Trump says Guatemala signing deal to restrict asylum cases

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

JUST IN: President Trump says Guatemala is signing an agreement to restrict asylum applications to the US from Central America.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump says Guatemala is signing an agreement to restrict asylum applications to the U.S. from Central America.

The so-called"safe third country" agreement would require migrants, including Salvadorans and Hondurans, who cross into Guatemala on their way to the U.S. to apply for protections in Guatemala instead of at the U.S. border. It could potentially ease the crush of migrants overwhelming the U.S. immigration system and hand Trump a concession he could herald as a win.

The two countries had been negotiating such an agreement for months, and Trump threatened Wednesday to place tariffs or other consequences on Guatemala if it didn't reach a deal. It's not clear how the agreement will take effect. Guatemala's Constitutional Court granted three injunctions preventing its government from entering into a deal.


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so basically common fucking sense!

That’s what asylum is all about. Get safety quick. If u want to pick and choose countries u are not in fear. Liar.

75Mcquillan Good. Mexico needs to step and help clean up it's borders.

Hypocrisy - the same thing you won’t renegotiate with Canada as you allow refugees to walk into Canada from the US

Dam NBC is already bashing the agreement

It's what normal people call a lie.

Has to be approved by CONGRESS TRUMP. But then again SCOTUS will give it to you because they owe you and you own them. sad

That’s a good thing There’s a right way to handle issues and there’s your way. Your way lost today 😝 Loser

Congress is off for the next 45 days. Are you? they're the problem thank God for Trump Democrats have a chance to solve these problems

Yes. Hallelujah! They all have been given billions by us thru the yrs. enough for every citizen to be a millionaire. And nada only the corrupt govt got it. No more

Well, duh, NBC. That's because if they are being 'persecuted' in Honduras, they are safe from that persecution in Guatemala. Of course, we all know they aren't really suffering 'persecution' at all....they just want free stuff Americans can be bullied into giving them.

And that is bad why


Exactly! We can’t afford them! Media is such a joke! We are all laughing at you people

Ridiculous, and POTUS knows it. Guatemala is one of the countries people are immigrating FROM. They havent the wherewithall to keep their own people safe or housed or w good medical care.

And what about the Guatemalan migrants?

If you want a President that CARES FOR THE PEOPLE, and not for the SELF ENRICHMENT DONOR $$$, like the GOP & est.Dems DO! THEN THERE IS ONLY 1 CHOICE!

Sounds good to me

Technically that's how it already is. Unfortunately Guatemala isn't that safe and people tend to choose to pass on through. This won't really do anything for our immigration system. It will help Donald Trump get good Guatemalan workers in his resorts.

This law would also have kept Melania from gaining entry.

DT is not a negotiator. He’s a bully.


Or they could hang out at NBC.😧

Thanks to the Great Wall of USA,

I like to get a complete detail of the document how can I obtain this document does anybody know?

Best President Ever! MAGA

What do you mean by “so called”

Why is it 'so-called' and in quotes? Journalisming?

That’s a good thing... they don’t have legit asylum claims anyway! The USA is not a piggy bank for all the worlds third world populations...

Hooray for the Great Wall of Trump!!🎉🎊

That's a good idea.

ironic, considering many of the refugees are FROM Guatemala... maddow Lawrence

Oh, about this post..? Right. Um. Trump needs to whip up some really delicious sauce to keep us interested and this 'deal' is weak. Keep tryin buddy it's all evidence 💜✌️

A shame it seems to me

I❤️ Trump

What a farce. When they come seeking asylum in the US all they have to do is say 'No' when asked if they traveled through Guatemala. Another useless trophy for Cult 45 and their Ra_ist leader.

Well that's stupid

Wow...instead of clusterfuck here...we get clusterfuck in Guatemala. Out of sight, out of mind. What could go wrong? LOL The simplistic mentality being thrown at this situation is, I would say alarming, but we've passed that months ago, but nothing else works.

Did he hold up a single blank sheet of paper as proof?

So, Guatemala can just reject the applications and we're back to square one. Master negotiator hard at work on a Friday everyone! Give him room!

KAYLEEBURRIS I thought the whole idea of fleeing a country was to escape!?!? To seek REFUGE afar! tRump just hates anybody that doesn’t look like him! ANYBODY EVER SEEN HIS TRUE COLOR?

I’ll never understand... family is going be murdered by MS13, doesn’t matter where family is born

He’s a master of all, bow down liberals

Seriously? Is that believable?

So the country they are trying to escape persecution from is the one you want them to apply with for protection? What could possibly go wrong? worstbusinessmanever

Trump must have hemorrhoids 😂

Vice Presidents are chosen to relax a public with reservations, right? They're like a safety. Like a comfortable old path you know really well and you're probably not going to see anything new or different. No lions or tigers or bears... but also still very white and male...

A 'First Country of Asylum' MUST be both willing & able to provide: 1. Safe shelter, Food, Medicl care &, if necessary, clothing AND 2. After asylum application, permission to safely cross the border to both leave AND return. Willing and able includes resources & political will

Swell! Now Trump will pay Guatemala to kill them or put them in cages for the rest of their lives....THAT IS WHY THEY WERE FLEEING THAT COUNTRY!

MeetThePress They don't want dt to kidnap their children.

Do you believe him?

Throwing in a hotel and golf deal?

🇺🇸 Trump 2020 ! Finally a president who puts the USA 🇺🇸 first


This is claim by Trump and in two hours from now he will claim something else

FauxJournalism Propaganda of the 1%.

hahahahah No country can restrict you from leaving! Less sign an agreement to keep you in.


So what!!

The 'safe third country' agreement would require migrants who cross into Guatemala on their way to the US to apply for protections in Guatemala instead of at the US border.


He is a liar

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