Trump promises fast food feast for Clemson’s White House visit

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For the second time in three years, Clemson will spend time with Trump in Washington.


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Good that's what they deserve hanging out with a racist.


Mc Donald’s! He payed for it ALL by himself! Wow! Trump fancy!

Trump has really lost it, I expect him at anytime to blame his behavior on LSD- its the bad acid that made me become a commie bad really bad acid i took a big amount reall big, gor it from a super churcj


The hate here is laughable. What an honor to meet the president for a God fearing coach and players

Will the black guys go?

Somethings are just not worth it...

I thought this was a piece / headline from The Onion. Ha

was that just a distasteful joke or he doesn't want them to come? Since its not his house they can go if they want to. They have earned the honor of the White House visit. The chefs have class and I'm sure the meal would be fine. If not he will look bad.

Is he insulting the college kids?

A definite downside to winning the National Championship!

Why would any of those young men want to visit a place full of bigots, liars, and stupidity? No one at the white house cares about black men. I hope they rethink visiting that white house.

Why is the moron entertaining athletes while the government is shut down?

Actually don’t feel bad for Alabama now

Not burnt steak and ketchup?

Nothing like giving healthy young men fast food poison ☠️ that will make them feel great in a couple of hours. Bathroom call stall 3

The dinner choice for this evenings menu is Original or Extra Crispy.

Too bad Trump doesn't extend the food fest to the federal workers forced to line up at food banks! Such blatant lack of sensitivity! Much like his whole shut down!

It’s just Trump’s leftover lunch

Because it's not like these young men have been to a McDonald's or Wendy's, two restaurants unheard of near any college campus.

And that’s why they got rid of healthy food choices at public schools?

Why even go?

Clemson should be ashamed

So they don’t deserve a nice prepared healthy meal

Hey ClemsonFB be bigger than this. Don’t visit the sexist, racist, traitor. Go to DC and visit kids in hospitals instead. The cafeterias will all have better grub than what the lazy pres is planning for you. You’ll just be a photo op for him.

Don't go!

He did not promise. He indicated that he eas guessing. Once again the WaPo takes it out of context and distorts the facts.

Ohhh fast food that they could easily buy themselves if they wanted to instead of something special to celebrate their victory?

Trump has one of the most wonderful cooking staffs in the world at the WH and all he will eat is fast food. What a crock!

The lack of class is astonishing.

Has the White House chef been furloughed?

Shouldn't they get steak, lobster and veggies!!


350 pound Baby Huey wants a fast food feast? Didn’t see that coming.


Maybe the players would like to eat something better, because I’m sure the coaches sure as hell would.

Certainly not in the schools, teams or states best interests. Most people will look at this visit in a negative way IMO.

Can’t believe Clemson visited him.


Trump never misses an opportunity to embarrass himself. The White House has trained chefs available to give the athletes an unforgettable meal and he's doing this.

ClemsonFB don’t go. Don’t show up please?

Serving fast food to returning champs? What class.

WH chef too busy to prepare a proper meal?

This seems incredibly disrespectful and cheap for these young champions coming to visit the White House.

These guys are only going because they are in college and have to go. When they turn pro, they'll never step foot in a Trump White House again.

Trump: “I would think it’s their favorite.” MotorMouth SpoiledHeir has many times broadcast his Supremacism or flip-side Contempt in gratuitous unscripted flourishes.

It’s sad that Clemson is even going there!

Fried chicken

Bad look for Clemson to even go to the White House.

'I would think that's their favorite food.'

How utterly insulting.

Because athletes eat crap.

And the WH serving staff is working without pay!!! This is your fault realDonaldTrump GOP TrumpShutdown Mcconnellfault

If I were on the Clemson team, I would refuse to go.

Players: why would you curry favor with a traitor by visiting the WH?

I guess waiters just pass around brown bags, you get to unwrap your food, and no knives and forks are necessary. Cleanup for staff should be easy.

Wait. Wait until after trump and his criminal family and cohorts are arrested. Let the next president give you a celebration.

Cold McShit. What a delicacy! Breakfast of the champions. 🤮 realDonaldTrump, other people have higher standards (in everything) please ask your advisers!

Wow. It really is all about him.

What’s that mean KC and Big Macs all around

ClemsonTigers ClemsonFB Eat then......

Kinda glad my team lost now...

These are grown ass student-athletes, not 5th graders.

Trump's 'favorite food' is McDonald's Wendy's and Burger King....not the college athletes. Even at a ceremony honoring a college football team, for Trump, it's still all about Trump.

Is Trump cheap or just stupid? Athletes who use their bodies to make a living don’t fill it with poisonous junk food!


Classless and cheap.

🙄 Food fest. Be strong Clemson, hold on to your values. Just say NO. This isn't an honor, it is his ego stoking.

I can't even begin to tell you how disappointed i am that you're going to meet this... This, I don't know what else to call him that hasn't already been said. He's certainly not a man much less a president.

Now there’s a surprise

OUTSTANDING we’ll get KFC or a BIG MAC at the White House hmmm will this be catered due to White House staff and Gov shutdown ?

This school is located right in the heart of traitor trump territory.

Look at the president cutting government spending.

Trump can't afford a real meal. He's ordering off the $ menu.

White House chefs on furlough, too.

They want what I want!

I feel so sorry for them.

Just say 'no' young men.

Who doesn't love Popeye's?

The president is live

If they had any integrity and self-respect they wouldn’t go anywhere near the Trump WH.

“ that’s what they like to eat “ Really

Nothing tastes better than fast food that’s been sitting around a few hours while people shake hands.

Not a healthy choice! Trump trying to drag high performance athletes into his gastronomical hell!

That's wicked funny ! Especially cause on every commercial is about fitness & getting into shape !! I can't run ! Barely walk so I'm tied up but trumpet has no excuse ! And my baby's - she can do ANYTHING IT WONT EVER MATTER ! She's perfect - or as Taylor would say - Purrrrfect

I'm surprised he's not serving borscht.

You say Hillary won the popular vote. By numbers fast food is the most popular food


Not insulting at all.

Tacky AF

Yes, because nothing says 'Trump's America' like drive-thru.

Just what NFL-bound athletes want. 🙄

Nothing but the best for the best.

We know who wants it the most.

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