Trump orders killing of key Iranian commander in Baghdad airport strike

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Trump ordered an airstrike at Baghdad International Airport that killed Qasem Soleimani, a key Iranian military commander, the Pentagon confirmed

Baghdad President Donald Trump ordered an airstrike at Baghdad International Airport that killed Qasem Soleimani, a key Iranian military commander, in a"decisive defensive action to protect US personnel abroad" that was intended to deter"future Iranian attack plans," the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

Soleimani -- the head of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force unit -- and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis -- the deputy head of the Iran-backed Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces -- were among those killed in the attack early Friday morning local time, according to a statement from the PMF, which said the pair"were martyred by an American strike.


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Trump dug up his grave... no next term

trump is a world menace.

Evil follows evil, Iran Guard already has a new leader, they won’t miss an opportunity to create chaos to US and allies. Doesn’t anyone find it odd that NK was lobbing missiles just about a week before the US embassy was under attack?

Trump did this to divert from impeachment and mors crimes he committed. What immediate attacks was about to happen.this is a diversion!

Another crime committed by the American war mongers...

Oh well they turned up the heat

They kill an American we kill their general! This president is not weak like Obama who would pay them billions this president will respond!😁

I bet Obama is sad. That was one of his guys.

Key Iranian terrorist, period. The world is a better place today. He wasn’t a government official, he was a horrific individual.

Welp! There goes all the 401K gains.

Ok SpeakerPelosi , you can impeach him now. That is if you can also explain why you allowed Bush and Obama to take the same kinds of actions in the region during their presidencies.

cheminahsayang Why?

👏👏 keepa cruisin


Trump finally got his war.


Lookie here: the headline forgets to mention that this man lead an attack in the US embassy

He had to be killed but with all our military skills it did not need to be so public.

And he can & did do all that from his golf course!!! What a multitasker!

You forgot “and terrorist”

Let me see, an attack killing one of Iran's military leaders on the soil of Iraq with no war declaired nor is it an invited policing operation. That's called terrorism.


It is almost a War, isn't it? The presidential election is coming. Trump perhaps hopes that American people stand behind the wartime president.

Anyone remember Putin’s phone call with Trump last week? A deal was made

American terorism should be hide in holes of toilet

If the special forces could take out bin laden, why did they not do the same here? No need to make a big show out of it. Clean and simple.

A war in the Middle East will only kill more women and children make more refugees what’s is the plan

Good job 👍

You mean the terrorist

Trump (The terrorist) will be responsible for the further escalation,

Beautiful! I love it! Go Trump

How Trump thinks that this is a good idea, to start a war in the middle east without congress's approval. will mostly bite him in the ass hard this year.

garlic1975 UsaIsATerroristState UsaIsATerroristState UsaIsATerroristState UsaIsATerroristState UsaIsATerroristState UsaIsATerroristState UsaIsATerroristState UsaIsATerroristState UsaIsATerroristState UsaIsATerroristState UsaIsATerroristState

Anti-American FAKE NEWS CNN extremely concerned and disappointed that Trump nailed Obama’s anti-American Muslim terrorist buddy and saved American lives.

Huge victory for American intelligence , huge victory for American military, huge victory for PRESIDENT TRUMP!!

The USA CIA deposed an Iranian democracy for the oil and put in the Shah which led to destabilizing the Middle East

Trump has just made the world a more dangerous place, but the 'very stable genius' would argue that he has now made America great again as he has replaced WORDS with BOMBS!😲

Can someone assassinate trump please that would make everything better

Down with America

...intended to deter 'future Iranian attack plans' Yep, sure will! Let's wait and see.

God bless the oil money! Out of the way Do Nothing Democrats! Adults have more important things to do!

theClaudiaInez Thinking the JCS have bad 'Menu Options' response options always seem too disproportionate. 'Super Sized.' Well, guess it's better than the duck. BetterThenDuck

Does realDonaldTrump think he's in the next Mike Banning movie, 'Mar-a-Lago Has Fallen'? baghdad Soleimani

Brycce_k This is war Aki ww3

Only 1?

Your definition is not 100% correct , ordered the killing of a master terrorist with the blood of hundreds of US soldiers on his hands . The guy who is the number one terror empowerment agency in the world. Not just a military leader

Great news

Tough Trump shooting at protesters...


How many Americans did tRump just sign their deaths. Just like the last 4 Republicans start a war with no way out. Good job realdonaldtrump you pos

Re election campaign officialy started

This is what realDonaldTrump does to divert attention from his own issues being covered in the media. It also gets republicans on his side and the main story off of him. He just escalated tensions to save himself at America’s expense.

Well....we are due another war. This may be the start of one. So if you jackals want to keep believing all the bullshit out of his mouth, remember there is a very highly chance that a family member or friend will die.

I honestly believe its time we have all these world leaders in one wrestling ring let them sort out themselves... The only way to world peace

war can cause no good

There is so much hate in people who dislike trump that they have no common sense. How quickly these people forget about 9-11.

CNN, sorry for your loss today.

👏😃 Finally, Trump does something right.

So now Trump is assassinating ppl? He’s got to go! Or Trump stays and is commander-in-chief in a war with Iran!

What an example for the world Donald,blowing someone up.Happy New Year.

KelvinKalz_ Just 3 days into 2020 🤔..What a decade!

Would ya look at that.

I look through the comments, and it makes me so excited to start a new decade! 2019 had peak craziness that was fun, but 2020 is starting off strong with leftists defending terrorists. I can't wait for the elections.

The one that was killed is a well known terrorist Muslim known for killing Jews, he was proud to kill


Hey CNN!!!! You forgot the most important word in this header. “TERRORIST”

Rattle the cage, get the horns.

Still fighting Israel’s wars, eh?

There appears to be a new sheriff in town RedLine MAGA2020

Good Riddance

realDonaldTrump is starting a war!!! If we’re at war, can he still be removed from office or indicted? What has he done to America with this senseless act? I pray for us all

Boo! Stop the ForeverWars agenda!

i am waiting for the anti US spin from CNN...3, 2, 1 etc

i swear this dude gonna kill us all and not care in the future!

We’re so proud of realDonaldTrump for standing up for our soldiers, unlike, well it’s a long list

Best president ever! God bless you and 🇺🇸

Our supreme leader has finally went to far. We are left to reap the whirlwind.

Thank you sir ! I hope he burns in HELL!

...the Dog much? 🙄

Why? This seems like an overzealous military action at this specific time

What happen when Iran lauch rockets to Washington DC's air port to hit DonaldTrump ?

Is the picture from 2019*? I mean, is that real? *According to description

Winning. Trump just gets better every day.

cnn and MSNBC doing it's best to start WW3. Iranians want freedom and this is the perfect opportunity. cnn and MSNBC doesn't mention uprising they want war for revenues.

We won’t see another Benghazi while he’s POTUS

Many Iranians would be celebrating on the inside

Always a tweet

War is certainly on the cards now. It's the scale that's still to be determined. God help us all.

my condolences cnn qasem rambo is in heaven now


Trump sent a powerful message to Iran the Middle East. We will not allow you to kill Americans. Soleimani is Iranian but he was killed in Iraq. The CIA found evidence that Soleimani was preparing to kill Americans throughout the Middle East and at the American Embassy

Soleimani was one of the leading terrorists on the planet, was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans. Good riddance.

Despise Trump but was the right thing to do. Soleimani was in the midst of attacking US embassy and planning more attacks. Why was the Iranian military in Iraq? Glad that trash is gone.

They will think twice before testing Trump and the US again.

Has Trump got a plan? Now if America wants a war, they’ll go alone! Word to the wise. No British Service Men and Women should be put in harm’s way. Cheers!

Good riddance.

A true devil has been killed. However, we can only hope realDonaldTrump knows something we don’t all know and acted in a precautionary manner.

thank you for all of your great reporting and for keeping me up to date about the issues of this world. Keep up the great work in 2020

The HouseDemocrats TeamPelosi SenSchumer waited too late to impeach realDonaldTrump. He just sent the military to 'assassinate' a military leader, a high ranking head of state. Trump administration just committed a war crime that the UN will condemn. NoWarWithIran

You’re a little late!

An absolutely idiotic move.

Facts...Trump Did That

Putin ordered it.

Donald Trump wants a war to make himself a heroic figure. He will instead destroy our standard of living for decades to come while killing and maiming millions of people. This is why you don’t elect a malignant narcissist to be President of the most powerful nation on earth.

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