and rest of them are not his puppets.

MaddowBlog Wow....2 “plants”, 1 specifically telling Trump he would be his “Get Out Of Jail Free” card, to try and stop impeachment? Who could possibly see that coming? 🙄🙄🙄🙄

MaddowBlog They cant

MaddowBlog It will never get to the Supreme Court. Stop lying to keep people watching your TV show. The only way you liberals will be able to get rid of Trump is via the election in 2020. All the other crap you have thrown at this guy to get rid of him has failed. Why? It’s not true.

MaddowBlog If yhey vote yes, they should be impeached.

MaddowBlog You better believe the American people will save him from impeachment. This effort is disgusting!!!!

MaddowBlog That's the problem moron thinks 🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅🤥🤥

MaddowBlog so sad

MaddowBlog There will never be a 2/3 vote in the Senate to convict Trump for impeachment. How do you know Rachel Maddow what Pres. Trump thinks? Did you find some information under the covers?


MaddowBlog No one is watching cause this is a stupid story, there will not be any impeachment cause there’s no crime

MaddowBlog Impeachment for what. Because Democrats lost again.

MaddowBlog Under this corrupt Trump administration, NOTHING IS SAFE. Stop hoping impeachment will remove him. WE MUST VOTE, THE WHOLE COUNTRY MUST VOTE OVERWHELMINGLY SO THERE IS NO QUESTION. GET READY TO WORK!

MaddowBlog Yeah but it can stop them from getting any evidence

MaddowBlog This president is dumber than dirt, and absolute fool!


MaddowBlog He knows it can't, but he's desperate

MaddowBlog 😂

MaddowBlog Just impeach him stop 🛑 with your mouth,what crime did he commit except proving the Democrats and their liberal media lied to the American people for over two years

MaddowBlog SCOTUS won’t save Trump from impeachment by quashing House Cmtee’s subpoenas for documents & witness testimony. SCOTUS ruled there is an “absolute bar to judicial interference' in subpoenas issued by Cmtee Members for a valid purpose

MaddowBlog Still grasping at those straws!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

MaddowBlog Senators in his party will save him not Supreme court unless new Judge save him?

MaddowBlog Impeachment has been the broken record mantra since 2016.

MaddowBlog Impeach him for what? Because you don't like him?

MaddowBlog He’s a stupid dude

MaddowBlog Why can't it? Please respond.

MaddowBlog Truth is Maddow, it doesn't even matter. Congress is giving them all a free pass for corruption in WH. SpeakerPelosi ... Still waiting.. onelessvote

MaddowBlog Kavanaugh will eventually be impeached just to maintain the SCOTUS integrity (... assuming some anxious moron doesn't shoot him first.)

MaddowBlog Democrats think the house passing impeachment will remove Trump office (it won’t) can’t do squat without the senate.

MaddowBlog Babbling democrat lying Maddow is still thinking she knows all the answers.... how did the Trump Russian “collusion “work out for you Check your ratings

MaddowBlog Sorry dude The Supreme Court only hears real cases They do not interfere with our constitution

MaddowBlog Courts have been really really really clear on this


MaddowBlog Even I know that's impossible. We the people demand for the system we live under, and the politicians we elect and pay to protect the system that (supposedly)protects the people. Politicians on both sides, do your job and stop the BS

MaddowBlog fakenews

MaddowBlog You say they can't, but when it does will shut you trap about it then Will ya maddowblog will ya?

MaddowBlog Democrats have nothing. And they should be executed for committing treason. Period

MaddowBlog The ineptitude of Democrats will ensure he’s never proven wrong.

MaddowBlog It can and it will. If it actually can't you still are not going to get anything from him. Give up on that, worry about 2020 before you blow that up as well.

MaddowBlog INDIVIDUAL1 knows that the Republicans Judges on the Supreme Court are Corrupt Hypocritical Treasonous Traitors like him, I am Glad INDIVIDUAL1 is letting the Country know they are TRAITORS👈🏾😡

MaddowBlog Every day, I hear MSNBC hosts and pundits proclaim that Americans don't care about Russia, the Mueller report, or impeaching Trump. My Twitter feed says differently.

MaddowBlog So, do you just take the paperwork & stomp your way up the steps of The Supreme Court and knock on each Justices’ chamber and demand protection. Trying to figure out how this would work. I mean, that’s a lot of walking & doesn’t involve golf clubs so I not sure this is feasible.

MaddowBlog Stable genius

MaddowBlog They will. He stacked the courts for a reason...

MaddowBlog NoObstructionNoCollusion. Being butthurt isnt grounds for impeachment. FakeNews

MaddowBlog Kavanaugh likes beer. Doesn’t that mean anything?

MaddowBlog Thank god for that!

MaddowBlog You still taking about impeachment?

MaddowBlog This is it in a nutshell. 'Trump could 'head to the U.S. Supreme Court,' but there’s literally nothing justices could do for him, even if they wanted to. The judiciary has no authority to help or hinder the impeachment proceedings.'

MaddowBlog Hahahahaha.....good luck w that. Ever hear of the CONSTITUTION?

MaddowBlog There are two issues regarding Trump’s characterizations of the impeachment process that need to be corrected. First, the Supreme Court doesn’t have any say in whether such proceedings can happen or not. The House of Representatives, according to the Constitution, is the sole...

MaddowBlog Dispensing justice on the basis of political inclinations!! Hard to swallow, gulp, real hard.

MaddowBlog That's what his pal Brett says, also PJ, Tobin and Squee..

MaddowBlog Impeach for what?

MaddowBlog His theory is that of Insurance company defense attorneys: Delay, Deny, and hope that you Die.


MaddowBlog You mean the US Constitution can save him... The Democrats are trying to obstruct his Presidency with no legitimate purpose -- Mueller/DOJ cleared him. This is an unconstitutional separation of powers breach; abuse of power for an illegitimate political witch hunt!

MaddowBlog SCOTUS plays no role in impeachment. Impeachment is not punitive. There is no due process.

MaddowBlog All the mirrors in the White House carry the warning: Caution: Objects in the mirror are closer to insanity than they appear

MaddowBlog I can’t even imagine the laughter coming from our founding fathers right now as they imagine an America where a corrupt executive branch can be saved from impeachment by a loyal judicial branch.

MaddowBlog Seems naive to think he said this because he doesn't understand the Constitution, and not that he said this because his supporters don't, and he is manipulating them


MaddowBlog He’s not the GODDAMN KING.

MaddowBlog Why don’t y’all interview Bill Binney? Ya know, the guy at the nsa who caught the digital footprint of the dnc hack being internal? The guy who said “it was never Russia?” The guy who blew the whistle on govt corruption before it was cool...? Bc then you can’t lie about this.

MaddowBlog Maddow thinks Trump will actually be impeached (he won't, 5 more years buckle up)

MaddowBlog There's nothing to base it on, so he's correct....

MaddowBlog Trumps a corrupt lying traitor and it’s just a matter of time before his lies and crimes are fully exposed. ReleaseTheReport ReleaseTheTaxes GOPComplicit

MaddowBlog Trump will not get impeached because Republicans will not impeach him.

MaddowBlog waiting for the inevitable... 'No one knew the Supreme Court can't over rule impeachment!! Shame! But it's true. And something we're going to have to look into'

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