Trump Mocked Bernie Sanders at L.A. Fundraiser, Jokes About 'Illegals'

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Trump took his pro-Bernie mask off during Tuesday night's dinner in L.A.

and other GOP bigwigs -- and some of the food served included steak, fish, chicken, salad and dessert.

Anyway, we're told by some present ... the Prez took a decent amount of time to call out Sen. Sanders by name, calling him"Crazy Bernie" and even openly saying he hopes he wins the Democratic nomination, 'cause Trump professed he could beat in a general election. .....Mini is illegally buying the Democrat Nomination. They are taking it away from Bernie again. Mini Mike, Major Party Nominations are not for sale! Good luck in the debate tomorrow night and remember, no standing on boxes!That's interesting, of course, because 45 has been tweeting about Bernie a lot lately -- suggesting the DNC is trying to"steal" the nomination from him like in 2016.

We're told he kept the topic going, joking Bernie wants to give free education and stuff to everyone ... wondering if a Harvard education and Rolls-Royce cars were in store for"illegals" under his vision. Funny enough, Bernie was asked about Trump's support the same night. “That's not how I would interpret it," Sen. Sanders says, rejecting the idea that Trump tweets about him so frequently because the President wants to face him in November. "I think Trump understands that we have something that other candidates don't."


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The Dictator 🍊 aka Vladimir Putin’s puppet

Bernie is a joke

Y'all need to stop saying Trump 'jokes'. What he says aren't jokes, it's real hatred and bigotry.

Where are your Blloomburg stories?

ewarren is wrong. There are more Grants available to Minorities to start businesses or go to College than there are for White Persons. If she were right, Why did she pretend to be a minority to get into a prestigious college? 🤣🤣🤣

ewarren said 'A Billionaire calling women FatBroads and HorseFaceLesbians and No I'm not talking about Donald Trump I'm talking about MikeBloomberg'

amyklobuchar said ..... 'How can we beat Donald Trump when we're not even going to nominate a Democrat (BernieSanders Socialist and MikeBloomberg a Republican)' 🤣🤣🤣

ewarren calls out Bloomberg .......... FatBroads and HorseFaceLesbians No I'm not talking about Donald Trump I'm talking about things MikeBloomberg said.

BernieSanders praises hospital for the 'excellent care' he received. Desert Springs is a 'Private' Hospital! 🤣🤣

Once these young people realize that Bernie's guaranteed jobs is your free education (job training) in work camps chosen for you, they're gonna FREAK! And when they realize no one is buying them an electric car and they've been forced to public transit they will FREAK!

When your views are down or there's nothing interesting happening in Hollywood ......... Become CNN Fake News and make money using Trump's name.

Trump2020 MAGA KAG


So mean but I love him.

Did it hurt your feelings?

Good fuck em

Bernie 2020 🇺🇸

Bernie Sanders is a comunist, people should have adressed this issue. Worrisome for a country renowned for Liberty.

Blah blah blah blah

I really don't care do you? PutinsPuppet tRUMP

Is this the only pic you could find of Bernies face ? Looks like a old guy who yells at you for not shoveling your walk.

I don’t blame Trump. If anyone is deserving of mockery it’s Crazy Bernie.

How professional our president is!

Sounds like another day

SOmewhere Sanders is saying thank you.

They look like two old men in a nursing home fighting over the last Werthers

Y’all already posted this

😂😂😂 And? People talk about TRUMP 24/7..Let the man do his f'n job... Trump2020Landslide

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