Trump makes fear-based appeal to women as Biden picks Harris

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

With Joe Biden tapping a woman as his running mate, Trump is trying to stop a defection of women voters — using a flurry of tweets and 11th-hour policy initiatives designed to play to potential fears about their families and communities

suburban voters, 49 percent to 45 percent, but has since lost that edge, according to polling data.

Trump’s explicit appeals to suburban voters started in earnest during a late June rally in Phoenix, when he“disunity and discord” would come to “every suburb” if Biden was elected. In the following weeks, Trump’s suburban overtures became more pronounced, barbed and specific. to retain women voters that previously was primarily an economic pitch — before the coronavirus pandemic, unemployment rates for women had fallen to historic lows, a majority of new jobs were going to women and there were more women than men in the workforce for only the second time in U.S. history.


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Should of picked a woman instead of a yes man.

Why don't we care for the ideas and character instead of gender? Not with Biden!

After the pssy grabbing and porn star pay offs all women should have been out! Just saying

What prankster told him directing his tweets at “suburban housewives” was a winning campaign strategy?

One sign of a bad leader is that he needs to use fear to get what he wants from the people. And that fortress he built around the White House and now the South Dakota governor is doing the same thing around the governors mansion show just how hated they are.

Fear is his only tool

Stop bashing him.

Doesn’t he realize women tuned him out a lonnnng time ago?

Trump should pivot to Kristi Noem. But he won't. She's far too strong a female personality, and reminds Trump of his hated mother.

Had tRump placed FAMILIES FIRST, would have meant he would shut down the economy until there was a coherent plan to re open. And wearing masks as well as social distancing seems like a very good way to control the spread of the virus, absent a vaccine.


Racist Joe gropes..... not 'taps'.

He does what he knows best, fear and incompetence.


Trump’s Twisted Tweets demonstrate once again that he is out of touch with reality. He still has his cult base, though, and cults are dangerous to democracy and never good news for women.

Wasting his time.

You're, not a dish 🍽

which woman? it is a politician, Obama showed us that to be black dont help black at all, what will bring a woman more? nothing. if woman have competences they will be elected and not choosen to be president by a senile pedo who ouldl not last 8 days in office.

From a cretin who promotes grabbing pu***

He plays on fears because that’s exactly all he knows. Just more projection.

Biden think he goes for a date with the woman who tells he harrass women...where is the politic of course..with power you buy everything.

If Trump picks a woman, it would not have the same effect. It would be contrived and fake.

because having a woman running for potus in 2016 and 4 women running for the candidacy in 2019 made women run to the polls to vote for them 🙄👎🏻 they didn’t. Time to change tactics, pick a candidate with charisma, good policy & a good resume for 2024

I’m a mom to young kids and don’t know anyone who self identifies as a housewife. He’s more than a few decades behind here.

C’mon, Politico, this was completely racist, don’t sugar coat your headline.

TOO SLOW ON THE DRAW: Trump has started his hate tweet comments attacking Joe Biden & Kamala Harris. Too bad he was so slow on the draw. Kamala Harris had already sliced & diced Trump down to size earlier in the day! It's going to fun just seeing how bad Kamala chews Trump up!👍

Teeny tiny hands

He should just tell their husbands or boyfriends to grab them by their pu**ies and ORDER THEM to vote for their con-artist. Taken out of the 'Art of the Deal' 💩

Really? Joe Biden tapped Kamala Harris? 😂

Suburban Housewives are sleeping.

If women were as bad at everything as Trump thinks they are, none of us would be here.

Those are the women that call the cops of black men for nothing

We are not buying it 😂

Well Melania is no where to sea, the most inexistant First Lady. You can easily understand why.. Botox and shut up


I’m not sure if the word “tapping” is appropriate as who in the f*** would tap Kamala Harris? Her shear arrogance is like she would have the male “balls” in her hands squeezing the entire time!

....well he's not making much headway by calling them 'suburban housewives'..........🤡

Unfortunately for him he's aiming at a demographic that went the way of the Edsel. Trump wants to make it 1950 again, or maybe the 1920s.

Potential fears?

Designed to dog-whistle, pander and fear monger.

Seems the 'suburban housewives' have had enough of his shit 😏

Better headline: “Trump uses Biden’s selection of 1st Black-Asian woman as VP to scare white women w/ racist clichés”

Unfollowed for this bs take

Fear -- he knows his conservative constituency, totally motivated by fear. This group has been so easily exploited.

Whatever. How insulting that you would imply that woman are so shallow they would vote for a woman just because she is one. I have no doubt this is the least of his concerns, if he has any, regarding this ticket.

.. You are full of it!

Female voters are not going to flock to radical left Ms.-2%

Trump needs women to vote for him? Surprising... ...didn‘t he stated they he just needs to grab them by the p.... to get anything he wants? We all know the audio. So very well - there you go Mr.“President“ and get it ...

Kopmala isn’t drawing any kind of increased female vote, stop manufacturing a false narrative. Trump is being a bigot same as usual, and most women were going to vote Dem regardless.

Has he tried sharing makeup tips with them?

Democrats stoked fears already by their unquestioned allegiance to BLM/Antifa...

Do women own stock in funeral swerves? Trump has made DEATH A HUGE BUSINESS. What woman doesn't want to get rich with DEATH STOCKS?

Harris a woman? More like the Antichrist in drag !

Trump 2020

Hey media shy the silence on a Bkack man executing a white 5 year old .. if the races were reversed it would be non stop coverage

Have you not witnessed what is happening with crime .. looters smashed windows in Ronald McDonald house in Chicago ,

👞 👞

I guess I’m the suburban housewife he’s courting here, but he’s so out of touch about what keeps women like me up at night. Nothing like a rich white old dude mansplaining to me what my fears ought to be.

He's also being openly racist. You missed that part in your headline.

Trump is totally out of touch with the women in this country both white and POC .His comment so far.... Asinine

BS try again.

Women in California know she hasn’t done shit for us.

We still haven’t forget Trump sending goons to beat moms up last month.

Don’t know what Trump will do now. He’s never ran against a female before...

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