Trump pushes payroll tax suspension unlikely to help unemployed, experts say

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Instead of sending more direct relief to Americans hit by the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump has suggested he would prefer temporarily easing the tax burden on individuals and businesses.

11 states have already begun lifting restrictions on businesses and public gatherings, with 7 more to follow by the end of the week. ABC News' Kimberly Brooks has new details.

But since payroll taxes are deducted from employees' earnings, those who aren't taking home a paycheck -- including the 3.8 million who filed for unemployment benefits for the first time last week -- wouldn't see any uptick in income. Many experts said that in addition to putting nothing back into the pockets of those who suddenly have no cash flow, the suspension wouldn't do much to spur hiring.

"If you look at the 2009, 2 percentage points payroll tax cut under the Obama administration, the evidence bears out that most of that federal tax cut was saved by consumers," Watson said. "With rent due on May 1, we need to provide $2,000 a month to everyone until this crisis is over. If we can bail out corporations, we can make sure everyone has enough to pay for basic necessities," Sanders said in the tweet.Some are also wary that since payroll taxes support Social Security and Medicare, even a temporary payroll tax cut could devastate the social safety nets.


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Do something. All this CLOWN does it talk BS.

Yes and Thank You realDonaldTrump we the working people also need help. Thank you and TRUMP2020

November can’t get here fast enough!

Trump 2020

How is that supposed to help people right now that cannot pay rent or get food & necessities? He just doesn’t get it. So completely out of touch🙄🙄

Tax deductions don’t help families, who have loved ones dying in the hospital by COVID-19 that China created,while family members have no immediate stimulus money to buy food or pay bills!We paid our taxes and we want you to care for us now not during tax time! realDonaldTrump

Of coarse, this will help only those people that actually pay taxes!

If people aren't working they're not paying taxes.

Quit taxing social security

Stupid idea when millions are out of work...

Welfare for Wealthy .... NO! WhiteHouse

realDonaldTrump wants to give the tax payers dollars to well established million dollar companies whose put little to nothing in taxes instead of investing back into the people that earned it

That makes a lot of sense. I would eliminate income tax for this year and next and send stimulus check to individuals and small businesses equal to 1/7 of last refund. Big Corp don’t pay taxes. Little known secret. GTE filed 54,000 page tax return & paid not one cent in taxes.

You mean...let people and business keep more of their own money?

Good as an essential worker i could use a little extra in my checks.

If you are not working tax relief won’t help

Great.. so POTUS doesn't want to help us NOW but he'll give us a tax break NEXT YEAR? HEY DUMBASS MR PRESIDENT.. NOT ALL OF US ARE RICH OR BILLIONAIRES & WE DO NOT HAVE MONEY NOW! 😡 realDonaldTrump potus pulte JeffreeStar FredTJoseph RENTRELIEF

That doesn't help in the same way as cash would. Why does he always have to be such a jerk?

Saw that coming. In times like this, they should increase the tax burden slightly.





Good plan, give a struggling person a tax break so they can reap the tiny benefit if/when they get back to work.

Unemployed people don’t pay payroll taxes you imbecile. All this will do it help rich tax payers, and severely impact Social Security and Medicare both of which are funded by guess what, payroll taxes 🙄

Keep on doing thinking doing a good job

Bullshit an crazy as usual! Who wants to believe any more Lou from this crazy peri?😡😡😡

This will not work for Americans that don't have a job, how stupid can you be. Every week someone is jobless, you need to do something very big for middle class taxpayers not for your rich friends.

For GOP there's nothing that tax cuts won't fix. Trump stuck tax cuts which benefit him and the TrumpCrimeFamily in the CARE legislation. Government has been good for Trump. He doesn't pay taxes and he sucks up taxpayer money. TrumpIsTheWORSTPresidentEVER

Yes what about healthcare workers in ER/Urgent care? Now we are slow so you know where this is going, lay offs! While CEO at hospitals will still be making top dollars. realDonaldTrump

How does having no payroll tax sound now that you have no job

Easing the tax burden is relief. You should reporting the truth instead of twisting everything to suit your ignorant democratic beliefs.

JustFYI MORE Lives Dying! Yet USGovt & PPL Selfish Stubborn ReOpenAmerica?! StayAtHome Wheres Stimulus 2ndMoneyAid StimulusCheck For LowIncome Poor Unemployed Families Singles TaxPayers NEEDS IT Bills Rent DUE! FYI NOTRichPPL!? Republicans Democrats Liberals

Trickle down economics. As Robin Williams put it, 'Pissing on the poor.'

This is just not the way to go

ABC, you really are low. Easing the tax burden on individuals & businesses IS direct tax relief. Learn how to write an objective headline once in a while.

Confiscate trump properties and auction off at a fire sale to ease the burden brought about by trumps incompetence! New York going after this and other properties to satisfy past tax evasions at the state level! It just a matter of time!

Just ease it for individuals completely and forever, minimum on corporate gains, maximum on companies that finagled their way out of all of them through shells, and jump up import tariffs? We're trying to compete with China, yes?

Direct relief They're talking about a 2nd payment and I still haven't received my first.

Demon thou art thy name. don

Like his business?

Right approach! Handout is never a good idea.

Who the fuck do you think employs people?

Bazillions of people are out of work. How does that help if they need it most and they don’t get a paycheck 🤔🤔🤔🤔

When are Americans going to realize Trump does not care about them?

realDonaldTrump send another check....

Business tax cuts never get down to the regular workers. NEVER !

The 🌊crashed on the breakers years ago. Biden is more dangerous than Trump.

That's not a good idea he needs to send the $2,000 a month in rent free for a year that's his job

I actually love that idea! We pay a lot in payroll taxes

Unemployed are getting $2400 month in fed unemployment plus their state so average $4000 a month plus stimulus checks many getting more than they normally earn. Tax cut will help people whose hours were cut or even those salaried but working unpaid OT and healthcare workers. want to ease my taxes that won’t be due until next year? How does that help me now? And let’s be honest, by then it won’t even matter. We must save our small businesses, freeze all debts and rent, and give Americans a monthly stipend to save America.

No job no tax no relief A cruel joke


Unless he’s also suspending the entire year’s income taxes. Still, we need income for that to matter.

How do you think people can get unemployment and these stimulus checks 🤦‍♀️

why omg MayDay2020 unemployment ImpeachTrumpAgain ResignNow LiesLiesLies

No individual income tax and no payroll tax for small businesses

You only pay income tax if you have income over $12,400 (single) or $24,800 (married). So how will lowering income taxes significantly help the unemployed? It will only help primarily the employed & most of all, those who earn alot of money.

NO MORE GODDAMN TAX CUTS!!! They don't help the millions who are unemployed!!! Issue 3 to 6 months if stimulus checks that help people pay bills or buy food. realDonaldTrump SpeakerPelosi senatemajldr

more for the rich, always...right GOP?

If the population of the US is under 400 million people. Why not send a stimulus check of a million dollars to each and every American. Wouldn’t that help every American better then trillions of dollars to corporate America.

Yes, let’s help the people that still are getting money. You know, instead of the people that need money because their job shut down.

He wants to dismantle soc sec and call it 'tax relief'. Then steal every dollar he can 😠

If you’re firmly middle class or below and you voted for him, believing he understood and cared about your problems, please trade in your masks for a dunce cap. Over half of 2016 voters already knew this. Why didn’t you?

Cuz that would help when you’re not making any money to tax!!!

That's excellent! It would mean far more money in Americans wallet than a lousy $1200 handout!

Perhaps realdonaldtrump doesn't understand that you have to be working to benefit from a payroll tax cut. And temporary? That means when they file their 2020 taxes, they'll have to make up for the shortage. Get a grip GOPChairwoman

Just in case you’re devoid of brain matter: this will greatly help the rich and large businesses, marginally affect the middle class a year from now, and do absolutely nothing for the tens of millions laid off. And none of it will “trickle down,” because it never does.

Holy crap Batman, you buying this shit...?

Well that is SUPER STUPID, tax relief does not help the individuals that need some sort of income right now!


God forbid he incentivize contributing to economic productivity

Get job President Trump, keep up the good work

He has no idea what to do. He's bankrupted countless businesses

This is what happens when people elect a president who has never had a job.

Oh my God! Trump suggested he would prefer temporarily easing the tax burned on individuals and businesses! We are all going to die! Democrat politicians must have a salary increase! You must raise taxes! Never lower them! Commoners will start thinking they are equal!

If u don’t get a paycheck how is that any relief? 🤦‍♀️

You lying snakes! I'm so sick of your BS propaganda.

You just care about business how about people how about families risk them self and there family's we need more stimulus checks to survive

The Republican Party are sadists.

Relaxing tax burdens won‘t immediately buy food or pay rent and other bills that are overdue. You can’t relate to the challenges every day people are facing and that so sad 😞😟😒 realDonaldTrump outoftouch

Yet another ridiculously ill conceived proposal from the witch doctor in charge. Unemployed citizens will not benefit from this and most businesses are selling far less so tax cuts will not work.

So we should send everyone a check monthly but not let them keep their own money, ok, makes perfect sense.

He needs to help floridaunemployment FLDEO get their system “working” over 6 weeks NOT A PENNY FOR MANY, MANY FLORIDIANS?!? What’s a tax cut going to do for us lol. Can that pay our bills?

Trump's push for tax relief for unemployed is a cover up for giving more of a tax break to his friends and corporations. A person who is unemployed is not earning and not paying taxes, so no tax can come out of their pay. How does this help the unemployed today.

He loves tax cuts that dont actually help anyone. Its probably so he can day “i cut your taxes”. Another check is needed so as people return to work theyll have some extra money to spend in their local economies until they start to get regular paychecks of their own.

But we're unemployed. How does that help? WHO does it help?

Another big tax write off for the corporations is the only way to help the average American

Americans are starving & lined up at food banks - losing their homes...whichever party sends 2nd stimulus direct to Americans will win in Nov! trump realDonaldTrump DonaldJTrumpJr SpeakerPelosi IvankaTrump

Pushes payroll tax suspension? What a stupid fucking idea. If people don't have jobs, they're not getting a paycheck. realDonaldTrump gets dumber by the minute. Why can every other country give their citizens thousands of $$ to survive during COVID but not the richest one?

Someone should have called him that cutting the payroll tax will not help people who aren't getting a paycheck

Really? He is so obvious in his handouts to businesses. (including his). He has absolutely no empathy for those who are suffering. Shame😡

realDonaldTrump that wont work ... please rethink best option yet is the stimulus for a few months for right now the reopens are going to increase illness and they are just starting it you haven't gotten the reopens numbers or level one numbers


On a side note....I'd like to know who the clown was that thought taxing unemployment was such a marvelous idea....sigh

Whichever party sends more direct relief payments to AMERICANS ( 2nd round ) will WIN THE ELECTION - mark this tweet! SpeakerPelosi realDonaldTrump IvankaTrump DonaldJTrumpJr EricTrump trump

Ease the tax burden on corporations. They can retain more employees.

More stupid shit.

Hey realDonaldTrump Unemployed people don't get a paycheck. A payroll cut isn't going to help them. IncompetenceKills WorstPresidentEver WhereAreTheDamnTests

That is immediate relief. Less money handed over to government (waste), more spent by the earner.

Of course he would. He's been pushing to cut social security for a long while now. Guess what pays for social security.... payroll tax. Along with Medicare & other social programs like mental health. All things necessary especially right now.

I have tweated multiple times to multiple Republicans over 3 weeks. Not one reply..I know there busy but not even the news is talking about the unfairness that tax paying Americans were denied a check because of who they married.

If we're unemployed and not paying taxes anyway, lowering zero to?


He only wants to help his businesses and his rich friends

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