Trump has fired Berman, Barr says

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

JUST IN: Attorney General Bill Barr said that President Trump has fired Geoffrey Berman, the powerful US attorney for the Southern District of New York who has investigated a number of associates of the President.

Attorney General Bill Barr said Saturday that President Donald Trump has fired Geoffrey Berman, the powerful US attorney for the Southern District of New York who has investigated a number of associates of the President.

"Because you have declared that you have no intention of resigning, I have asked the President to remove you as of today, and he has done so," Barr wrote in a letter to Berman."By operation of law, the Deputy United States Attorney, Audrey Strauss, will become the Acting United States Attorney, and I anticipate that she will serve in that capacity until a permanent successor is in place.


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First ... why is Trump all up in this? Damn pay attention to the job at hand. Stop running around to all these agencies getting rid of people trying to cover your behind for so s**t you have done. You are gone and it’s going to come out. You can’t get rid of it now too late.

He did it. No HE did it. No it wasn’t me. Well it wasn’t me either. The more they talk the less they say. Idiots.

He is obstructing Justice in real time, but why is nobody doing anything about what him and Barr are doing


Until when this corruption will go on!!! Impeach Barr!!!!

But Trump denies it so Barr needs to be removed. No trust means no job. Fire Barr for lying.

You guys are 🤡! Berman was temporary even though his replacement took 2 1/2 years to appoint. How about publishing Barr’s letter to Berman. Barr asked him to be fired due to his ridiculous public remarks.He was being moved up in the org but chose to be an ass instead. FakeNews

Trump said he had nothing to do with it.........Hmmmmmmmmm

Good didn't follow orders that how u get fired🇺🇸

Good his ass needed to be fired! Now, y'all get back to race-baiting trying ur hardest to get American's to hate each other. There's a reason CNN literally comes last in ratings every.. single.. night!📰🗑️

Is there anyone who doesn’t believe Trump is a super dangerous president?

Trump is in the manufacturing of untruth business. He’ll come up with anything that serves his interest. Question is what are GOP operatives going to do about it? Trump can’t execute his deceptions alone. Go after Trump’s enablers (esp. Barr). Trump is a lost cause. BarBarr

You are going to vote him in again for another 4 years, it’s inevitable...

If it’s reported by propaganda channel CNN then there must be more to the story

Trump won't be happy till everyone is kissing his feet.

Droopy will go down as being the worst and most corrupt AG in U.S. history. Congress should impeach him and the Republican Senate should go out and find a backbone.

Good deal, he’s a swamp creature and Trumpster is draining that swamp

JUST IN: President says he’s “not involved.”

He is so corrupt he don't want any information coming out about him

You mean like a judge who could have great impact on Epstein’s case? who woulda thought.

This is it: A Constitutional Crisis. Because for a president to fire the person in charge of investigating his own obstruction of justice and potential crime is, in fact, an obstruction of justice and an actual crime. Republicans? Is there even one patriot amongst ye?

All the good ones get sacked 🤷‍♂️

So what exactly is going on they want this guy fired now

If only that’s how laws worked

News4SA Geoffrey Berman was not confirmed by the Senate. He was appointed by the chief judge of the SDNY under 28 USC 546(d), which says Berman serves “until the vacancy is filled.” Berman cannot be removed until Trump appoints, and the Senate confirms, a successor.

Except that according to POTUS it’s all up to Barr just now to a reporter ... so which is it?

This is the most dangerous President in American history !

But Trump just now said he's not involved. That makes Barr a liar.


Good. Purge the entire filthy structure. Fire them all and start fresh.

Trump and Barr must go. This is not democracy.

Right on! Love Billiam Barr. What a stud!

Trump 2020 🇺🇸✊🏿


And Epstein.... no justice for these kids yet with the lack of investigation done on his behalf.

trump is looking for someone to hide his crimes Barr is corrupt

“I only hire the best people”

We mistakenly hired him to do be President, and look at the piss poor job he's doing.


This is an abuse of power by Attorney General Bill Barr, an impeachable offense!

We've already established Barr is a liar just like his boss so we can't believe anything that frog man says

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