Trump disavows Special Olympics cuts after DeVos spends a third day defending them

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Trump responds to news that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was proposing a cut to Special Olympics funding: “I just authorized a funding of the Special Olympics. ... I have overridden my people, we’re funding the Special Olympics”

Washington Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos told senators on Thursday that she was not personally involved in the decision to propose eliminating funding for the Special Olympics, but continued to defend the cut included in her department's budget.

Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin raised the issue at a budget hearing, saying that if DeVos hadn't come up with the cut, the person who did should get"a Special Olympic gold medal for insensitivity."As she did earlier in the week, DeVos argued that the Special Olympics doesn't need federal backing because it's a private organization that raises money from donations. "I love Special Olympics myself, I have given a portion of my salary to Special Olympics.


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He over-wrote his own orders. Jesus. 🙄

Your fay

Let’s see how soon it is before he waits until everyone turns their back and reverses his position agains. He’s a hypocritical flake.

It's all a game to him...

If this is true I love it!!!

They’re disabled. I presume adults. The budget is fucked. Why can’t they deal with it?

With all his money and that humongous ego you would think he can find a good hair stylist. Trump looks like a baboon with orange hair, tiny hands, and his mouth shaped like the letter O. Ugh! realDonaldTrumpchriscuomo

Has nothing to do with overriding but takes credit.

Awesome Trump 2020!

He knew it wasn't gonna pass anyway the fact that it was his administration 's idea can't be erased he can't put his spilled milk back in the carton Tumps administration owns that they wanted to cut special Olympics and other special needs services for kids !

trump engineered this action to be a hero, which he is not. Don't believe after the election that he won't cut most of the healthcare benefits. He also shows his racism as he tries to eliminate Obama progress in government. trump, a pitiful excuse, a trashy president.

Non capisce un bel niente !! Ed è pure bello bugiardo

I love u California

There ya go! He stated he went to an event and liked it! No study if facts- just over turned all the studies! Surprised they didn’t mistake him for a contestant at the event!

Back tracking

BREAKING NEWS Overflow crowds at Trump Michigan Rally. POWER TO THE PEOPLE

Great President POTUS

The specials are good kids. They try really hard.

This was always an orchestrated political story that CNN fell for again. Trump orchestrated this whole thing to make himself look good. Stop falling for his scams.

He lies. He has no clue what's in his own budget proposal, and it doesn't matter anyway. It's DOA.

He is the scum of this Earth!

'overridden' as if this prick wasn't completely on board with the funding cuts to begin with.

Guess there may be someone Special to him afterall.

What kind of a heartless moron would even cut that in the first place?

I was surprised we funded that..

About time he does something GREAT

He set this up to make himself look better

Once again.... Trump creates a bad situation and then 'comes to the rescue'. This constant need for self-agrandissement is EXACTLY the same as developing world despots and post Soviet Union vasal state leaders love and need. What an absolute Arsehole!

Should disavow the secretary of education. Find a real one

Liberals: Do I get mad at Trump for picking Devos? Also Liberals: Do I get mad at Trump for not agreeing with Devos?

Twisted news


Leeaction ur glad

Well I have to say at least he listened to the outcry & didn’t blow it off like CADeptEd did to outraged parents protesting the boards sex curriculum AB329 & SB48.

I know it's a good thing, but I question his motives. Somehow, he still sounds like 'King Trump', attempting to act beneficent in front of his minions (and the press).

Do you BetsyDeVosED had the idea to cut the funding. This decision was made by Trumps team who backed down when the impact on Trump would be severe. Trump trying to save face. Yet we all know this man has no heart unless involves money in his pocket

FINALLY - ONE thing he's actually done right in 2 1/2 years! ‼️

This is lie

Ok really proud of that last one, apologies to those who actually battle against real, horrific challenges like those who do actually partake in the actual special Olympics, if I ever make $ from my jokes I promise to donate as much as I can, Opportunityvillage Las Vegas NV !!!!

The idea to cut funding for children for the special Olympics by president trump only came when Trumps staff and cabinet members realized, it would mean a cutback upon all of them personally, none of them realized at the time they were all eligible to participate in the games

Liberal Democrats ony want to help illegal immigrants....they hate Americans, especially American children. That's why they allow the murder of 600,000 unborn American babies a year. They're making room for more illegal immigrants.

Baloney. She didn't cut those funds without Trump's approval. They're all phoneys. Wake up CNN.

Our President is doing a good job. Thank you President Donald Trump.

He cares little and reacts only when cornered.

He doesn't want to lose the Special Olympics this year. Can y'all imagine the meltdown down!!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️💀💀🤬🤬🖤😱

In 2007 George Bush vetoed spending $8mil on the 2009 Idaho Special Olympics. In 2011 the Obama Administration did the same thing and cut $8.1mil from the Special Olympics Project Unify. None of you complained about that.

Was the victims spiritual adviser present when he murdered him. Where’s George Bush when you need him.... he flip that switch with ease!!!

Of course he 'overridden' the suckretary of bloviation. He has to play golf somewhere doesn't he

Why doesn't he just go all the way and fire the beech like he has so many others? This woman is evil,wicked,mean and nasty. If I could use the c word for her I would.

Nothing he says is true so why believe this?

Oh well, isn't he just a saint now. 😏


Wish I could've heard that conversation. 'What the fck were you thinking?!'

That's what happens when you hire donors rather than competent people.

DeVos has no soul


Now democrats support cuts

I bet VinceMcMahon made a call.

You know your an evil witch when dirtbag donny has to tell you to do the right thing

That's correct. POTUS will pay 13 million for this cause via the budget.


1/2the election, diminaizing the sovereignty and the right to vote of a Nation. 2. acceptance of illegal help to influence in the will of vote of citizens. 3. Go with lies to a society to whom promise the truth based in the constitution. Is all that right?

1/1Somebody could tell me what's the official, jurist status of the presidency how serious is this from the spirit of the American Constitution? is it Ok, that a presidential campaigner ask to a foreign government hacking official matter to influence the...

Oh, what a hero you are, realDonaldTrump. Blow us.

Hello!! It was your idea!!!! Come on!!!

Lying sack...surprise...omg...

Thank you Mr. President! !

He just wants to make sure Barron is included in those Olympics, nothing wrong with that.

realDonaldTrump coming to save the up another mess one of his amazing staff has made

sure. the lying SOB.

Trump you did not read your own budget... can you read and comprehend? You’re a puppet for Putin!

He is something else boyyyy. “Oh crap, the people know about it? Damn, guess I better override it and make it look like I care”. 🙄

Get your idiots under control!!

Wow, like a bunch of 3rd graders. Glad I'm not under these morons.

Taking credit for fixing a problem he created

That can happen

Basically overrides himself and calls it a win - that, my friends is fake news!

Trump you knew about the cut when you submitted the budget for this coming year. Still the highest debt ever. You tax cuts for the wealthy and corporate, cut the refunds for the middle class and poor. I paid $25.00 in federal taxes, last year I received $3000 in refund back. ☠️

Just announced...back pedalling will be a new event in the upcoming Olympics.


No matter what he does it’s never good enough. MAGA

blah blah!

Does anyone else see this as another con🙄 really?

Read “caved and threw DeVos under the bus”.

In his own budget? NoBallsTrump

realDonaldTrump what a guy...waits until everyone says this is a stupid move then chimes in. IdiotInChief CrazyTrump

A man of two faces hate and lies

Trump couldn’t take the heat. TrumpTheLoser

They were Trumps cuts. He hates those with special needs! It hampers the costs for his new construction projects!

That's great-he put a monster over the Dept. of Education and now he gets to be a hero by stopping her from enacting a plan they both agreed on aimed at taking money from disabled children so they could have more money to build a wall, reduce wealthy taxes, and build that wall.

Sure .... because he’s the Asshole in Chief !!! ....... simple


Disavows Use another word

Trump 'fixed' a issue he created. AGAIN

I am glad that Trump made this decision but still not happy that CNN and other MSM lied to their viewers on the real truth regarding this funding. Viewers beware. You are manipulated daily. Research on your own before you make any judgement. Do not depend on press alone.

Sounds like a scheme to me to try and make himself look good.

Truman- “The buck stops here.” Trump- “Not my fault, EVER.”

Wow!! He finally did something good. I actually applaud him for that.

Freaking soft heading fool

Trump is feeling the heat 🔥🔥🔥


He fucking proposed them in the first place

🎵Someone is in trouble

You should have voted for Hillary. Feel the Bern.

It makes me look bad, so I will just blame De Vos...

LOL...u told her to do it and then save the day.....

He was watching after Eric.

I fixed my own boner, now love me or else.....

'Overridden,' like in 'Nam, on Pork Chop Hill back in '68, when ur squad was OVERRIDDEN by a VC regiment, but you RUSHED from ur foxhole into a HAIL of bullets (like you said you'd do at school shootings), killing 400 w/your bare TINY hands! And for it, u got the Trophy of Honor!

Drumpf disavows his own cuts that he proposed to Betsy DeVos that she laid out to the public whereby proving he knows nothing

In other words—

Cruella DeVos should be fired!


5 of his golf outings where he double dips the tax payers would have funded it

Wait! Wasn't that Drump's own budget? 🙄

The wheels on the bus go round and round, over the people trump threw under it

He gave each of his cabinet heads 10% budget haircut. Evidently she's finding it hard to cut. How about they just eliminate the whole friggin department of education and put education back to the States where it belongs.

So annoying! Can't hear the sound of the helicopter motor over the yelling of the fat guy with orange skin and hair!

Americans who fall for this stunt are just stupid. The dope in the WH sets this all up so that he can look like the hero. WTF Americans, this fool is playing us.

I bet you did. Your ratings would be even lower if you hadn’t.

This guy has no idea how to look after others/all; only himself. I feel so bad for those of my relatives and friends who are stuck in this, becoming 3rd world country. Please Lord, deliver us from our sins.....!

So he suggested the cuts to their budget, then decided to fund the Olympics to make himself look like a hero. Same as a pyromaniac setting fires to rescue people.

He overrides this. What a joke. He CAUSED this!

Setup...someone is under the bus so Donnie can look good. Now about the kidnapped mexican kids at the border.

If Betsy Wetsy DeVos has any pride, she'll throw a hissy fit and quit.

Good decision

lets hope this actually happens cutting funds for kids with special needs as far as i am concerned is a criminal act

CNN.....special olympics is a private agency. It is not operated by the fed govt. the govt MSU contribute to its support at times, but it is not obligated to support this private charity

It was his idea in the first place so he could reverse it and look good - no frickin’ doubt about it. That’s why DeVos completely Stonewalled CNN today, she literally couldn’t say a word. That’s what mob bosses do. US is now being run by the Mob. Bada Bing 👊

You are still fake news and always will be.

If DeVos doesn't know betrayal, I bet she knows now! 🤣😂😅

She’s blaming him and he’s blaming her, I don’t think there’s enough buses in DC for these people to get thrown under🤣

“I have overridden my people” WOW what a dictatorial statement!! DeVos wouldn’t have announced if Trump hadn’t already approved the cuts!! Attempt to look like the good guy, sorry it won’t work!! Make himself look good for Michigan visit tonight

Get Mueller on this. Maybe HERE he'll find something! LMAO ...

How about firing her to prove it wasn’t a hoax

Lol what a disaster

One day we'll be reading about the President that once was. Now is not that time, but soon.

What?! It was in HIS budget proposal. Unfuckingbelievable!!!! realDonaldTrump

Nice try, trump......We ALL know that you ordered all departments to CUT EVERYTHING to the get $$$$$$$ for your 'vanity wall'...........Nice try!

I have never said this before but good for realDonaldTrump

This is a first. Trump yielding to public pressure on something.

What a set up. Will he start wearing a cape?

Donald Trump set this whole thing up when it blew up in his face he turned around trying to be a hero.. that old can man again.

Anyone seriously think he didn't float the idea to begin with, then threw her under the bus when it looked like it was pissing people off?

Wellllllllllll.......Hard to then justify...........................

And there goes Betsy, right under the bus!! Will give her a point for fighting back and calling realDonaldTrump a liar!!

What a 'guy'...............Fixing the 'problem' that he 'ordered' in the first place..........................

It's his budget the administration budget the Republican budget. Did he not read or have someone explain it to him

Wait, did the chief moron do something right? Nah, likely he set it up to play out that way. We’ll know soon enough when he starts bragging about it. Lord knows no one has ever taken on such a task and performed it as wonderfully as he did. megalomaniac thatsyourjobmoron.

Right after he heard that NO ONE would pass/approve the cut...................................What a 'fake' hero!

Hey Betsy........Bet ya didn't see that coming.....(It was his plan the whole time)......Now HE looks like the 'hero'.....just as he your expense!

Looking for votes much?

He has absolutely no idea what's in the budget! He'd have to READ it.

nan_wiggins She's gone

Who’s running the government if you don’t know what’s going on? To busy mocking people to pay attention to your agencies proposals OR Did you do this deliberately so you could look like a hero. Now who is the deep state?

Always taking credit for everything by “overriding” 🙄

As real as a virgin prostitute.

king trump is the one that told her to make the cuts to the Special Olympics and now he is the hero; I dont think so, I do see another resignation coming from Betsy fairly soon after being thrown under the bus like the rest of his regime.

Make problem...fix made up problem.

nice lie

Whose idea was it in the first place Donald Trump?

POTUS What about the 13 million dollar cuts to GallaudetU The only Deaf and hard of hearing University in the World! A national treasure! Stand up for our deaf young people! Give them access to higher education! BetsyDeVosED You remember the school you used for a camera op!

A manufactured attempt at popularity. LOL!

President Trump could have a gold bar delivered to the home of every Liberal in this County and you'd all bitch about it being too heavy, or too shiny, or too rectangular. F'ing ridiculous.


Bravo POTUS, but I wonder how many of those Special Olympians are requiring the healthcare that you are hellbent in ripping away from them. Personally, I think the only reason you’re doing this, is because POTUS Obama implemented it.

He must have told her to cut program because he knows everything they do so don’t lie and say he knew nothing. Now he is going to take credit for stopping her. Only because the people are so upset.

The Dictator of America

Betsy Devos should change her name to Betsy under DeBus

Someone please tell him that Congress sets where the money is appropriated too not him next time, or just give the guy a civics book and someone can read it to him on the way to his Cult Rally

Put it in writing. Your word is worthless! POTUS WhiteHouse

Public outrage made him do it

Considering his children could compete in the games good for Trump.

The man put out the fire he started himself and now get to play hero....

Get over it. It was voted in by you guys. The rest of the world didnt recognise youas a***holes. Enjoy the crazy f****r.

Isn’t funding authority of Congress?

Yes sir educations

'You were at my wedding, Denise!' -DeVos to Trump

If DeVoss failed to tell him that she completely defunded SO he should fire her immediately, which is the only thing he is good for.

Betsy who ?

Now how about realDonaldTrump restores funding to preserve the largest fresh-water supply in this country, rather than making a SECOND attempt to cut funding? Our WATER, LAND and AIR are what REALLY 'make America Great,' Trump! PureMichigan

Using this to make himself look like the savior of special Olympics.

All staged?


Trumps cabinet members are an embarrassment. Go after the Special Olympics. Are you serious. The Secretary of Education should be fired. ‘Your Fired’

judging past history don't hold your breathe for the funding to actually get to the Special Olympics, but instead a new portrait of the president to will arrive at WH

Superficial at best as the budget would have never passed in the House

Yeah; like drove back and forth over her after throwing her under HIS bus lol!!

Ya ya ya. Want to see it in writing and then will still have doubts 🤥🤥🤥🤥 he is

Trump: Cures Cancer People in the CNN comment section: See? He’s putting doctors out of work, how evil!

Whatever we are very pleased

Give that 'man' a pat on the back. What a hero 🙄

Paging BetsyDeVosED usually the penalty for bad ratings is you are shit canned. realDonaldTrump maybe she will target one of Ivankas projects next.

The wheels of the bus goes round and round right over Betsy devoss. Trump just throws anybody under that bus to make him look good

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then

~ our hero.

Congrats on putting out a fire your administration started. What a moral guy.

That money is going for the wall

Man, what a softball.

Well thats good! He can't go mocking them and then cut their funding because that would just make him look bad.

You mean he threw her under the bus

How do those bus tires feel on your back, .BetsyDeVosED ?

Oops! There goes Betsy under the bus. 😁

What of the other special education cuts?

Wtf-ever. Like he cares.

Why doesn’t he just get rid of her. She’s probably the only person who’s actually more insane than he is.

I’m bringing back the Special Olympics...and from now on it’ll be referred to as the Trump Special Olympics....🙄

Finally did something right 👍🏽

Hahaha.....OMG!!!!! What da fuck else hahaha

After he proposed cutting all funding!!!!!

Trump saving us from the shit he manufactures again I see.

Political Stunt, created by Trump to look good in the eyes of the MAGAS


He probably wants to be a participant

omfg I can’t stand this man

Congress makes this call not the President.

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