Trump digs in amid censure of 'go back' tweets about lawmakers

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Trump said four congresswomen of color should go back to the 'broken and crime infested' countries they came from. His attack drew a searing condemnation from Democrats who labeled the remarks racist and breathtakingly divisive.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, left, and Rep. Ilhan Omar attend a press conference calling on congress to cut funding for Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Feb. 11.

But Trump didn't make that distinction in his Monday tweets. He cited"Congresswomen" — an almost-certain reference to a group of women known as"the squad" that includes Omar, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Trump wants to"make America white again." Ocasio-Cortez, after jousting for days with Pelosi, said Trump"can't conceive of an America that includes us."

"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done." "Let's be clear about what this vile comment is: A racist and xenophobic attack on Democratic congresswomen," tweeted Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Democratic presidential candidate.


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Good Trump. Iam with you

realDonaldTrump Why Does not he Mohammed bin Salman? say that to the rep when he visits? among others have to say the woman? Do Sir know that woman does not have a voice in this country?

You missed the second part, where he said “go back and fix those countries before you try to fix this one.” He didn’t just say “go back to your countries” and the statement ended there. Report the whole quote next time, not just what fits your narrative.

Enough from the “ Fraud Squad”! Tired of screams of racism. Tired of subversive attacks on the president and the country. These losers really should move to a country that would be more suitable to their bizarre views. Can’t imagine what their constituency is like.

T Keeping The Attacks Coming!👍🏿😏

The 4 terrorist in the US Congress! Omar admits taking terrorising in collage ilhaib blasted after being elected we are going to impeach the mtherfker in the WH. All 4 have used racist comments & antisemitic comments. Who’s the racist. These 4 terrorist!

Not what he said. Also color was never brought into this until liberals like LAT spreads false info. Trump said if the squad hates America, if they hate America then why don’t they leave.Go back to the countries they came from. No skin color used no racial slurs said! Libs racist

So its racist. U might want to change the headline

Why is it that anyone else who tweets racist, offensive crap would be banned from Twitter, even if just temporarily, but Trump, in a serious position of power where his words can affect, can just tweet anything... Why is that ok, Twitter?!?! Twitter

2 disgusting communists

You left off the part where he said they should go back to fix those countries problems since they apparently know so much and then they should COME BACK to teach America how to do it. Obviously satire. 🙄

These people hate America instead of thanking their lucky stars for being here. I doubt that in Somalia a women can be in the government.

If you are an American you don’t say anti American words like these 4 Congress women and if America is so bad leave!!

But Trump is right

So basically America?

LAT, DO NOT TRY TO FEED ME LIES! Trump did not say or implied' Four women of color'. I also listened to what Trump said regarding these women.

What is with you crazy media leaving out the full text of his tweet?!! Finish what he said! “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”

His tweet was not RACIST! His point was if you don’t like AMERICA AND THE FREEDOMS you have, leave and find a Country where your behavior would be tolerated!

He said they can leave the US. Not only go back. Go back would apply to Omar. The others just could leave with her too.

'labeled the remarks racist and breathtakingly divisive.' Not to mention stupid.

Your headline need to add the fact that they are Americans. And the country they would 'go back to' is here.

Everyone notice how the LAT instantly both-sidesed this? It drew condemnation from 'Democrats' (really? Only Democrats?)? This is how our media fails daily.

Cool, go live in Palestine or Somalia for a year and report back how rad it is

Donald Trump tries to take credit for the economy although this economy only benefits the top 52% of the population with most of it going to the top 1% who he gave the tax cuts too. It is time for him to go. We don't need a bigot in the White House.

Where is the condensation from our elected GOP?

African American Democratic Party leadership:

Edited quote mediabias Let’s fix that for you: “why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came”. Perfectly reasonable statement.

Yet BBC NEWS playing down this crude racist behaviour. After weeks of probing suspected racism from Corbyn. Very odd.

Lie. Lie. Lie. Show the whole 3 part tweet. Nothing racist was said only by those who are looking and depending on the race card to divide us. Malcom was right MSM is the enemy of the people.

Most excellent! Just news, without editorialization.

is FLOTUS going with them? cos we know her story too🐷🐷

ChelseaRitter3 Truth hurts

“Labeled” Sorry, you misspelled “pointed out that the comments were abhorrently racist.”

These women are so strong and couragous to stand up to the injustice and disruption this man, our elected president has inflicted on so many peoples lives activism They are our leaders

gatch can you say now cheese ' '.... impreachement how about just jail it.

They just mad about the remark .... they needs some bacon and a white Russian served up by a little latino girl in a bikini ......

Print the whole quote. Stop the intellectual dishonesty

Racist dog, he should be sent to eastern Europe where he came..

Basically he said go back to your country fix it and then come back to America and tell us how it’s done

At any other place of employment he would have lost his job.

At least they have countries of origin..Big ups to that.

That's NOT what he said. He said they should go back and 'Fix' their countries and then come back and show us how to do it. You are fakenews

Yup, the Democrats sure did label those remarks as racist. Question is why isn’t the LA Times doing the same?

I’m tired of an elected official who’s family sought asylum here, who’s been afforded all the benefits this country has to offer, but she’s does nothing but complain & criticize this country. Not to mention she married her brother, no MSM deep dive on that.

No one calls out these women when they spew their racism. Their not special.

They are from the broken and crime-infested USA.

People who hate this country and are constantly being divisive should go to other countries they like better. The problem is that other countries practice strict immigration laws.

What he said was racist and trump is racist. This is a fact.

These women are the divisive ones. They should focus on policies and their work but it seems they focus on Trump and impeachment all the time.

realDonaldTrump never mentioned “four” and never mentioned any “color”. You Liberals make it about the race instead of their actions and foul language!! FakeHeadlines

“Labeled the remarks racist” is the new “racially charged”? Please call them for what its worth


immature but get it out in the open don't let higher ups on either side bully you. talk to a trusted legal first

Ilhan Omar lied her way into this country and she should be kicked out immediately.

T R U M P 2 0 2 0

The DEVIL you say!?

Even as White House officials moved Monday to defend his incendiary weekend tweets, Trump refused to apologize.

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