Trump lobs another insult at Pelosi aboard Air Force One

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Not even off Air Force One from Europe, President Trump took advantage of his downtime to throw a verbal jab at “Nervous Nancy Pelosi”

President Donald Trump used his downtime on Air Force One to fire off another attack on Nancy Pelosi, scolding the House speaker for privately criticizing him while he was overseas.

Pelosi has resisted her caucus’ growing impatience about impeaching the president, but she said this week she would rather see him defeated at the ballot box and then prosecuted for his alleged crimes. Trump on Friday insisted that “there is no evidence for such a thing to have been said,” repeating his assertion that his 2016 campaign did not collude with Russia.

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For someone who spent years droning on about a birth certificate trump sure is thin skinned. babytrump notmypresident notnownotever

realDonaldTrump did you confefe Pelosi?

Trump you should have been locked up years ago

If the bitch did her job, Nervous Nancy commits would not have been made!

Why do I think she couldn’t give a crap?

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Nancy is getting under trumps thin skin LOL DesperateDonald

What’s he talking about now?

That's a human response to a vile comment. I ❤️ potus, President of the United States of America.

Good, she stuck a craw in his old man panties. PelosiFTW ImprisonTrump

Pelosi doesn't care. She's simply a better leader than Don.

Dopey Donald Dunce-cap.

She got him on the ropes and he's scared

These are not verbal jabs. This is elementary school, playground name calling. The President seems to be hoping to reverse the old saying, 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.'

She bait him good the man is a weak bully


Taking lessons from the fake media!

😂😂😂😂😂👍👍👍. Get out your smelling salt, Politico! TDS to the core. Go, Mr President Trump!

Nervous 😓 Nancy worried about her kickbacks from the cartel? Say it twice it just be true.....No?😳


I will admit this president is always working! You might need to take a break

Nice new name


Dispicable Donald

Nervous Nellie😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂🥰

Brokeahontas is getting nervous!

Well he went off on Bette Midler before that. And he said the moon is part of Mars. That about sums it up.

So sad. We have a POTUS with a 11 years brain and emotions in a 72 year old man's body. Working stiffs usually get a ride to a mental ward and start doing the Thorozine Shuffle.

She should of been a professional, kept her opinions to herself...NOBODY WANTED TO HEAR HER REMARKS ABOUT PRISON! Pelosi sounded petty especially on the 75th...I would of said a lot more...and she does look nervous!

Here's another name for Trump: Dumpf*ck Donald

Jab back to 'Dirty Donald' or how about 'Treasonous Trump', but my all time favorite is 'Old Bone Spurs'


Why does anybody listen to Dingbat Donnie.

I see dim Donald forgot to be presidential again.

Only after she said she wants to see him in jail ....I mean when y’all going to learn you hit him he hits back’s really simple.

No intelligent person takes Trump’s immature prattle seriously. He’s just trying to bully the Democrats. Pelosi’s out of his league.

bullshit. The more SpeakerPelosi & realDonaldTrump spat back and forth, the more campaign donations they both get. Both Playing the voters. And voters too stupid to see they are getting worked. PTBarnum, eat yer heart out, you are getting schooled in taking people's $s.

Crooked Donald is worried

President Trump often speaks as an offended fourth-grader heaping insult upon insult when he fails to grasp facts. Such immature behavior has been on display to the world. Is it immaturity, a bitter-soul or senility?

He’s such a misogynist. He calls women names as a matter of habit. Nasty Meghan, nervous or crazy Nancy, psychotic Bette...and on, and on, and on...Any woman who criticizes or disagrees with him gets called names. He’s paranoid.

No time to waste!

It’s going to be epic when he gets what he’s begging for.

She deserves every word

And? Oh my Lord Trump's behavior, oh no. Bande de cons


He’s running scared of her—she is too intelligent for him!

The only one nervous is Drumpf

What a very small sick evil man😠😝😝😝😝

How about duplicitous don the con?



“Nervous Nancy” has “Dumb Donald” in her crosshairs and he can’t stand it.

Is the new name better than the last?

He’s so triggered! Wonder why?! Is “prison” the magic word for him?! 😂🤣

A man who has to resort to calling people derogatory names clearly has nothing of substance to say Trump is like a little school boy who has no friends and is a failure - so he calls names and bullies smaller children

She's a nut and America knows it!

I thought would not repeat the nicknames trump calls people. This note is not a classroom prank‼️🤡. Point out trump disrespects branch of government leader SpeakerPelosi

He is one sick puppy.

When will he ever be Presidential?

Obsessing much?

He should speak out. Crazy Nancy should be censured and then throw out of Congress she is such a waste

Almost everything this MF says is projection. So sure, tell us who's nervous. DerangedDonald

I love our president. MAGA

That’s a great idea! Piss off the one woman that doesn’t want to impeach you! Brilliant!

Honey, Im home! Now what were you saying about wanting me in jail?

Transference is a neurotic condition that applies here. A narcissist will often transfer his fright and grief into another.

To: (fake news) Politico..This ONE week the Stock Market= up 1100 points! And in other great news from our so successful President=Mexico has now sent 3,000+ National Guard to Mexico’s southernmost border to stem flow of illegals! ‘Woo-Hoo!’..Trump’s ‘tariff idea’=working!

Did they have to bring in extra-large seats in Air Force One for Trump's enormous girth?

Let’s be real. Trump is fully corrupt. Trump is amoral. Trump is a narcissistic sociopath. Prison is worthy of him. He does like gold

Deranged Trump is certainly nervous about Nancy!

Let’s throw a jab a Dumb Donny Trump.

Good. This has to stop...and she won’t lift a finger. RepJimmyPanetta will do whatever she says...

Who cares. Soooo boring

Are you talking about the Nancy Pelosi who said she wants to see Trump in jail? That Nancy Pelosi? Your hypocrisy is showing, you may want to cover that up it is more than a bit unsightly.

Showing his ignorance

One day Trump will melt into a liquid putrescence.

Dirty Donald....

Somebody sure is acting nervous. And it sure ain't Nancy! 🤡 ImpeachTrump

President Trump is right.

She started by saying she wanted to see him in jail. SHE waited for him to be out of country to open mouth. Of course he will respond.

Toddler in chief... Bebest

Do you mean un-indicted Donald?


Great Democrats hate America vote the bums out

Despite their posturing, the DEMs have a single issue ahead of them in 2020 & that is 'can they keep the impeachment campaign going until they win the election'. If they don't fan the flames of impeachment going & can't maintain 'Trump hate' they have nothing to run on & may lose

Lol gotta love our President. Trump 2020

Poke the bear and lock him and throw away the key. Liar Trump.

What about nervous Nancy’s remarks

He turns it around as though Nancy Pelosi started it. He’s wrong. What Pelosi said the guy should be in jail which was said in the WH. Not on foreign soil. Unlike this guy aired his dirty laundry!!!

Good for him. She deserves much more than a public jab from the president. These democrats are loony and dangerous.

Nancy Pelosi has gradually become a train wreck. The Democrat Party has lost all sense of balance and productive offering.

She started it.

Dotard Donald is still a dotard

DespicableDonald CadetBoneSpurs PornPresident TrumpIsUnfitToGovern StopTrump

Lock him up

And she deserved it 100% she is a disgrace to the house of representatives and the United States of America she is a very sick sick woman


A small man with a small mind.

More anti Trump activist.

After the el cheapo she took at him, I'm not surprised or unhappy that Trump went for a little payback.

Good!! Go Trump!!!

He’s on a projection rant.

Will you please act like a REAL president!

Good. She deserved it.

She's throwing jabs so if you don't want one thrown at you you'd be wise not do it to someone else. Pelosi needs to retire, go home and be a Grandmother. Perfect example of why Term limits should be set for Congress.

She obviously has issues, doesn't appear fit for office anymore

Good for him!! She said it while he was traveling!!

Trying out different name calling combinations

Demented Donald is afraid of Pelosi. Awe, isn’t that special?

Presidential as fuck

In all fairness, have you seen her latest drunken video?

Defendant 1 should be landing soon.

Worst president ever


After Pelosi’s latest tweet, she deserves ever negative comment thrown her way.

Shame, shame & shame! How low can he GO!

Som she’s got you running your mouth already ? She can eat you alive !be afraid Donald, be very afraid !

Yep! Well-deserved.

Go, Trump, go!

She hit first. Tell the truth. She said she wants to put him in jail. He neeed to answer. She doesn’t get to do whatever she wants and not have consequences.

Nervous Nancy is spot on. She is freaking out sandwiched between Socialist and Radical Islamist in the DNC. BWAHAHAHA

Last time Pelosi was Speaker, Republicans took over the House for the next 8 years. Looks like history is going to repeat itself.

'Nervous Nancy'?

Trumphas no class

Then he cries when Nancy verbally attacks him back.

The only thing he's good at

deserves it! they are supposed to work for us I want her and her lil minions FIRED! They haven’t done one tiny bit of their real work/job since maybe 2015. And still don’t plan to. No employer would ever put up with that or her mouth and attitude realDonaldTrump SpeakerPelosi

Yeah. Trump's the bad guy for hitting back at a woman who has been trying to take him out of office since before he was sworn in. Spare me. Nervous Nancy is a far kinder nickname than she deserves.

Lol! I don’t think it’s Nancy that is nervous! 🤣

Nancy isn't afraid of Donald Trump. It's the other way around. Trump is starting to hear the footsteps from behind.

I guess it was really important to piblish his new nickname for her in the headline. Maybe it should have read, 'Is Trump nervous about Nancy? She is clearly on his mind.'

And you put it on display for the World to become dumber! This is like if kindergarten playgrounds had newspaper headlines. Thanks guys 👍

DerangedDonald is off his meds.

Every time one of Trump's meaningless nicknames is posted, spoken, or repeated, the tag is reinforced. Ignore Trump's nicknames and stop repeating his lies and propaganda. Weren't any lessons learned in 2016? The truth is PowerfulPelosi and DonaldDunce

I think she probably gives zero sh*ts about what he has to say.

If Nancy can make claims that she wants Trump in prison while he’s overseas representing us, then she can take the returning fire. The media can stop protecting her, she’s earned every bit of criticism she gets.

Oh God, how long is he going to chew on that bone?

Nervous, ninny, noncompoop, nasty, nefarious - take your pick!! All apt names for an alleged speaker of the house who dares to threaten the president, without proof of crime, with prison! Personally i think she should step down as I’m not sure she’s running the ship anyway!

Scared Trump strong woman Pelosi.

Important diplomatic message to the world, President of The United States Donald Trump: 'Nervous Nancy'

Like she said .... Patriots love the scent of HIS fear.

Take a walk on the wild side in Trumps empty head where you'll all kinds of folks Bette Midler,Nancy Pelosi,Obama and countless others.

You mean the 'Nattering Nabob Nancy's of Negatism'? That 'Nervous Nancy Pelosi'?

Nancy is not nervous! Trump’s the one that’s nervous. Look at all the temper tantrums he throws. He really gets angry when he’s called out on all his lies. The media is no longer calling them falsehoods, but LIES! Less letters more succinct meaning.

realDonaldTrump is easy to bait.

DerangedDonald Nervous seems so much more acceptable than deranged. SpeakerPelosi

give him one of those fidget spinners to keep him occupied. This guy is so idle that he has nothing to do all day but make a fool of himself.


chesse47 Maybe you could stop promoting his ad hominem attacks on others! DoBetter

Shame on you ! You are repeating the slanderous insulting nickname that the bully-in-chief is trying to get trending! Are you holding power accountable, or are you just their blow horn? SpeakerPelosi is her name. Use it. JournalismIsNOTaCrime but it is accountable.


He a global communicator guy.

No one in opposition is nervous. TumpResign.

Politico puts childish Trump nickname in headline

Clearly a biased opinion here...


Thanks Politico for being Trump’s propaganda machine. How much does he pay you?

He's clearly obsessed with Pelosi because he can't muzzle or control her, unlike the other passive, vapid women in his life that chose to ruin their reputations by accommodating him.

Haha Love Trump

realDonaldTrump is 'Scared Donald.'

FYI, not every moronic Trump insult is actual news.

His insecurities are in mega drive.

Just impeach this ass already

You touched yourself when you saw he had a new nickname for someone, didn't you?

The difference between Nancy Pelosi and Trump: Nancy has principles.

She does look nervous tho lol

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