Trump demands end to flag burning as protests flare again near White House

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Pres. Trump demands end to flag-burning as protest flare again near White House.

While the city cleared out tents and signs protesters used in their effort to establish the 'autonomous zone' Monday, D.C. police clashed with protestors Tuesday -- blocking their attempts to set up the area, firing flash bangs and smoke devices to clear the area.the police action was not in response to Trump’s tweet.

A demonstrator burns a U.S. flag during racial inequality protests near the White House in Washington, D.C., June 23, 2020.Other protesters gathered across the city in Capitol Hill’s Lincoln Park last night, calling for the removal of a controversial statue of President Abraham Lincoln. Demonstrators rallied against the Emancipation Memorial, which depicts a freed slave kneeling at Lincoln's feet.

The Lincoln Park Emancipation statue that is drawing scrutiny depicting former President Abraham Lincoln standing over a kneeling freed slave, in Washington, D.C., June 22, 2020.Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., said Tuesday that she is introducing a bill into the House of Representatives to remove both the Jackson statue from Lafayette Park and the"Emancipation Statue" from Lincoln Park across the city from the White House, near the Capitol.


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Decrease funding or eliminate funding from states that allow rioting and looters.

Prosecute flag burners! It's an attack on America and treason.

barudaza gomi

Why doesn’t he band racism oh I get it 💡 his followers are racist he would be offending them

don-the-con trump IS NOT a: lawyer, Christian, Republican, teacher, brave, compassionate, minister, MD, ex-military, CFA, historian, porn star, literate, CPA, diplomat, honest, tax payer, trustworthy, farmer, loyal husband, law & order president, psychologist, PHD, nor physic.

Define irony ...

Every time the Trump campaign sends me a mailer from now on I’m going to light it on fire and use it to burn an American flag, as I am constitutionally entitled to do. I bought 5 flags yesterday.

How is this permissible

All he is doing is pandering to his right wing base. He couldn’t care less about the flag. It’s about votes.

Flag Burning is not correct. But it is less of a priority than the current Pandemic. Trump and The GOP's lack of concern and disregard is the best reason to eliminate the GOP on November 3.

They're gonna get him lol

Been through this since the 60s Free speech, don’t like it but we live in a free country Can someone tell Trump?

Whenever Trump says he doesn’t like something, idiots come out of the woodwork and defy.

Apparently he doesn’t know US Code... there is a Chapter about the US Flag


I demand an end to his constant lying. That is more disrespectful to the USA.


We have to burn them to kill the smell of where he shit on the flag.

Fascists are trying to get rid of the First Amendment. authoritarianism

Thanks for covering the important stuff here, ABC. I can no longer see the dozens of corrupt things the Trump Administration does every day because of all the smoke from burning flags.

A “Black House Autonomous Zone?”. I am sure lots of people would want to visit such a place.

He’s stamping his bone-spurred little feet.

They need to crack down in burning in the streets and other public areas. You aren’t supposed to have open fires which should be against most local laws. Weird to expect enforcement of existing laws. Burn it at home all you want.

Wtf there’s still protests going on?

Good. This is a disgrace.

It is free speech and Drump has advanced the the cause of masscensorship of big tech so yeah

I would never burn a flag but until Trump is out of our office, mine is down. I just can’t fly our American flag while we are in crisis.

At a time when 120,000 + Americans have died of Covid and society is hurting with loss of jobs and racial injustice, do we really need to worry about flag burning and statues! I think there are way more important issues to deal with!

If you burn the flag, you should be arrested. Period.

Flags across America are being burned not because people are unpatriotic. It’s because Trump has divided Americans so that we are no longer united. Trump likes to insult Americans and then accept us to respect the flag. It is Trump who has hatred for the flag in his heart.

It’s time all this 🐂💩 STOPS!! These young kids need their sorry, useless A$$ es kicked out of the US! Don’t like it here, then get the hell out!!

Flag burning losers are going to bring a action in this country they don't want. You think some laws a too tight now. Keep acting like infidels see where that gets ya.

HoldLawEnforcementAccountable Demand legislation to hold law enforcement accountable. It’s time for real Justice for all.

When did he become so patriotic. It must of been when he didn’t contribute to the country by not paying taxes for years.

Republicans are Burning the American Flag To protect their Confederate flag

Desecrating the AmericanFlag is against “the law of the land”_

Bring the ConfederateFlag and burn them

Just waiting to hear someone fashion an argument well I’m burning this flag, but it’s not about the flag.. it never was about the flag. See how silly that sounds

Freeeeedom!!!!* *Terms and Conditions apply

America will not be safe until BLM is classified as a terrorist organization or a foreign invader.

I don't get it. Why do people hate the American Flag so much. I came to this country to respect the very symbol of freedom in, speech, religion, liberty, peace, and the pursuit of happiness. If there are those who take it for granted, maybe they should make room for us who came.

Can anyone explain what is the fault of flag 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 flag be like what the fuck I have done.......... Democrats be like we hate America😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

That damn constitution and rights.

trump is such a ❄️

The democrat mayor looks weak and ineffective to stop vandalism and arson in the city. Why are democrats using political violence?


Idiots react to everything.

As much as it disturbs me to see the flag burned, Trump will have to learn to deal with it since SCOTUS ruled it is free speech with the very liberal Antonin Scalia writing the majority opinion.

One knows that when a group or individual burns the flag, they have no point to make. After all, if one must resort to arson to make a point, it can't be that strong of a position. My father was a POW for 33 months. He abhorred flag burning. He considered it an insult.

Wake up America! Your country is on fire. The riots create a big division in our country. The workers whom are too busy to protest are the backbone of our country. Let's pay attention to them!

As a Veteran, free speech is always allowed. The problem is, even with systemic racism, Karens and negro hating police officers Black people have to salute this country while white people can idolize a flag of a country that lost the Civil War and its perfectly fine. Horrible.

Well, he'll have to talk to the Supreme Court about that. In 1990 they said it was protected under the First Amendment

The flag would like to file charges!

Who cares what the fake president demands?

When folks are as outraged about the senseless death of human beings as they are about decorative cloth that is easily replaced, then I'll give damn...

Trump is a weak leader for letting this go this far i fully support for a martial law at this point

Who’s got a match! 🔥 🔥 🔥 realDonaldTrump

Yeah. He's deflecting attention from his failures. Again.

That flag was made for a country that was founded by treasonous tax dodging slave owners. It means absolutely nothing to me. I wouldn’t spend money on one to burn it though.

Unfortunately, it's a Constitutional right.

Burning the flag is a first ammendment right but no sane mind should entertain it unless the govt is actively trampling on the constitution. That said, it's a diversion that plays into Trump's hands

I think he’s more concerned about his WHITEhouse let’s all KungFuTrump

Demands? Child man tantrum alert.

MS Media..

Flag burning?! How about something that gives me that Jesus feeling in my brain thoughts, like eliminating the fear of getting ill without protecting my assets and then my family losing them to medical bills, and being forced to build a new life from scratch without my income...

Forget Political Correctness! Join the fight against the Coalition Under New Trumpism in Washington DC. TakeBackTheOval SeeYouNovemberThird

No one cares what he demands. He is the president, not the dictator he so desperately wants to be. And not for much longer.

Kind of sad when some sections of a Country advocate for burning their own flag. Bit like 'death to America' stuff.

I don't see a scenario in which I'd ever burn a flag, but it's constitutionally protected by the first amendment. It's hilarious when conservatives clutch the 2nd amendment with all their might, but come for your first amendment

That flag means nothing if it doesn't stand for EVERYONE

Putin is all smiles!!!!!!!!!!

*need more flag burning gifs*

ABC should have demanded the flag burning to stop; long before our President did. Ya'll aren't American? Good to know. Glad to know actually.

the BHAZ was shut down within minutes. what needs to be done is enforce the freaking law and acknowledge the radicalization into these extremist cults that is happening.

don't let me sleep all night

Thank god he's not in position to do anything

You should be allowed to burn a flag that you own or with the owners permission and as long as there are no fire bans or environmental restrictions on burning items.

Oh he “demands” does he? That’s cute, he thinks he can do that.

I waiting for Trump to declare martial law in DC and other lawless places

It is illegal to burn the flag burner, right?

As much as I despise flag burning, I hate city burning more. Can we stop that first?

Who wants to tell him; cc whitehouse PressSec

Conservatives care more about symbols of oppression than the values they say they hold.

“Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989)... Justice William Brennan wrote for a five-justice majority in holding that defendant Gregory Lee Johnson's act of flag burning was protected speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution....”

Say what?

Do you agree to burn the flag?

Too bad it's protected under the bill of rights orb Trump calls them 'peasant rules that I can't wait to break'

We really can't wait until November. To many people will die if we do. Trump needs to be Removed so we can have a leader get us through this pandemic safely. TheDemocrats RepAdamSchiff SpeakerPelosi RepValDemings GOP MSNBC CNN CNBC coronavirus TrumpIsKillingUs

In this century no one releases more hatred and violence than Obamastaliban. It doesn't matter if they are africanamerican or AntiFa white. The mayors and democratic governors let them vandalize and plunder. In the USA as in the West. Sooner or later someone will react😎

It’s a right. Zip it clowny!

he needs to be demanding an end to riots and protest all together & step up & do something to end it instead of making empty threats to do so

America is dead

People respond by burning the flag even harder. How do you burn a flag even harder?

apparently he still hasn't read the constitution..

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