Trump's call to watch polls 'very carefully' raises concerns of voter intimidation

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Sean Morales-Doyle, deputy director of the Brennan Center’s voting rights and elections program, said there are many state laws that govern who can be in the polls at any given time, who can be a poll watcher and what role they play.

A spokesman for the city commissioner's office said satellite voting offices don't qualify as voting places, so poll watchers can't be given poll watcher certificates to allow them to observe the process.

“That is really an argument for people to vote by mail, vote early, vote by mail,” she said. “Don't be intimidated by going to the polling places and see people who look like ICE agents or law enforcement or something.” Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring issued a statement Wednesday calling Trump’s rhetoric “dangerous."

But voter intimidation or interfering in the election process itself is illegal, apart from reporting potential issues to authorities, Foley said there had been concerns in various law circles, both this year and in 2016, about the risk of increased violence surrounding voting in the United States. The good news in 2016 was those concerns did not materialize and thus far there had not been major incidents with early voting this year, he said.

But that consent decree expired in 2017, “so this is the first presidential election that we’ve had without that monitoring in place,” he said.


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Remember the two black guys with clubs standing outside a polling location when Obama ran. No big deal right?

I urge trump supporters to watch DaveChappelle ‘s 8:46 if you would like to understand why people of color do not trust you or realDonaldTrump to do what is right for our country.


If Trump supporters do go down to the polls and start watching voters hopefully they get arrested before they get to cast their votes

That’s all Trump has, lies upon lies, fear mongering his dwindling supporters. Our Election System is fine, don’t let this liar tells you otherwise.

Republicans coordinated by the RNC and the Trump campaign are recruiting an estimated 50,000 volunteers to act as 'poll watchers' in November, to police who votes and how. Some states incl. Michigan allow poll monitors to challenge a voter's eligibility.

What rubbish. ANTIFA AND BLM.EXIST as does all the destruction and intimidating. Dem supporters its out there We know orange man bad but how are you believing this lie.

NBC didn't have a problem with the new black panthers intimidating voters. Trump just called for people to be aware.

So funny when Bloomberg is buying votes😂

He is right! I agree!! 💪👍🇺🇸

Ya think?

Hope my voting location has a bell so everyone who votes against this evil POS can ring it on the way out of the building!

Don’t wish for a country without Republicans, don’t wish for a country without Democrats, wish for a country with no believers of Donald Trump.

nbc is a disgraceful company! You are the absolutely true “enemy of the American people”. You protect the democraps and you try to make the conservatives look bad. The employees of nbc should be ashamed absolutely ashamed to work there. I hope you get what you got coming to you!

Voter intimidation will happen... but it’ll be from the left about social distancing and masks.

Democrat fraudsters are just worried about getting caught....the Fake News media is complicit in cheating, lying and corruption.

He is sending the proud boys, white supremacy, they will be at small towns in remote areas, minority ares, and will do violence against voters, the FBI needs to really get busy and sen national guard to protect the voting areas all over the country. Enabler of violence


Poll watchers have been around for years. It's a great way for citizens to verify the process. They are trained by their counties, do not interact & wear identification. They dont go into the polls and watch without that training and certification.

Actually it’s voter fraud that’s the concern.

It's beginning to sound like voting in putins russia.

Well please let all voters to go vote. We will see to it that there will not be any intimidation on any voter. That is a promise the good poll judges make.

You shouldn't try to act too stupid, NBC News, it shows too much. A Democrat canvasser called & asked me to vote the first day voting started in Virginia. I told her that I wouldn't & that I'd be voting in person to watch the Republicans voting. Stupid NBC - your agenda shows!~

I'm shaking in my boots lol.

It is just that

And if one of those magas does this and prevents someone voting is Trump arrested

Jim Crow lives.

Whoops! 👇

Turning His Supporters Into The Police / Klan?😷😷 Isn't Trump Under Criminal Investigations?🙄🙄 If A Civil / Racial War Breaks Out In The U.S.A. He & His Supporters Should Be Locked Up. This Below Is For The Judge👇 Documentation Is Good!👍👍😷

We had a gang of republicans outside a polling spot in Virginia.

They can't. You can't just appoint yourself a poll watcher. These people are chosen and assigned a poll location.

Yeah because I’m going to bow up and tell you what button to press. The media is such a Democrat mouthpiece.

That's exactly what realDonaldTrump is doing. He's signaling to his cult to intimidate anyone that they can. He's desperate and grasping at straws. He knows that the minute he's out of office and Barr can't protect him anymore. His next trip is straight to jail.

Of course they manage to twist things to make democrats victims. It’s amazing how biased the media has become. PATHETIC journalism on your part

That's 100% RIGHT... Watch The Polls... The Democrats DO STEAL/RIG VOTES.. I Know Because When I Was In My Early 20s? I Was A Democrat.. I'm Almost 60 Now.. And? I Saw Them Do It... WATCH THE POLLS. Even If You Have To Bring Friends To Watch Your Back. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Yep...

▀001 Respectfully to anyone who dont want to miss 0ut on newly unc0vered factual reports; look it up on b0th sides of the media & weigh in.🤿🖱️ Some of the medi might be lte to some new devel0ping news. Clue: The 3;5_M paych3ck from a Mo$c0w may0r's w!fe is a fact.👍 001▐

A bunch of punks aren't at all intimidating

Some? It sounded every alarm around the country that he is desperately trying to fear-monger, incite violence and prevent Americans from voting.

Are you watching the signs of the times?

They should. Voter fraud is a Democrat staple.

Not only go into the polls, but feel free to sit in your car in the parking lot and watch for anything unusual.

Poll watchers?

So watching to see that there's no fraud is now voter intimidation? Lol

In 90 min Trump got 'highly' preped Biden out to No green new deal Antifa is a concept Inshallah More wars Got no plan And same time Moderate the moderator In 90 mins ! And gave up nothing. Now TikTok is exploding

democrats? you mean the whole country is alarmed.

It should concern everyone if they want to be a country free from dictatorship! He does not have that kind of power, unless we let him! Do you want to lose all your freedom? Don’t be intimidated by tds goons! Put a stop to him now before it’s 2 late!

Trump’s “poll watchers” are a threat to open and fair elections. Each Candidate could assign ONE representative to each poll who, after taking an oath, can observe the voting process without interference and report back. This is done successfully in other countries.

What's new about that We all know there was a time women couldn't vote Ofcourse we all know that people of color couldn't either The 15th amendment should've been a privilege/right for everyone However the original constitution had a different purpose and context

Dems be a cheatin!

205,000 deaths and many more to come.

Another shooting in NY. Where‘s the news?

REPUBLICANS: You f**cked up and you know it. Don't double down on realDonaldTrump He isn't worth it. It's not worth damaging our Republic any further. Do the right thing. VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

No taxes. The whole vehicle. No Taxes! “Laugh out loud...Such an enjoyable ride...I truly recommend it!” - Richard Bey Fishbowl 45 is THE Parody of Donald Trump. Barr None.

We need poll watchers to make sure the people don't get into fights etc

What he said is illegal. But are we surprised?

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