Trump guts American dream, Endangered Species Act both in one day

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

In one day, the Trump admin. announced it would weaken the Endangered Species Act and set new standards for immigrants to meet, such as having a good credit score. maddow:'On the same day, targeting bald eagles and the Statue of Liberty, because America.'


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maddow nothing from these fools just a few short years ago: The Obama Admins Fish & Wildlife finalized a new reg on Dec. 14 permitting & operation of high-speed wind turbines. The regulation allows wind companies to kill up to 4,200 bald eagles with no penalties.

maddow America is a melting pot, a patchwork of beautiful souls. This is our heritage. If we’re not proud of this? What ARE we proud of? CuccinelliResign WednesdayMotivation

maddow What's to say peeps in other lands use our system for a 'good credit score'? Its not worldwide, is it?. Heck i dont have a good credit score. That's the real American dream. Lol

maddow What a spin. Soooooo many facts left out

maddow It’s ironic/funny how those who descend from immigrants (e.g., White Europeans) are demanding/complaining about who deserves to be in the country. Yet they forget that they or their ancestors were helped/benefited by the Indigenous Natives and their lands/resources. hypocrites

maddow The administration's staff reminds me of racists you might come across at a party, growing up. Some person trying to rationalize twisted nonsense to fit cloaked narratives while being polite and civil. From my point of view they look like skinheads or clan members out in the open


maddow If it drives the MSM and liberals crazy......I love it.❤️

maddow Two great initiatives by our President to zealously represent the forgotten American worker. So called endangered species have been used as an excuse to prohibit construction, & fat “refugees” have come here to sponge up taxpayer funded freebies. Thank you, President Trump!

maddow Thank god for the people that do there own research and don’t rely on msnbc for their info. So many lies and propaganda.

maddow Sad 😢

maddow He is fundamentally changing this country into his own country club. Meanwhile, if your not wealthy enough for the dues, you’ll get hurt by your own government. Deplorable

maddow Love it


maddow This must be his version of making America great again. It's like a Stephen King novel.

maddow What can you expect? The dodo bird is the head of the nation.

maddow saveourendangeredwildlife

maddow .Fake News...starting the day.

maddow It should read: Roses are Red Violets are Blue Trump is my President And he'll be your President too

maddow WeAreAllEndangered

maddow The strong don’t need help and the leaches need to go. Simple as that. The Bald Eagle has not been endangered for many years.

maddow Now he stands in the way of life that we need to survive with! Endangered animals prolongs our existence on earth!


maddow I am surprised that they did not wait until 5 o'clock on a Friday to keep these egregious rulings less noticeable. These changes will face lengthy lawsuits because most Americans hate these rulings!

maddow This is how you sabotage the country before you leave office

maddow Watching Nicole Wallace - why her and her female guests so quick to 'easy smiles' even at hideous moments? I try to respect the gender but apparently the blood chemicals between our genders flow differently. Damn!!


maddow It Would Seem.. As though.. the only 'Endangered Species' Trump Is concerned about saving.. Is His own Sanctimonious hide.. OMG

maddow Yeah, you guys are protectors of the environment, protectors of endangered species.... wait, what's this?


maddow What is going on?

maddow How is any one able to get any sleep when America is being destroyed & has become a country where people are living in fear?

maddow Yeah, you people care so much about endangered species like the bald eagle that you erect giant bird of prey processors all over the nation and call it renewable energy. You say you care for the environment while you kill birds of prey, bats and insects at an alarming rate.

maddow cashout doughboyzcashout cashoutmondays

maddow Trump is like a spewing vat of sewage. Every day more overflows.

maddow All this will be held up in court. I can imagine a judge that would be in favor of what the Moronic Trump administration is doing to the Endangered species list and our national parks. Going against that is career suicide.

maddow Trump ruining and killing the lives of children, parents and now even Bald Eagles. What is next? Bagging up kittens and puppies and throwing them over the side of a bridge? Does he have no limits or respect for life or the very core/foundation of the building of America?

maddow Does the man have any kind of a soul at all? What is wrong with him? Seriously. We are born with an inate feeling of togetherness and need to have basic love and respect for our country. He doesn't get to come in and ruin what we know as the United States of America.

maddow Please impeach this horrible man

maddow Very informative, thank you

maddow Maddow instead of trying to cause a commotion why don't you try looking for facts

maddow 1st of all we are all suppose to be dead, remember algore told us 2016 was the end of civilization? U libtards care about anything but Americans

maddow Why are you showing an un-endangered species?

maddow Details matter. Both are sound moves for America.


maddow Stupid man.

maddow Building a good credit score takes time. Proving to banks that you can pay back loans doesn’t just happen over night. Most young Americans, let alone immigrants, who have just begun to apply for credit, don’t have good credit scores. Yet.

maddow Despicable Don, would we expect anything less ? Hopefully Trumps become an endangered species.

maddow The first steps to the purge.

maddow “Perfection is achieved, not when there Is nothing more to add, but when there Is nothing left to take away.“-Adolf Hitler

maddow Trump hates America. These attacks on our natural resources and our environment will have long term consequences if we do not resist and fight back.🇺🇸


maddow What does multiple bankruptcies do to your credit score or doesn’t it matter if your name Is trump?



maddow The bald eagle is no longer endangered. Get over it.

vinkell maddow Trump is a Traitor to this nation, humanity & planet. Profit & power before life as we know it & our future. Damn this administration.

maddow This is beyond pathetic and irresponsible! It’s called GREED.

andybrwn maddow Good credit?

ewliberty maddow WorstPresidentinHistory ImpeachmentInquiryNow


maddow Oh Nooooo!!! Now Trump is delving into God's territory. Watch out for the Trump spiritual smack down.

maddow What a great day

maddow Retrumplicanism is an endangered species that should not be protected from extinction.

alroy72082117 maddow The bald eagle is no longer endangered. Hasn't been for several years.

maddow Please refer to which part of the Statue of Liberty says we are going to give you food stamps, subsidized housing, free medical care, free education in your native language, and soon free college?

maddow We must have better class of people coming to the United States! The Free Stuff ie. food stamps,section 8 (housing) and Medicaid are putting a strain on our Hard WORKING American citizens the taxpayers!! They do deserve better !!😃😃

maddow Not a single immigrant who came through Ellis Island received the assistance Trump described. It did not exist, so your claim is bunk.

maddow Seriously?! How can anyone allow this to print with a straight face?!?

maddow He's taken our dignity and our standing in the world and now he wants to eliminate some of our rarest, most precious species. Just because he can.

maddow trump is an IDIOT. Why is he weakening the Endangered Species Act. Was this a spur of the moment? We should weaken trump on not allowing him to go out of the WH & not get any bills passed. He is a LOSER, DISGUSTING, RACIST. He shouldn't be allowed to sign EXECUTIVE ORDER.

maddow Targeting Bald Eagles and the Statue of Liberty ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 MSNBC you are the new National comedy Central 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

maddow The bald eagle is not an endangered species, FYI.

maddow Credit scores are defined and measured differently in foreign countries. When we moved to the US we had to start all over building credit. We worked for a big company with their own credit union. They gave us a credit card and a car loan. No idea how you can do it without backup?

maddow ThisIsAmerica

maddow 😡😠😢

maddow Rachel asked who do you know who brought their health insurance with them when they moved to the US? Well no one since they took the risk of leaving their country to live here. They took the RISK. Even Americans don’t have health insurance.

maddow Fire StephenMiller or stop the economy. Like HongKongProtests white Americans must stage a sit-in at every airport on the weekend until the assault on immigration stops. resist Indivisible ImpeachTrump Antifa CNN foxnewsalert ABC NPR CBSNews RETWEET

maddow They’re ripping off your tag BillyCorben



maddow The American Dream was gutted 40 years ago when the same institutions threw the American people overboard.

maddow Good for you President Trump. Keep making America Great Again. Isn't he wonderful ?

maddow Get ready for the March in Sept. Times Up !!!

maddow So much to be proud of Republicans 🤮 A *President who lies with every utterance Exploding deficit Trade war Racism Gun violence Threatened cuts to healthcare, Medicare & Social Security Betrayal of Country VoteGOPOut

maddow The squad just called to let me know, President Trump has ordered to have all eagles shot.

maddow blackmirror

maddow Boon To California farmers, screw the smelt fish

maddow These are abysmally misleading summations of what actually happened.


maddow Time to March on Washington!! Enough is Enough

maddow Bring us your best and brightest. We have enough freeloaders here already and my cousins are some of them. Time to start standing on your own two feet 💯

maddow Maddow is a nutcase in my opinion

maddow democrat political hate mob known as Antifa attacks reporter who is a Trump supporter. Gives him severe concussion. Democrats encourage this.

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