Trump Opens New Portal to Hell By Promoting #MAGACHALLENGE Rap Contest on Twitter

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Trump opens new portal to hell by promoting MAGACHALLENGE rap contest on Twitter

Bryson Gay calls for the president’s supporters to rhyme over his beat and “make liberals cry.” The hashtag blew up, with countless fans awkwardly rapping about their allegiance to Trump and hatred of liberals and the media.

Here’s one potential way to spend the next 7 minutes and 50 seconds of your life. You will not get that time who was fired for assaulting a coworker and using a homophobic slur, chimed in with what under an extremely loose definition of the term could be called “bars.”


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You send mad libs to insane asylums for story ideas don’t you?

I honestly can’t tell if some of these submissions are a joke or not... sadly I think most are not. 🤢 It’s both entertaining and horrifying but ultimately, just so embarrassing for Americans. 🤦🏽‍♀️😭🇺🇸

FACT: Women victimized by domestic abuse are 5× more likely to be Killed by abusers owning a firearm. I'm GOP & believe the VAWA is💯% a bipartisan issue Using MAGACHALLENGE to encourage Senators to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act VAWA4ALL

Resist! Resist with all your might! This can not be happening! OMG! Truly the end of the world!

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nice going Rolling Stone.. Somebody let Snoop Dog, Eminem, & JAYZ know this rag thinks their music is a portal to hell..

Is this the Onion? Rolling Stone hasn't featured real music in many years, and music fans don't take you seriously. So many of the 'artists' you put on your cover are hideously awful. I don't think you can mock this contest given the crap you feature each month.

it's not a rap challenge but then you don't care you'll still lie


So sad RS, can you even remember when you were significant?

Same POS mag that had a terrorist on the front cover and loved it. bostonstrong

But I thought he was racist. 😈

Yawn 🤥🤥🙄

Well I guess I have to concede that Rolling Stone is an expert regarding portals to hell.

give whoever cane up with this headline a raise

Portal of Hell? LOL. Hang it up, Rolling Stone. You're as aged as the band and nearing death

This is .... literally

Um, he didn’t start it. Great reporting though 🙄

So, Rolling Stone thinks rap is portal to HELL? Tell it to the rap singers moron's!

The more you talk about this Man.....and the more you hate Him, the more 'We Love Him'. Smart People Love 'President Donald J. Trump'. What He's doing is closing the Hell Portal you came out from. Go Home RS. From now on, 'Only Smart People' are Allowed on Planet Earth. 3

Go back to music . At least you got that half right

Does anyone read the Rolling Stone anymore?

New portal to hell? You ok rolling stone? suffering from TDS much?

Portal to hell ya say. Like the portal planned parenthood has? You hypocritical phonies

We all know why the media and their friends hate Trump. Child Trafficing w friends must be lucrative.

In other news, millions were surprised to learn today that racist magazine Rolling Stone is still around.

You need to read Don Jr’s new book

Yes... WeLit

The more divisive, the better will win.

Rolling Stone is using doctored photos.

Wow. The ROLLING STONE is now a pile of Church Ladies clutching their pearls while warning us about dangerous music that leads to HELL. Must be Trump is ALSO about to take down some criminals at your company. Funny.


Kind of like your never read magazine. Didn't even know they still make them.

Rolling Stones Really Sucks WOW 😮Portal To Hell? 🖕

Rolling stone loving the videos. Quit yer bitchin

Is this TheBabylonBee article?

Rolling Stone is irrelevant, just like Hollywood! Haters going to hate!

These companies keep exposing themselves for the anti Americans they truly are. Journalism is truly dead.

pepesgrandma lol

Hey s RSPolitics This lady had a message for you lol 🤣😂

Are ya trying to say Maga challengers wont get their smiling faces on the cover of the Rolling Stone?


You put a terrorist on your cover you should have closed up shop in 1985

So black people rapping is a “portal to hell”? Clearly the is bigoted and racist

Main stream medias for who do they Run ?

Hey don’t be jerks

Lmao 😂 triggered. You’ve got an issue with people thinking free They left the mental plantation. It’s over. WalkAway

I remember liking to browse thru this mag n read a few articles way back in the I'm talking the 80' the fucks are not worthy of getting recycled as ass wipes...

They should have been doing something for people while making money off of rappers!

I always that there was a problem with a magazine that stole their name from a musical group! LOL they are jealous of Trump.


Rolling Stones now calling black rappers evil.

Hell? You mean hell for Democrats? 😂😂😂🤣

Please listen to my MAGACHALLENGE realDonaldTrump Mike_Pence FoxNews seanhannity

PORTAL TO HEAVEN!!! RollingStoneSucks

Portal to hell...?...what a STUPID Article

Sweet! Some racist LOL!

Blame others for which you are guilty! Satanist & Pedos!! EpsteinCoverup UnsealEpstein

Rolling Stone keeps rolling downhill, like a snowball headed for hell..💥

Yeah and the open borders won’t drag us even further


This is pure joy. You tell ‘em bro! 😂🤣😂🤣😂

This is what the tweet form of helplessly screaming at the sky looks like

You guys don't stand a chance against Babylon Bee. Don't even try.

RACIST much? Disgusting!

Triggered much

Rolling Stone is still mourning the end of the 1960s.

How is your readership these days?

Didn't you just tweet a bigstory on BigBoi's...owl? The MAGACHALLENGE is more entertaining for Trump voters and haters. Stick to rocknroll or be hypocritical, your choice.

Rolling stone should go to hell

RollingStone keep digging ur grave. Ur rag's been milquetoast 4 at least a generation. U can't keep up w the brilliance of our maga nation.This old boomer who prefers fugues & violin, feels the majic in the magachallenge as the rappers words spin. Get ready for the dust bin.

President Trump is da Boss

LOLOLz - President Trump realDonaldTrump is a marketing genius 🇺🇸✌️🏽🦅 Hey, didn't you publish a story, a fake one, about Tawana Brawley ⁉️ Asking for a friend 🤡

Pathetic Rolling Stone. You can roll back to the stone age and stay there.

Um it’s great actually. You are fake news

Really? TDS at it finest. SMH. Find something real to report on. BiasShowsThrough

Rolling Stone is so establishment now. I remember reading it back in the 80s when it still had some edge. Now it’s like Redbook or something. meh

So, Rolling Stone thinks minority Trump supporters are “a portal to hell”? At least you’re not hiding your racism anymore. 🤷🏼‍♀️

New portal to hell😂😂🤣🤣🤣

Maybe we’ll finally get some decent music out of this. Thanks for promoting trash for years Rolling 💩

Portal to Hell? Look at Rolling Stone pretending a judeo-christian world view or they are just rolling super stoned.

Triggered much? 😂

Sounds like you’re jealous because your Candidates don’t know how to have fun and connect with their supporters!

Portal to Hell? SMH .. time to unfollow you

Rolling Stone = boomers

Liberal rag 😈

😂😂😂😂 You can't Meme, you can't rap, you have no sense of humour. You are braindead and can only scream and cry. 😂😂😂

Your article is so Debbie downer! KAGA 2020!

Hey W7VOA is this a photo shop? Could you ask WhiteHouse if realDonaldTrump wore a gold chain with MAGA emblazoned on it? MAGACHALLENGE

The amount of stupid in this tweet will be studied by aliens for decades to come!FactsMatter SnowFlakeTearsAreTheSaltiest

12BravoGran No, I think the democrat party opened the gates of hell.

And that goes for you too, Rolling Stones !! Liberals are going down and will be crying in 2020 !! Lmfao

Or portal to heaven , cuz this woman is an angel


Ah the sweetness of Liberal Tears! Funny to see how many are crying about this. MAGACHALLENGE is awesome.

The MAGACHALLENGE was trending back in September. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Shame on you for not promoting music. I have less respect for Rolling Stone now.

It’s been so long since I’ve read anything from you. Music hasn’t been original for a few decades now and your reporting is negative towards anything non liberal.

Wtf ? Are you serious ? Your liberal panties are showing ... it’s a challenge Our President saw and thought why not make it interesting and promote it and have the winners come perform at the WH .. what a great opportunity for a few .. sure wish I could rap !

Rilking Stone is now pathetic FAKE NEWS too.

RacismDog here boi

Are you saying rapping is a portal to hell? 🤦‍♀️

Rolling Stone used to noticable, quoted and popular. Now just another dying partisan propaganda trough.

JeanWeil4 C’mon give him a gold tooth

How does this get past an editor? You don’t need to work this hard, and insult ppl, to continue to be disrespected.

Does anyone even read anymore?! Lol what a joke

You are inaccurate, petty, and racist. Congrats and get some self awareness

Well that’s a bit dramatic. Stop trying to ruin people’s fun. Conservatives don’t hate the world like liberals.

Hell for YOU it's going to be a long 4 years for you isnt it....

This is a very racist tweet!

Don’t you have some terrorist to throw on your cover and glamorize. From the bottom of my heart, 🖕

That's a great pic

I am loving the MAGACHALLENGE on Twitter!! So awesome!!

This tweet sounds racist to me. Anyone else agree? Just sayin

'New portal to hell' 😂😂😂

Having people use creativity to make a rap song! Is a portal to hell? No I think Rolling Stones a magazine about music is the real portal. Learn to be encouraging and positive. Challenge people to go for it. Amazing things can happen. No fear. Go for your dreams realDonaldTrump

Sounds like someone from RS is triggered 🤣

Garbage Magazine.

Rolling Stone put the Boston Marathon Bomber on their cover. Always Remember That.

MAGA. The wicked take the truth to be hard.

To Rolling Stone, awaken, alert, informed, free thinking people expressing truth is hell. Fascinating. Was a time when you weren't completely against truth and freedom. What happened? Huge rock fan, btw. Awake, too. You should try it, RS.

Rolling Stone used to be counter culture. Now you’re corporate shills. You represent boy bands. Trump and the MAGA counter culture represents what rock n roll thrived on.

President realDonaldTrump is Closing the Portal to hell and will burn to ashes. Trump2020!

is the new Enquirer. LOL

Yeah and has sucked as a rag since, oh, 1984...

...while you gather moss.

Rolling Stone magazine is a direct-to-latrine publication.

I have thoroughly enjoyed quite a few verses. Check out SuriusVsVodka HotepWithit carlosrossimc BIGG_BUMP

Uhh oh, This rag is triggered. 🙄

Yeah cuz some normal people having fun is hell...not you supporting a terrorist who murdered little kids. Gotcha!

You guys jealous and bitter ? Trump is president of the people, not Hollywood junkies.

abortion, baby parts markets, all things LGBTQPP, drag queens teaching toddlers, satanism, socialism, crime ridden borders, antifa, voter fraud and election meddling, censorship, unruliness, lies and false witnessing, gutted Bill of Rights ... Who do you stand with, God or satan?

SuriusVsVodka is the creator of the MAGACHALLENGE please stop being racist fake news ........smfh

You must be rolling on stones.

Racist much rolling stone?..smfh

RspctNoRspct No, that portal goes through your 💩 rag magazine.

When poor Rolling Stone Magazine gets triggered. Maybe get off twitter and stick to you old magazine... 🥴🙄

Rolling stone still exists? Wow, who knew.

hatersgonnahate. Chill Damn can't people have fun without all you wussies cryin'. You don't like us ~~then 🚶Step ❗❗

While rolling my eyes at this headline, it also made me laugh. Get over yourselves

You know how many people would read your mag if you promoted this! Guess what. You didnt so.....👉 u lose!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

MAGA2020 realDonaldTrump

LOL! The funniest part of this whole thing is that this bothers you this much.

Our President is awesome and genius. You lefties can’t keep up.

Ok, boomers.

BREAKING: Dusty old and forgotten magazine tweets saltiness about other people doing music.

Don't be a hater!

You guys really don’t know much.

Remember when MTV tried to bring back TRL and it failed. is trying to be relevant in the music scene again.


F Rolling stone


No, that was Joe and his corn pop gangbanger story

Michale Hastings might disagree. Remember him?

RS publication is TRASH.....NOT worthy of being called a MAGAzine

I remember the days when Rolling Stone and rock and roll was sticking it to the man. We now have a president that's doing exactly that but go ahead and protect 'The Man'

🤦🏻‍♀️ The time to delete this tweet, , was before you hit the reply button

TR❤️MP all day every day!

Your staff was much cooler in the 90s when I was there, pre-social media, my beloved liberal editors and all. Lighten up!

Rolling stone carries no weight.

You people haven’t seen hell yet, but you will reapthewhirlwind

Rolling Stone is so used to doing the Terrorist Challenge as they defend them and put them on their cover

Haters gonna hate

This is a doctored photograph

You're late to the game AND you look dumb...

so..... American folks who want to rap their truth and express love for their President and Country through art opens Hell portals. buuuuuut this is cool, right?

SaveAMagat plz dont let them

aww jealous much? You picked your hell & well.. deserved!

is the publication in Hell. Literally. Satans fav toilet read

This is coming from the magazine which glamorized an Islamic terrorist

what a wonderful idea! many will enjoy... others will hate but haters are going to hate

You'll be riding down that portal to hell soon enough.

Is there nothing these media twats won’t get their panties twisted about?

Shut up 'has been rag.' Nothing wrong with encouraging a positive rap song made by creative people. Your TIRED OLD RAG is out of step with the times. Who reads you? Old hippies hanging onto pipe dreams? Lolol. GO TRUMP GO!!! KAG2020!!!

why is it a portal to hell, doorknobs

Don't you have some terrorist to celebrate on your cover or something?

RS is really shady.

But your “artists” are all the bombdiggity? K?

Portal to hell WTF? Who writes this shit?

Trump did NOT start this. He just tweeted about what someone else decided to do on their own. You're fake news. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

Give me a break Rolling Stone! Wipe your tears and accept the fact that he's going to get reelected in 2020

Hey Rolling Stone, y’all might want to pick up a copy of Don Jr’s new book: TRIGGERED It’s ABOUT YOU. 🤣🤣🤣 DonaldJTrumpJr

I guess he should have done something honorable like publish a rape hoax.

Actually I would say Epstein and all the Democrat pedophiles and human traffickers have the exclusive on that.

There are quite a few videos around. Some funny ,some just awful. It’s like the breakfast contest


PortalToHell 😂😂😂

Thanks! Lots of new MAGAts to block!

Drama drama drama.

With all the MAGAs triggered by the headline, maybe, just maybe, y’all could rap about this for the MAGACHALLENGE?

Thanks for the publicity

What a 💩 article

MsM FakeNews

I remember when they used to write about music

Rolling Stone is like a dirty old man. GROSS 🤮

Hey RS don’t be mad, b/c the MAGACHALLENGE ROCKS & you’re a WashedUpRag

“Portal to hell” seriously?!! 🖕🖕🖕

Wow, I never realize how racist the Rolling Stone was! I’ve enjoyed every MagaChallenge video I have watched they are amazing!

Love it !!!! MAGAChallange get it !!!!!

Because POTUS is better than you as to what constitutes music fun 🤷🏽‍♂️

Who actually reads RollingStone anymore? Didn’t this biased liberal rag falsely accused a fraternity of rape, attacked Andy Ngo, and came to the defense of a domestic terrorist group? 🖕

Trump is seriously breaking these people. Media is broken.

Bryson “Gay” instead of his real name Gray,later in the article was spelt correctly seems like an obvious attempt to slander and marginalize his humanity. White woke liberals love telling people of different backgrounds how to think, act, and vote. SuriusVsVodka is not playing

This magazine is still around?

This cant go bad at all

Acknowledging and promoting, are not the same thing. MAGACHALLENGE has been going since September 14. When did you hear about it?

If He had opened a portal to hell, you and all the celebs whose asses you kiss then lick clean would be on the welcoming committee

Better then that portal that rolling stone opened has this rag gone out of business yet.

Rolling stone still exists ?!?!

Trump opens portal to hell because he promotes black people having a larger voice/place in politics and America? The editor for Rolling stone must really hate black people I'm guessing.

I can't believe I used to like your magazine. How the mighty has fallen because you suck now.

Must Be Impacting Hell and Shutting Portals and Powers of Evil for You to Even Mention😆😂GOD WINS🩸☝🏻🙏🏻

Headlines you write when you’re losing the culture war.

Drake opened that portal long ago. CanadaRemembers


If anyone knows about 'Portals to Hell,' it's Rolling Stone...

This *is* Hell. The only portals are exits.

Portal to Hell? Maybe you should stick with reporting on your Pedowood family. I’m thinking they might have a lot more experience with Hell than Maga Supporters.

No wonder no one reads this mag anymore except maybe those that live in their parents basement. Reporting false news.


🙄 fake news

Triggered much 😂😂😂😂😂😂

UncleHotep We all know kanyewest gonna win. Unless HotepJesus decides to get involved

What Just because he's about something that's not lock step in line with your fascist agenda? Or are you racists? How dare an intelligent black man think for himself?

Don’t be hating... SuriusVsVodka is the greatest!

Rolling stone. 🙄

Actually it brilliantly taps into the zeitgeist. They’re funny, short, easily shared on social media, and grassroots. Democrats only wish they thought of something similar.

SuriusVsVodka started the MAGACHALLENGE not realDonaldTrump I know it must suck for to have to admit the Democrats are losing the vote of a group of people they controlled by convincing them they needed “help” from the govt. Freethinkinkers BLEXIT

Aaaaw...Are we a little butthurt by the fact that SuriusVsVodka started something GREAT - And that so many have had and are having FUN? You're soooo obvious in your hate that it's pathetic!! But Hey, thanks for making more people WalkAway 😂😘🎤 MAGACHALLENGE

And this is why no one gives a damn about Rolling Stone anymore. Straight garbage.

Rolling Stone is irrelevant

Pedophile island? Liberals cool with it, rap for maga? That’s hell.

This is a grass roots challenge that spread on it’s own. That’s why it works. Artists and anons do it for the love of our nation.

AntiAmerican CommieRag

This is embarrassing.

You should be jockeying for first place then!

And when that portal opens you pop your heads out of it to see what is going on up here in the real world.

Didn't you guys used to actually write kinda-decent stuff? What the hell does Trump Derangement Syndrome do to people to make them so damn moronic?😂😂🤦‍♀️

It's better than any of fruity mumble rap that you've promoted over the last decade. TrumpDerangementSyndrome is a mental health crisis.

More hateful propagandist media. Put a sock in it.

Rolling Stone is completely out of the loop and out of touch with what's actually going on, as usual. Still hate Led Zeppelin Rolling Stone? You never gave them a good review back in the day, remember? Well, Trump is your new Led Zep morons!

That’s racist

Great isn't it, we LOVE it MAGA KAG YouAreNotRelevantAnymore

rolling stone, once a rebellious rock and roll paper, now believes music is the portal to hell. rolling stone has gone from rock mag to mad zealot

rollingstone used to love reading your magazine, now it’s

This rag still exists?

You all are really falling flat on your faces with your inane “reporting”.

To hell with you. No, really, to hell ...

Rolling Stone is a complete joke. You would think they would support Bryson but they are just disgusting political hacks.

Posting anything about my president at this point is just click bait fail

If Obummer did this, you would be praising him!! FakeNews disgusts me.

A portal to hell? You guys have serious problems. Maybe you should get out more. Talk to people. OTHER people.

Your CEO is an 'evil billionaire'. You should probably sit this one out.

Portal to hell? Good grief

You mean 'new portal to awesome'?

This from the magazine that featured one of the Boston Bombers on the cover? Spare us your indignation and delete your account.


Looking for his next gig, h knows this ones up


kanyewest with the unfair advantage 🤦🏼‍♀️

Tão sem receber dinheiro neh?

Checkout this collaboration rap song with multiple MAGACHALLENGE lyricists:


This headline is very accurate.

I saw one. Bad.

Yo yo yo. Check this out right.... My name is Jeff....but i dont ride a bike. Why dont u take a hike down the pike with spike..... Im out....

Hey Onion, give Rolling Stone their phone back.

Trying, but failing, to stay relevant I see.🤷‍♀️

Don't be jealous

Oh god. Please no.


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