Trump plans an elaborate July 4th party in D.C. Critics say spare us another campaign rally.

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Trump plans elaborate July 4th party in D.C., but critics accuse him of trying to hijack what is typically a nonpartisan celebration.

WASHINGTON — On Thursday, the country will celebrate 243 years of independence — but this year's festivities are already setting off a different kind of fireworks.

But the president's critics accuse him of trying to hijack what is typically a nonpartisan celebration. Others have raised concerns about the potential for anti-Trump protests. A spokesperson for the National Parks Service, which oversees the National Mall, said the area is open to all to exercise their First Amendment rights, but"we will ensure that the Independence Day events and any demonstrations that occur are conducted in a manner safe to the participants and our visitors."


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He needs the parade to promote himself. $ being spent could solve the migrant issues by putting in more judges and getting on with releasing them or extraditing them home.

Tweeted June 18, 2019: realDonaldTrump may do whatever he likes on the Fourth of July as long as he doesn't mess with our Independence Day!

“Maybe Trump is doing this in an attempt to finally draw a crowd to the Mall that he can credibly claim is as big as Obama’s inaugural celebration”. WP

“Maybe Trump is doing this in an attempt to finally draw a crowd to the Mall that he can credibly claim is as big as Obama’s inauguration “ Washington Post

Wonder how much this is going to cost the taxpayers!

Good on him, he is partying hard like everyone else who loves America. On ya Trump enjoy. 👍🏼🎉🍾

It’s the 4th of July. Who doesn’t love their independence. Obviously some are offended by our freedoms. Like a socialist.

King Donald promotes a “tacky” parade to create a “reality” 4th while America incarcerates children without soap and toothbrushes.

I can’t wait to see how many ppl attend this. Tune in to FoxNews for actual numbers...bc will never report them.

There’s nothing partisan about a 4th of July party in Washington, DC. It’s called PATRIOTISM. But has forgotten what that is. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️

When the protesters arrive wearing John McCain t-shirts we’ll see what happens.

Didn’t work for Nixon !

Tanks were last in DC post-911 after we had been attacked. It was disturbing but I felt safe. Tanks will be in my home city this week to bolster the ego of an illegitimate POTUS who continues to deny an adversarial attack on our elections. I’m more than disturbed. I’m outraged.

🎊🎊great idea!!🇺🇸🇺🇸

Just Like he is hijacking our Democracy.

Illegitimate POTUS should just parade locked up immigrant kids in cages & have a genital grabbing contest for his deplorables, fun times for the whole family!!

Maybe he just wants to have a hella party to celebrate the country. Can’t people just put speculation aside and enjoy?

First time I’m embarrassed to be an American! He’s a sickness with no end in site!

No just libs and the lib media NBC. We already know. Lib media destroying America mentality

The media just can’t sit back and leave even the July 4th celebrations alone. ⛑If it’s a small Military Procession you will mock that.

Fake president

Wouldn’t it be hilarious if nobody showed up? Of course the MAGA crowd will but hopefully others will stay away and embarrass him with another small crowd

Critics? Turning a traditional celebration into a military exercise to honor Trump takes 'critics' to identify and discuss?!

Thank God I am not at home to witnessed this absurdity.


Now you’re even ruining the 4th of July.

Here's the President of everyone.

According to the National Park Service access to the Lincoln Memorial is open and free year round. The RNC cannot be allowed to seal off the Lincoln Memorial and issue tickets for access for Trump’s Independence Day . occupythelincoln

True Patriots will watch. Everyone else can go to the border and sing Kumbaya.

I guess he doesn’t need this money to build his wall.

Soviet-like Trump campaign event at taxpayers expense. Lovely 🙄 Not watching. I’ll be with family & friends celebrating Independence Day, NOT autocrat Trump day!

Thank you so much Mr. President celebrating Fourth of July in Washington DC I wish I have a VIP pass to watch thank you

Because that is exactly what POS tRump is doing!!!!

Why is it wrong? He's the POTUS why can't he have a celebration. My God you always criticizing this President. When he is wrong then I agree but let him celebrate he does love the USA.

This shit is not fucking normal!!!!!!!

It HAS been 'hijacked' .His Supreme Assholiness wanted this parade from.the day he was elected. He got it. He will then play golf. How much does this cost the American people. What is the figure for this blow job?

Yeah, pretty sure it's partisan this year. The Democrats have proven time after time how mush America pride they have. They raised hands on National TV so we could visually see their contempt for American. Just sit this July the 4th out Democrats. DesperateDemocrats

Hey I have a gig, but if I didn't you can bet your bottom dollar I am not watching this farce. America is certainly taking a vacation from its soul. I will return when the nightmare is over.

MEDIA is accusing him. The rest just love a parade.

Hope it rains, lighting and thunders on his parade.

So the logic is that if you celebrate your birthday you are hi jacking the birthday celebrations of others born on the same day. Keep reaching NBC

He will claim every person there to celebrate OUR national holiday was there for him.

Well. It's the TRUTH.

Boycott trump

Money no object I assume!!

Funded by taxpayers to raise money for his campaign & feed his ego.

Lets destroy Trump his 4th of july celebrations...where are the baby blimbs?

We SHOULD have a protest right along side of this parade if he has it !!America does not need to Pull a Russian or North Korean Pride parade. THIS CLEARLY SHOWS HOW HE IS A WANNBE DICTATOR. IF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BACKS THIS THEY SURELY ARE CONFESSING THERE DESIRE FOR COMMUNISM!

Let it rain, thunderstorm and ruin his MAGAt party.

Cancel this ego driven farce and instead use the money to buy soap, toothpaste and tooth brushes & beds for the children locked in filthy cages at our Southern Border.

So people that Neal for the star spangled banner, burn the flag and disrespect the president and White House can stay home because only real patriots should attend this celebration. !!!

It stinks! The 4th is none political GO AWAY

davidschroff Ill watch reruns of A Capital 4th from the last few years. Now THAT'S a real celebration.

EVERYTHING Trump does is for his PERSONAL advantage.


Critics- “Trump is hijacking the holiday” The press- We should report on it to the extreme where it literally hijacks Twitter and TV so the critics can say I told you so. Critics- Trump hijacked the holiday This is how you fabricate the news.

He loves this country.

I never thought we'd EVER see a time when people would criticize a United States President for wanting to celebrate America. Unbelievable.

It's going to make some great video and images to be able to compare him to dictators in future documentaries. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ ThoughtsAndPrayers Zohnerism DunningKruger

Make Trump pay for it!!!

The pic of a dictator. Though I was seeing a pic of Adolph Hitler there for a moment reincarnated.

If realDonaldTrump truly wanted to celebrate our 💪 on 7/4, he'd hold a parade featuring weapons, clothes & food our rag tag revolutionary war soldiers were given to fight the strongest military in the 🌎. He could brag to buddy Putin that the thirst for freedom trumped might!

We know where you stand so go to hell!

Really lol people saying this absolutely ridiculous 😂

Good , enjoy the Parade.

I don’t want my tax dollars wasted on his fragile ego


He's a Nazi-Boycott!!😱🤤😲

It’s America and he’s America’s President! What’s wrong with that? (Besides the media and liberal press doesn’t like it!)

KenDilanianNBC Tanks on the 4th give me Tinneman square nightmares

He’s a self-obsessed knob. He doesn’t care about anything or anybody else. And never will. realDonaldTrump

Sadly, I will not watch the annual Capitol Fourth on PBS.

KenDilanianNBC Will you grow a pair and not cover it ?


It's all about him

When was the last time since 2016 where NBC and critics did not accuse him altogether? Barking dogs are better off ignored.

President Trump hijacking a nonpartisan holiday to promote himself? No, our President? That sounds so unlike him.

migo64587452 Trump's aim is to claim that the July 4th Washington, D.C. crowds showed up just for him. The man is such a child and SO predictable.

I would be happy to go. Trump2020Landslide

KenDilanianNBC He is an authoritarian already

Leave it to Drumpf to create unnecessary conflict and separate the nation EVEN more... Why dude, just why?

Celebrating our independence is now considered hijacking by leftist? DTS is real.

Boycott it. Live and on TV.

He has no right to co-opt the peoples party on July 4 it’s not about him or the presidency. It’s about the soul of the USA. He can’t relate to that. His soul is an underdeveloped dark cloud in the depth of his being notanks

Gives him another rally of his troops at the expense of the government.

Trump hijack a taxpayer celebration? Outrageous.

His critics acting partisan? No way.

The 4th of July is always a BIPARTISAN jerk off of the military industrial complex.

This is not a surprise. Nothing about DT is non-partisan.

F him!

Best president ever

Really?! Under the Obama era we put up with a President who loathed patriotic events. Seriously, Trump is encouraging all Americans to be proud and celebrate our great nation.

He has taken the holiday hostage, it's not a political event!!!

Who's Paying the Bills

Please, media, don’t give this coverage!! Find real Americans celebrating not this bloated orange.

They are letting him do it. Boycott it

Can't wait 🧨🧨🧨🧨 KAG2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Thank you realDonaldTrump 😍 and FLOTUS 🥰

Critics aren’t accusing. He’s LITERALLY turning it into a partisan, albeit autocratic event.

Dc should cross the waters to find a real celebration of our country boycott

This isn’t surprising. I’m sure he tried to find out if the fireworks could spell his name in the sky

Anything to use more of our taxpayer $$$’s! This grifter family has taken every opportunity to take advantage & spend the money bc it’s not theirs; what else is new😡

Because he’s making it all about him. He’s making it into one of his campaigns, and charging fees. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves. 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

Trump's fourth of July ego trip is going to turn out to be another of his so-called rallies which violate the law and again Congress will do nothing!

TDS is everywhere.

KenDilanianNBC If it’s a political rally taking over our 4th of July shouldn’t they ask for the money up front? American taxpayers SHOULDN’T HAVE TO PAY FOR HIS EVENT!

munyelele What is this critics say headline? You mean but he’s hijacking a nonpartisan celebration. This isn’t a both sides thing!!

Nothing is traditional, or nonpartisan anymore

Unequivocally! The DC July 4 party this year will be an ego trip for ole Donald and will amount to campaigning on the tax payers dime. But ethics violations are nothing new for Trumpism. And, once again, there will be zero consequences.

Of course! Please it’s just a parade! Kids like parades . Do you have to make everything nasty!

I planned on taking my family to DC for the Fourth of July. I have since canceled those plans once I heard of Trump’s hijacking of the Celebration. Actually pretty upsetting!!!

Just another way to make him feel like an emperor!

Critics are making it political by being annoyed at POTUS celebrating. Guess politicians make all the parades Patrick’s...etc

KenDilanianNBC I feel like I’m living in another country This is certainly NOT what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they signed the Dec of Independence. I would argue it’s what they wanted to become independent of.

KenDilanianNBC THIS FIRST ever militarization of America's Fourth of July celebration is EXACTLY what freaks out militias and 2nd Amendment proponents.

Trump couldn't be nonpartisan if he tried. He'll probably insult Dems again, as usual. He's a twisted freak and a joke.


Of course he does and of course he doesnt care TrumpDictator


Media should ignore it. Please ignore it.

The July 4th parade is traditionally non-partisan because America and democracy is a blend of all thought, not a communist style show. Trump wants to be a dictator so bad it’s as sick as his mind.

Critics will criticize him regardless.

KenDilanianNBC It gets more disturbing all the time.

KenDilanianNBC It's a shame Trump has stolen the celebration and is turning it into a celebration of him..

KarrenKuk NBC News should accuse him of trying to hijack what IS a nonpartisan celebration. WTF NBC?

People are standing by in Hong Kong to storm their legislature. We in the US need to storm our Senate or better yet Mitch McConnel’s office.

LOL! If Trump gave away all his wealth today, the far left, CNN, MSNBC, and NYT would be upset that he did not give his wealth away sooner!

Because he couldn't organise a military one?

Awe poor communist media azzholes get offended!😭😭😭

stevgole NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS NOTanks4Trump's BS

I hope nobody shows up to this ridiculous expensive spectacle. WorstPresidentinHistory

If he says one word criticizing Democrats, than this party should be billed to his campaign! Good luck to Washington DC getting paid - they're still trying to get him to pay for the Inauguration. He can't use our American traditions to disparage the majority of Americans.

I urge everyone to boycott

He is delusional and this is disgusting. He needs to go to prison.

And you will air it live and repeat it 24/7....2016:Reloaded

Not needed!!!

Non partisan? Its about the 'Red, White & Blue' and he suppoprts that. Unlike todays anti-America media led by NBC. And our National soccer teams may be the best, but they have become a disgrace to many Americans. Professional sports is losing its luster. Stopped watching.

He NEEDS it to be about him!! He should leave the celebration be just that, a celebration. No political agendas allowed.

What is hell is wrong with people Seriously!! Our President is going to have a big party to celebrate our country. What is wrong with that

Will NBC cover it as a political event?


Me, me, me,...

Fake news are his only critics. This president has done more good than any other president in history

He plans to machine gun protestors

Who cares. More taxpayers money being wasted.


Trying to hijack? He has succeeded. And he will isolate a part of it to prevent the haters and losers from being seen by his tv crew.

“Trying”? Please, limited coverage. That’s the least you can do for your country .

Big boss 💓 💞

Who is on the list as guest? Putin and Kim?

Lets just imagine, again, what the Republican outrage would’ve been if Obama planned the same thing.

Seriously, who cares? I would stick pins in my eyes before I'd watch that fool on TV

Just do not show up. Why would this be news. Don't give him the coverage on national tv. Walk away. Avoid the propaganda.

Wasteful spending President! vote him out 2020

I Hope Washington DC gets the biggest thunderstorm on the 4th of July canceling this bullshit parade. BoycottTrumpJuly4 ThunderstormOnTheMall

Yet Hallie couldn’t call the day for what it is. It’s not “4th of July festivities”. It’s Independence Day

The WhiteHouse has released the July 4th fireworks finale plans.

Get off his back. Is there anything he can do w/o a critic weighing in?

trump can stick his ego parade where the sun don't shine..

🇺🇸 What ever President Trump does is always ridiculed by the left,including NBC News❗️

Oh, please. Wah, Wah, Wah. Big babies. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! 🇺🇸

It still is. He’s the President of the whole country

Because he wants to be a dictator. He wants everyone to be forced to like him.

the 4th of July is an American celebration. Trump is having the celebration for Americans. In today's political environment you're either American or Democrat. Just look for a flag on the Democrats debate stage for proof. Find one. I'll wait.

It's Independence Day Not Praise Trump Day

He’ll use it as a rally to only speak to his supporters. Like always.

He is using this as a campaign party at our expense. The dictators do this kind of stuff.

Everyone is a critic because everyone criticize him, so what’s new? Don’t see what the problem is? People have nothing better to do these days, all they do is criticize and be annoying 🤦‍♂️

Same ol’ shit.


You mean FakeNews

YUP!! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Oh my goodness! Dems can't celebrate the fourth. But since they hate America anyway what is the problem.

He the was ok when Big Ears did it

But if it was Obama doing this, it would be fine.....🙄

TODAYshow waff48

I hope everyone goes out and enjoys their families and communities, instead of staying inside and watching tv. Get out and enjoy your BBQ’s, pools, and beer. No need to watch a campaign rally!

Feels like a re election promotional event paid by the tax payers

Donald finally gets his parade

This Fourth of July, while King Donald has his parade, let's celebrate the holiday the same way the Founders did: by declaring our independence from a would-be tyrant.

Hitler did shit like this realDonaldTrump You think you should be compared to him? Everything you do is just like him. How about that. CloseTheCamps NeverAgainMeansNeverAgain

Only a fragile and weak man like realDonaldTrump would have the audacity to do this. I think we should have a new holiday in Nov 2021. It will be very patriotic and also have fireworks and we’ll call it, simply, YOU’RE FIRED! 🎇 🇺🇸

Someone say NO. This is the people’s party. Not his.

Journalism is supposed to be a nonpartisan profession too but we all now know that to be false, so stop your wining NBC.

The man is a traitor.


Critics? What critics? You mean the socialists at NBC?

Please boycott this event.

Who is paying for TWO 4th of July celebrations?

You mean NBC is the critic like always more fake news from the leader of it!!

base reaches a new level as our country goes down the tubes

Are we surprised wait for his dumbass speech if he makes one optics criwd size it will be all about Trump coverage is what he wants and news,social media will give it to him it’s not about The 4th Of July it’s about Trump that’s all

You are allowed to go and celebrate wherever you want. If you think his party is about him then go elsewhere. There’s tons of places to watch fireworks.


If he wants to ride by and wave, fine. If he wants to stand on a balcony and watch fireworks, fine. Giving one of his rambling incoherent speeches, neither needed nor wanted. We don't need to brag about our military strength, that's what makes US so strong. gop dnc

Thank God we have a president that loves our country. All Liberals should go to a country better suited for their stupidity

His critics are hysterical mean girls.

Critics are correct.

And we allpaying for his need for attention. He will say it’s all about him....... gross

Everyone should stay home!

It’s not a party it’s a disgrace

He is the president.

The “Critics” are the media and the TDS Democrats in this country. This president can’t do anything right by you. Hypocrites


Only in 2019 would the president of the United States throwing a 4th of July party get criticized

PLEASE wait and SEE. Sincerely Shellie

That’s what petty dictators do.

Next step dictatorship just like his new friends.

I love a parade. Get over it

What a disgrace, spending our tax dollar to honor no one but himself. He’s our dictator, it’s just getting worse every day. Disgusting man!


Critics = sane people.

Yes it’s about are country not him !!!!!

This is America’s Birthday! Not an Holiday To Celebrate a Dictator and a Traitorous Traitor To America’s Day!!!DemonDonmustgo


Criticising before the event even happens? How do they know what he's going to talk about?

Of course they are, it couldn’t just be a “President” wanting to celebrate the country he serves!

The 4th of July IS non partisan. It celebrates OUR country. But with you never ending hatred you make it what its not

Democrats SUCK


NBC is making the point that if you celebrate the Fourth of July and are a Republican then you are hijacking the holiday. Enough said


Is this simply news or is it an opinion ? I think it is the latter.

Americans - just BOYCOTT this hijacked campaign party

Stop majoring on these trivial minors and start the process of getting him out. ImpeachTrump

It will be all about trump states of autocracy

If course he’s hijacking this celebration ;(

I will not watch. Unless the diaper wearing hot air Trump shows up. That would be a show.

The majority of Trump critics are the biased political commentators in the fake news MSM.

Yes ! I remembered President Trump said - this July 4th will be huge celebration ! Part of Campaign ! Not bad -- as long as freedom to offer for each person - around the Country ! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 ' America beautiful - Land of the free home of the brave ' 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸


Of all of our President’s, President Trump is THE most qualified because he has done the most to preserve our democracy!

Far-left nbcnews is against the President of the United States of America planning a 4th of the July celebration?


That’s cuz he is hijacking it!

Let him have it. Stay home for the day we didn't celebrate because of him.

Given he allegedly hasn’t paid contractors for his inauguration it looks like McDonald’s for all folks

Worst president ever. So embarrassing.

Are Democrats prohibited from attending? Is the mainstream media prevented from televising it? Give me a freaking break. Why do you even repeat crap like this?

I can't wait to see baby Trump fly

You mean the Democrat FakeNewsMedia as critics? Who cares?

Yea the democrats don’t want to celebrate success so they will find everything wrong with it, as usual

The media loves to normalize this behavior. You’re getting played daily.

Don't watch him

Trump wants the 4th of July to honor him as the greatest President ever. Disgusting!!

He said that 6 months Ago...



Nuremberg rally to emulate his idol

South Korea: People 'were literally in tears' - Trump on historic Kim meeting

No 💩.... mmmm, Trumpy 🍊 exploiting the 4th of July for a photo op.... What a surprise, NOT

Top it off with the trump baby blimp.

So Trumps July fourth extravaganza party is private and only for his supporters? Then we taxpayers SHOULD NOT have to pay!! period!

Everybody needs to wear hats and clothes with the USS McCain emblems. realDonaldTrump

Will be the best July 4th ever.

'Critics' as in ?

So we’re doing the lazy-ass “both sides” thing again? “Trump does insane grifter VIP and self-promoting campaign appropriation of Independence Day, but gee, some whiners have complaints about that”?

.. maddow's narrative puts what maga realDonaldTrump's crazy idea of emulating Nixon into perspective ..

The Trump hotel needs to make money.

And naturally,, no expense spared!!

It's sad that he has high jacked Independence Day celebrations when he is responsible for undermining the very foundations upon which America was formed, and the essence of the celebrations!

How do we honor a draft dodger? How do we honor a GUY WHO FAVORS DICTATORS AND DESPOTS? How do we honor a guy who insults the free press in front of a guy who murders journalists? Trump is a disgrace.

PLEASE don't broadcast it.😡😡😡😡

Omg!!! NO

Disgusting on so many levels😡 The main one the 4th is to celebrate independence and freedom. Not a man who is a want to be dictator!😡

Nice use of tax payer money....not!

I say boycott in person and on tv. Give him the .only message he will understand...LOW NUMBERS

And thunder BOOM!!!!!

I hate to wish this for July 4th, but I wish it rains buckets and keeps Trump away from the celebration. Everyone knows he's going to make it about him and it shouldn't be. This is America's party, not Trump's.

Celebrating July 4th is a wonderful!

It’s not Trumps day he’s going to rob our history he’s stealing our independence as he destroys our rights. Please do not attend please find another venue . Let Trump stand by himself.

Won’t be watching!

Open the concentration camps first. No party

Not “critics”, Americans are saying that.

Is he inviting his dictator friends for a cookout?

I hope someone brings this balloon to honor him.

Just say no

I guess it was ok for Obama and other Presidents to do it but when it comes to President Trump they alway attack him

That’s all it’s going to be. Trump doesn’t deserve to have a 4th of July rally as we are celebrating our independence not Trump. Besides the fact it’s going to cost way to much money that could be spent in better ways than that.

Boycott this and anyone who televises it, INCLUDING their advertisers!!

We don’t care what you tweet anymore...this twitter account has a fake indoctrinated idiot sending tweets!

I’ll be there renting a bus brining 38 former democrats who now support Trump from Akron

Democrats are complaining about the 4th of july celebration? If it was sinkoewhatever thed be all over it. Tells americans alot.

Trumo should not be allowed to spend our hard-earned tax dollars to give himself a campus he rally. He should not be allowed to talk about politics or his presidential campaign at all in Independence Day!🇺🇸

I love the idea of a nation that celebrates patriotism! USA 🇺🇸

Awesome! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

He is so exasperating.

Why are the American people finding his campaign rally on the 4th.

The sad fact is that he considers this party a celebration of Trump, not this country. Every thing he does is self indulgent.

Obama campaigned for 5 years. You never had a problem with that.

Not sure that trump leaves nothing for US🇺🇸ns .. Consider this .. trump who dodged the draft; but constantly debased our troops & fallen soldiers, has confiscated, vicked IndependenceDay for his very own, so that now can say, “My July 4th”

Ignore him. Do you hear that media and press? Ignore the fourth.


Can’t wait to celebrate the USA 🇺🇸👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

If it was a gay pride parade or an illegal alien celebration than Liberals would say spend spend spend.

Finally celebrating America and not globalization about time.

He ruins everything he touches...solely to feed his toxic narcissistic ego

Please do not cover any of Trump’s 4th activities. It will be a political rally!

Burger King for everyone!!!!

Left town to avoid a Trump Rally. The 4th in DC is forever ruined. It should be a non political celebration

Does he have to ruin everything in this country by making it about him? So tired of being disgusted, every day is a new low!

Two words of advice: —— DON’T GO!!!

Dont fucking go.

He wants his f parade

Please don't show. I will be watching tennis or reruns of it.

the man is totally disgusting coopting the July 4th holiday...making it impossible for many to celebrate in Washington DC...

Don the Con was upset that the holiday might steal the limelight. It has to be all about him all the time.


exactly for that surely will be what it becomes...I say BoycottTrumps4thOfJuly

Spending millions on a parade? Does Flont have water yet?

Awesome Trump thanks again for your support

This is news? Love the word Hijack, it’s so dramatic!

I get the sentiment of prayers for rain so Trump's childish, fascist self-promotion can be ruined. But why must we again suffer? Let's find a better way to exclude Trump from co-opting this event, which has NOTHING to do with him.

Grifters gotta grift.

It’s our nation’s birthday, not a coronation for this POTUS. America’s birthday not a display of military might , fear monger if, partisan speeches all to advance his political agendas!He wants to create more national division, not unity .

Because he is having a huge patriotic ceremony for America. Pound sand leftist hacks!

Donald Trump is hijacking the July 4th nonpartisan celebration because Trump is stacking the deck against Democrats to help him in the 2020 election.

He's insane.... and pray for rain. (I hope some old Braves baseball fans remember the original)

He sure as f shouldn’t be allowed to use a national monument for his personal use.

About time ee honor our overworked vets from the last 3 presidents.

Sorry, critics didn't win the election! If they don't like it , they can cry about it like they do everything else..



Make signs and T-shirts with this 👇🏼. I’d like to see thousands of them at Trump’s 4th of July, Parade Of Praise!

Maybe of you liberals put forth of an effort into rallying for America, your first two presidential debates wouldn't have been dominated by illegal immigrant welfare policy


HEY NBC..whatever our President does, critics will ALWAYS be unhappy...something to do with their fear of him nominating another one or two conservative judges. VOTE REPUBLICAN, TAE BACK OUR COUNTRY

Boycott DC on the 4th. Celebrate at home.

Boycott the DC 4th of July celebration. Watch the fireworks from Virginia.

Are the 'critics' libs or Americans?

He IS the President of OUR United States and it IS “OUR” Country’s birthday celebration. Haters unpatriotic people call it boastful and egotistic.. “for OUR President to have this celebration on The 4Th of JULY 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 !! “Concern should be seen by all . haters of COUNTRY/PRES.

Gonna be an awesome!😊👍

If you don’t want to go don’t but don’t spoil it for others.

Trump is spitting in the face of America by throwing a government funded celebration of Trump. On of all days our independents day, the day we celebrate our country. This will forever soil this day my having the potus piss all over it.

A taxpayer paid campaign rally


Oh Lordy, he’d better not say say we or a great nation!

So who are these critics? Is it possible that it’s the Democrates and the MSM which are one and the same?

but but but but...Can you guys hear yourselves anymore?

Why are they letting him hijack this celebration?

I hope Macy’s celebration will be on TV. I refuse to watch Trump on our country’s birthday.

Just another way our Commander-in-moron can make something all about himself ...

Oh so the GOP won't be in Russia this year for the Fourth?

I couldn't possibly criticize realDonaldTrump for waving the flag. Democrats run away from it. Not a single American flag at the 2 NBC Democrat presidential 'debates.'

You people criticize him for everything. Try being Americans instead. Geez.

And people wonder why theres division in humanity..........NBC is a direct result!!! The guy goes and tries to make friends but heres a driving force in news calling it a '...bit of theatre' why not call it as we see it? A pretty darn cool thing a president wants friends...

He should quietly be at detention camps volunteering

It’s America’s Independence Day and it means a lot to me and the POTUS I hope he celebrates the heck out of it. It’s called love of country. But of course you have to put a negative spin. You look desperate when you stoop to a new low. Yet here you are

How is celebrating the 4th of July partisan Because libs hate America, that’s why.

He wants to be like the other thugs. How much money is this going to cost? He is disgusting and those that support him are equally as bad.

He just wants to emulate his favorite dictators.

DC is very liberal when you take away the tourists and GOP staffers. So I hope his speech is met with many ‘boo’s’

Is he allowed to make it a partisan event? A rally for his campaign? Seems like he wouldn’t honor the American flag by doing so

A big MAGA Rally at tax payer expense

I think when the left started advocating for no borders and infringing on rights granted under our constitution, they lost claim to the 4th of July. In fact, I am surprised that they aren’t advocating that we get rid of it as racist or sexist or whatever their agenda is today.

It’s not *typically* a non partisan celebration. It IS a non partisan celebration. That is until wanna be dictator Don came along.

Get ready for his new press secretary to talk about his crowd size the next day again! Geez it's going to be deja vu 2019!

The Democrats “fear” he will turn it into a rally? They don’t know. You know what fear is? False Evidence Appearing Real. Stop spreading lies and accusations with no proof. Stop spreading fear, stop spreading lies

He is anti-American...and a vile human being

won't watch

Time to dig out my old gas mask. Haven't used it since 68. See you at the mall 🙀🙀

But all the media will carry live coverage because like the GOP, they can't help themselves.

What’s the difference? Stupid acting like they would give him credit IF he deserved it.😂😂😂😂

Two things the Democrat Party showed us this week!

By critics you mean the liberal media.. sorry we have a President that loves America, and doesn’t apologize like the half white guy that just left

Surprise? He does not benefit from anything bipartisan.

He wants his NK style dictators parade. This is the closest thing he can get.

He has critics? ? Who knew

Sounds pretty appropriate....... For the Glorious Banana Republic of Trumpistan.

An American President wants to celebrate America and some how this is hijacking? What the hell is wrong with you people?

‘“...a VIP section in front for family and guests...”. There is no bottom with this narcissist grifter.

Leftists are completely incapable of any form of joy that doesn't include power and the control over other people's lives.

No accusation. He *is* ruining what is always a nonpartisan event. It is not a celebration of him.

I will not be watching this abomination.

Tune out.

I bet he is really sad he hasn't gotten his North Korean style military parade yet.


Is he allowed to do that legally?

Critics should go back to messyco and let us be Americans.

I think it is great to have a parade

I will be spending it with my family and community watching local fireworks. It will be a Trump free day and TV will be OFF.

And once again the TAXPAYER foots the bill the this egotist can make himself feel like a big boy


Please please don't broadcast realDonaldTrump's 4th of July Ku Klux Klan rally!!!

The fourth is supposed to celebrate the red, white, and blue. Trump only celebrates the white

Critics? You mean every sane person left in the country, don't you.

Un🇺🇸Americans🇷🇺🇨🇳🇰🇵🇵🇭🇸🇦5x Draft💵Dodger🤮2.0 Hitler🔥KKK🔥Donald🤥J.💩Trump🐷👴🇷🇺🇨🇳🇰🇵🇵🇭🇸🇦&🤥Family💩Inc.🇷🇺🇨🇳🇰🇵🇵🇭🇸🇦&🤥Michael💩R.👿🚪Pence🌈👑🧓🇷🇺🇨🇳🇰🇵🇵🇭🇸🇦&🤥Family💩Inc.🇷🇺🇨🇳🇰🇵🇵🇭🇸🇦You Are Not Welcomed To The United States of America 4th of July🎆Celebration🤮🇷🇺🤮🇰🇵🤮🇷🇺🤮🇰🇵🤮🇷🇺🤮🇰🇵

Right ON 4th of July

PRESS & Every true American should boycott event- stay home, celebrate with family & friends and show criminal illegitimate treasonous prez that he can not get away with selling America to line his pockets, violate Constitution, undermine American tradition, Values & norms

I urge anyone in the DC/MD/VA area to find alternative plans for the 4th this year. Check if your local park is hosting fireworks.

Trump is celebrating trump not America’s birthday

realDonaldTrump wasting more taxpayers $'s . Maybe he should do some work first before spending more.

There is no way that Trump will refrain from ruining the 4th of July. He will absolutely turn it into a political rally. It should be added to his list of offenses in when we throw him out in 2020.

Like this?

Don’t want to hear trump not going this year

If you cover it, you're wrong.

Please don’t cover it! He doesn’t deserve publicity!

EVERYONE ignore DC on the 4th.

Critics can pound sand!!

MSNBC haters



Let’s not go

Thank You President Trump for Making America Great Again!🇺🇸

That's all it will be is another rally and a way to blast the Democratic runners,

I hope no media outlets cover this.

No, no, no,no,no!! He has raised his campaign $2M already by illegally campaigning all the time at every gathering he attends! He has not obeyed one emolument!!

Same old, same old from the Dems who refuse to support Trump on, literally, anything he say or does. No respect. Fed up. Enough is enough of their BS!

MAGA. Party on.


don't go don't watch on tv don't add to the attendsnce

Keep it up as your ratings nose dive!!

Boycott ALL aspects of this vanity party for Trump!

It’s going to be great!! Thank you Mr President! MAGA2020 walkawayfromdemocratsocialist

And if you broadcast it I will never watch this station again.

Who's paying for this

We all know you will but really, MSM Execs, you have to stop giving Trump 24/7 coverage - And please, for the sanity of those with a brain, do NOT show his 4th July campaign rally speech. CNN ABC CBSNews Morning_Joe NewDay donlemon chrislhayes NicolleDWallace ChrisCuomo

KAG IndependenceDay2019

MSNBC and followers are like petulant whiny children always assuming the worst. Every negative prediction made about President Trump has never happened. No Nuke annihilation. No stock market crash.Even RUSSIA was wrong. Mueller was wrong too. Enjoy the 4th and Trumps Pro USA

In that case, if trump wants his celebration day it should be the 4th July anti trump day

Is he paying for ‘elaborate’

Let’s get out the McCain banners and shirts.

Isn't it another giant TaxpayersMoney event, AKA DictatorSyndrome So he can line USA (he thinks they're his personally) Forces, rockets & tanks, up against NK, China & Russia to show his are bigger? 4thHorsemanCometh

there is always a massive celebration in DC ~ please, he acts like he invented this ~ he just wants this one to pay tribute to him

Talk about an Iconoclast!

Cause nobody likes you dude. Nobody. Not even Kim and Putin.

This event shouldn't be covered live. We're celebrating our nation not the racist sexual assault bragging unpatriotic corrupt Russian asset realDonaldTrump

Don't televise‼️

At tax payer expense.



why can't we proud of our country? dems hate that


Oh please he WILL make it a 2020 campaign rally he won't be able to resist... HE ALWAYS MAKES EVERYTHING ALL ABOUT HIM, DON'T YOU KNOW THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND HIM

How is he getting away with this? I would really like to know.

And Nero fiddled while Rome burned......trump is more like Caligula though

Critics need to SHUT UP! Patriots CELEBRATE the 4th! Why do people whom call themselves Americans object to a celebration? As for a rally, the Dems are mad cuz they know Trump has HUGE support from the American people. Dems are threatened by his success.Where is THEIR patriotism?

We still aren't sick of the winning yet sir! But clearly the media is, and the goons who still think they are reporting honestly. Winning



A bunch of whiners on this thread.

Whaaaaaaa. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 crybabies

I see the Nine-Fingered Shit-Hawks at MSNBC are still trying to appear relevant. I bet you're even lagging behind CNN in the ratings, and they're behind the 'Cooking With Seaweed' channel.

I am praying for rain.

JACKASS opinions DON'T MATTER whether elected or overpaid for. Steny Hoyers' is only one of many that it doesn't, as well as WHO wrote whatever about it.

Trump will take any advantage to put his name out there. He will come back and tell us how this was the greatest celebration ever and all because he was there to make a speech. Trump has no morals and he is not planning to develop it now.

It is going to be a carnival of all sorts of right wing groups, partying. Prominent among the 'good people' there will be: -The ProudBoys -The evangelical 'good Christians' -The good old boy from Kentuck -The simpletons -The AltRight gang

If I had the power... Not One person would show up for trump. Have a great celebration close by but not where his show will be. Come on... unit and don’t show at his party... thinks he’s king. He is NOT!!

Trump will parade kids in cages!

My family and I will NOT be attending, watching, or listening. Trump is ruining the Celebration! realDonaldTrump A campaign rally is exactly what it will be. No thanks.

BETTER THAN IDIOT OBAMA 'Obama’s “slip” while exiting the balcony of the White House after his 5th Independence Day address, his microphone, which was clipped inches below his shirt collar, was supposed to have been turned off immediately after his closing remarks to guests....

Trump 2020!!!

So what if it is. This man works for free for this country and he has earned it.

If he uses taxpayers money for his campaign bullshit he needs to be brought up on charges of embezzlement. Presidential immunity be damned

There's always a critic... No matter what he does. Let's celebrate the 4th of July.

I say people should either stay home or attend another fireworks celebration.

I will stay far away from trump’s narcissistic Hitler rally.

Great wonderful happy he is doing what Americans want and are proud of this great nation. We must celebrate our country.

It was ok when Clinton’s and Obama’s had all the Hollywood people at the White House. What was that for. $$$$$$$$$

Will not watch media coverage

MSNBC smearing—you have no business pumping this story. None. Oh and it’s not a story.

Trump 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Loser and tax payers well be held paying for this political campaign rally

You can't highjack a national holiday and call it your own. Celebrating July4th has been around longer than anyone alive today. What's next Newyears

A big hate rally in D C for the fourth is all this is going to be,

I only hope MSNBC is nowhere near this phony trump rally...

Trump's July 4 rally is the clearest sign of his desperation. He knows that voters are moving away from him.

While kids sit in cages

Is this taxpayer-funded?

Wasting more tax payer money for vanity...HAVEN'T THESE FUCKERS ALREADY DESTROYED ENOUGH AMERICA MORALS? ( Probably be selling tickets to stay at the Hotel for $1,000,000)

Don't televise it Boycott Trump July 4th

LOL's. TDS rules! Only Trump knows how to celebrate a Great Country! MAGA!

Wear anyone but Trump T-Shirt and attend and get in front of camera!

🤢🤮 ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW !!!

Awesome President..thank you realDonaldTrump. For what you are truly a real president

When you're spending tax payers money why not. That what's realDonaldTrump biggest talent spending other people's money and claiming he paid for it himself Conman OtherPeoplesMoney

Don’t attend. Celebrate in your hometown.

Love this!! WTG Mr. President!! America loves you despite the hateful liberals!! MAGA TRUMP2020Landside voteDEMSout2020 voted REDtoSave America

I hope people boo him

Great idea ... for the fallen in WWI and WWII, who gave their tomorrow’s for our today’s ... so, if YOU what to stay home and not celebrate & remember then that’s ok ... at least YOU have that option ... 🤔🇺🇸 ... 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿 ... the Nazi’s have fallen, now their propaganda must too

Another waste of taxpayer $ on the 4th of July of all days. What an insult to the overtaxed working American. GOPTaxScam PresidentLoco AmericansForImpeachment 25thAmendmentNow TakeHimAway 🤡🚑👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️🏥 BillionDollarLoser realDonaldTrump TrillionsWasted

stoptrump trumpisanarcissist TrumpCrimeFamilyForPrison TrumpIsAMoron

Who really cares.

You will be here and enjoy the party

Critics will criticize anything.

O geeze, if hes gonna be on tv that day- it'll be broken

Best President ever America!


It’s not his personal party? It’s the country, Can he comprehend that at least,its not a rally,not one word of political opponents or politics.Does this man have any dignity to his country at all.He shouldn’t be president.

Stay away. Illegitimate “president”. He is taking away our tradition for his own purpose. Taxpayer costs for his ego. Who is going to clean up the mess?

Yes, spare us your “about me” rally. Most of us are not your fans and would not like to see you or hear you trump

Campaign no, say hate rally because really that’s what it is. Pray for rain

He wants July 4th to ve about him!

He will make it all about him, while spending tons of taxpayer money so he can get his bottomless pit of need for attention filled for a bit.

That's my fcking president and he can do whatever the hell he wants.

Yes, the continue takedown of the deep state and independence from the government.

JohnLaprise I hope the weather in DC is horrible, military aircraft are grounded, and no one shows up b/c of tornado warnings. But expect President Pantload to brag that a million attended.

I could think of many ways this money could be spent, not on a parade- however no shame to veterans I admire and appreciate each of you

UrnDebra Nope just celebrating how great America is and how we. plan on keeping it that way!

I say, Don’t broadcast his nonsense.

He told us that what he talks to Putin about is none of our business so he shouldn’t be celebrating anything in the US

Ill go!! Anyday as long as its a realDonaldTrump rally. His is worth going to.


Why are the American people paying for this shit show?

Trump is wasting OUR tax money promoting the July 4th celebration that has never needed promoting; the baffoon knows nothing about genuine love of America or sacrifice or patriotism. Republicans & tyrants like Putin genuflecting before his criminal ass is his only concern. Trash!

Americans don’t watch it. There is plenty of other big cities with great 4th displays.

Everyone should refrain from watching and networks should not broadcast it.

Is there anyway to stop this?

I can't watch it. I'm washing my hair when it's on TV.

Is a critic? Or are you planning to televise the *elaborate* event for the sake of ratings? I have stopped watching all of your news programs. The same ... Ad nauseum.

We get it. Liberals hate good old fashioned Americanism.

Have a GREAT 4th Mr. President!!!!


Let's turn the holiday around. Do volunteer work. Go watch a movie. Organize a quiet game night.

Bread an Circus while your country collapses...

Is he paying for this ?

Celebrating our USA. BRING IT ON


I would look forward to another Trump rally. This President is fantastic!!!!

Yeah tRump likes to spend our money for just another one of his campaign rally.

These replies gave me autism

I bet its going to be the best ever. I can't wait.

It’s like taking the holiday and celebration away...what a way to ruin freedom’s summer..., can we make the fireworks spell “32%” ?

Stop using taxpayers money to pay for your rally!

I'd rather watch dust settle.

Don't watch it or go!!! It's no longer about OUR COUNTRY. I can't stand him!!! DICTATOR Display of self love.

Not watching MSNBC. Cover the Trump hijacking of the 4th at your own peril. I’m just about to kick you guys to the curb.

Why can't you people grow up. Of course you said Nothing negative when Obama lighting up the White House with The colors of a 🌈 that God gave mankind as a symbol of his promise, that u degraded that symbol reg. lgbt (sick)!!!!!!! YOU WILL BE JUDGED!!!!!!!!

Why is it a negative to MSNBC that the President has a great July 4th celebration? It’s as if you want to shame Americans for being proud of our country.

realDonaldTrump This is SO inappropriate! There is no way on earth that this will suddenly be a celebration for ALL Americans: not with this stugots. It will most definitely be a campaign rally, complete with VIP seating and privileges for his donors. EPIC EPIC EPIC FAIL!

Of course he is. He is about as patriotic as my family room sofa and providing entertainment for people is only about promoting himself.

Great celebration coming on the 4th. Finally about time Pelosi agrees with Trump.

The closest realDonaldTrump will get to his tank parade.

The 2020 Democratic candidates can only watch as Donald Trump continue to stack the deck against them, Donald Trump has been complaining for 3 years and his approval has fail to reach 50%. But Trump will still claim victory in 2020.

Trump does not miss an opportunity! Keep the train roll in’

Critics don’t have to be there or watch any coverage. Their choice.


juliedeplorable Party Poopers!

No thank you ☺️


Stay home, don’t get out bed, curl up in fetal position it’s only 24 hours.

Spare us another Democratic Debate! 🤢

We don't tire listening to our President, at least he is not fake news.

I live in DC. I will NOT attend or watch his intrusion on OUR day. boycottdcjuly4

Has he paid his last bill that he owed so he can get a permit?

I’m boycotting any live or televised celebration from DC.

By critics you mean NBC staff.

Ya got to love our POTUS🇺🇸

Quit stealing our money!! BlueWave2020

There is no chance it will celebrate Independence Day more than trump will promote himself. Any American who would applaud that on our own day for all of US deserves to be snubbed. It will be a rally. He will claim outrageous things, none of which are true. And MAGAns will nod.

Hopefully the TrumpBaby balloon leads the parade.

DEMOCRACY Day Not Nazi Propaganda Day! BOYCOTT T.V. coverage!

Who cares

This is his style. He is to freakin cheap to hire a venue like his golf resort or Mar-ra-Lago to hold a 4th party for himself, he realDonaldTrump has to use a public venue open to Holiday tourists on July 4th in W DC and close Lincoln Memorial. Is that MAGA ? VIP’s elites screw

Boycott July 4th in DC

God Bless America... The Flag... MAGA2020!!

He’ll wreck that too. Everything he touches dies

What you don’t understand...but you WILL... is that he would draw HUGELY crowds if he held a rally EVERY.SINGLE. DAY!!! BestPresidentEver

WWG1WGA get ready.

seriously, there is nothing to celebrate with his administration still in the WH. We will celebrate with their departure.

I will mute him

LarryBoorstein Nope 👎

Praying for the first hurricane of the season

Don’t watch. No one pays attention to you anyway. Have you seen your tanking ratings? FakeNewsMedia OperationMockingbird I hope MSDNC is nailed in a RICO suit.

Best President Ever

Awesome he is the best president ever only freakish weird drama queens don’t think so

I think this celebration will be much MUCH bigger than anyone understands. I have a feeling a big announcement or introduction will happen.

No doubt MSNBC will give it coverage, and NO DOUBT I won’t be watching. 👎

There will only be a few there 😂😂😂🇺🇸🇺🇸

He is trying to turn the 4th of July into another racist Trump Rally.

It will be the biggest 4th of July celebration DC has ever seen...Not even sure all the people who are going will be able to fit. 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸KAG🇺🇸💥🇺🇸💯


Looking forward to it!

Really dont care what the critics say truthfully

Trumppy just wants to act like an authoritarian. I just his supporters wake up before he gets our country completely destroyed.

Great , love a good Patriotic show

Critics can bite it!! We WILL celebrate our country..your approval is not needed!

None of the “DC Critics” would have complained if Barry and Michael had done this

“They said I couldn’t win. All the fake news with their fake polls said, ‘He can’t win. Impossible.’ But they were wrong. I did it. The biggest electoral college win in history. A landslide. Now they are sore losers and want me to be...the ‘I’ word. No collusion. No obstruction.”



Don’t go and don’t watch. It’s really that simple.

Rendezvous at the DMZ 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA


Deny the permit. Mall is for everybody.

They’re just jealous they can’t gather half the crowd. Instead of complaining here’s an about joining in and celebrating the nations birth? Oh right you don’t like our nation.

God forbid we have a President who will celebrate OUR COUNTRYS BIRTHDAY! I’ve never witnessed such anti~Americanism. You can’t even come together to celebrate July 4th! Pathetic! You lost an election, IT HAPPENS to one side EVERY ELECTION!!!!!

With over 120000 people at his Orlando rally last week, the crowd at the Lincoln Memorial is expected to be over a half million. Awakened patriots support POTUS and don't pay attention to the MSM propaganda. 2020 is guaranteed. MAGA WWG1WGA

Everyone in DC needs to stay home on the 4th!

I'm sickened by trump's plans for a Nuremberg rally on the Mall. BoycottTrumps4thcelebration

I really don’t care... won’t be watching anything this liar puts on. He is despicable.🤮🤬💩

Leave it to realDonaldTrump to hijack a national holiday to aggrandize himself. Bizarre for someone who betrays all good things about USA. Maybe Putin could let Trump stand on the podium for May Day next year in Russia.

Please don’t tie up tv with his lies and hate. Do not broadcast it!

Trump is a fraud president, say no to Trump

You know what would be one shows up

Dear Leader wants a parade for his ego and so he can take video to show his ruthless killer dictator BFFs Puty and Uney.

So trump is having a re-election rally, in DC, at tax payers expense and no one is up in arms about this!! Can you even imagine if President Obama had done something like this? Of course he would never have done anything that stupid, but if he had, he would have been run out!

After his disastrous G20 performance realDonaldTrump should be careful not to confirm his Authoritarian ambitions!

and the American taxpayer gets to pay for his fourth of July campaign rally.

I definitely wouldn’t take my wife & kids to this event now it’s a Trump celebration & campaign rally paid for by Taxpayers. Going to be lots of violent white supremacist & racist Nationalist groups attending now with the green light from POTUS. Stay safe & go elsewhere.

Critics say 'Bite Me MSNBC.' Celebrate the fact that POTUS has not just shut your butts down because our country has laws that allow your lying and continued attempts to undermine an American President!

The Joker needs to stop wasting Tax Payer Dollars on and for Him and his Family.

The Mall firework display is the-only way he can get a massive crowd, but he will take cedit for the crowd. Make America Dumb again, working quit well.

Breaking: FakeNews hates America. More at 11.


TurnKansasBlue boycott boycott boycott: in DC, your community and on TV

This critic says F**K yeah - MERICA.

The turn out will be huge rain or shine! Americans love TRUMP.

So un-American to celebrate such a special day with an orange nazi


Are we surprised by his insane delusions of grandeur? Trump is a want-to-be DICtator

No such thing as nonpartisan anymore. Everything is made political and partisan. It fucking sucks.

He has hijacked the long standing capital 4th celebration in favor of cronyism -Paid VIP, the expensive parade he has yearned for capped off wirh a campaign rally. ASHAMED OF USA this 4th.

I can’t wait! The President of the United States should always participate in a Fourth of July national event ❤️🇺🇸

It all about himself, no one else. That’s all he cares about.

Lock him up!

July 4 DC will be a Trump Protest March of Epic proportions! Trump wants to be the center of attention—he will be—but not in the way he has envisioned. Baby Trump is already approved.

Lots of critics. Real Americans will watch enjoy and be proud to be an American. AOC Omar anc the other swamp rates MSNBC and Clinton News Network not so much.

Boycott trump is ruining America’s birthday

Ignorance and arrogance makes my blood pressure up !

If he wants a campaign rally, his campaign should be paying for it..

Just another rally to him, trump doesn’t care at all about our nations birthday, only about himself. No morals, no ethics, no credibility ...

He’s gross and ruins everything holidays are no exception

Of course he would try to steal this day and make it about politics! No attention from me. It's not about that sad little stupid grifter. I hope there is extreme low turnout. LetFreedomRingNoTrump

He only wants his ego stroked and video for his campaign. Please do not broadcast any of this.

MSNBC...the propaganda channel.

Uh - Hatch Act violation?


Somebody should tell him that the 4th of July is on the 5th of July.

The guy’s a bum using our tax $ for his campaign.

Aweasome, it's America's birthday. Stay home democrats.

Who is paying? He needs the attention and I really dont care unless I'm helping foot the bill. I've already paid too much for him to golf at his clubs.

I hope NOBODY shows up. Not one person. Not one camera. If nobody shows because nobody cares eventually maybe he’ll just go away.

It’s the country celebration, not his party to spread more lies! No one should allow this POS to do this, specially if he’s using our taxes $$!

It's just another tRump Circle Jerk. Find something else to report.

I won’t be watching this wannabe dictator applauding himself.

krab_hermit Please, if you go & realDonaldTrump starts talking, turn your back on him. Also, bring a small upside down flag to wave when he starts to talk. But keep an upside up flag ready for the fireworks.

Who’s paying for it?

Stop him.....

How dare the President of the United States celebrate the independence of the United States. It’s almost like it’s patriotic or something.

True,this is no 4th July celebration, just another Trump campaign rally

Tune out. Go outside in your area and watch local fireworks. Talk to your family. Read. Anything but Donald’s celebrations himself.

4th of July will become


Oh come on party poopers it will be fun. 🎊🎉💥🌟🧨

My house hold and me is boycotting the Fourth of July we will not celebrate it when he puts his self in it he’s never serve he’s never done anything for America but for himself and his own greed any only president because Russia gave it to him

Why can’t he have all this damn Hoopla at Mar a Lago

Hope it becomes flash point of multiple major antiTrump rallies across range of issues...

The 'Resistance' types whining about it are the same ones who want anything nailed down named after Obama.

Rain, rain, rain with thunder & lightening

I for one will not be watching!


I am not watching.

Every media outlet will be there praising his every move. Ratings is very important aka 2016

This guy has taken the presidency and turned it into a circus where this Clown is the main attraction.

I see security issues.

You'd better not televise this partisan festival of lies, . Ditto cnn ABC abc NBCNews nbc cbs

Gold star families are going to be there, and y'all are protesting them too

Last election 2billion$ estimate in free press, now we all get to pay for his re-election campaign with this trash?


Boycott 🔥

So now July 4th is dedicated to a draft dodger. America is definitely exploding like those fireworks.

Critics are just mad cause he loves this country to celebrate Independence Day unlike other presidents haven’t! Again critics will look like fools if he only talks about what this says to this country and doesn’t make it about him! MSM wring about him again!

nastier race eh?

He risks getting some boos.

Nothing wrong with being patriotic and trying to revive some patriotism in this country again!!🇺🇸 unfortunately the left is so filled with hate they can't see it and be proud of where they are lucky to live!

Every major network should boycott this ticket only event. We know Fox won’t. Giving this charade any air time will only be supporting Trump and his Nationalistic desires.

Is the main intent of this celebration to be a glorified campaign rally where Trump takes the stage making insulting remarks and boasts mainly for the benefit of his adoring and cheering base? Will Democrats feel welcome?

That’s all it is. A way for him to get us to pay for his dumbass incoherent rally. He will make it about him, when that money should be used to feed and house the homeless vets in DC.

Oh maybe he will tells us again about the beautiful health program we are all going to love.

We love Trump. The 🦉’s days are “numbered”

Disgraceful - the DC 4th has been highjacked by the Russian W H.

Trump 2020

He is not TRYING to hijack it. He IS hijacking it. Must be the center of attention at all times.

Considering his critics have come out against the US Constitution and against Americans. Globalists hate America and Communists want to enslave it. Si the President is right. Time to fight against the media bias.

I eont be there

Trying to turn the 4th of July into a giant Trump rally. Sad.

Trump has made it crystal clear he is not a President for all Americans! It's not his celebration it's the country's

Like he said he's gonna even have fireworks and he's gonna make it a tradition on July 4th 😶💭should we tell him?💬

How Trump. He will give minimal accolades to the Republican Party, he will take his time to self egrandize & stroke his own ego & demean his opponents & praise murderers & tell more lies. This is an opportunity to continue his propaganda and messages of hate, greed & ignorance.

Because he wants to celebrate the 4th of July there’s a problem. That shows you how pathetic both this reporter is and news agency but also those sorry individuals in government who said such things. You’re all a joke and you just don’t know it!

here we go again. captain bone spurs wants a military parade for him

How is he paying for this?

Spare us the crocodile tears and go after the clown with everything you’ve got! The 4th of July is America’s celebration and shall not be brought down to trump’s gutter level partisan BS. There should be protests in the streets all across America to show trump how we feel.

BOYCOTT THIS Trumphaterally that you yes you TRUMPSUPPORTERS WILL PAY FOR!!

I won't be watching TV on July 4 and for whatever goes on in D.C., I hoe the media gives it short shrift.


BORING, WASTE of tax$$, dictator’s fav form of global display sending “strength” of MIComplex, false sense of support within 🇺🇸... take a hike SenateGOP SenateDems adiosTrumpIn2020

The Democrats and the Republicans In Name Only (RINO) made this a nonpartisan situation.

Of course he is. It’s always about him! Still waiting for the release of his taxes.... can he do that

You go for it Mr. President Trump, wish my family could go and celebrate with your family.

I will be enjoying the holiday. I WILL NOT be watching television on the 4th.

Another check mark on the dictator list; a military parade. ImpeachmentHearingsNow resist

they're already offering $ for supporters to come. the 'entertainment' will be laughable.....Ted Nugent and Kid Rock? Fireworks don't have a choice.

Oh please, crybabies! Democrats just hijacked taxpayers and forced us to fund their 2+ year investigation (campaign attacks) against Trump. We shld all be issued in-kind donation forms! If a celebration of our country hurts your feelings go somewhere else!

Y’all just mad that it’s not another scary Gay Parade...(oh sorry, Pride Event....)🤡

I SO will be watching along with millions of our most Patriotic citizens 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍

The critics are right. Let Trump pay for his own rally.

It’s always about him and the glorification of his almighty ego

Really That’s a big stretch , can we all just celebrate our great nation together ! ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸born on the 5th of July , USA ! can you just stop the discord for one day ?

Well he is the President of the United States and he is representing Americans so the 4th of July celebration is his right , to plan festive celebration to celebrate our Country’s birthday 🇺🇸 so negative of you to be critical always critical !!

Anybody with any sense of decency will boycott this pseudo event. And you can bet that there will be demonstrations and a potential for violence. COINTELPRO machinations may be implemented as well.

The MSM has made 'everything' partisan and divisive and continue it on a daily basis calling it news.

And yet he is going to do it...

Agree ... this is going to be a tRump rally .... not appropriate

It’s going to be a celebration of tRump. It will be amazing if he even remembers why it is a national holiday

You two fight about everything realDonaldTrump LeaderHoyer SpeakerPelosi

It’s ironic that Trump loved the Bastille Day celebration considering it marks the beginning of the French Revolution. Wannabe King Donald fails to realize that in such a revolution his head would be one of the first to go at the guillotine.

It’s a celebration for America. 🇺🇸

We'll have our party when he leaves

Trump would hijack a funeral for attention!

Yeah celebrating our country is hijacking it. Serious question: do liberals find any joy in life or are they just perpetually outraged?

Hannity criticized everything Obama did. I don't recall you including Hannity's point to decisions made by Obama. Just glad to know republicans are more patriotic.

Liberal media propaganda and bias.

Every city in America plans an elaborate 4th of July celebration. And every former President And elected official will be attending one somewhere.

When your analysis is 3 years behind.

Let me know what time it is, and what networks are carrying it, so that I can make sure not to come anywhere close to watching.

Shift to Philadelphia....

Stop the hate fake news and the enemy of the people

Please don’t show it on TV

Think about how many laws we have in the USA, then tell yourself I'm free.

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