Trump speaks with more confidence but less analytical thinking than past presidents, study finds

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The 'exceptionally informal' president is continuing a political trend that started over a century ago, according to experts.


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A study of this was totally unnecessary. I could have told you this.

People who are always sure of themselves are typically pretty stupid. Smart people realize they don't always have all the answers.

It's easier to say that he's a lying liar who lies.

The Dunning-Kruger President.


How do I count the lies? There's not enough fingers in the day. Yet he always gets his way. The mega rich got their tax break. The rest?

You’re dancing, with two left feet, around the subject.

Its called believing his own lies

I think ‘Liar’ is the word you’re searching for here

this is the weakest, wackest, most pussyfooted description of fascism I’ve read in at least the last 10 minutes

You could just come out and say he tells lies all the time and doesn't care if he is caught in them and it'd be more accurate.

It’s not confidence. It’s bluster. Have you never worked with a dishonest kid who knows he’s caught?

Yeah that's called Dunning Kruger and nobody has it worse than trump.

And you are paid how much to come up with crap like this? Or are you simply cowardly? Won't bother reading the piece even if it outside a pay wall.

Confidence? You call that confidence?


Total BS here. Do better.. weakest president ever

Really? That's your headline? 'Confidence'? No wonder we have a toxic masculinity problem in this country. You can't tell the difference between confidence and narcissism/assholes.

'he's irrational, but he really believes what he says'

In other news, water is wet.

He's a lunatic, Newsweek.

No kidding


No shit Sherlock!

Narcissists lie as easily as the rest of us breathe. Stop normalizing his dangerous psychopathology. It's not confidence. It's not strength. We don't need to wonder and marvel at him anymore. We need to remove him from office.

oh you didn't really just say that. Boldly lying. over and over. is not confidence. it is fear. it is manipulation. it is saying ANYTHING to distract you from seeing his hands in the cookie jar. And you bought into it. or does he have something on you too?

He would be the first real Idiot with analytical thinking.

Tell the truth, he’s a pathological liar. Get it right next time.

That’s it in a nutshell

Grandiosity and stupidity, in other words.

That’s so wrong lol 😂

He speaks like a 7 year old and thinks like one too.

It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect. IdiotInChief

So he's a bullshitter, no kidding. Like so many people who get ahead in country simply because they spout so much bullshit that people believe they must know what they are talking about.

File this under the least insightful analysis of...well, possibly ever.

That's a fancy way of saying he's a blowhard.

Narcissist always seem confident that’s why they advance. However when in positions they are inept, inflexible, bullies and failures

Really? There was a study about that? People got paid to do research on this? Almost anyone with more than 10 functional brain cells can see this. 😤 The money for that study should have gone to RAINN or RAICESTEXAS where it would have had a benefit...

It's willful ignorance and lies. There's a difference.


In other words, he believes his own BS.

This required an actual study?

He needs to smile more, at least grin😷😃😷

That's what bullshitters do

No shit, Sherlock

He has no analytical thinking beyond how things affect him.

'Trump is louder, but also dumber, than other Presidents'

Most con artist do.

In other words, like a toddler?

He confidently believes in his lies. Got it.

Trump is a moron. I suspect whoever wrote the article is too

WTF ? Unless you're referring to the definition of 'confidence' as an adjective, meaning 'adept at swindling by false promises' ( Con man, con-game etc

Study finds,,,,,another BS thing from BS newsweek Everytime they open their texting they are oh so easy to slam

🤔 EVERY drunk uncle exiled into the garage at family dinners does much the same... 😖

Gosh, what do you suppose that means? 🤔



It spells ”Dunning-Kruger”.

The man is an idiot; so there’s that.


He’s pretty much the walking living breathing personification of the Dunning–Kruger effect. ImpeachTrumpNow Impeach45 ImpeachTheLyingMF

What the hell is with this headline

It's also know as Dunning-Kruger.

The orange orangutan is a moron !

So does Lavar Ball

Someone got paid to study that?

It’s not confidence. It’s having no shame and/or being a big ham. Do better.

That’s not confident. He’s arrogant, a class A liar and con artist. We’ll never see anyone else better at being these than Trump. Unfortunately for the world, he is in the most powerful position in the world. Speaks volumes for the Americans who voted for him. DonTheCon

KirstenPowers He's confident because he doesn't know any better. That's the tragedy.

Confidence with answers like I might do it, maybe,thinking about it, will see what happens are not!

Aka: madness

Being full of shit isn't 'confidence.'


Is this the real Newsweek?

Snake oil salesmen have more credibility. He’s not even good at lying. We can see right through him. But, somehow, he’s still there. Doing it again. 🇺🇸💔

Confident he conned us!

Trump speaks with more feigned confidence and cynical bravado but less actual thinking than past presidents, study finds. -------- Fixed that for ya there.

You are what is wrong with this country! This President speaks with his bullshit all the time. You call it confidence. What a crock!

That’s idiots for ya 🤯

Forget about analytical. Trump and thinking=oxymoron!

I begin to think that the press is not so innocent after all

More confidence to talk about himself, and to lie.

It is not confidence, it is self referential grandiosity of narcissism. True, no critical thinking, which is very bad. His big talk abt himself is not ego, confidence. It is neither. Narcissists have no ego, they are empty inside. 100% of his self identity comes from outside

He's a lying dolt. Not hard to figure out. No study needed.

Dunning-Kruger, in human form

He is anti-chinese racist President don’t ever trust his words at all!

I call BS!


'The President is Experiencing What's Called the 'Dunning-Kruger' Effect, Paired With a Severe Case of Malignant Narcissism' FIFY

Ha! Study WorstPresident EVAR!

Is this the onion?

Sweet Jesus this article is trash.

A study?


FAR LESS analytical or common sense thinking.

The era where powerful speaker will tell you something and be believed has now less affects, that’s the reason mr. president can not get away with!!

Yeah, this isn't even worth an outrage-retweet. Do better.

Arrogance and ignorance you mean.

Why are y’all late on the Prime Dunning-Krueger? This was clear 5 years ago.

You needed a study for this?

THIS “simple speak” is what his base identifies with. Remember he loves the “poorly educated” 😔

A polite way of describing a pathological liar with zero self awareness. Good stuff Newsweek. complicit

Well, Considering he's a confidence artist, that makes perfect sense.

“Remember Jerry, it’s not a lie if YOU believe it.”

Trump lies and he might believe those lies. See that was easy.

why not report the real issues ?

Yes, he's a confidence man. A liar.

Because he is mentally ill! DumpTrump

In other words, he’s more of a confident moron than past presidents.

And water is wet

So Trump's more convincing to those like himself who do not bother to research the issues. More talk and less thought! That's dangerous!

Fixed it for you...

Confident ignorance

President Dunning-Kruger, ladies and gentleman.

It's called NARCISSISM!!!

It's called narcissistic arrogance.

Another complete shit headline/story. Trump is a joke and looks ill informed and foolish. Do better.


The president may not know the gory details to be analytical, but knows or believes it is not bigger than his grasp...

That’s an interesting way of saying “shoots off his dumb mouth”

Regards to Trump and his lack of critical thinking, this is not New Testament, it is clearly Old Testament.

A confident liar is still a liar

You don't say...

Confident in the tiny sliver of possible truth he believes makes his blatant bombastic lie factual. Analytics has no bearing on this one, except in lies to support lies.

Confidence or stupidity?

you must be joking, twitter headline writer...

“Less analytical thinking” ...I think you meant to say “total bullshit because he is a lunatic.”

It is called lying.

Give me a job, Newsweek. I knew this in 2011.

In other works he's great at promoting bullshit.

omg.... there was a study? For an ignorant braggart and the gullible that can't identify it?

Oh yeah. Nobody could say he’s not confidant. That’s what he sells - confidence.

Yeah...there's a term for that grandiose narcissist!

Confidence man.

Newsweek, welcome to the year 2016

And this required a study? Of what - it’s right out there in the open. I hope no one paid for this “study”

Ridiculous. Who paid Newsweek to report 'Trump the liar' speaks with confidence.

It’s easy to be confident in saying lied and not being held accountable. All liars are confident. They have to be.

That’s from sales training, the worst part I might add

relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning. synonyms:systematic, logical, scientific, inquisitive, investigative, inquiring, methodical, organized, well organized, ordered, orderly, meticulous, rigorous, searching, critical, interpretative, diagnostic, exact, precise,

Don’t tell?

That’s because they ranked than as equals at the start. If you account for the simple minded speaking in short terse first person statements, the results appear different.

Lol 😂

You can just take the word analytical out.


He’s not very bright and arrogant. What a combination.

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool. Except that he who knows not,and knows that he knows not,but wants to convince us that he knows much is a very cunning fool.

Confidence 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

He has the art of of being STRONG and WRONG down pat! 🙄🙄

More liberal lies.

Don't confuse confidence with arrogance

His confidence = LYING

More arrogance and no thinking

Thong for that NeckSnatch ?

surprised he hasn't had his throat fat removed yet

Trump's confidence is the Dunning-Kruger effect in motion.

Confidence? That explains the horrible pronunciation and inability to handle/read full sentences? The worst speaking President in my lifetime and you call that confidence?

Media fed garbage

Hallmark of a pool hall genius 🤦🏾‍♂️

Yes, we know he's a bullshit artist.


It’s called stupidly talking out of one’s ass, and it’s not an admirable trait.

He is confident to lie a lot because he knows that his core cult believes everything he says. Being a moron does not impede his ability to tell lies.

'The authors argued this demonstrated an individual was attempting to display their status and confidence.' ? Of course Trump says I, I, I, me, me, me a lot. He's a narcissist for god's sake!


A president who truely believes in his lies. A pathological liar. For all the parents, remember, Trump is a vivid example of failed parenting.

Study shows that not much studying was needed for this study.

Study of whom exactly?! Most of what comes out of his mouth is incoherent!

He lies with confidence. LiarInChief

Do not mistake insecurity/arrogance for confidence. He is a performer & not a good one


All these attempts to create a 'thought academy' about Trump's being and behaviour are silly. He is a malignant narcissist; a thug. Nothing more. Nothing less.

That’s midly put..

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure. - Mark Twain

Fixed the headline for you: “Trump lies more.”

JHC. Ya think?

I guess you can be a baffling fool, promoting hatred thru fear-mongering and lies, and speak with certainty of making that happen. TrumpEffect Confidence isn't the word I'd use in this case.

We needed a STUDY to realize this?

Thinking of any kind seems to allude current WH resident.

Trump has a vagineck. Who can hear him with such a distraction! CoverThat OverExposure

Huh? He’s a liar, period. Confidence is the big lie.

Ignorance doesn’t mean confidence. Or maybe it does.

'Trump speaks with more confidence but less analytical thinking than past presidents' = Bull shit artist

He is terrible at public speaking!!!

He’s a rambling, buffling, bumbling, cliche spouting sociopath. Believes in his made up “truth” and wants others to believe it too. Con men rely on false confidence, have superficial, slippery ‘beliefs’. When they aren’t talking they often have a blank demeanor, seem child like.

I disagree!

In other words, he is dumber than a rock...

Confidence translates to lies and less analytical translates to unintelligent.

It’s easy to be confident when you’re just lying off the cuff.

LIES with more confidence

No shit... Really?!

Translation: Trump is full of sh*t. Geezus, he lies to himself about that hair hat daily.

Sorry but confidence and lying do not go together. If you were confident in what you were saying, there would be no need to lie.

My Grandmother would say “ if you lie enough you start believing those lies” my grandmother was right .

Pls do not confuse confidence with arrogance.

You mean that Trump is a con man? DonTheCon

You’re fired.

He is a true bullshitter. The best there’s ever been.

He does not think at all before he speaks. Quit downplaying it. The man is a total idiot.

What do you mean He is a STABLE GENIUS!! HIGHEST IQ of any President!! He went to GREAT schools!! He WROTE books!! He KNOWS tariff wars are EASY to win!! You mean ALL this is not true My life is finished!!!!!!


Really? His vocabulary consists of around 15 words he uses over and over and over and over again. He's not well spoken. He can't think on his feet. He insults people. He has no original thoughts. But ok yeah he's confident. Why? Psychopathic Narcissism...

Analytical thinking and Dump don’t belong in the same sentence, paragraphs, article, or book.

Breaking news: Study finds con man bullshitter bullshits with complete confidence and no thought, the very essence of bullshitting.

There's a bright line between confidence and fear-driven bravado. You missed it.

Translation: All hat, no cattle.

There’s a difference between confidence and bold face lying

Often wrong, but never in doubt.

They...did a study for that? Seriously?

Nice to have the empirical data, but honestly, we already knew.

I think there is a term for that.

Confidence?! He often rambling mindless bullshit or just hitting on easy slogans. Being loud and wrong doesn't equate to confidence. Great subject matter expertise and eloquence equates to confidence. Nobody is going to say that this clown is eloquent.

Since he can't dazzle with brilliance...he baffles with bullshit.

That’s because he isn’t capable of thinking.... he’s the worst President ever! It takes some idiocy to make GW Bush look smart

A study needed to be done? Hell, just observing his behaviour for a few months would have come to the same conclusion. As my grandmother would have said “He’s all show and no go”. TrumpResign

I think you could've skipped the word 'analytical.'

That's not confidence, it's cockiness from pushing boundaries and getting away with it for so long! He's power tripping with his newfound god complex and I can't wait until he's finally stopped and locked up behind bars.

Narcissistic liars do have that, tendency, nothing that if they were in their right mind would be proud of. Right realDonaldTrump ?

It’s called word-salad, buffet style.

Confidence on speaking doesn’t equates to being truthful. Regurgitating close to 9,000 lies is not a sign of confidence. Being able to complete sentences is not confidence.

More confidence, less truth

Translation: Dumd as a bag or rocks but he is confident while trying to con people.

Yes, he does tell his idiotic lies very confidently. Good job.

Ya think?

Like a used car salesman.

🙄 It’s called a conman. He’s the most insecure old man ever. There is no confidence, that’s why he attacks. He’s also a bully.

WHAT The man brags, complains, blames, attacks....and then lies and lies, and lies, and lies....did I say he LIES!!!!! Then repeats.....biggest whiner in the entire world🤮🤮🤮

Less thinking period.

What a waste of a study..all of America could tell you this..

Zero analytical thinking

Doubtless confidence is the religion of fools

lol .... he speaks with more lies than any other president !

Can we please not confuse bombast and bluster as “confidence”? This implies he knows. He doesn’t, and no amount of salesmanship is going to cover for that, and should be lauded as confidence.


You wish fake news

He lies confidently. Seriously Newsweek, writing articles and headlines like this just normalizes ludicrous behavior, and does everyone a disservice. Write the truth , or don’t bother.

Conclusion: Trump builds relationships, is less political than most.

How can u speak in a manner that MAKES sense, when you HAVE no sense in the first place?

Know-it-all speaks with confidence, but doesn't know jack shit.

Confidence is not a synonym of arrogance. Also, less analytical thinking is a generous definition of willful ignorance.

The 'con' in conman is short for 'confidence.' Conmen always speak with confidence especially when lying their asses off or how else to scam people? Despite trump paying a huge fine for defrauding people at Trump U., it seems some think it's a fluke or something. He's a CROOK.

It's not confidence, it's narcissism and braggadocio. Trump is very insecure, as most bullies are. He lies for many reasons, one of which is to cover for his failures and how that makes him feel. Weak. He also launders money for the mob. That's more important than that study.

Only white males in America can pull this off! 🤦🏾‍♂️

Wonder if Newsweek is anti Trump or just sounds that way? 😱🤢🤮

I believe that’s called... *looking at notes* ...yes, here it is— “being full of shit”.

Trump is profoundly psychologically and emotionally disturbed, say that you sell-outs

He speaks with confidence because he believes he’s above the law.Everyone who breaks the law deserves a good shit kicking,he never got one,but he’s about to.

An overconfident moron. What could go wrong? Great for viral videos that end with a guy lighting himself on fire. Bad for Presidents of the United States.

Study finds that lying liar who lies is more of a liar than past presidents.

Are you kidding with this?


Zero thinking

Huh? All you gotta do is look it up narcissist and sociopath and you'll put all of his behaviors together. There's no mystery. He speaks with confidence bc he assumes he knows everything but lacks analytics bc he doesn't know anything.

He has no analytical ability. He can’t even speak coherently.


Bloviated airbag.

It’s okay, you can call him stupid.

How much confidence does one need to speak in front of an audience that would cheer and applaud his farts?

Less analytical thinking? Obviously a poor study design

No shit.

“Less”? There’s no comparison. He speaks with NO evidence of analytical thinking.

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” ― Charles Bukowski

You don't say.

People who speak authoritatively on topics that they have limited knowledge of are the most dangerous--in any profession or business. Trump? He's just a lying conman swinderl. A conman's gonna con. A liar's gonna lie. A swindler's gonna swindle. NOBODY WINS. NOBODY.

Why are you publishing this drivel?

Who owns this paper


He lies!!!

This lead is total bullsh*t. Here is the truth 👇👇👇👇👇👇 'tRump lies with faux confidence and exhibits zero analytical thinking'.

Lord! Really? This is really a headline?

Wow. Now that’s groundbreaking news! 🙄. Be better Newsweek.

You don’t have to qualify it. There’s just less thinking, period.

It is called bulls..

Dunning-Kruger effect.

tbell1968 BREAKING NEWS: Trump is a bullshitter, study finds.

Trump comes across to me as the most needy weak lying creep I’ve ever known. Weakness just seeps from his pores. He lies to try to get people to like him. It’s so obvious and ridiculous. realDonaldTrump

Most people can tell he is desperately trying to impress his audience. That’s not confidence. Especially when in doing so he invariably displays a complete lack of understanding in any given topic.

Confidence - Really? Most Compulsive, Pathological Liars are identified as such because they’ve spent so much time conning everyone else to believe them; they end up believing their own damn BS! Liars aren’t confident they’re cowards who can’t face the Truth! 🤥😡

He is full of bullshits. Its tiring already. Mr. Muller hurry up please!!!!

You don’t say...

GASLIGHTING. It's call gaslighting. He is not speaking with confidence, but spewing propaganda. Do something better with your platform, please.

Yeah - the stup*d are always so sure of themselves.

Water is wet

I really hope they used NIH funds for this, because that would be about perfect

He doesn't know how to do critical thinking. He isn't smart enough.

conartists do that

No shit, Sherlock.

What? That’s what you see? 🤨🤦‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️How will we ever survive this? 😩

It's not his confidence, it is almost childish assertion. He talks like he can just declare anything true by saying it.

analytical? trump can’t spell analytical ffs🤯

The george costanza speaking method

Or any other kind of thinking.

It’s called SCAMMING. Used car salesmen do it all the time.

.....Related studies have shown that the sky is blue and water is wet.

You mean he’s a blowhard?

His confidence worthless


Lies must be told with conviction, confidence & believability!! This guy lies to the American people EVERYDAY! He feeds people fear. Fear of the big black man, coming for you in the dark, the killer brown Latins coming to rape and murder! The Muslims are gonna gotcha! All lies.


Your editor must have been out to lunch....let’s lede with Trump is the least intellectually qualified man to ever hold office. Confidence and low analytical skills/ignorance are a dangerous thing.

“Speaking with confidence” while lying pathologically sort of makes you look INSECURE, not confident.

Full on dotard study

Gee you mean the con man is all talk? You didn’t notice this from day one of his campaign or his life in general? 🤦‍♂️

This is a terrible piece of work. Horrible. He’s incoherent at times. It’s not confidence, it’s an inability to find words. This is just awful work. This is a disservice to the study. You would never use someone with cognitive and language issues in a study like this.

In other words, he’s a blatant liar.

Trump speaks with word salad and lies. There I fixed it for you. BeYourBest

Pathological liars always seem confident. That’s how they get ppl to buy into their lies

Overconfident and very uninformed.

All his confidence comes from the amphetamines he abuses. Who knows, maybe that's where he gets his delusions too.

The Dhrumphf speaks out of his ass, study finds

Ignorance is truly bliss.

Because he is delusional

Confidence? Since when is lying like he breathes confidence?

I can't believe a study had to be done for this...we all know that he lies and pulls his ideas straight out of his ass, but he's enthusiastic about it...that is lowering the bar to the ground to find a tiny positive.

Speak wrongly, and carry a big shtick.

Must be a SLOW news day. THIS is what you wasted ink on to tell us? If 90% of the response to your headline is 'NO SHIT SHERLOCK', maybe you should scrap the article for something a little more thought provoking.

Because he has no self awareness.

That's because he's criminally stupid. RussianAsset PutinsPuppet

Epitome of being the loudest doesn’t make you right. Shows an incredible lack of confidence.

.. You just want to be on the good list this year 😎

Jackasinine. He speaks with more ignorance than past presidents!

He speaks with less analytical thinking than a 5 year old.

Because past presidents were realistic and more intelligent.

Word salad

You don't say.

So —- saying he is a master bs’r

Is this narcissistic slob really so fascinating we need to study him? He’s a large toddler with a full diaper. We all know what he’s going to do long before he does it.

You don’t say.

He ' s to dumb

what someone is calling confidence sounds to be like delusional thinking

Sure. If you equate blatant, ignorant lying with confidence.

He's a liar and a cheater.

He puts the con in confidence.

He doesn’t know what he’s saying most of the time.

In other words

lol you think 🙄

it's called bullshitting or horseshitting !



Wow! So many words to describe bullshits.

Predictable for narcissists.

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