Trump: Jewish people who vote Democratic show 'great disloyalty'

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President Trump asserts his view that any Jewish person who votes for a Democrat shows 'total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.'

President Donald Trump on Tuesday told reporters that"any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat" are either uninformed or show"great disloyalty."

Trump made the comments after he was asked about Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar's suggestion that the U.S. might want toin aid after she and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., were barred from entering the country last week. He again attacked the two Democrats — saying Tlaib had said"horrible things" about Israel and that Omar is"a disaster for Jewish people.""I can't even believe that we're having this conversation. Five years ago, the concept of even talking about this — even three years ago — of cutting off aid to Israel because of two people that hate Israel and hate Jewish people. I can't believe we're even having this conversation," Trump fumed.

Tlaib and Omar are the first Muslim women to be elected to Congress, and both have been critical of the Israeli government and its treatment of to the country this past weekend but the Israeli government announced last week that they would be barred over their support of the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement.

Omar was accused of engaging in the dual loyalty trope earlier this year over comments she has made about pro-Israel groups,


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Which is completely true. The libs have shown time and time again they are anti-semantic

The Chosen One is the worst ever. Ugh. He never fails to embarrass our nation.

While you are reporting his foolishness. That he loves, by the way..Check on any votes happening..its all a smoke screen.

He is damn crazy!! And getting crazier !!

You know why people can relate to this man? Because millions have thought or asked this in their mind at one time or another. Same with y lower economic classes vote dimm for generations and still poor.

This is real people the person you voted for did have hush money payments

Anything he “asserts” is pure idiocy WednesdayThoughts

Government largess for sure. There is nothing, in their view, that the government cannot control. Government is their god.


President Trump is right. Democrats totally disrespect the Jewish people and Israel every day. Again, our president is correct.

Just waiting for his signature move, the 'double-down'. His crapola theory (whatever it may be) will be immediately embraced by his red-hatted rubes and whatever ignorantia excuse all his disgusting behavior. I weep for the future.

Agolf Twittler said what?


Jewish people can vote for who they want, and I’m fairly positive it won’t be you.


He's right. Democrats have abandoned the Jews and that includes you Bernie. WAKE UP!

Disloyalty to what?

I know that when I read the words “total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty” I immediately think of trump

this is a disgrace and the media should be holding him to it rather than just being complacent and regurgitating his words! JournalismIsDead

Ok NBC is there anything in that statement that isn’t true? Democrats are now run by the Squad who hate the Jews .

An American Jew who supports anti-Semite politicians is putting the children in their family at great risk in the future. President Trump knows this because his grandchildren are of Jewish descent.

If you stand for American Values, you have an obligation to denounce the state of Israel and our president. FacsictDon

Lack of knowledge of what or why and lack of loyalty to whom or what?

anyone who stays at a trump property, or plays golf at a trump resort, shows either a lack of knowledge or great disloyalty. in short, they are traitors and supporters of terrorism.

Why should their race or religion matter? trumpsnotracistmyass

Judaism is a Religion & NOT an Ethnicity Disloyalty to who/whom? If to him , majority of Americans do & it’s an honor. If 2 God , they r loyal . If to America, they are. If to ApartheidIsrael , they should all be disloyal to ZionistTerroristOccupation HumanRightsAbuses

Why would the Jews owe him loyalty?

Nazi citizen test, nothing less.

He is correct.

Any vote for Trump is a confirmation of the voter’s racism and bigotry.


This is like hitler telling Jews that they’re disloyal if they didn’t support him. Also 45p should be the last to talk about anyone’s lack of knowledge.

I agree. TheDemocrats have gone full blown anti-semite because of four atheists who want to disrupt the middle east to the point Israel is bombed off the globe. Democrats are for lies, hate, and anti-religion. They are for control, power, and morphing America into a democracy.

Hes so right. the truth sometimes hurts. Jews aka the nation of Israel belong in the Land of Israel. If they cant live there they at least must support the wonderful State of Israel which is the first flowering of the redemption of the world

So true the democrats are invested in anti semitism now. Omar and Tlaib are perfect examples. Any Jewish person voting for a Democrat today might as well have voted for Hitler during World War II that the true comparison

Why, because your son-in-law is Jewish?

I think realDonaldTrump forgot crazy as well

No prof of this at all


Does POTUS really believe that because his son-in-law and daughter are of the Jewish faith, and because he approved the transfer of the American Embassy to Jerusalem that American Jewry owes him support at the polls?

He just proved again he as doesn’t care to protect Americans from people who shouldn’t have guns that commit these mass murders

Here we go again inciting and dividing! While they change laws behind doors.

The Goebbels in Donny is strong.

Trump as no loyalty to this country only to his own needs and the nra and other rich lobbyists

“The art” of not being able to deal.

President Trump speaks the truth.

Lowlife trump keeps getting lower when everyone thought he couldn’t get worse.

The good news is that many of us grew up hearing Aesop's fables. The Boy Who Cried Wolf is numbered 210.

Tlaib and Omar's trip was being financed by an anti-semitic neo-nazi group. What is the media saying about it? Crickets

Let’s give Israel Greenland and give the Palestinians back their land. Problem solved.


Religion has nothing to do with voting for nationalism or voting for dual loyalty. It's America first, not Israel first, remember?

Jackboots for loyal members of the party!!!

Dictator mindset, now he’s telling people how to vote... sad thing is, some are too blind to see through his dangerous rhetoric. ElPasoStrong

Jesus Chiat let this be the last straw.

Well. Well. Well. The chickens are coming home to roost! Every one of us is part of the other. ' Love your neighbor AS you love yourself.' realonaldTrump This is 1 of the 10 Commandments. I know you're unfamiliar. After all 'Two Corinthians?' God have mercy on our world.

He’s right.

Your daily reminder that Trump and his followers are terrible

Well if you put the kool-aid down and look at the kind of deranged fruitcakes and terrorist scum the democrat party openly embraces and empowers these days you'll see very clearly that he's absolutely correct. Voting for a democrat is like voting for a little Hitler.

Not disloyal to the USA...... He was referring disloyal to the cause of Israel.....lets be honest and clear

Are we The Mob now? DisloyalToTrump

Trump has zero knowledge on anything

Democrats hate Jews... that's an absolute fact. Any Jew who votes Democrat is a beggar to their own demise.

the jewish voters won't buy it. they are too smart for trump...

TRUMP 2020 Vote all democrats out of office Do not believe the lies MSM reports

Agree!! Love this President! Says what he thinks and doesn't sugarcoat it.

I thank Trump for proving how weak the US constitution is. The world now sees it that despite all these, the constitution is unable to impeach this man for his repeated and continued attempts to divide America. Something needs to be replaced ASAP

Not just Jewish people, you'd have to be fucking demented to vote for a Democrat this time

Like seriously mr. trump

Trump shut up

Trump wants the media to call him an anti-semite after the media keeps excusing away the rising anti-semitism of the democrats. Go ahead. It will just make you look like fools.

However inelegantly Pres.Trump stated it, it’s nevertheless an unwelcome truth. The majority of today’s Jews have assimilated, much like the German Jews. Slightly embarassed 2 be seen as Jews, they follow the secular, liberal majority 2 avoid minority status.

28 members of Congress are Jewish & Democrats. Hope they & there constituents are listening. Having Jewish son-in-law does not mean T is not anti-Semitic. All 28 are loyal to their country...USA

'The vexations of a fool are known at once.' - Proverbs 12:16

So when a black person votes Republican, the Democrats call them disloyal. How is this different?

Both parties are a religion with no common sense

How in the world can this ugly, vile, obscene, unAmerican, ignorant, hateful little man be squatting the White House?! How DisloyalToTrump

What the hell is wrong with this man and why isn't the media covering this more strongly? He basically said they were stupid and backstabbers! Wow!!!!

Disloyal to one’s own country? Psychopath

Very stable genius .

Chump proves, again, what a complete fool he is.

I say get the hell bent. Anyway, HE WAS A GD DEMOC RAT!!

It’s not about knowledge, faith, loyalty being Jewish or being whatever. We just want Trump to go away and we will vote for ANYBODY who is not Trump.

Trump is just plan crazy

Ironic this is being said by an emulator of Hitler and a friend of the White Supremacists isn't it?

Don’t know any of my Jewish friends in the NY area that would view him or his family as anything other than a charlatans.

So true. Dems claim patriatism as hate while they set by and watch anti Semitic remarks.

Take heed Mr Netanyahu. This is the Devil that you sold your soul to. When he talks about loyalty, he is talking about loyalty to him, not to America or Israel. This man will not be President forever and we, the 'stupid and disloyal' American Jewish Democrats will remember.

true that. CommieBama turned all of y'all (Dems) into Jew haters... de-programming is needed for you cats. from the ObamaCommieKult.

Disloyal to who? As an American and a Jew, I can state categorically that Trumpnis an anti Semitic P O S. He should be removed from office immediately.

President trump asserts he is a democrat nationwise as a conservative its just not his party to promote healthy welfare of freedom.. And execute comprhensive cervical frequencies..

Only loyal Jews like Jared need apply.

HappilyDisloyal ... Trump can shove it.

Keep insulting people. That's the way to win votes

Instead of impeachment we should call what we want to do to his term in office 'circumcision'

Calling Jews stupid and disloyal. Yep, that’s our president. 🤬

Simply put, the man is dangerously insane.

He’s not wrong. Democrats have consistently sided with those who would like to see Israel, and Jews specifically, wiped off the map.

WOW. he is really lighting up fires with that load of crap. Anyone who votes for Republicans Hate America. Period.

That is a seriously messed up thing to say!

We don't need your view about Jewish people.....thank you very much !!

I think he is correct. Omar and Tlaib have already made it clear that Israel is their enemy. Now they are trying to convince the rest of the Democratic party. They are racist against the Jews, their comments speak to that fact.

This is taken out of context, here is what the president actually said

To be fair to Our Donny, if there was ever anything about which he could be called an expert, it'd be disloyalty and the lack of knowledge.

sheilaaj He’s right.

I agree and have been saying it for a few years!


Donald Trump is the king of disloyalty.

Oy vey!

President Trump IS A DISGRACE

Disloyalty to What? Did anyone ask him that question? Disloyalty to fucking What?!

He is correct.

Hey Genius, hope that is part of your re-election campaign. Keep up the good work, you are working for Buttigieg now

Well considering Democrats hate the Nation of Jewish people with a fiery passion and support women who affiliate themselves with people who call for the extermination of said Jewish nation I would say he’s spot on.

Hard to argue with.

Truth hurts? Try it once in awhile NBC.

Says the man who defend neonazis.

This is a cue for all Jewish people to run the opposite way of trump.

The Voice of Hitler come to life again!

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