Trump Rips 'Parasite' Oscars Win and Brad Pitt in Colorado Rally Rant

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Neon, the U.S. distributor for Parasite, responded to Trump's attack on the film: 'Understandable, he can't read.'

Speaking at the podium in front of his supporters, Trump asked, "How bad were the Academy Awards this year?" He went on to say, "And the winner is... a movie from South Korea! What the hell was that all that about? We've got enough problems with South Korea, with trade. On top of that, they give them the best movie of the year. Was it good? I don't know.

Trump later brought up another Oscar winner from the 2020 ceremony, which took place earlier this month. Calling uponbest supporting actor recipient Brad Pitt, Trump said, "And then you have Brad Pitt, I was never a big fan of his. He got up, said a little wise guy thing. He's a little wise guy." In the actor's, Pitt reflected on his childhood and early start in the Hollywood film business, before briefly mentioning the end of Trump's impeachment trial.

Holding up Time Magazine, Trump called a journalist a "Trump hater," adding, "I won't use her name because it'll make her too famous." "Time Magazine, they don't like me. I don't like them either, by the way," Trump added about the magazine. "This year I got beaten out by Greta. You know Greta?" he asked to boos from the crowd.

Further into his rant, Trump said, "Last year I got beaten out, but when the world revolves around one of us, we should be chosen." As he continued his speech, Trump held up pages from other news outlets that covered the 2016 presidential election, mostly with poll results from the primaries where Trump was leading.


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Si este esta aqui.. Buscare pagina donde no encuentre fotos de este tio

Please stop giving the idiot a platform.

Another movie should have won though. We had so many great movies made in the US last year. Come on Academy

all because he's incapable of reading subtitles and Bong Joon Ho sent him that specifically personal comment.

Rump only likes transformer movies

He said he didn’t see it in the same sentence he complained about it winning. He’s just tossing treats to the animals gathered around him at the rallies. He actually probably doesn’t give a rip. He just knows his audience and what they want to hear.

I doubt he has even seen it. he doesnt seem like a subtitles kind of guy. Takes too much concentration. And a tolerance for foreigners.

You diss Brad Pitt, you diss yourself.

Why the mob language?

Brad Pitt went there first ! I guess people are NOT ALLOWED to stand up & fight back anymore....

lol that donny two scoops can't even name a proper chud film released in 2019, like rambo last blood or richard jewell, and instead his brainworms have to dig up a movie from 1939

This is the second time I've seen Trump regard himself as 'chosen'; last year was that surreal 'chosen one' comment.

lol, he's such a jelly felly.

OCAstl Mobilize vote Blue

The oscars don't mean anything, but Parasite was very good. The poor people are more corrupt than the rich people in the movie.

From what I know it's about poverty and how to survive in a most resourcefull self sufficient manner!

But Trump doesn't think they should have won because you know in a Democracy only his voice matters lol. This clown is an embarrassment to America since he complaining about South Korea at his last rally & he's buddies with the North Korean leader can we send him there forever.

Imbecile. He’s just upset he can’t read


Just lock this mf up already

He has to apply to his base cores xenophobia

Trump didn't understand Parasite because he's too stupid for words! Besides doesn't he have more important issues to deal with?


Alert ‼️ this is a language virus called trumpmotism and is it hazardous to your brain

Hahaha yeah it was great!Wiseguy realDonaldTrump Great energy tonight sir! Classic! TrumpRallyColoradoSprings Trump2020

Not a fan of Parasite at all but tRump is racist thug for sure.

Rasis adalah presiden amerika👌

I don’t know what I would call these but certainly not political rallies!

gD he’s dumb

President Trump is totally right. This was the lowest moment in Oscars history!

'And then you have Brad Pitt, I was never a big fan of his. He got up, said a little wise guy thing. He's a little wise guy.' 🤔 Wise? Sure. A guy, yep. but there is nothing little about BradPitt 💪🙌✌️

Fu*k hollywood

😂... he is so funny.👏🏻

Brad Pitt? Oh now you’ve gone too far....

He rips you Hollywood. All you make is trash now. Which is why he was pointing out a film from another country won.

Funny you say that - Brad’s never been a fan of yours either and thinks you’re a fat little wise guy with a really bad fake tan. What is it they say about ‘great minds thinki alike’ or should it rather be ‘fools never differ’. Apologies to Brad

An obvious ploy to get Angelina Jolie's vote!

Leave brad alone!!

Since when did Trump become Rex Reed?

Racist Rallies!

Of course Trump didn't like it, since the rich ppl were portrayed as heartless out-of-touch nitwits, kind of like himself.

Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the feeling is mutual 🤣🤣🤣🤣 if he got little wise you on the other hand NOT WISE AT ALL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 geeez as if the whole galaxy revolves around you 🤣🤣🤣🤣

RT : interview with THR for an upcoming issue, Neon co-founder Tom Quinn was asked about the discussion that Parasite, not being an American film, might not deserve to win best picture: 'That sounds a lot like a Trump tweet. it doesn't make any sense'

neonrated this year

Dising Brad Pitt?! Think SenSusanCollins is gonna rethink the Trump support for sure.

What about Sisolak's Child Sex Trafficking Machine?

Here’s a “little wise guy”:

Needed Ricky Gervais for me to watch.

Anything he has to read is gonna be labeled awful. The dementia, especially at night (Sundowners) is why he can’t fathom a movie w/subtitles.

Im not a big fan of foreign fil㎳..However,every once ㏌ awhile il'l go outside the box & I'll subject myself to one.Parasite had a good storyl㏌e it just didn't resonate with me as a film ⅵewer so personally I didnt th㏌k it deserved any awards.

And to think people actually pay to hear his idiocy

Trump acts like a stand up comic in the Catskills....

Babies are still in cages and this assclown got his panties in a twist over the Oscars. TrumpIsUnfitForOffice

Get over yourself.

I'm definitely sure the dotard would be very happy if Parasite was a movie from North Korea.

Twitter deleted my former account permanently because of criticism towards Trump. Be careful what you tweet about that lunatic.

President Trump is telling the truths.

I reckon Teletubbies would be right up Trump’s alley (and comprehension level) for the Best Picture Oscar.

impeached4life jealous. No Emmy ever. And never an Oscar. Unlike the Obamas production company for their documentary. Well at least he has his Green Acres skit from the Emmys a few years ago. The deplorables can relate.

PAB he is...period

Trump is just waiting for the porn version of Parasite to come out.

Trump doesn’t miss an opportunity to be a racist, fascist, Nazi, keeps his 35% base happy


Never heard of the movie Parasite 🦠 I’m with Trump WTH

Petulant pin head

Funny how all of the fictional movies had more truth in them than Trumpy's speeches packed full of lies.

The show was bad and ratings proved people tuned out.

LOL. Someone made a mistake in the headline. Clearly, all of Hollywood losing to an International Film will inspire another Trump hat. MakeHollywoodGreatAgain

“And what’s with all these movies where the Nazis are the bad guys? Bring back ‘Triumph of the Will’!”

He praises North Korea and says this about South Korea? Very cool.

I agree that Parasite and a film like Crazy Rich Asians are not best picture. I just don't get how Scorcese lost again? No way. I made it about 1/2 way through Crazy Rich Asians before turning it off. But to each their own, I guess.


He's probably not seen it because he can't read subtitles.

Hollywood is an embarrassment

As someone who enjoys exposing bias in reporting I love how this story is spun universally across all major media outlets. Great framing. Too bad it's disingenuous. The way you use the elipsis leaves out the context that would otherwise communicate what Trump was really saying.

Maybe Birth of a Nation is more his forte?

His base are parasites so.....

That’s because he doesn’t know how to read.

He’s just pissed he has to read the captions and, well, we know how that turns out for him...

After first confirming that Pitt, who is from the Ozarks, was no where around.

Great... When will Hollywood learn we Hate them more then they hate Trump!

Of course Trump hates the movie Parasite. Because it highlights the disparities between the mega rich and working class in a beautifully haunting manner. Trump is everything the movie was against. Bernie Sanders is the cure.

Great American Movies are obsolete since Hollywood went insane. Hence ParasiteMovie wins.

Same reason Steve Van Zandt didn’t enjoy it. Steve prefers the dubbed version.

All The President’s Men is a classic.


Maybe the odious Mr Trump just didn’t like it because Parasite is what he is often called

What a pathetic person he is. The accomplishments of talent, passion, and vision by others are considered as slights to him and his complete lack of talent, passion, or vision. The man must live in a haze of jealousy whenever someone else is in a spotlight.

His ego is so big its a wonder he doesnt explode and fly into space. God i wish he would..

' What's all those squiggly marks at the bottom of the screen? Why did they kill the rich guy? It's a plot against me, the greatest President bar none, and that includes Lincolnand Washington. They told me so!'

“Let's get Gone with the Wind back, please? Sunset Boulevard. So many great movies.' Ah yes, the one where Rhett Butler rapes Scarlett O’Hara. Or how about the one about the celebrity who yearns for the good ol’ days and goes batshit crazy our president truly loves the classics

Neon throwing shade. Love it!

The perfect reply to his ignorant verbal barf.

Show me the lie


When did Trump win an Oscar?

Please stop reporting on him. PLEASE!


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