Trump: 'Not going to fire' Conway despite claim she made illegal political statements

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Pres. Trump says he has no plans to fire senior adviser Kellyanne Conway, despite a federal watchdog agency's call that she be “removed from service” for using her office for political activity.

President Donald Trump said on Friday that he has no plans to fire his senior adviser Kellyanne Conway despite a federal watchdog agency's call the day before that she should be “removed from service” for using her office for political activity.

The Office of Special Counsel, an independent federal agency that investigates wrongdoing by government employees, said on Thursday that Conway “violated the Hatch Act on numerous occasions by disparaging Democratic presidential candidates while speaking in her official capacity during television interviews and on social media.

The report also cites more recent statements to White House reporters in which Conway criticized former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, both of whom are seeking the Democratic nomination for president in 2020. A spokesman for the office said it's the first time the office has recommended the removal of a White House official. In the report, sent to President Donald Trump on Thursday, the office said that Conway has not faced consequences for her repeated violations of ethics rules on government employees.

"As a highly visible member of the administration, Ms. Conway's violations, if left unpunished, send a message to all federal employees that they need not abide by the Hatch Act's restrictions. Her actions erode the principal foundation of our democratic system - the rule of law."


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Is the Federal Watchdog Agency packed with Obama Lackeys?

Of course he doesn't, he has never forwd anyone-always asks, begs and pleads for others to do it.

How many people in the Obama administration who were also found to have violated the law were fired? If you answer anything other than zero, then you are incorrect.

Can we at least blur her face so we dont have to be punished

Not by a long shot. Loser. Relook the comments from members of Congress, a lot more demeaning. Ref: the one about impeachment of this motherf********nice talk, kiss your loved ones with those lips.

Political prostitute number one USA

I love how Trump NEVER does what the lunatic left want or expect him to do. It’s so satisfying to watch their heads explode.

Of course not she's the only left that will bend over backwards and kiss his ass.

KellyannePolls looks like the Grimm ripper lurking for it's next victim. What a nasty looking lady..

This is a no brainer. Conway stays. The political hit job on everyone close to the President must stop. These low life Dems must get out of office permanently. Why doesn’t the Clinton Klan do something constructive and convince these anti Americans to resign?

It’s her job to use his office political activity. Fake news again.

Absolutely nothing matters. GOP and Trump supporters do not give one hoot about corruption or any other dodgy shenanigans. Their support is blind & unwavering. Dems need to up their game & unite if they are to have any chance. Democrats 2020Election trump

He should let her go she hasn’t helped him !


I have been saying that Trump has no plans for a long time.

YES ! He surrounds himself with like minded persons to salve his ego with all those hateful newspaper articles. LOL

Money and political gain - Swamp Creature continues!

She look like an evil witch in this pic..

Typical of liberal Nazis! Remove, rewrite, tear down, destroy anything that doesn’t adhere to their Nazi agenda! The liberal Nazi party of hate, intolerance, racist and sexism!

That he doesn’t have any plans does not come as a shock🥴

she looks really pissed off she got rejected for the witch part. sarah and her bloody hell somebody is having a party their plan working.

ABC Fake News

Another villifaction & character assassination as usual.

What’s her exact position? Because some people in the presidents cabinet are excluded from the hatch act. You can go look it up if you want. lol. I think this is political bs.

Is anyone surprised by this?! I mean c'mon Trump only hires people who will directly disobey the law and policies this country's democracy has only upheld since it was 'founded'. This douchebag and his goons need to be put out of office ASAP!!

What a picture!

Maybe they will get off easy and a house will fall on the wickety witch backtooz

Shocker, Trump shits on the rule of law. White republicans know this doesn’t matter. Liberal whites are outraged and do nothing. Meanwhile black men like me are simply not trying to get stopped by the police.

gtconway3d true love

Under the law it’s the presidents decision. Obama refused to fire 2 of his executive staffers for violating the Hatch Act.

let her stay. she's like some mad fuckin witch from a Disney movie. Will help Trump lose.

The Burning of America is upon us. The PoisonUs intent is another wave How many hits can the Great Nation Take? WhiteHouse

No kidding. They're all corrupt.

Asshole and political prostitute

False narrative

Not on your life/ horrible the news media trying to take freedoms of speech away


She is an evil person and lies like Trump

He doesn’t care about rules and regulations!!

please wish the president a Happy JohnMCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay ! On his birthday. 💋

Because he doesn't believe rules apply to him or his Administration.

Why would he fire her, the administration is the most corrupt in our history, yet for some reason the traitors remain


Should be in prison

Of course not she's his kind of people !!!!!evil corrupt liar !!!

Are you sure this peroxide blonde really is a woman, you can notice a 5 o clock shadow on her, him.

OK cheap shot alert..but that is really a great picture of her

he says it is taking away her freedom of speech. When acting in an official capacity doesn't that give it up anyway? If she were speaking as a private citizen that would be something different.

What about removing Chuck Schumer and Nancy pelosi from office. Oh also throw Hillary in jail

Applying the Hatch Act to someone appointed as a communicator for the President is an absurd contradiction. The law must be interpreted to avoid an irrational or unconstitutional result. realDonaldTrump is correct not to fire her. Kellyanne is just doing her job too well'

When the wealthy, white privileged, entitled can thumb their nose at the law the message to the world of who we are is fundamentally changed. It's the country we are becoming and it resembles an oligarchy more than I like because elections in an oligarchy are a sham.

Arrest her

Why not just give her a $100,000.00 fine and call it a day

You mentioned yesterday’s y that you will continue violating the Hatch Act. You hold the record by the way that you are the first person that the President was asked to fire you. Wonder how your kids will feel about that when they are older and have opinions and learn about you!

She’s as evil and narcissistic as he is. Come on evangelicals- why aren’t you criticizing this female for not obeying and complying with her husband?

Anyone that thought that Trump was going to fire her for breaking the law has been living under a rock. She will be getting an accommodation from Trump. He doesn't let little things like the law or the constitution get in his way, laws are for the little people.

Good for him.

Kellyanne Conway should be barred from all media outlets!!!! No interviews , no questions from journalists and no comments period..... she should not exist at all!!!!!


Ms Conway must be getting under the skin of Watchdog

She must have the goods on realDonaldTrump

Whitch hunt.

Who is gonna stop this?

Of course he won't. He is right and every one else is wrong. He is mistaken.

of course he doesnt cause she is a one of his stupidest goons that will lie for him continuously no matter how stupid she looks

She is not going anywhere that’s a great lady

Good for him!

Of course he's backing up the biggest as kissing trumpet ever. Who else wants to kiss his fat but when she's gone.

The White House is a place where issues of great importance should be decided with a pacific temper of mind not a cat fight or complaints of sexual harassment.

This is another reason if elected, I will not hire women in any key positions in the White House. We have nothing but complaints of sexual harassment, using their position for gain, making comments publicly that are not or should not come from them.

So do state bar associations do anything but torment law school graduates and take their money? How can you be an officer of the court if you're a criminal?

Lock her up.


Please fire this Whitney, mean spirited little liar !

Could you have found a worse picture of her? ABC, have looked in the mirror and asked yourself, ' why are our ratings in the toilets? Why don't the people trust us? Because if you didn't you SHOULD!!!

Lock her up! Lock her up!

The failing CNN who”s entire 24 broadcast day is centered on realDonaldTrump is trying to give him advice on appointing a press secretary. CNN will be bought and look completely different by the of POTUS first year in his 2 term. ABC is only making because people like Disney.

Trump has no morals, so why would he care about the law?

As long as Mitch and friends protect the Criminal in Chief, why should he do anything about breaking the law?

I do find it funny Dumpf talks about freedom of speech because I vaguely remember something about some guy in SF expressing his 1A right to free speech and his stating he should be fired along with the rest of them. hmmmmm . . . I guess 1A is subjective. orangeidiot

Of course, laws he doesn’t like don’t apply to Donny the Crime Boss.

Isn’t that what Nancy Pelosi is doing and Swalwell and Gillibrand and the list goes on and on? According to this anybody that works in our government can’t say anything bad about anybody else. This makes absolutely no sense.

Conway needs to go, broke the law repeatedly.

Of course he loves people who break the law. She will probably get a promotion now.

As if Democrat's don't use their positions for political purposes...

She chooses to be in a federal position covered by the Hatch Act, like all federal employees. It's a 'breaking the law' issue, not 'freedom of speech' issue. If she wants to campaign, she can choose to quit.

Your fake news Also gfy

Why fire her? She fits right in with the traitors and law breakers in the white house.

Foxandfriends FoxNews Is there anything Serial Lying Corrupt Russian Traitor realDonaldTrump can say or do that the Fox & Friends crew will object to. They are Pathetic!

Just another feeble attempt to create a scandal. Under the Hatch act she is allowed to express opinions about candidates and issues.

Good. It was purely a political move to enforce the law against her when it wasn't enforced previously.

this woman is so worthless and pathetic.

BREAKING NEWS: Trump has no plans to defend the Constitution and uphold the Rule of Law.

Since she is breaking the law keep her off the airwaves!! She is a criminal & should not have access to the press.

This is not the news. Trump getting us into Iran Ward is the news.

When is Congress going to restore the rule of law in this country?

Happy JohnMcCainDayJune14th

shocking. Mr. Drain the swamp can't even keep his own backyard clean.

I’m having way too much fun on JohnMcCainDay to give a moments thought to Kellyanne.

Nothing surprises me with this administration these days

no of course he doesn't... that would be following the rule of law, having ethics etc LiarInChief Individual1 StableGenius KellyAnneConJob KellyanneConway KellyanneResign HatchAct HatchActViolations

Left wing communist propaganda against POTUS ....thanks for your help getting POTUS re-elected in 2020. You’re on the wrong side of history and we AMERICANS see your agenda.

Now is the time to stop giving her your time, you air time and your attention. Without the media, she'll have no power but on Faux 'fox' news

Anyone surprised?

Congress MUST step and return the rule of law and order to the WH. TIME FOR IMPEACHMENT RepAdamSchiff SpeakerPelosi RepCummings

Lawlessness has come upon us and we are all suffering under it, whether you realize it or not. Trump is destroying this country. Everyone who loves this country must be strongly opposed to it.

Shocking 😴



Trump is making our laws meaningless. Goodbye USA.

Yeah, no shit.

Course not. That would be work.

Radical socialist democrats grasping at straws. Indictments for spying are coming.

As he shouldn't. Her 'violations' are merely free speech. One shouldn't be penalized for offering opinions, and that's ALL she's done

Every CONGRESSMAN does the same thing!

You see, the POTUS is willing to 'listen' to anything from anyone but what he does with that information is entirely something else.

Has the same group recommended JohnKerry being prosecuted for Logan Act violations? Or are they just a partisan group?

The “To hell with the law “ admin strikes again.

And water is wet. 💦

Laws ? Not for POTUS KellyannePolls I look forward to the day they go to jail. They have mocked the laws long enough.

Of Course Not Cause She's A Swamp Creation Just Like Her Boss Trump!😈😈😈😈

Corrected Lead in: Crack Barbie protected by Crime Boss.

banmar_nj She seems sweet Or evil mostly evil

She's in COMMUNICATIONS for the WhiteHouse She needs to Communicate when asked a question!!!!!

He’s not firing KellyannePolls . Quit being absurd

She is not going anywhere. Doing a fantastic job for us

I’m old enough to remember when it actually mattered that high level government officials openly and blatantly broke the law.

Because corruption runs deep

This picture is truly worth a 1000 words , and none of them good

How unsurprising.

Welp. Kelly has Robin beat by a mile with that face ErikFrenz


'Federal Watchdog Agency'. You mean a bunch of deranged Democrats hellbent on obstructing anything and everything in the Trump admin. Sorry, they're not going to limit her right to defend the president and speak her mind when the president is attacked nonstop by DEMS & Fake News.

Trump loves it when someone or something tries to tell him what to do

She’ll probably get a promotion or, at least, be named WH lawbreaker of the week !

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