Trump executive order calls for commercializing the solar system, mining the moon

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Trump calls for U.S. business interests to mine the moon.

According to the order, one of the major roadblocks holding businesses back from mining the moon is"uncertainty regarding the right to recover and use space resources, including the extension of the right to commercial recovery and use of lunar resources."

Trump's executive order attempts to advance the scarce legal framework that governs various nations' claims to space. Several international resolutions such as the Moon Agreement have been adopted over the past 50 years, but the administration in its order did not acknowledge the legitimacy of these.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has 180 days to consult with other Cabinet-level positions and the head of NASA before reporting back to Trump on progress made in advancing the decision. In 2001, NASA landed the first man-made object on an asteroid, leading to speculation that certain rare minerals could one day be mined from rocks hurtling through space. The mining, oil and gas industries have turned to increasingly extreme extraction methods such as seabed strip mining and hydraulic fracturing to access mineral deposits on this planet.


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There is room in that head for more rocks?

really. he needed to be doing this now.


Too much money. Best to find other ways.

This man is stupid and we are all dead no matter what

I just can't comprehend the amount of the shit you have to not know to think this is a good idea.

We are in the middle of a global pandemic, under his watch, and he wants to talk about mining the moon. GOPDeathCult

As far as I know, the moon does not belong to the USA. It belongs to the planet. Anything done to the moon needs to have international support.

Why because now that America is so great again it’s time to expand the geographical limits of Trump industries?

Mine your own business.

Some nae nae going on here.

Can't we just fuck up one globe at a time?

I dont think this was the kind of manifest destiny people had in mind back in the 1800s

Do you want an alien outbreak? Because this is how you get an alien outbreak. Do you want a gravity nightmare? Because this is how you get a gravity nightmare. Is this a movie plot or rl?

Let’s send potus to the moon.



These idiots can't even get a pcr rltedt deployed with three months lead time.

I am calling for U.S. business interests to fly Trump to the moon - one-way!

The Moon 🌙 has already been mined out of space Duh 🙄.

We are literally the aliens we write movies about coming to earth decimating life just to get resources. Could he suck any more than he already does? Apparently.

No. We have already ruined one space body.

Not even the moon is off limits.

He should go first and tell us how beautiful it’s going

So no one in the whitehouse has ever watched The Magicians. They messed with the moon to stop the apocalypse from happening and it messed with the circumstances on earth

Are you kidding ? Mine outer space? NOW? The president should be focusing on mobilizing all aspects of the government to provide safeguards for his constituents! Help the citizens (not big businesses) get the masks, ventilators, healthcare we need to safely navigate this crisis.

Lmao good luck

How it begins


Just leave the moon alone man. We have no business up there.

The final result....

We’re trapped within a Dystopian SciFi Fantasy where some Nut murders the Earth’s child and we all suffer 10 millennia of suffering and travails. ☠️ nkjemisin

This is what this guy is thinking about right now? Lord help us.

theReal_Rebel 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

maybe we need to look at smaller stuff first. the U.S. Economy . the pandemic . please.


It's a joke, right Yeah... It has to...I definitely can see him saying and doing something like that...but that has to be a joke

For what exactly?

The whole story makes more sense if you read about it from actual reporters rather than whatever hacks this rag found outside.

Geez that guy.

“We’re going to mine the moon and the Martians will pay for it.” ~ Donald J. Trump

Considering the forces of the moon control so much of the earth, it does not seem that this would be a wise choice. I foresee disastrous consequences, if this is a real story.

Don't we have other issues to address.

Haven't we done enough damage on our own planet.

a great idea. any coronavirus trying to escape will quickly dissipate in the harsh environment

Where's Greta? When need her to stop this from happening, how dare you!


I have seen that movie. And it doesn’t end well for us.

It would never be cost effective.


Mining Trump’s ass may be economically more viable & forget about the moon.

Is this the onion


Is this about zinc?

Let's hope we don't discover some transforming robotic race up there

Please send Cadet Bone Spurs to the moon. He can oversee the operation.

Why are you still running these April Fools' Day stories? That is so last week.

Let's send him on a one way fact finding mission!

Must be zinc there.

Now I see why we need Space Force. To defend corporate interests in space. How about we let corporations protect their own interests in space until we’ve taken care of people here on earth?

Unless the surface of the moon is covered in diamonds a foot deep, the cost of mining the moon and returning ore to earth would bankrupt a company... of course, bankruptcy is Trump 's blood SpaceFarce TrumpIsTheWORSTPresidentEVER TrumpIsAnIdiot

Fuck no

Now I understand the creation of the Space Force. they will protect the miners against any pirate aliens

Stop! Please stop!

Trump belongs on the moon

That ain’t happening!

Space force! What a stupid idea.

So, this is what Trump meant when he said coal is coming back?

Can we first get all Americans tested. He will be free to move to the moon after January 20.

Sceptically, I always suspected that was probably the intention. Why else plant a US flag there? One would have naturally expected it to have been an international flag from the world, a flag of world peace & collaboration, and even as a child, I felt disappointed that it wasn't.

My weekly WTF did I just read

It’s not like we have a global pandemic shutting down whole sections of the economy going on here on earth anyway...

Ohh really 😏

Not possible. There’s an international agreement that no one owns the moon or has rights to it. At least for now.

Honestly, he has the attention span of a gnat. Not that there are more important issues to tend to. UnfitToBePresident

now president Regan's plan to launch weapons from space seems not so amusing

Welp thats the stupidest thing I'll read today ....

Of course he’d be focused on that right now


Everyone who has read “The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress” knows this will not end well.

But would HE allow it? For it always has been H I S T H R O N E

Nice try, USA Today. I know an Onion headline when I see one.

Can we send him up there to be the first one

How can TheOnion compete with reality anymore?

Good grief, leave the moon alone! You’ve seen what we’ve done to our planet…

This is absurd! They haven't accomplished any clear objectives with the NASA Space program! Stop spending trillions of tax dollars so a few billionaires can have an enormous amount of control of the media!

Dang. What’s the ROI in that one? Shipping costs must be through the roof.

We can't even get to the moon now!

This man is daft.

I heard there’s diamonds up there! No Africans to pay slave wages to dig them up though... :(

if the moon is moving all the time how will we build a mine from earth - many question's like this from my gran daughter who is very smart

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