Trump’s Guidelines to Reopen Economy Put Onus on Governors

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Trump's new guidelines to reopen the economy will put the onus on governors and won't suggest dates, a White House official says

WASHINGTON—President Trump is planning to outline new federal guidelines for opening up the country that will put the onus on governors to decide how to restart the economies in their states amid mounting fallout from the coronavirus outbreak.

The new guidelines come as lawmakers and business leaders press the administration to expand virus testing, and days after Mr. Trump said that he—not governors—was the final arbiter on when to reopen the country.


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It all means 'Nothing' unless he bends over backwards and helps America with testing and tracing all 328 Million + Good luck and stay safe.

this plan will not ignore the facts that trump did little to deal with the problem in january and february! don’t be fooled by his plan that puts others responsible as he avoids responsibility


It's a smart move for Trump, who can blame the governor if the outbreak gets out of hand! If the recession, Trump can blame the governor for not listening to the president's arrangements

Nice idea

The stupidest individual to ever hold public office. Put a mask on that moron

So Trump puts the onus on the governors to decide on when to restart their state economies (as they argued was within their power) and folks slam him. If Trump didn’t he be slammed for being a dictator. Can’t win!

Trump: 'I AM KING, ABSOLUTE MONARCH, SUPREME RULER, WITH ALL THE POWER OF AMERICA AT MY COMMAND'. Also Trump: 'I am helpless it's not my fault it's somebody else's problem the governors hurt my fee-fees' TrumpToddler VoteBlue2020

All this does is provide cover to the states that want to reopen (too) early and those that never closed. The states in the coalitions will ignore and do what they think is best.

I guess he decided he didn't really have total authority. He must have slept through civics class.

Narrator: it was always the authority of the governors, not the President.

Odd. When he said he had the power, y’all screamed dictator. Now you’re complaining he put that ball of power in the governor’s court. Too funny.

Gives discretion to governors.

Trump has turned himself into a confederate president, one with no power and no respect.

A reality show character playing at being POTUS. All hat and no cattle. Clueless as how to deal with a national crisis.

When we find out the top brass has been inoculated and could have helped but didn’t want to give away their bio weapon.

if they fail he blames them and if they succeed he'll take credit, old NYC builder play, love donaldtrump transparecy, a joke on two feet

Governors wanted the onus. Now we get to see which Governors can lead and which Governors simply whine.

Very hard to listen to this untalented speaker read , He sounds like a Bar Mitzvah boy who has not rehearsed enough and does not understand what he is saying .


Yep, blame game is next. Great leadership 🙄

It’s time to bomb China. No more pork fried ri.

I used to meaningless PowerPoint presentations before i retired too.

Putting the onus on the governors is a no brainer. If the open their states too soon and people die it is on them. If they open too late and their economy suffers it is also on them. What's the chance that they can be perfect in Trump's eyes? Good if thy are Republicans.

You write as if he had any authority tp give. Reads like another POTUS press release. Where’s the spark, the independence you use to have?

Looks to me like it puts the onus on employers for the hard part (testing, isolation, tracing). Not sure how an employer even does that without being sued into oblivion. Seems like health departments would be doing that. Worthless as per usual.

Texas is really in trouble now! 😳

Good. Let them take responsibility for their state. Like a leader might do/want to do.

Its a list of objectives...NOT a process for how to do it and be Successful !! Juvenile plan at best.

His guidelines are meaningless, state governors like CAgovernor Newsom, NYGovCuomo and GovWhitmer believe in science and will lead us back when the time is right. TrumpIsALoser

I thought he was the all mighty king?!

Onus. Interesting choice of words.

Here,s a plan. Open the Country. I'll move to Mar,s. When Covid 19 is no more. I'll come home 👍☺️😷

The onus was always on the governors! Trumps pathetic!

Phase one... Do what Cuomo says Phase two... Do what Cuomo says Phase three... Take credit

He must have a scapegoat when the spikes restart. Remember No responsibility at all!

He is incapable of real leadership. Always has been.

So what changes as a result of hearing Trump guidelines? Nothing. They are useless and superfluous. Testing is still inadequate.

Smart move by him so the governors get the blame on the results.

Fantastic presser. Futures skyrocketing.


They formed coalitions to ignore the fool

Sure - he has never taken responsibility for anything. He only wants credit and never criticism. He doesnt know what he is doing and his ineptitude is getting Americans everywhere killed.

So it was completely worthless because the states will do as they want as it should be.

Off to work, via the graveyard.

Hope this is not Trump's Mission Accomplished; need more testing

He’s doing it so he can say, see I told you these governors were bad and it’s all their fault!

I thought he was the almighty king!?

Of course he’s putting it on the hands of the governors. So if things get worse, trump’s just going to wash his hands and blame it to the states. How come they don’t see his game. 🤦🏼‍♂️

I thought he said he had the authority to do that.

learyreports Trump bloviates insanely daily. Why can’t they use his public tantrums to invoke the 25th amendment?

Whatever happens, if bad, it will not be Mr. Trump's fault. If good, it will be to his credit. And if good turns bad, it will not have anything to do with him. All this is true because he is not a real President; he just plays on on TV.

Those submitting applications for Small Business Loans are not being processed & are put into the Waiting for Pelosi Line. The Fund is now out of money. Fox News is Reporting.

the governors wanted it now the have it..fuk here in illinois

This has a very easy response, not gonna happen not in full at least, but there's industries that can operate without much problems, but the hospitality industry is dead and the school system shut down 100%.


Passing the buck, as usual

The bucks stops.............. over there

In other words, he has no guidelines. I'm shocked.

He’s perfected the art of the walk back

After all is that NOT what rgb e Governors wanted? They want to scream at the Prsedident but dont want to really lead.

Nobody in the Republican Party has the balls to make any concreate plans. The Democrats are better at managing crises if the Republicans can stay out of their way.

In other words, NO NEWS. This is the way it was working before the daily Dumpster Fire rallies. Trump's bi-polar outbursts do make for interesting television, but ratings sure don't equal support.

Lol! OK. Great plan!

Fake news.

Good move. Governor's are more tuned in.

Throws out baseless ideas and when they don't get a good reception, throws it at others and abandons ownership and accountability. What a leader!

Another confusing message - it’s almost as if the administration doesn’t want to be clear

Everybody having a high expectation on USA, as in how they are fighting the monster coronavirus. realDonaldTrump LetsFightCoronaTogether

President Trump should reopen the country as he sees fit. eg. Federal roads and parks. Then let the states decide when to open the states. The incompetent Govs will open later eg. NY, NJ. The states the did a good job should not suffer.

He is using his absolute authority to authorize governors to use the authority they already had.

So he did it right. Again. Well done.

Our Garbage President.

Why is Trump even there? In trying to look like Mike Pence Trump did get a new hair doooo comb over.

Hey Einstein, it’s up to the governors not you anyway 🤦‍♀️

requiring a subscription to read news about the pandemic? despicable

Vamos aguardar

*yawn - realDonaldTrump wants all the credit without any of the blame. Everybody knows this.

Let‘s see

aBsOlUtE aUtHoRiTy

Maybe. Let's wait and see what he has tonight. Really have trouble trusting a scoop like this

4_the_babies Because shifting the blame is the only thing he excels at

Ah we are going to keep fucking it up. Brilliant strategy. You think that 20k death rate is bad just wait. Even people in 1918 had better sense. 670k people died in the USA. It is estimated though that about 500 million people died world wide. Lets try not to repeat that.

Pushing it off on others, just in case it goes south.

He is not willing to take the onus?

He is a weak leader. The weakest.

So, like him, a waste of time.


case by case based on data. basically open up 85% now and phase in sports and hotspots

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