Trump plans to release thousands of migrants in two Democratic strongholds, Florida officials say

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Under plans outlined Thursday by local officials, the administration would release more than 1,000 undocumented immigrants per month between Broward and Palm Beach Counties, pending an asylum hearing.

By Isaac Stanley-Becker Isaac Stanley-Becker Reporter based in the U.K. Email Bio Follow May 17 at 5:48 AM Florida officials are raising alarm, and pressing for details, about the purported intention of the Trump administration to send hundreds of immigrants a week to two heavily Democratic counties in South Florida.

As arrests at the border continue to increase — threatening to derail the immigration agenda that has formed the cornerstone of President Trump’s domestic policy — South Florida officials said they have been told to expect the arrival twice a week of 135 asylum seekers, rerouted from the El Paso area. That is equivalent to about 1,000 people per month, divided between the two counties.

Broward and Palm Beach Counties lie next to one another on the state’s Atlantic coast. Neither has sanctuary status limiting cooperation with immigration authorities — a status that would in fact be outlawed under a measure recently advanced by the state legislature. The swath of South Florida comprising Broward and Palm Beach Counties is host to a number of Border Patrol stations, including one in West Palm Beach where authorities said the migrants would be processed, given a notice to appear and then released.

The sheriff said he was worried about the criminal backgrounds of the immigrants, as well as about the ability of public and charitable institutions to cope with the new arrivals. “We think it’s a danger to this community,” he said.


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He thinls thays a bad thing? What a nutjob.

You think this is right. Trump is a disgrace. I say vote him out at the poles in 2020.

Funny (actually sad), but typically fraudulent & hypocritical, how folks who are in favor of letting anyone enter the country...are now commenting & “concerned” where they go. So many of you have confirmed what frauds you really are.

Heil Hitler. TrumpReich

Drop em here in the midwest. Plenty of farms looking for help here. Lord knows the conservative white unemployed couch potatoes wont take the jobs.

Bird brains. In a free country Democratic Strongholds don't have border walls, and you don't need a Visa to board Greyhound into Republican War Zones.

Humane thing to do is release them in California. Being sanctuary state they must expect millions of immigrants n more likely have the infrastructure in place.

Florida should house them right next to Mar A Lago.

We should send them all to Hawaii. I hear the Governor & Senator are very caring :)

Good! Since they refused to acknowledge the crisis, bring it to them. I think every Democrat should adopt at lease 1 migrant.

And they will be well taken care of.

They can’t be really really bad people now can they? What a moron.

Why not share the wealth nation wide Mr. President

Wicked witch loves her flying monkies

Why don’t you start with Melania

That’s okay at least they will be treated like humans and not animals.

RepStevenSmith Send them to wealthy liberal neighborhoods. They want illegals so shove them down their throats.

what the hell has America become? we've put our destiny in the hands of a reality tv hack with zero policy experience or love for this nation, it's people or what really makes us great. THATS what's truly 'Sad' realDonaldTrump

So exactly when is this idiot going

The illegal immigrants actually get to choose where they want to go. Current toll is 500 per week to be flown into Broward and Palm Beach Counties and literally released into the streets within weeks of Hurricane Season starting.

I would say we need to release rats in the White House but there are so many in there now, there is no more room.

nyc_erik Good. Show him how wrong he is.

peace1 I hate him!

Makes sense. Put up your sanctuary or shut up

Vindictive SOB.

Thousands of migrants plan to take a greyhound bus wherever the hell they want.

They should go where they are most wanted.

Good. Maybe I can finally get some decent food in Florida.

So he goes from no one coming in to free transportation to our best cities

Ah yes the “if you love them so much why don’t you marry them” initiative. I’m excited for the “whoever smelt it, dealt it” climate change plan.

Send them to California and New York.

Unleashing the homeless is what the GOP has done for a long time.

Drop them off at Donald 's mansion.

I hope so that would be awesome!!!

RepStevenSmith AWESOME! PLEASE do it realDonaldTrump

Do it in San Fran. We will have jobs for them in the Central Valley, the same day.

I cannot believe this is the president of the United States. He acts like a spiteful brat

New Mar-a-Lago Club employees

He doesn’t need to win Florida anyway, right?

Better idea in and around the white I'm you could house a lot of them and not blaming immigrants

'Broward and Palm Beach Counties lie next to one another on the state’s Atlantic coast. Neither has sanctuary status limiting cooperation with immigration authorities..' I'm beginning to hope the next Dem prez is more horrible than Trump and pays these sycophant R's back bigly.

Where do you expect them to be placed? You pick the spots as you seem to want them and protect let WAPO make some room! Here is my choice...send them back home!

Of course he does. That will get him votes from those states!

... And he thinks he is hurting them 😂😂😂 I wonder how long before he realizes he is giving them freedom of movement they do not currently have and has helped fast-track them for citizenship. I love it 😉


This again? Drop ‘em off at Mar-a-Lego.

RepStevenSmith People of all the world, come to the US ILLEGALLY, and you will be released into the US.

WHERE else do they go. This is the problem. The millions of people illegally in our country are taking the opportunities and services design for our legal citizens. Your heart may be in the right place but we cannot save everyone in the world.

Good. We will take care of them

How vindictive.

Send them to trump tower, I hear it is empty.

Just because they are released there doesn’t mean they will stay. Many will leave to join family all across the country.

Haha, love it. Thats right, put them in the sanctuary cities if they must be released here.

Get those people some Census forms!

Has Trump gone mad? How does this help immigration? Anyone who goes along with this should be summarily fired and prosecuted.

OK, great. Will it be near Mara Lago where he hires them?

Isn't that counter to his approach that they should not be in the country? I thought his policy was that they should not be in america. but he is releasing them. What happens when someone creates a commercial like his of someone committing a crime he released? :)

Policy by spite is not leadership.

GOP : the party of lawless disorder

That will of course make the Democrats stronger. Not sure this will give the gop what it wants.


this man is unstable someone do something

DeSantis,Rubio and Scott are Trump lackeys. How is this going to benefit them- cheap labor and unable to vote

What brought this along so suddenly. Is he now going to send immigrants to blue districts? Okay fine, let's work together like we do when there is a natural disasters and help these people. Also, help those ravaged by hurricane Michael and Puerto Rico. We can do this!

Go realDonaldTrump if the damn Dems want illegals then let the damn Dems put up with them! realDonaldTrump donnabrazile FoxNews DonaldJTrumpJr LindseyGrahamSC SenTedCruz CNN ABC AP NBCNews

Who cares actually.

Good, piss off Florida and If you don't win the state in 2020, no chance In winning again. Sounds good to me... Also South Florida Is already a melting pot, we won't notice shit. And In Florida.. you act out of line.. we put you back in line fast, just like Texas.

Guess Mar a Lago needs some new employees


So awesome.

Might as well. They won't get any Charity from the Un-Christian Republicans.

Wow Great idea that is what the democrats were asking for it’s nice of trump to do that for them hopefully he will also release thousands in Hollywood millionaires neighbourhoods

Where they will find work, be good neighbors, pay taxes and boost our economy. They are welcome in Broward County....Bienvenidos a Florida, amigos.

I thought the Dems wanted them? If you talk the talk you gotta walk the walk! Good luck!

How does this pig get to keep his job?

EXCELLENT!! Release them from the prisons they are being kept in so that they can get the help to be established and have the better life that they came here for. trumps intent is to hurt them even more but he does this and it's a positive for them. Send all & help all.

So says the Washington Post... .🙄

Bring them to Detroit and Flint Michigan, we have vacant houses that need families to turn them into homes again

What a stupid vindictive plan.

A leader who uses tools of government to attack or even destroy his political opponents is merely a dictator and if an elected parliament cannot hold him accountable , democracy has ended. Is this where the USA is?

Abuse of power against trumps political apponents

...O.M.G...he is back again.?

Great, more voters!

First Hand-Someone has to care for a 1000 per month-What better than a Democrat town or city stronghold?

Is the President no longer concerned about human trafficking, drug running, benefits and voter fraud? Or is he no longer lying about that stuff?

What’s stopping those Dem strongholds from taking the migrants to Trump territory? Drop them off at his resorts. He’ll hire them. Cheap labor.

He must need extra workers at his club

Yeah, thing is these immigrants will see how corrupt and devistated these Utopias are and flee them like the socialist sh!t holes they just fled.

They should thank Him

You want them. You get them.

You want them, You got them.

Sanctuary Cities, ya?

Well good , they want them.

Sounds good.


South Florida is already such an un-American foreign speaking, foreign signs mess because of democrats, what's a few more foreigners to a foreign dirty mess?

NoMoreTrumpIn2020 ImpeachTrumpNow NotMyPresident

As long as they aren't suffering and dying in your custody I say sounds good with me.

realDonaldTrump is so hateful.

He does realize you can move around the country without papers, right? ThT will be his next idea, checkpoints at state borders. What a moron.

This horrible little person is filled with nothing but toxic dumpster juice.

And the word will get out that realDonaldTrump is letting migrants into the the USA so guess what, more caravans will be coming!! Lol 😂 great plan!!

and ? next....

Trump is not smart enough to think this stupidity up. Steve Miller and his minions have had this type of leverage in the queue for months. Miller needs some time in front of a House Committee to explain who he is working for on these issues.

Classic Trump....gotta love the man. Always has our backs


Democrats love touting their sanctuary cities... until they actually have to become one. NIMBY

You get what you get, and you don't throw fit.

Boy! These must not be “very very bad people” if he’s willing to just dump them anywhere in the country! Just off hand, how is he going t get them to stay in said Dem places. They may want to go to Wyoming!

What a great way for him to rile up his voters in FL!

Sad to see people being treated as cattle. Round them up!! . Is this America?


Watch this backfire beautifully! DumbDonald

That's actually fine with Floridians. Migrants are the back bone of Florida. Honestly, who do you see continuously working all the logistical, structural, labor based landscaping and construction jobs that built this state? White people? Very few.

More hot air from 🤡 with no policy in place.

Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, has joined the board of advisers of the corporation running the largest unaccompanied migrant children shelter.😐

They must be working at the Trump resorts in Florida!

More voters for the dems

Trump’s cruelty is akin to that of a 7th grade psychopath scorned by the boy he crushes on while scrawling homophobic slurs on the bathroom wall...

Release them into Seattle and Portland.

Migrants must be super dangerous if they can just drop them off at a random corner. Angry people logic.

How? By Trump Air? realDonaldTrump POTUS WhiteHouse BillSpadea MattRooneyNJ Brooks8314 MeghanMcCain HuntsmanAbby GOP seanhannity TuckerCarlson IngrahamAngle JudgeJeanine JudicialWatch TomFitton PressSec

Good, they can eventually become citizens and vote blue.

All they need to do is have their DMVs issue them TSA approved IDs and the supporting paperwork then release them into the wild. Comeuppance thwarted.

Don’t like it, build a wall

Once again he’ll be stopped by the courts. EVERYTHING Trump touches ends up in the court system because he thinks he can run this country like Trump Org.

Glad he is the President for all the pwoolens😾

So much of what he does is vindictive. What a sad, petty, little man...

Why does it appear that everything is done out of malice and nothing else? Common sense does not play into this formula. For South Floridians, this is 1980 revisited. And we all know how that worked out. Does TIME Magazine 'Paradise Lost' (1981) ring any bells?

This can backfire on R's quickly.

Raising property taxes on Mar a Lagoon and the golf course might hhelp

Hmm I hope Dems move toxic waste to republican strongholds though admittedly that is redundant

What's the problem? Democrats love open borders and will welcome their emergency wards looking like this

Does anyone else see this as punishing your political opponents? That's bad enough, but FLA has an R governor - a man Trump campaigned for. That's insane and bad all in the same sentence.

Well at least they will be looked after that way.

Damn this sucks. buildthewall

I'd rather live next door to an undocumented immigrant than live next door to a Trump voter any day of the week.

Dems wanted these immigrants released, here you go, enjoy. Go ahead and update society later when these illegals become a problem.

Go on son

BestButterCup The man is walking foreign and domestic trainwreak.

If he would stop worrying about revenge and start worrying about the situation everyone would be willing to help come up with a solution WeNeedAPresidentStopActingLikeABaby

Awesome ... hopefully the next POTUS does the same ...and locates them right next to Mar-A-Lago !

Broward & Palm Beach County shitholes

They must think they are lucky to get these people that they have always wanted

I like it. They are obstructing, now they can deal with it.

Dems want them, let them have them. Send them all to Cali, Chicago, NY, etc.

Wonder if it’s the same 2 counties where they’ve found Russia tampered with the outcome of the Presidential election results?

You get what you have been wishing for.

He is using people as pawns for political purposes

Broward++Miami Dade ++ They want them,, 500 each per month.

I ❤️ Hatred!


Releasing migrants into US cities? Yeah, that'll show 'em Mr. President. 🙄

Giving them what they want

Let the Democrats take care of overwhelming amount of migrants...and be there for they are in Congress

There is no way I don't believe he's doing this because he and his rich pals are looking for cheap workers.

But don’t impeach him because that might send the wrong message to voters.

What's your point. They do want them, right ?


This is desperation from Satan himself.

realDonaldTrump must need some workers at Doral and Mar-a-Lago.


Whatevs. He thinks it’s punishment. Such a fool.

ok :shrug

Near which of his golf courses? I mean I'm assuming it's because he's hiring.

This man is ill

Good. We will help them become citizens and give them jobs.

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