Trump retweets Epstein conspiracy theory, claiming Clinton connection

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President Trump contributes to the rampant promotion of conspiracy theories after Jeffrey Epstein's death.

Williams is a headliner on the Deplorables Comedy Tour, which promises to"unleash the conservative mindset, transcending politics and unabashedly mocking liberals."

In the tweet, he includes a two-minute video apparently claiming vindication by Epstein's death. He also tied it to the 1994 suicide of White House aide Vince Foster that conspiracy theorists have long blamed on the Clintons. “For some odd reason, people that have information on the Clintons end up dead and they usually die from suicide. Come on now, come on now, now how do everybody die from suicide that have information on you?” Williams said in the selfie recording. “I don’t want to know nothing about the Clintons, don’t tell me nothing. I’m not trying to end up dead. I don’t even want to know if Hillary was digging in her nose.


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New conspiracy theory- Trump lies daily, promised Mexico would pay for the wall, paid hush money, was friends with Epstein, golfs more than any president, puts children in cages, is racist, a Putin/Kim puppet, bankruptcy king, hired illegals- OMG-this is my fact list. Sorry. 😊

He is at the top of my suspects.

POTUS loves projecting his guilt on others.

Consciousness of guilt.

He has you dummies hooked

Trump photos with him and many partys with trump girls a d Epstein

I'm pretty sure that all of the people whos names were on Epsteins plane passenger list wanted him dead. Its a very long list. Trumps personal mob lawyer took care of it.

Has anyone set up an interview with.BARR to find out if taking part in a MURDER & COVER UP of a SEX CRIMINAL was in his JOB DESCRIPTION? Sending out LIES & POSTING DISTRACTIONS will not work! If trump is the MOB BOSS he ORDERS ALL 'HITS'!

Enough if this evil clown! He is beyond stupid!!’nnm

How about that Russia conspiracy theory? How'd your organization do with that? Have you considered apologizing? or were you actively complicit in the Coup attempt? are you Criminally libel? FakeNews EneMedia

Only the corporate media would believe these are conspiracy theories!

eternal life is available thru Jesus ; do you really want to bet against Jesus

We’re surprised that realDonaldTrump is promoting more lies 2 distract? Last w/e you had back 2 back mass shootings & now it’s all about Trump distracting us away from gun control He’s a liar We all know it We don’t give a crap what he says Focus on his actions not what he says

realDonaldTrump According to Morning Joe, “those in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones”. Especially lies!

The more he tweets this makes me think Trump did this they say AG Barr visited the prison on Friday I don’t trust Trump and his administration Trump tweets sound guilty

He must think his base is composed of ignorant thumb suckers. Surely not. That would be insulting

It’s a Trump-to-nym.....

Dem trolls trying to make this a conspiracy about Trump. The media is trying to cover up a conspiracy. Yeah, the media wouldn't be doing that if it were Trump. Sorry bout your talking points.


The Presidents about to make msnbc look stupid again.

There's really no bottom in this person. It's an abyss instead of a soul. The TV drama that will follow this so called presidency will have endless of material, wonder how many episodes? You couldn't possibly squeeze all this in just one long movie. HillaryWon TheResistance

ClintonsBodyCount Clintoncide EpsteinSuicideCoverUp

ClintonsBodyCount Clintoncide EpsteinSuicideCoverUp

Judging by the video of Trump and Epstein “Wing-Manning” each other at a party, I’d say Trump is more likely to be the target in a conspiracy theory instead of Clinton. Come on don’t think that Trump would have someone snuffed to keep them quiet?

What about the Russia conspiracy the media and others have been pushing for 2 1/2 years about Trump. Mueller said Trump didn’t worked with Russia but the media and democrats keep pushing that BSHT STORY!

He's out of control and they can't stop him, like a crazed orange-colored Dennis the Menace.

Twitter Why does trump still have use of twitter? No, seriously, why? He uses it to lie, threaten, bribe and promote conspiracy theories. That means says stuff that aren't true. Many of us are pretty sick of him getting away with this considering his influence is international.

I'm old enough to remember when 'billionaire pedophile sex trafficking' was a conspiracy theory.

Don't trust Barr investigation into Epstein death. It's a cover up for realDonaldTrump and Mar-a-lago involvement in the procurement of these girls.

The Clinton's needed him gone!

There are none so Blind as those who refuse to see, all you have to do is Look & read about all of the people surrounding the Clintons that have died mysteriously & suddenly you talk about a Russian hoax for 2 yrs. but refuse to even look into the Clintons you are not news

Well Clinton hasn't been exhonerated of Epstien's death so she must be guilty

NBC spent three years lying about a Russian conspiracy and now they are complaining about a few tweets?

So we r supposed to believe that the AG & the federal prison system let Clinton get away with stuff & not Trump? Why does the media keep giving the POTUS a narrative? Stop letting Russian bots win...please!! TrumpsBodyCount keeps rising.


To hell with Epstein, we want to see his taxes.

This is one of many reasons Trump needs to be removed from office.

MSNBC is all conspiracy theory all the time. MSNBC Analyst Theorizes That Trump's Call to Lower Flags After Shootings Was Tied to Hitler, White Supremacy:

Fake news.


From 2016.. cbs

Thats an old hat. It was always writen that many persons died which come in touch with the Clinton Foundation, it was reported.

Your employee JoeNBC did plenty of that.

What ever he did with Epstein must be horrible 🤮

Perhaps the Clintons should consider a lawsuit against that deplorable excuse for a human being just to shut him up.

Yeah. He retweeted something by BNL which is affiliated with Russia Today.

Maybe he'll finally give government conformation there aliens in area 51?


Hey NBC. Is this true, “NBC’s Richard Engel Sides With Maher on Hopes of Recession to Defeat Trump”. If so, is Mr. Engel still employed? My office was shocked. NBCNightlyNews MSNBC ABC CBSNews WSJ nytimes realDonaldTrump WhiteHouse LindseyGrahamSC senatemajldr

But not his

Best defence is an offence

So presidential , he’s failing in so many ways , the laughing stock that just gets funnier. fatsotrump

how do you know its only theory?

Gtfoh. Everyone knows that was some shady shirt. DA

Lol. Remember pushing potus was a Russian agent you hacks.

Shades of Nixon after Watergate

Nothing is hidden will not come to light. Even Nero died and history is never kind.

Not a conspiracy theory, a “common sense” theory. While the complicit MSM are taking their sweet time to get their BS cover-story straight about how a high-profile lowlife under 24/7 watch can commit “suicide”, the Clintons are yukking it up.

Trump loves to point fingers. It’s all he’s good at during his presidency.

He learned it from you!

But y'all are the sane ones right? 🤣

Wake up people. Abuse of power and rhetoric- so dangerous

Whether you’re Democrat or Republican, I don’t understand how anyone can trust our government anymore.

Well then go figure out yourselves the true story if you have the capability.

w_terrence is a very funny guy. A true comedian looks at real life and makes fun of it realDonaldTrump recognizes talent

Yeah, and you fell for it. NBC (Never Been Correct) News

Of course he did. Because now the wing nuts have air cover. They can claim *anything*. In their minds, Hillary herself snuck into prison and strangled Epstein with her bare hands to keep him from talking about her dungeon under a pizza parlor. Our President is a total jackass.

He's just like the rest of us! Maybe if the Bill & Hillary associated death rates weren't so abnormally high we may not think that way. It is what it is! They have no regard for human life. Only themselves.

Oh my God Trump just tweeted and the Russian network informed us.

Everyone in their right mind knew something bad was going to happen before he spilled his guts in court.

Almost no one believed Epstein would stay alive along enough to go to trial. The clown on MSNBC and his loony wife thought RUSSIANS killed him. Time to just zip it, NBC.

443777 Remember. President Trump has been right far more than NBC news has been. NBC is nothing more than an arm of the DNC

This is a Russian strategy to exploit our polarization. He’s just a bot.

Only the poorly educated would believe Trump

What did he do, retweet one of your stories......

No one with a functioning brain believes this or watches NBC News.

Trump's smoke screen A dead Epstein makes many sordid facts available How? Watch and see. Impossible to prevent. Many are quaking in their shoes. The Donald will be one of them? Wait patiently at what becomes public. Nobody to stop the digging now.

What would you call it

He always trying to make others look bad when he is as just dirty as they come he just got a lots of dirty peoples covering his ass up sweeping his shit under the rug he the only one they ever done like that they call crazy at times now they're kissing his ass

Pot, kettle, black.

I love President Trump. I am behind him 100%. He is a genius. 😁😁

...if you don't think there's ~some~ kind of conspiracy behind all this shit... I gotta say... whoever is in charge of making decisions for you ... they should probably be under federal investigation... like, right now, like the FBI should get on this shit.

Prove him wrong. Until then, keep to yourselves. Nearly all Americans are thinking the same thing. It's like watching a movie plot unfold before your eyes.

Trump didn't start anything. We The People knew this was going to happen the minute Epstein went to jail. Billary's got a habit of repeating their particular way of 'taking care of problems'. Trump didn't have to tell us that. We already knew.


Hey w_terrence please retweet your tweet here so the people can see what NBC is losing their mind about!!!😂😂🥰

Well, now I know it’s true. I’m almost 70, and I have watched the bodies pile up. Pres has the balls to tell it like it is, which he does to the dismay of all u mf’rs, then the hammer is about to come down hard on many of you sick, corrupted, politicians.

Tunnel expert too? What exactly happened on that island?

Fake news

Leftist propaganda NBC NEWS cannot recognize truth. NBC leftist propaganda.

Is it a conspiracy theory if it turns out to be true Asking for a friend.

NBC, you have no room to talk on spreading conspiracy theories. 90% of your pundit's commentary is conspiracy theories

Oh realDonaldTrump ... potus is pulling out the. distraction playbook. But we must keep our eye on the money (thank you NY AG for getting the bank documents, testimony from even more witnesses coming forward to name names & those videos of TrumpEpstein

He only stated what many thought ClintonBodyCount

Russian Collusion was a conspiracy theory.

nothing he does surprises me. It's scary...he's scary

Three words in answer to this tweet RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

Russia, Russia, Russia! Talk about conspiracy theories! Much more evidence that the ClintonBodyCount is real and grows every time someone might testify against them.

Of course. It an opportunity to deflect.

When you look back Trump is rarely wrong on his conspiracy’s when was he wrong. ?

This is not a conspiracy “theory”. Stop lying and covering for the Deep State.

Conspiracy theory!?!? You mean CONSPIRACY. PERIOD! you people are pathetic

He keeps pointing fingers then it ends up him so probably the same here!

But that is so funny. If one were going to be irresponsible and so stupid as to become a conspiracy would be Trump who killed him or ordered it done. And Cosby who need RTC protection because part of the same thing. Conspiracy theorists are uniformly stupid.

ClintonBodyCount ClintonBodyCount ClintonBodyCount ClintonBodyCount ClintonBodyCount ClintonBodyCount ClintonBodyCount

I don’t think they’re theories

Nothing like a calm, rational voice in the White House.

nytimes washingtonpost maddow NicolleDWallace wolfblitzer JoeNBC SpeakerPelosi AdamSchiff JerryNadler Lawrence No autopsy has been and Trump keeps tweeting. The one big question I have is why would Trump point a finger at the Clintons unless he knew what happened?

Minutes after the news of the suicide hit social media the Clinton spins followed immediately. Sorry you folks at NBC News was slow picking that up.

We all know there are huge BODIES of evidence check out Clinton body count Clinton’s are serial killers when any witness or potential witnesses are silenced via arkanside , red scarf hanging, heart attack gun, plane or car crash heavy dumbbell crush to neck ..HRCSERIALKILLER

It is more likely that he was allowed to kill himself so that he couldn't implicate powerful people, than it is that the President of the United States is a Russian agent...... but you guys ran with that for 3+ years....

“Conspiracy Theory”

Of course your going to blame realDonaldTrump. You always do but we don't by it. Trumps a racist, Trump's a conspiracy nut, Trump's a Russian agent. FakeNewsMedia lies again, FakeNewsMsnbc lies always, FakeNewsCNN is the king. Nobody buys it,we know its ClintonsBodyCount

If you aren’t questioning his death then you aren’t doing your job as journalists. 🙄

You really need to pay the producer of that piece double time. The factual contortions they had to go through? I hope they didn't sprain some brain cells. Not one reference to BillClinton and the LolitaExpress 🤔

We already know the obvious!! realDonaldTrump Cernovich TomFitton seanhannity dbongino DavidJHarrisJr

We think you did it Mr. TRUMP

More gaslighting from the unstable genius 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Or he’s on a jet plane.

Yawl pushed the Trump/Russia conspiracy for 3 years. You have no moral high ground here.

deflection we are used to, he just doesn't know we are on to him. getting really old. we can do better then this as a representative of the US. Shameful the world is exposed to his demented acts. shame on the republicans for their selfishness in allowing

As planned. While on “vacation”.

It’s not a conspiracy theory if you have 60 friends or acquaintances commit suicide. 60. 60. 60.

Russia, Russia, Russia!!!!! No conspiracies at NBC.


NBC has all the answers in the Epstein case, no reason to look elsewhere or speculate whatsoever. Definitely, do not attempt to link his death to any powerful Democrats that were associated with this child sex trafficker.

You mean conspiracy FACT.

How long did you peddle Yrump was a Russian agent? Talk about a hoax

CrazyDonald 25thAmendmentNow

You pushed Russian conspiracy theories for 2.5 years. You openly lied to your viewers. Your “reporting” is 💩. Name one other politician who has had 50+ acquaintances that died mysteriously.

LOL just got ratio'd for saying conspiracy theories are bad after pushing Trump/Russia nonsense for 3 years! EnemyOfThePeople

He simply retweeted a tweet that factually pointed out that a prisoner with damaging info on Clinton was found dead, like many other mysterious deaths in people involved with the Clintons, yet TrumpBodyCount was trending on twitter. Conspiracies were already out there😉💕🇺🇸

Your anti rhetoric agenda continues. Everyone is laughing. Suicides and the Clintons has been discussed for years.

For explanation see w_terrence

But, you're a conspiracy news network. Prove me wrong.

Kinda the pot calling the kettle black right there NBC.

Any journalists at NBC who’d care to look into the Clinton connection and “suicides” surrounding them ?

Like liberalMedia repeating the conspiracy of “ Russia “ for 3 years ? 🙄 irony

Donald Trump credibility accused of raping a 13yr old at Epsteins mansion.

You people should know shit stirring when you see it

Is this a satire account? NBC spent hundreds of hours contributing to the rampant promotion of conspiracy theories over the last two years.

'Pretty please follow our narratives!' Fake news stated Epstein's Pedo Island was a conspiracy theory as well.

And no comment from his collaborators and enablers.

epstein trump and ronald reagan and religious right prophecy big bear coming after us red communist russia's putin the murderous putin!!!!!

Psst...maybe he knows more about this stuff than you. 👀

Project mockingbird media

We all learned it from you guys on the news!! COLLUSIONCOLLUSIONCOLLUSION is all we've heard. And he was right: fake news. Move on. Find the story AND the facts before you find a camera.

Again, Trump is rarely wrong on these things... better let this play out NBC. You’ve been wrong much more then President Trump

'Point a finger, turn your hand over and look where your other fingers are pointing' was coined for Donald Trump.

Look into and do your job. Or u scared what you will find

The people connected with Epstein paying you all to spin this narrative? We are not stupid, and people are waking up.

I would call it the likeliest scenario

You know it's true. That's why you use Mockingbird media language to call it conspiracy theory. You need to use that on yourselves.


Why would he do that? To ease the pain that B&HRC, Clinton Foundation is going down for unspeakable, evil things done to children. Public better be ready for the truth about them.

Well Typical MSM Disinformation . It's not the fact that Children were being Trafficked and drugged to service Media , Foreign and domestic Elites . No , It's Trump Rampant promotion of conspiracy theories

I’m sorry... but aren’t you doubling down on the Epstein “suicide” thing when everybody, I mean EVERYBODY knows that that is such BS. Remind me again who it is that’s the conspiracy theorist?

Wait for it.....

Epstein-Barr syndrome

Conspiracy fact!

No one in America believes he committed suicide. And the few that do either haven't been paying attention or are completely checked out. It is about time a President starts calling out this type of stuff. From JFK to this, we the people are tired of the lies & half-truths.

We have an unstable genius for a president.

How many Russians does it take to hack MCC security cameras? Maybe Stormy Daniels should be Questioned. Will Mueller investigate this? Admit it, climate change caused this debacle. Remember when Jethro Bodine became a double naught spy?

And NBC chooses not to investigate Jeffery Epstein's death despite the appearance of impropriety at the very highest level. We used to have a press.

Is this the same as Warren’s lies, attacks, edited and selective statements that rile people up? Is she responsible for the Dayton shooter then?

How’d that Russian collusion bullsh*t work out for you, NBC? You have vilified our amazing POTUS for 3 years, I think it’s time you start actually reporting news.

Not many are buying the narrative he committed suicide. Nice try NBC.

Breaking News!!!!! Epstein Last Night EpsteinDead EpsteinSuicideCoverUp

I would think NBC would be thrilled about another conspiracy theory. That's all you report on anyway.

3 years of Russia, Russia,Russia outta . Meh..

Check NBC News desperately trying to sell the line that there's nothing suspicious about Epstien's murder while on 24/7 suicide watch and the cameras magically not seeing a thing.

Truth anyone? It’s here... ⬇️⬇️⬇️

The Weinerlaptop insurance folder-the nypd saw when Weimar man sent his weiner pic to a 16 year old girl nypd sdny have sickening video evidence of the horrors of ClintonsBodyCount ClintonCrimeFamily evil how Q CrimesAgainstChildren CrimesAgainstHumanity LockHerUp

The truth of the matter is obvious Epsteins suicide was concocted, soon as names were released Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew etc, Epsteins suicide was booked immediately probably by CIA/NATIONAL SECURITY no way Epstein would kill himself!!! How many agee?

Oh of course fake news NBC can’t cover anything else other then Trump!! It’s getting so obvious its pathetic!!


Hey fake news nbc, where is the Russian conspiracy you pushed for 2 years? No wonder potus calls you fake news!

The Yokes going to be on the media when this is all over. 😂😂😂

Most Americans believe he was murder also

Let’s be real..AOC and a lot of other liberals think it’s suspicious FakeNews

TRUMP is an ass

There are plenty of men with dark, sick secrets that could have taken part in the demise of Epstein. 1 Ttump.

To be fair, your network did push a Russian collusion conspiracy for 3 years ClintonBodyCount Arkancide Epstein

all the investigations into him are conspiracy theories. This is some fishy shit and it reeks of democratic influence.

What a joke

Where was Trump at the time

What conspiracy? Surely you nbc news would have us believe Epstein killed him self. Because sure probability, chance, and likelihood... Anyway, nothing to see here. Carry on

Trump's presidency has been based upon conspiracies. That's how he won.

News: Doorknob retweets conspiracy theories. Sane folks:

Media (Enemy Of The People) pushed the Russian Witch Hunt for years! Next

From the producers of Russia gate.

I hope the focus will be placed on those allowing Trump to get by with this behavior. Obviously he is incompetent and cannot be held responsible at this point. Who is preventing 25th Amendment or Impeachment?

Wait, so remind me who the AG is again?

So, he’s right....

The last time i checked, Trump is still president not Clinton

Once again, it appears that Trump cannot control his mouth. If nothing else, his mouth will be the cause of his 2020 election loss if in fact that happens.

I remember not so long ago reading about a Trump/Russia collusion conspiracy theory every day.

Question Does anybody believe anything the mainstream media says anymore?

Guilty person points at others

More.than likely Trump had something to do with Epstein's death. He is trying to pin it on Clinton to cover his tracks.

Well he uses the phrase “deep state” and retweets batshit Qanon tweets so yeah it’s not surprising

Wonder why?

It was his DOJ that was responsible for keeping Epstein on suicide watch.

Imagine Epstein on the stand explaining in detail how he and trump raped children, trump and barr had to take him out.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day...


We just had two mass shootings and this pos is too busy spreading conspiracy theories on twitter

He’s on Clinton’s more than any other woman in history

As he should. This isn’t as cut and dry as the Dems want to believe. Everyone who could shed negative light on the Clintons ends up dead

This is not a conspiracy theory, nbc. This is a conspiracy. Period. Epstein’s murder is so blatantly obvious that anyone with their wits intact can see it. Your anti-Trump sentiments have clouded your judgment big time

NBC spent almost 3 years telling the Country, our President was a Russian asset. The evidence against the Clintons are there

Media continues to broadcast it giving it oxygen.

Trump is a disgrace

Not a Conspiracy if it is true !! I would expect such an influential news source to Print Truth, not Propoganda!!😔

NoDistraction EpsteinMurder WhoDoneIt

MORON in charge is diverting againà

Donald Trump found brain dead at his Bedminster golf club!

The TRUTH will be told !


So is all of America. So happy your release of the movie got cancelled. Everyone knows you people are part of the problem in this country.

stranaconda Russia bot !

Of course the fuckwit did

epsteinDIARY EpsteinUnsealed EpsteinTheRealDetails

This is why things are not going to change. We just experienced some of the most traumatic things in this country and he’s back with this crap.

Gee I wonder why? The guy is in a Federal prison, on suicide watch... and somehow does? If you don’t think that’s weird, you’re the insane one!

He has to deflect from himself because he is up to his combover in trouble!

You are the curse on the face of the earth 🌎

Conspiracy theories today will gel into hard MAGA ‘facts’ tomorrow with the help of the complicit silence of the GOP & lying FOX. What are you going to do about this?

Yeah, we know, and the Central Park 5 are guilty also! And you are a really nice guy!

What a POS... Guess he doesn't care about any of the families usually...

I’ve got a belly full of trumps never ending criticisms of people and contributes nothin to our gvt. Resign butt hole

Well it’s the truth. Do your job and investigate this. Isn’t investigative journalism your job? The truth is out there... go find it!



We all know Epstein was a victim of the ClintonsBodyCount - so does President Trump.

Really. .he IS. .or was. .the MAN THAT KNEW TOO MUCH!!! He was TAKEN OUT before he could BRING the RICH AND POWERFUL. crashing down!!! Your a lowly guard in the jail, your offered 5 MILLION in tax free cash. to LOOK THE OTHER WAY. take a longer break, unlock the cell door. .

You we’re their, they have pictures!

He’s the worst president this country has ever snd hopefully will ever see. Feeds into any drama with nasty bullying comments..too bad for you fools who like him and have young kids cuz just wait they are going to be wholly terrors who listen to no one especially parents

Media: this is Trumps tell. Some there there. Pulitzer’s waiting for those that follow the Epstein story to Trump and others... Clinton also! Do your jobs and don’t be distracted.

Well I say he is probably telling the truth.


Yeah but it was realDonaldTrump and Epstein at MarLago alone with 26 women. He is full of crap

Such a petty, jealous man baby.

American people's theory is that Trump has a huge 💩 load of connection to his death.



When he talks smack about anyone ALWAYS look at him!

Why don’t you do your job ... oh hang on - your job description has changed to being a DNC mouthpiece

it's what djt does, he will blame a rock if he thinks it will stick. little don has a serious mental problem

Perhaps if Fusion GPS can cook up a document for you then you could go all in on it.


The Mental Illness, Fragility and Denial of simple Occam's Razor type common sense needs to stop being referred to as **CONSPIRACY**

I'm sorry have you seen what your sister company is saying MSNBC maybe you should take a gander and what they're saying ClintonBodyCount

Also Very Likely that He had info on tRump ... Alan D and the rest of the wealthy rich and shameless pedophiles who prey on the young and defenseless

Isn’t this another justification for the 25th Amendment to be used now? Trump has destroyed confidence, respect for, legitimacy of the presidency. America cannot withstand this rate of undermining democracy & stability of the of the country.

well now this is interesting, he did not say anything about his own involement

Trumpy misses those Mar-A-Lago yuppie syphilis cocaine parties 😵🙈🙉🙊

You dimwits do know he retweeted a conservative COMEDIAN right? Even Joe Rogan couldnt resist posting a meme about Epsteins death.. and here it is..

Let's start with 45. Epstein died under his watch.

Why is everyone upset about the retweet? It is the question all of America has. Why has so many people close to the Clinton’s misdoings suddenly died? I’m not a consperocy theorist but when there is smoke, there usually is fire.

Despicable behavior for one purported to be a president of the United States of America.

It’s not like the liberal media and Democrats have been spreading propaganda about Trump, now is it?

Gee wilikers, didn’t he just read something off a prompter about not spreading hate and political divisiveness, or something? Oh, nothing about conspiracy theories, my bad.

This was sent to all the fake news propaganda machines - the left and their narrative

You have revoked your right to call anything a 'conspiracy theory' after shoving Russia down our throats for nearly 3 years.

Alleging without evidence that's what you democrats have been doing everyday since Trump was elected president so enough with your self righteous uproar.

more distraction from issues - like the beautiful letter from kim who needs attention

Well, Bill is on the flight log 27 times. Per court Documents released yesterday, Bill three a party on Pedo island. Do you guys not read? That’s why WE are the news now! No one trusts you!

What C**t you are tRump , you get worse as each day passes 😨

He's only saying, what everyone is thinking.

Lucky us

But what if it’s not a theory? Then it’s a real conspiracy. Your the news, do some digging and let us know. Oh you can’t cuz you’re a propaganda machine.


I suspect he is relieved epstein is dead along with many others

Like the Trump-Russian conspiracy you guys been pushing for 2 years? 🤣

He is the master at distraction.

As if realDonaldTrump ever tells the truth. He does not, so this is another instance of him trying to manipulate news or cover up something else he or his corrupt cronies are doing.

There tends to be some truth to it when you consider the attempted coup against a duly elected president by the Democratic Party.

NBCNews contributes to the rampant promotion of conspiracy theories regarding the Russian hoax by democrats for the past three years.

The arsonist who calls the fire department beyond shameless.

President Zais (Trump) he was in yours and Rosanne Barr’s custody?

His death happened under you administration!! How many “hot” little girls did Epstein line you up with

Would not be surprised...

Irresponsible buffoon! fakepresident IllegitimatePresident DividerInChief EpsteinTrump Epstein

TrumpEpstein TrumpsBodyCount TrumpsTerrorists TrumpIsAFelon

The one who smelled it dealt it.

he's demoniac.

He retweeted what everyone is thinking. Big deal!

You hacks better be working on getting us the footage instead of bitching about trump

yeah, now Trump is blaming the Clintons, isn't he as stupid as he gets?

You jackasses have ZERO room to talk. You and other hysterical nitwits contributed to the rampant promotion of conspiracy theories for 3 years about the Russian collusion delusion. Stand down, flying monkeys of the DNC.

Trump is MENTALLY UNSTABLE... what else can you say! Look at the behavior just over the past week!

He is trolling you NBC. All the media. There are many ways to change the news narrative. You lost your soul so long ago, you dont remember you had it to lose.

Holmesdonna1 May we see his tweet . He tweeted or Retweeted? Maybe it was a source like you perhaps.

Who runs the prison in which he died?

Dufus probably had Jeffery killed...

Bill Barr's ⌚. realDonaldTrump GOP WhiteHouse epsteindisappearance

You know how DT loves to deflect when getting too close to incriminating evidence. Media, don't fall for the hype this time.

voteblueforgood any real president would be laser focused on finding out how that happened, a guilty man would be looking to direct responsibility away from himself, HIS WATCH

So the question becomes why is President Fat Bastard so eager to push the Bill and Hillary did it?

Uh huh.

The President still acts like the private citizen he wishes he was

Reality isn’t a conspiracy theory. Epstein got got. Clinton and his pals gained the most. Trump personally helped put him in jail the first time and his admin put him there the second time. Not Clinton. Not Bush. Not Obama. Trump.

realDonaldTrump Said the man, all coked up, whispering, 'she's hot' into the ear of his sexual predator buddy. RapistTrump

Old billy got him another bag 😂

And in lock step the media begins to try and dispel any idea that a man who can bring down billionaires was murdered in a secure prison, cameras down and guys watching him sent on break. Any media outlet that does not seek the truth is the enemy of the people.

Of course he does!

True to form. DT promotes conspiracy theories.

Why do people support this nutjob? NotFitForPresident TrumpLies

No not really! We all know what happen when you go against the Clintons!

He had child sex tapes on Trump and Trump put the hit out. Even on Trumps watch it happened just like the children dying and mass murders. Weak leader and it is all being brought out. Trump those tapes along with the child you rapped in New York should get you the death penalty.

heierup Projection?

Trump had it done. He had Epstein removed from suicide watch.

Prove it

Who killed JFK? Who killed Epstein? Why are drugs so expensive only here? Why is weed illegal? Why is Chancellor Trump still Potus?

How many people who had dirt or were investigating the Clintons have committed suicide Dozens? Hell, we had an investigator blow his brains out on a dance floor not a month ago. Yeah, I would say Trump is probably right to question this. Especially with no video available.

More Trump bashing, NBC? Why don’t you do what you do best and stick with your fake news.

The brains of Joe Biden and Robert Mueller, decent men with decades of public service, show their age with occasional forgetfulness and the GOP eviscerates them. Trump’s brain shows his age with sociopathy and conspiracy theories and they are silent. They deserve to be destroyed

It’s just what everyone is thinking

More likely true than not. Clinton have a long list of deceased that wanted to go in a different direction.

This is what happens when we have a moron for a president

And you pushed the russian collusion thing. Go back and do your research. Trump is always trolling the media, and he is always right.

Maybe he had too much to lose as well...they were buddies and like them “young” as well...

Still waiting for him to act presidential.

So “Presidential”. POTUS is a disgrace to our Country

So not something I expected from a president ~ have some dignity 😔

45 promotes any and all conspiracy theories NOT involving him. How presidential of him.

So did Joe Scarborough

We common sense Clinton Control

I'd believe everything from President Trump before I'd believe anything from FakeLiberalNewsNBC

Osagesage Of course he dose He has to twist it up and deflect it as he just might be involved

As usual Trump is finding ways to switch the attention off him. Maybe Epstein had dirt on Trump.


Of course he does. Not only is he stupid, he can’t help himself trying to destroy the lives of others.

Just another Clinton related mysterious death... the moment Epstein case evidence started pointing to high- level politicians

If the Clintons hadn't killed all those other people there wouldn't be rumors like this. Keep in mind, people were waiting for this to happen. No one was surprised.

What happened to your Trump- Russia conspiracy theory?

Trump needs mental help!

Ok lock him up already.

Conspiracy? 😂


Clinton backed NBC has butt hurt. MAGA2020

He is embarrassed that it happened on his watch. Never takes responsibility for anything. What a loser.

And no one is calling him out.. GOP..aren't you there to serve and protect the American ppl...? No..? BC he is your puppet... Let him do what he needs to comfort his fucking ego and you will pull the strings behind him....

growingaway But you did it first

Trying to cover his ass again

Quick every one, look over there

Wasn’t AG Barr a Representative for Epstein at one time ? And if so, how can he have a hand in anything involved with this case ? robreiner realDonaldTrump

Of course he’s called distraction.

NBCNews has left it at suicide and will go no further with this continuing to serve they're liberal masters. Sad!

After NBC News was a main supporter of conspiracy theories following Trump’s election!

NBC(D) said it was also a conspiracy when Trump said he was being spied on.

I’m surprised Trump hasn’t accused Obama of Epstein’s death.

Epstein probably had more shit on Trump than anyone else. Funny how he immediately distanced himself from him as soon as a connection between the two became known. Would not allow Barr to recuse himself from all things Epstein, rather Barr was overseeing the Epstein case.🤔

Because he is diverting his base of his own relationship with Jeffery Epstein

And 9 out of 10 times he is correct!

He’s guilty of everything he accuses of others. Projection

Ohhhhh now the left wants evidence before reporting. Amazing!!!! None needed when accusing Kavanaugh of rape. None needed when JussieSmollett had a crazy story. Trump has been talking about Bill being a sexual predator for a looking time. He's gotta know something.

'For the time is coming when everything that is hidden will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known and come to light.' Matt 10:26

More like his connection

Maybe Trump sent an undercover to the jail to knock him off so he wouldn't tell the truth about him. JUST JOKING!!

Trying to throw the light off of him !!

Sure - deflation for what he’s guilty of himself!

Dlstoke You should have seen NBC's contributiions to the rampant promotion of conspiracy theories after Donald Trump's election.

He was Killed by a Trumper to prevent him from testifying that Trump was involved.

This so dangerous and crazy. Putting others life in danger.. Why in the world is he not banned from Twitter?

Leftist MSM has became the real conspiracy theorists.

NBC retweets fake news propaganda 24/7

Got your talking points ?

They aren't rampart tweets,there are some truth to it. Wake up people!

Was he on the practice putting green?

Where's the video camera footage in Jail? Oh wait it mysteriously was turned off. Former inmate tells it like it is.. In MCC under suicide watch or not, there's no way Epstein committed suicide

realDonaldTrump : FYi as Iran mocked u sir plz have USAdarFarsi translate it for you

Trump is the one who ordered Epstein's killing.

Trump looks ever more a fool to us who know him for what/who he is. Blatantly, egregiously corrupt. Traitor.

So at least that eliminates the Clinton theories. Now however, POTUS, about your incentives to silence THE eye witness to your alleged rape of a 13 year old CHILD cc: ericgarland DrDenaGrayson TheRickWilson


contributes to the rampant promotion of suicide theory before investigation of Jeffrey Epstein’s “death”

‘Cuz he did it via Barr. He can’t help his tells.

Who benefits most from Epstein’s death? We all know the answer. ImpeachNow MoscowMitch DitchMitch2020

It's up his alley. . Liar and Chief.

FakeNews FailedCoup

What conspiracy?

realDonaldTrump is totally nuts. If anyone had cause to do away with Epstein, it is Trump. GOP FoxNews WhiteHouse VP HouseGOP SenateGOP TheDemocrats CBSNews CNN MSNBC ABC NPR PBS BBCAMERICA AP Reuters bpolitics WSJ CNBC washingtonpost nytimes

Lmao. MSM of course blaming Trump for blaming Clinton. Meanwhile democrats are blaming Trump. What a complete predictable shit show.

And what were you contributing to when you spent 2 1/2 years promoting the conspiracy theory that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton?

If you don't believe a guy that was dropped from suicide watch a week after attempting the 1st time while the guards left for maintenance and the camera malfunctioned killed himself w/no help (or belt, or shoelaces) you're a conspiracy nut. And FBI says conspiracies=terrorism.

The only people saying ‘conspiracy ’ are the media ? Speaks volumes.

Claiming Trump Connection.

Not a conspiracy idiots

FFS. Epstein's ring worked out of Mar-A-Lago where realDonaldTrump allowed underage masseuses. Trump is implicated as one of the alleged child rapists justiceforkatie Barr's father employed Epstein. Trump's cabinet member freed Epstein.

Liberals are spun completely out. TDS has exploded them completely. If you can’t see this is shady you are ignorant and don’t deserve your 2nd or first rights.

Good for Trump!

More like a tRump connection.

Oh please 🙄

This President is not presidential, An so many people don’t seem to care. So what’s new? I figured Epstein was going to die, or found dead before he was ever going to make it to trial. Conspiracy theories? Who knows? Trump probably knows.

Gotcha again, run with it NBC run 🤣

I am surprised that realDonaldTrump didn’t blame Obama for this

NBC tattle tales on President Trump 🤪

Thank you USSS for keeping Patriot 1 safe through these difficult times! You are appreciated more than you know!!! ClintonsBodyCount


Epstein was a big life long Democrat donor who died in a Democrat strong hold federal facility in NY a day after court documents showed Bill Clinton accompanied him on dozens of flights to pedo island and Dem George Mitchell and Dem Bill Richardson slept with underage girls.

The felon illegitimate president spewing venom again.

Popehat Such a responsible tweeter...rme

At what point does it stop being a conspiracy theory? 🙄

.I’m proud to say I’ve never once referred to that ignorant orange clown as “the President.”

Barr did it.

Of COURSE he does.

Seriously off his meds. TrumpBodyCount

This is not normal, does anyone remember that he is in charge of the nukes

Come on....the numbers are there! I think we can get past calling it a conspiracy theory now!

Gaslighting; lies. 😒😒😡😡

He must be guilty of something associated with Epstein. This is his distract from me cuz I’m guilty of this MO we’re seeing.

The president is a dangerous lunatic.

Of course he does. King Deflection

Ask Katie Johnson who was behind Epstein’s suicide. Bet she answers Trump. Trump silenced her. Trump raped her when she was 13 at Epstein’s.

Add another murder to the Clinton machine look up Clinton murders on google amazing 😳😳😳

Well done, asset

IF he winns a 2 term you all will see his tru agenda

Is a comedy show now?

Projecting. chump is the one behind the suicide

he is projecting. that is his M.O. to project. So, he and or his DOJ toady: Barr may be involved.

DrainWatching Now THAT is calling the kettle black...

POTUS continues to amplify Russian disinformation, and SenateGOP does not care.

Not conspiracy. Fact.

I would think the current president would have a lot more to lose than a past one...


PeterSchorschFL 😂😂😂😂😂 liberals heads explode.

Aluminum sales rise sharply because everyone has a tin foil hat.

Theory? 😂😂 ITS A PATTERN!! realDonaldTrump ClintonsBodyCount ClintonCrimeFamily EpsteinMurder

NBCNews contributes to the rampant promotion of conspiracy theories after 3 years of reporting Russian collusion. Fixed it.

Deflect, Deflect, Deflect.

Because Trump is a MORON! FixedIt

Great news. We already knew Clinton did it!


Can you not see all that is crumbling around you and yet deny it? 0001 0111

He’s taking you down too!

Blame yourself for once


I see you got the memo:

Trump had him killed.

How are these ratios going for your network? We’re not stupid. PatriotsInControl

Meanwhile, What a wrecking ball this administration is - To our nations infrastructure, to our science infrastructure, to the moral of the hardworking public servants, and to our military infrastructure.

You ARE the conspiracy NBC fakenews EnemyOfThePeople You are in the business of protecting powerful murderers and pedophiles. Trump is exposing you all.

More evidence than “russian collusion” ever had. Explain that one.

How long did you contribute to the rampant promotion of a Russia/Trump conspiracy theory? Yours was proven wrong. Let's wait to see how this one turns out, shall we? Hmmmm?

Odd how Epstein stayed out of jail during the Obama Presidency.

You never learn. Haven't you figured this out yet? If he tweeted that then he knows what is going to happen.

I guess he forgot Epstein was his party buddy and could sink his presidency. Suicide or a hit job for Trump?

didn't see Hillary hanging out with him 🖕🏼!!!

I will say this again....this motherfucker here.....


Covering Barr’s tracks

As did your own Joy Reid.

But not as much as NBC has done the last two years in promulgating the bogus Russian collusion conspiracy theory.

Damn NBC America knows the truth . Don't take a rocket scientist to know . Of course u gonna take up for democrats and Clintons. How much they paying u


So Hillary is that much smarter than you?

libertythePD Trump was tweeting about it before it happened 🤔 TrumpEpstein

't's ok. He can do that. And, he prolly should.

Finally sanity in the White House! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Like anyone takes NBC news seriously!!! Joke!!!

But when CNN and NBC say it, its news

Nbc news contributes to the rampant promotion of evidence free and now debunked russiagate conspiracy theory for 3 years ..non stop .. never questioned any of the narrative..never looked at reams of evidence against it..

You mean crazy, absurd, eventually proven to be ridiculous conspiracy theories like 'there was collusion with Russia during the 2016 campaign to steal an election'? Are we talking about those kind? Or some other kind?

Your boy morning Joe started pushing a Russian conspiracy so stop with the outrage. Hypocrites

Why I love my President. winning

Says the media that happily pushed Russian collusion conspiracy theories for the last two years.

Just because MSM and the Clintons and every other Pedo that has something to hide...Calls it Conspiracy....DOES NOT MEAN IT IS. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Read between the lines. Republicans be talking about themselves. When they are blaming others

No that was you cable hosts blaming Russians this morning.

But they can accuse him without evidence? 🖕🏻y’all!


“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”~ Ian Fleming. Too many coincides involving the Clinton cabal. Trump is not wrong.


Of course.

As does MSNBC

Yea uh huh 😂😂😂

Everyone knows it was trump

Republicans do not care about the office or America.

Trump is the first of many wealthy people that are going to start ripping each other apart over being involved with Epstein. Trump, Clinton, Acosta, and many more. The knifes are coming out. All of them had a relationship of some sort through the years. Wealthy people are weird.

Kris_Sacrebleu you know if you’re george w bush you gotta thank god every single day that donald trump got elected.

Whoever is behind this, it’s painfully obvious, that this murder was orchestrated by people in very powerful positions. The FAKE NEWS is selling this as a suicide. We are witnessing CORRUPTION in real time. We The People want ALL of these human slave traders exposed.

Vince Foster!! NeverForget EpsteinMurder Arkancide ClintonsBodyCount

Popehat We know what to expect in the next election. Trump will have MSM chasing every idiotic shiny object he chucks.


The boy who cried wolf was devoured. Same can happen for legacy news. FakeNewsMedia

FAKENEWSNBC covering for the Clinton's and other powerful people (prince Andrew, Wexler, etc). ClintonBodyCount Clintoncide ClintonCrimeFamily

Oh please 🙄 A giant chunk of Twitter is doing the same thing. If he wasn’t you’d have something to say about that!

'conspiracy' ? How many people close to the Clinton's have to die in strange circumstances for things to seem off? I mean the numbers are what, 50+?

No doubt deep state murder by powerful leftist including Clinton’s.

This right wing conspiracy was probably planned and the media should have been prepared for it.

Lol! Didn’t you guys just get finished screaming about Russia the past couple of years?

Wait, aren’t you the president?

We should all be glad

Common sense

They thought Vince Foster was going to talk, and they thought that Ron Brown was going to talk, and they thought Jim McDougal was gonna talk but they weren't worried that Bill's good friend would talk. He was just sad and despondent or something. :)

Trying to pass the blame scumbag?

We’re all doomed

Not suspicious at all ;)

Israel TV is posting one pic after another of Epstein and his good friend Trump. So tweet away realDonaldTrump ... we got your number....

Simpleton here. But if Trump was innocent he would have demanded the DOJ be sitting at the foot of Epsteins bed 24/7. But the DOJ under Barr, GOP & Trump now the US largest crime syndicate in the US. Reason Trump never spent 1 day in jail the last 40 years for his crimes. Bribes

Amen! It’s called the truth that many have turned a blind eye 👁 to for too long!

'Conspiracy theory.' I see the mainstream media propaganda machine for the Democrat Party is trying to get out ahead of this and shift blame away from the ClintonCrimeFamily ClintonBodyCount EpsteinMurder


thiswomanslife What nothing about his connection


Trump’s DOJ! Trump’s Attorney General! Trump’s BOP! If anyone killed him, Trump is the obvious choice!

Don’t be ignorant. You know he’s correct! Might as well stop looking stupid and succumb!

You mean from the same group of assholes that fed is the Russia conspiracy bullshit for over 2 years?

Kris_Sacrebleu So if Hillary is so powerful what kind of weeny do we have as a president? Once again defeated by a woman and grandmother. That’s gotta hurt.

Gee Donnie, project much?

Whenever Trump has accused someone of something, that something always ends up being what he is guilty of.

Par for the course... 🤦‍♂️

And there goes the mounting focus on gun violence. Media: for God's sake don't take your eye off the ball!

So the idea is to frame the Clintons for this? Was that the plan all along? Eliminate the evidence and the person living rent free in his head at the same time?

This is Trump at his essence. If he said nothing I might be inclined to this maybe he was innocent of epsteins blood. But now I can say Trump's connection really must be independently investigated.

Biggest contributor to the conspiracy theory? Epstein dying in custody and under watch while being investigated.

The tweet should have been the headline.


DebraMessing And Barr is appalled at his death.😠

Only dummass goody people will believe that Epstein commited suicide.

You mean like when he said he was wiretapped?

The corporate press is the enemy of the people


I think most of America feels the same as the president. I work in a busy ER, at work today everyone said the exact same thing- from the doctors, nurses and X-ray staff. So what NBC? We are all crazy right? Maybe you cover up cultists will finally be outed- matter of time

45p is trying to distance himself from Epstein’s death, as though he doesn’t benefit greatly. This is another distraction & coverup.

You really think we believe we wasn’t on suicide watch ? He had dirt on the most powerful people in our government. FakeNewsMedia

“Conspiracy theories” lol

COINCIDENCE theory. There I fixed it for you.

The retweet is hilarious, that guy is super funny..

who told the MCC security guards to stand down tho 🤔🤔🤔🤔

You spent 3 years spreading the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump is a “Russian asset”, which is 10000000000x more preposterous than Epstein being killed.

Nobody buys the official narrative.

That should say it all!

So what else is new? 🙄

Trump has to get ahead of it. The fact that the DOJ & Billy Barr are responsible for the federal system where Epstein was held must look a little suspect. Who would have an easier time offing Epstein? Clinton or Trump?

But thee was a Clinton connection. Old Bill was a frequent flyer on Epstein’s underage girls express.

By this reasoning a conspiracy theory is prima facie false because we at NBC know for sure that conspiracies don’t exist. Well, if so do you apply that same principle to your own Trump-Russia conspiracy theory?

Of course

You talk about Russia theories all the time But now you hate 'conspiracy theories'

And we love it! It is his way of agreeing with an investigation into what happened! You don’t get him and never will!

It’s not a conspiracy

ptrevino1194 Nah both the asshole in the WH and Clinton Family are Pedophiles. Hey Epstein was a very dangerous person who was in the public eye. He could have destroyed the entire rich and big corporate criminal structure!

DebraMessing Sorry to hear of his grief over the death of his dear friend.

POTUS and EVERY other Anerican with a brain

Please give your “Expert Advice” FakeNews

For someone who loves to insert himself in sh!t he is now Trying to move this tragedy away from himself like always! Stay woke folks we need Katie J right now! You can be 1 million % certain that he had sh!t on Trump too! Epstein

Glass houses, NBC.

This man is insane.

GregRoumeliotis Deflecting bigly

Clearly it says retweet if you’re not surprised! Do you think our President is stupid? NBCnews sucks!!!!!

How do hang yourself on suicide watch? That means nobody was watching and somebody provided the means. Was Epstein a Harry Houdini?

He’s right. Take your damn red pill already and get on board.

This is trump's m.o. remember, 'I'm no puppet your the puppet.' during 2016 debates. Barr and Rosenstein in charge of Epstein.

PediophileInHell PediophileInWH

As you contributed to the Russian conspiracy theory. You are just ridiculous now with the lack of Insight Into your own hypocrisy

Of course if he is dead it is because of Hillary and Bill

Trump needs to shut his mouth because we all know he is going to be exposed in the continuing investigations and he has most likely molested if not raped IvankaTrump if not both daughters


Trying to take the attention off himself.

Is...conspiracy theories Is anyone sane actually buying he killed himself?


That’s the spin but the fact is he was showing how you MSM hacks hide the facts that Bill Clinton was partying with Epstein on Orgy Island and was logged in for at least 27 trips on the Lolita Express with underage girls.

I guess he was desperate to take the heat off himself.

I think Trump has more to lose and is, therefore, more likely to be a suspect.

Is he wrong?

Birds of feather flock together

Deflect, deflect, deflect....

Nobody believes Epstein killed himself.

DebraMessing doing what he does best...deflecting so no one looks at him....picture is worth a thousand words...trump you were there too!!!

Years from now when historians review Trump's tweets as official statements of his administration, they will wonder why it took so long to get rid of this fool.

Deflection by Trump. It will no win the game ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW

I watched your broadcast for an hour today. It was ALL conspiracy theories. URTEOTP

Every member of the HouseDemocrats that does not publicly endorse impeaching this corrupt president, must immediately publicly state why they don't. And it better not be because of the 2020 election. This isn't about politics CongressDoYourJob ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW CorruptGOP

Shame on you for giving him the clout he needs to thrive🙄🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

Yeah, but let's continue to obsess over Biden's verbal gaffes.

You guys are so far alt left

So where are your investigative journalists - sitting in front of a box of donuts waiting for your 4AM talking points?

I think it's safe to say you won't be reporting any real news in the foreseeable future.... gross.. you guys have peddled that Russia BS for 3 years. Way worse...

Popehat You know that means realDonaldTrump actually did it, because his thing is projecting. Always accusing others of what he’s done.

OK, Russia truthers.

Pretty sad when you find out you've lost all control over what people think. Harder still, when you post about it and no one cares. Ah Well. 'The Awakening'

What happened to the NBC of old? You've lost your are a bona fide lobbyist for the DNC. Trump is commenting on an avalanche of topical news stories re: this case. Put your reporters on the case to find out what the hell happened and how could it have happened.

sherrilee7 How is Michael Cohen today?

Lmao we knew this was coming about the RTs

If Trump really believes Epstein had valuable info on Clinton, then he would have made sure he stays alive.

deejay90192 Remember, Trump projects.

Deflection, projection and TDS is SuPeR strong here!!! ClintonBodyCount

It's funny because my first thought on hearing the news was that SweetPotatiHitler was behind the ”suicide” of his fellow ”ped” Eskimo brother!

This Bozo should be locked up as well


Mainstream media is just one big anti-Trump propaganda machine.

It gets stranger. The RacistInChief doesn’t follow many people and certainly doesn’t follow the conspiracist. I checked. The conspiracist didn’t the dangerous 🍊🤡 either. Conclusion: said demented clown was trolling the Trending hashtags. On our time. On our dime.

Every single republican who has been silent, watched as Trump has FOREVER diminished the reputation of America, is a traitor. It’s time to go ape $%&. Boycotting corporations that support Trump isn’t enough. We need a full blown work stoppage. We need to be in the streets.

Running interference already ?

Popehat Predictable

We know you don't want us to think anything that doesn't come from NBC News. Luckily most of us are not that stupid. Also you forgot to mention how your colleague Joe Scarborough implied it done by Russia. Talk about Conspiracy theories...

Hey, No fair That's your job

How petty.

Hey propagandists. When you talk about conspiracy theories are you talking about the debunked Trump/Russia collusion, Jussie Smollett, Covington kids confronting a native American, our president being a racist, The Obama administration having no scandals,etc.? All you’ve promoted


In other news, NBC hasn't given up on the rampant Trump-Russia conspiracy theory they have been pushing for over 2 years. Today chucktodd and maddow were seen poking a stick in bushes outside the Whitehouse fence saying, come out come out little Russian where ever you are.

Spin spin spin.

Also like , the biggest Child milester ever dies before testifying against the world’s most powerful people our pal Bill Clinton right? Don’t forget that ...

Trump is frantically throwing chunks of red meat behind him as the bloodhounds get closer. maga

15 more months people and he's gone. We will take our country back from these maniacs. Vote everyone vote!

That's what you all said when years ago we were saying Epstein had a sex slave ring going. It's not conspiracy theory anymore. Save your shitty reporting for another day

ClintonBodyCount continues.

Says the “news organization” responsible for spreading the phoney Trump/Russian hoax for over two years.

My first thought

f a k e n e w s

ClintonBodyCount it's not a 'conspiracy'

He must be getting ready to drop a Doozy on us.

NBC News: 'Stop thinking that way. Think THIS way instead.' 'Baaa-aaa-aaa'

Deflection from what’s going on, Russia, North Korea and missiles, gun violence , domestic terrorism, trying to pass health bills , degradation of EPA, stock market instability, China. Focus people

I am a Trump supporter, but POTUS should stay out of this but he won't.


God help us please

Fake News. Epstein is tied to the Clintons, Period end of story.

TxHillCountry6 There he is, the moron in chief

Really? You guys are something else. No journalism, just propaganda

Oh, come on-everyone is thinking this!!! Not just Trump! Stupid headlines always!

C'mon now. He's just pulling his leg. A.G. Barr hears: 'Make it so.'

It's not a conspiracy if it's true

That’s his (Trump) Federal Prison. Smh

There is no bottom to Trump's depravity.

You are a news reporting agency and you don’t see the connection? You are either really dumb or inept.- actually both.

Remember, the long time friend, associate, and fellow partier of President Trump was in the custody of the Trump justice department, not the Clinton's. Being held at a facility where no one remembers a successful suicide happening before.

just when you thought trump couldn't getting sicker!!!!

Oh my GOD!

If someone had the power, and the motif for getting rid of him who would it be oh yeah trump and the perfect cover up his personl lawyer the attorney general

Thank you for speaking the truth Mr. President

He does not. FAKE, FAKE news.

Well it’s a legit question MSNBC! Bill was with him on his plane many times. Mainstream is not fooling anyone anymore. Only those remaining that watch you is too old or sick to get out and vote.


He loves to deflect and change the conversation unless he starts it, usually a lie.

Bye MSNBC. You are toast. With the rest of the cabal

At what point is it no longer a conspiracy


Yes stop the conspiracy theories. We all know that JefferyEpstein worked for HillaryClinton and he managed the pizza place sex ring for her. distraction

ClintonBodyCount RayChandler

Who seriously thinks his death is NOT suspicious?!

Sounds like a convenient suicide to me. No trial, no names of powerful people revealed.

Pot meet kettle.

Who can order someone in a federal jail taken off suicide watch and put in a private cell? Not the Clintons but didn’t Trump party with Epstein? Was that when lying Donald was fighting his “Vietnam” with STDs?

You have to admit that Clinton was his most prominent and power associate, and a lot of people who have agreed to testify against the Clintons became sudden suicides.

SharonSharonh10 There he is tweeter and retweeter in chief

You people can now off the Clinton body count but you can't ignore the amount of people connected to them that have been killed and died mysteriously. How many murdered ppl do you know? They know a whole lot.


This cannot be classified as a conspiracy theory. No way Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. And the Clintons should be the prime suspects.

It’s happened too many times with the clintons....

What theories? You mean the ones the non-libtards have been joking about for months? Better leave the echo chamber.

Dems are doing just that. WTF? is desperately pushing a narrative through misinformation. FakeNews

Why isn't an impeachment inquiry being opened right this very second.

The President’s source: a guy in his car.

DebraMessing Of course he does. This is a great distraction from the fact that he’s a pedophile and a rapist.. and with Epstein out of the picture; he thinks he’s gotten away with it. But he hasn’t..

Because a former president would have the tools at his disposal to carry out such an operation unlike a sitting president.

DebraMessing Because he wants the focus off himself. In my opinion, there are many people responsible for Epstein‘s death. We will never know who physically went in and hung him, but there are a lot of guilty people in DC

I’m embarrassed for . This sounds like an angry 2nd grader wrote it

realDonaldTrump 🤡💩🤡💩🤡💩🙈🙈🙈

So, just to be clear, NBC does not find the circumstances surrounding Epstein's death to be a bit odd? Trump is just pushing a conspiracy theory?

Far left continues to battle for the swamp and the Clintons EnemyOfThePeople ClintonBodyCount

Of course he did...of course he did..

epstien recruited his victims from... *drum roll*... mar-a-lago

The Conspiracy Theorist in Chief has regurgitated.

You expect this insanity from MAGA drones, and Russian bots, but surely not from The President of the Unite.... Wait... Strike that.

Yup, so he can activate the Russian bots attached to his account. Make sure you include references to that in your reporting on this fake president spreading fake news!

For all of you who thought he couldn't top the photo-op-with-orphan-of-ElPaso-shooting -- boom!

But it’s Trump’s DOJ and his lackey mob boss AG who was in charge of his care.

Epstein was in federal custody, under the auspices of Wm. Barr and Donald Trump. If there was foul play involved that would be the first place to look.

It’s kind of obvious. You can call it a conspiracy theory but to those of us with an ounce of common sense it is extremely suspicious. Anyone can look into things online and draw their own conclusions. They no longer have to take your “word” as fact.

who's b!tch is currently runnin' DOJ and was named by an Epstein accuser 😜...interesting

Let me guess, some fat guy on a bed somewhere did it?

Only fools can believe this claim. Time to distract by pointing to someone else.

Well that’s a shocking news update 🤮

no no it was clearly one of Trumps guys because Epstein was in the process of making a deal to dump on Trump!

Seems about right.

When you havnt got the mental capacity to put together a rational thought, you have to depend on conspiracy theories. It’s a practice that’s as old as stupidity.

Sweet! This actually nullifies the Clinton connection for me!! Cheers Douchebag!

He's scared his skeletons are about to fall out of the closet.

Eppys alive and well on eppy island. They killed someone with the same height and build using stored DNA they Will rule it a suicide. The guy had way too much $$$$$ and a Mossad asset 2.

😂😂😂😂 So true

At least for one week, can we all completely and totally ignore trump as if he fell off the planet? For one thing, it would be a refreshing break and second, it would drive him insane! Even more than he already is!

Yet JoeNBC makes up stuff about Russians.

Yes, b/c being leader of the free world is so hard! What to do, what to do! Plan raids to round up undocumented workers from rich company owners or ignore missiles being fired by despots because he got another 'love letter'. Never mind, I'll go to Twitter & watch Fox News.

Of course realDonaldTrump would. How Presidential of him. 🙄

This coming from the fucking conspiracy network, the home of the time travelling hackers, classic.

Thank You Mr. President! We need to get to the bottom of this and America needs to know if Bill Clinton enjoyed sex with under age girls. Why else would Clinton excuse his secret service when taking that junket with fellow sex offenders?


it is not surprising he's dead. if i were a prisoner, i'd want at him; if i were epstein, i'd top myself; if i were a guard i'd turn the other way while either of those scenarios played out. sure, you can make a conspiracy out of anything but i'm going with occams razor here.

Barr is your AG not Clinton's. Who ordered the suicide watch ended?

How about some reporting? Lot on BillClinton child you hers stick together I guess.

Not very smart, considering HE would benefit most from Epsteins demise and silence RepAOC SHODesusAndMero gracels RepAdamSchiff PreetBharara Ali_H_Soufan JohnBrennan GenMhayden

Shocker. Did he mentioned his friendship with the monster. Eventually all these money bags will be exposed. Bring on the popcorn

Planned from day one. “Okay, we’ll take him off suicide watch and fail the camera. They’ll take ten minutes and make it look like a suicide. Barr you act appalled when the news breaks. We’ll get Russian bot support to blame Clinton. Putin says it will work. Let’s go.”

Yet it happens under his watch His doj His prison system Did he give the Clinton's the keys Or is he deflecting cause her did it

Of course he is. Anything to keep TrumpBodyCount from trending. Another telltale sign that whenever Trump accuses someone doing something bad it is usually a projection of himself.

After nearly 3 years of your conspiracy theories claiming that the Russians wanted Trump elected you tweet this?

Investigate the Clintons! What is Hilary hiding?



If he says this is so, we can rule it out as so. Easy. Scratch the Clintons. Let’s see what he projects. Then we’ll know.

This is the Fake President who walked in on nude teenage girls that were changing for beauty pageants!

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