Trump's businesses lost over $1 billion in 10 years: Report

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Pres. Trump is still fighting Congress over the release of his tax returns, but a new report analyzing his official IRS tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax forms, shows he lost over $1 billion from 1985 to 1994.

President Donald Trump is still fighting Congress over the release of his tax returns, but a new report on Tuesday analyzing his official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax forms, shows he lost over $1 billion from 1985 to 1994.

Charles Harder, an attorney for Trump, countered in a statement to the Times -- later provided to ABC News -- that the reporting was inaccurate and based off"inherently unreliable" tax transcripts. He also questioned whether the documents even exist. Trump did not pay any taxes in eight of the 10 years analyzed by the Times due to his financial losses. During his financial collapse in 1990 and 1991, he lost more than $250 million each year, the documents show.

"Out of respect for the deadlines previously set by the Committee, and consistent with our commitment to a prompt response, I am informing you now that the Department may not lawfully fulfill the Committee’s request," Mnuchin wrote.


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And how many unpaid contractors did he ripped off and how much did they loose

FakeNewsMedia abc pack of thugs mouthpieces for Democrats


Ok so if you watched all the documentaries and talk shows he has been on over the last 10 years you would of already figured out he has lost billions of dollars anyone who has paid attention and common sense would say this is old news.

Looser along with lier.

Old news , that was reported way back in the 80s.

Smart people don’t care what his personal finances were 20 years ago!

We really needed to know that.. good job promoting something you have no rights too.

Trump has been living high on the hog and contributing zero $ back to America. And he is proud of himself for letting the rest of us pay the bills. What a great guy!

BillionDollarLoser realDonaldTrump

ABC is sickening, what are you doing ?

You know what matters to me? 1)The fact that he’s not accepting a salary as President 2) all ex-presidents have come out of the WH worth more than when they went in and media is focused on Trump. 3) congress STILL not working on healthcare or immigration 😡

Hasn’t he already stated this in interview several times? Big scoop. Next scoop Trump has been married more than once!

Why is 30 yr old information that Trump has written and spoke about multiple times in past a story?

How can anyone lose money owning a casino People bring money to the casino, casino had odds rigged in their favor. !!

Money arsonist

Alot of morons on here bashing Trump's business abilities are eating Ramen Noodles for dinner tonight.

This is exactly what you do running a million dollar business. You have Losses and Gains. No illegal activity. MAGA

Anyone who can read has known that the moron in chief is an inept criminal since his first real estate deal..the only reason he hasn't been in prison for decades is that in the US justice is not blind, it's expensive..

A hundred millions a year, how long he's been president?

Hello sir how are you

abc oh boy - some one there can read - great job

How do we know if this information that was gathered is true? What’s the source

That is BEYOND unbelievable😐😐😐

I thought I heard reported, because he LOST so much, over $1 billion, he didn’t file any tax returns. So, how can he be audited if he lost so much ?

Yet he is still rich and still your POTUS.

That must have been a really big “donation” daddy gave Wharton 2 get his son into their school of Economics. Unfortunately, given that his low IQ son doesn’t read, no amount of $ could have gotten his son 2 learn. So another BIG donation 2 get Wharton 2 graduate this imbecile.

Any $$ realDonaldTrump has made in his life has been due to his ability to con the gullible. Some things never change.

Very misleading story. Unless you run a large company and understand tax law. You would think he lost $1 billion. It doesn’t work that way. Another it job by ABC. trump2020

That’s how he learned to manage the world’s economy to our advantage. 😊

Wow .. such a deep dive into the public library.. Instead of covert tax document leaks . Just read about it. $2.99 clearance rack.

American media is the “enemy of the people”.

30 year old matter?

And he wrote a book about it. It's old news

So what. We don’t care about his taxes or his personal finances. He does not even take the pay for POTUS. Is this all the liberal propaganda press has now that the Coup failed?

You simply can’t trust an overtly biased ‘reporting’ agency such as the NYT. A journalist trying to decipher & spin business deals & tax returns? Sry. Not buying it.

Ha....most large business entities post large losses....over long periods of time...its how they shed heavy tax burdens...among other creative tax schemes....should be reporting on that

You’re cash poooor FamilyGuy

bashtrumpmedia junk news abc

Who gives a crap? why don’t you look into AFSA Kid4Cash started by Hilary Clinton? Huh? Why?

Because he’s busted being the BIGGEST LOOSER OF ALL TIME

Hillary Clinton Campaign with $1.7B in one election period ' Hold my beer'

So he doesn't want us all to know he not only sucks as potus ,but also as business man !!!

Anyone who's ever owned a home or property understands how that happens, something called the real estate market and yes it fluctuates

That was the dot com bust of early 90's. Every developer lost.

And this is import that he lost money 24 years ago how?

Cheater in Chief. .

What is the purpose of reporting on 35 year old tax returns except to embarrass Trump. News organizations have gone deep into the gutter. I no longer have respect for American news organizations.

My gosh who cares?!!! Could care less how much money he made or lost! If you are up in arms over this, you need to find something else to worry about.


Blame decades of congressional leadership for tax loopholes realDonaldTrump took advantage of. Every American has sought to use these same actions to save on taxes paid to the IRS. Our politicians are equally guilty of gaming the system. FakeNewsStory

His accountants know how to hide money so it looks like a loss so he wont have to pay taxes on it...durh😒.....errr body knows that already ... FIND IT! Then lockhimup 😀👍

Ironically our Government has been overspending for Decades which would (by leftist 'logic') render any incumbent member of government unfit for the job. Especially swamp dogs like JoeBiden BernieSanders and SenWarren

Abc news is extremely biased leftist. Propaganda. WE DONT CARE ABOUT THE OLD TAX RETURNS!!! it’s normal to take all the deductions legal!!!!

There is not new report, it's old and recycled by MSM because nothing they throw to Trump sticks

So what that was a long time ago.


When the People of the United States elected him by a large margin & would been larger if illegal & dead people had not voted in 2016, we voted for a real promise not political malarkey. So what, he lost, he learned, that is what experience is all about. ABC Trump is good news.

Winner focus on winning, losers focus on winners!! As long as trump puts America first I don’t care about his businesses

This would make sense considering he continued to buy and developed during the worst recession and interest rates when nearly 18%

It’s 2019 one cares.

And the Trump cultists are like, “who cares? la la la...MAGA! la la la... Best president ever! la la la”

So let's see everyone who is an elected official in DC tax returns. I bet the outcome would be interesting 🤔

Fake President!

Im more upset w, leaking of Trumps personal info. Iknow about buying things to get a loss. My late husband had a business,his accountant would tell us to by another truck. It was either buy truck or pay in taxes. Its how business works. Advice from accountant is why we have them.

God I can’t wait for this guy to be out of office...

Old news!

I bet he’ll never admit that

More of the same antiTrump spin by ABC news. Forgot to mention real estate downturn. ABC News. You can count on no balance here.

big deal = lots of people lost money in real estate at that time - tired of the 'get Trump' by the libs

Losing 1B while making 5B plus is business. Regular people don’t understand that and only dream they could

Everyone knows this, this is not new

We all knew that prior to the election, in which he won. And you wonder why he won’t release them?

Why is this important or relevant to anything This seems like harassment

Bet he never paid taxes & rarely donates to charity !! scamster.

This is over 25 years ago.

It doesn't matter. His taxes don't dictate how he runs the presidency.

Who cares!!!!

The trolls have been given their propaganda for today. 'Old news' say the trolls.

Not new information

no one can get his tax returns but yet they know all about his taxes and money? trump has filed bankruptcy before and due to the laws we have in our country he was able to do that this was public knowledge millions of ppl have done this so who cares

Old news, that’s why he declared losses.....

Duh !!! It’s old fucking news !! We all know about the loss of the casinos and his bankruptcy.

Wow stable genius at work😂😂😂

Complete and total con man. Wake up America. You were duped.

KellyannePolls said POTUS tax returns are too complicated to understand which is reason not to release them She needs to come up with a narrative on how it is possible to lose so much and not pay taxes and be the president Accounting required on the claimed loses and a tax bill

Yep bet he got a major refund or paid no taxes at all.


“Art of the Deal” is just faking it. He isn’t a billionaire businessman.

Why do you care about his loses. Check out your 401ks if you have and your own taxes mine are doing fabulous

Haha is this all you got!? Trump lost money over 2 decades ago in risky businesses? You do realize that taking losses is part of how the wealthy use the tax laws to pay less in taxes, right? This isn't news. But you lefties don't realize that.... It's hilarious. TrumpTaxes

All so he does not have to pay Federal Income Tax. I pay more taxes then DonTheCon

He loses $1B yet lives his lavish lifestyle🤔 Either he’s cooking the books to not pay income tax or he’s compromised and someone is paying his debts. Alan Weilselberg should know. putinspuppet BillionDollarLoser

25 year old news...

So ?

~not-my-President—trump~ —was that his ‘art of a deal’—

The fact is, there are many in America that jave lost money since what point is it you are trying to make...I recall the Clintons filing for bankruptcy...which also suggests a strong case for her siphoning 150 million for her UraniumOne deal....'WHAT'S YOUR POINT!?'

Phenomenal comeback!! Overcoming business setbacks and challenges to become President.


So, what's business of yours?

ONLY shocked about the amount. Everything else comes as no all. ConManDon

Billions and billions and billions and billions

A Grifter sits in the Oval Office.

The title of his book should have been. ‘The Art of Bankruptcies’. That’s what ever business he’s had has done. Filed bankruptcy.

False filings in order to beat the system like Cohen said perhaps, this criminal must not get away with his crime but thanks to GOP he’s got away with it so far.

So f-k-g what ? ABC.

Fake billionaire

We all know that he exploits. That’s why everyone is always suing him. DonTheCon

Fake news

Trump knows his financial records is just a bad karma for him. That's why he's fighting so hard to keep it secret. 🔴🔴🔴😊😊

Translation. NY times obtained federally protected personal information illicitly from someone with legal access!!!!!!!!nytimes

The art of the deal?

Trump claimed his dad gave him a million dollar loan that he turned unto a fortune. Turns out his dad was actually bailing him out repeatedly until he died. I wonder who has been bailing him out since his dad died?

That was 30 years ago. Lol.


Odd.... you’re not tweeting about the felony of stealing / providing protected info to the press..... ok, how about we start a goFUNDme, raise some money n pay off an IRS agent to divulge some top brass at ABC, CBS, NBC AND lib politicians, pelosi, Schumer, Hillary 🤷‍♂️🤔🤔

This is very old news like major news in 1985

Who cares

That's old news...regurgitated vomit. MANY developers went under during that time period, Trump survived. No new news, move on.

NOBODY CARES !!!! FakeNews EnemyOfThePeople

The losses are fake.

Imagine what the latest tax return might reveal?

Youre only 25 years late with this story. I wouldnt have even cared about it then much less now.


IAmCleisthenes Mr. Trump is more appropriate.

Bla bla bla y más blaaaa

And TDS sufferers are the only ones who give one rip about Trump's difficulties 25-35 years ago, which were well publicized at the time. Obsessive, all-consuming hatred of POTUS is a sad thing to watch but the entire MSM is afflicted. [Follows appreciated!]

He lost over $1 billion of his own dollars? So what, he was a private citizen who didn't let anything stop him from succeeding. He's got buildings with his name on them. What should be more concerning is our government 'losing' billions of our taxpayer dollars.

You sad little people let this out over a year ago. But as children you act out needing to be spanked with what you all have in your tax returnes. Just how do you declair deep state moneys payed to you or do you? Interesting lets see if there is anything there

Who cares.

Lol he legit wrote a book about this. Nice work gumshoes

The stable genius,really?

The country is $22 trillion in debt...

Are the transcripts posted anywhere? Please share the link?

He always files bankruptcy isn’t this great the President doesn’t pay taxes but the way he & the Republicans changed our filing of taxes the middle class & poor pay taxes and lost money on tax refunds

Did they, or did he claim they did so he could evade paying taxes?

But he made a comeback, you would have to agree?

Oh no, better impeach him! Vote independent.

Exactly why he befriended Russia.

Yawn.... Tesla burns through $1 billion per quarter

From the responses I'm seeing, this changes absolutely nothing for many supporters. Nothing. Can you believe it? This is insanity.

The truth will always come to 💡. This man is a fraud and his skeletons will be revealed!

'the executive branch, supposedly checked by Congress, refuses to abide by congressional oversight'

And this was no doubt illegally obtained... I hope they find out who did this!

If your not guilty of tax evasion, then show your damn taxes!!!

Just as suspected. Did not even file. What a crook. Do not lock up another person in this country until the major don is taken down. Total thief and absolute con man. What was the name of that book 'he' wrote? Anyway, what does it matter? 😂

President Trump should be praised for his ability to over come

Again... not reporting on this.

He literally wrote a book about it! This is not NEW news nor is it breaking or earth shattering


Now there’s someone I want handling the finances of America 😳

Any innocent man with nothing to hide would act this way. Lmao nah

DerangedDonald turns out to be the Milli Vanilli of billionaires. WednesdayWisdom

Who gives a shit?

So whats the big f...g deal unless he evaded taxes with proof who cares what he lost?

Democrats are proposing 95 trillion in spending over the next 10 years. But go ahead with Trumps tax returns from 40 years ago. TrumpTaxes

It is illegal to release tax returns publicly when they are obtained illegally.

He’s a fraud. And all of us in New York and New Jersey knew it back in the 80s.

wait.. during the time he went bankrupt in the 90s he lost money?

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