Trump defends sharing conspiracy theory linking Bill Clinton and Epstein

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President Trump defends his promotion of an Epstein conspiracy theory.

suggesting without evidence that former President Bill Clinton was somehow connected to the death of wealthy financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

“He's a big Trump fan. And that was a retweet. That wasn't from me. That was from him. But he's a man with half a million followers, a lot of followers,” Trump continued, speaking to reporters as he traveled from his summer getaway in Bedminster, New Jersey, to Pennsylvania.


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I think the Trump’s had a hand in the demise of Epstein. 🤪😜🤪😜

Yes he is, 1 bc he is ignorant, and 2 bc he is ignorant.

Perhaps another theory 🤷‍♀️...since immigrant Malaria knew Epstein b/f Don, was she a recruit while trying to find a old man sugar daddy🤮? If so, did Barr order lawyers to get watch removed to protect Malaria? Also, perhaps LAWYERS were involved too & wanted him dead!!! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

THE DEATH HAPPENED ON BARR’S WATCH AG Barr should immediately recuse himself from all matters involving Epstein. Also, Barr’s dad gave Epstein his first job with girls, and Barr’s law firm got Epstein off the hook for raping girls. Not a good look for trump

And another to Articles of Impeachment List Clearly he is deflecting from his far greater involvement as Epsteins partner in crime in NYC and Florida social circles for what...30 years? It will come out.

MalcolmNance Hey you forgot the word BOGUS. BOGUS EPSTEIN CONSPIRACY.

MalcolmNance Why report his lies?

There is no defense . Shameful and disgraceful.

Didn’t our President know that conspiracy theories are reserved for use by media morons and Democrats?

MalcolmNance Can we have 5 minutes of each show to announce what deregulations and rule changes this Administration is making..?

MalcolmNance Trump and Putin will be implicated in Epstein's death. Putin has a history of killing those that he disagrees with

realDonaldTrump she was 13 years old. We all know you have Barr’s fat fingers going through everything trying to cover this one up. It won’t work. Tick Tock.

MalcolmNance is it just me or does it look, simultaneously, like he is taking a dump in his pants AND his head is about to explode?

MalcolmNance He really didn’t.

It doesn’t matter what ever he says you go the opposite. God Bless President Trump!

Talk about blaming someone else. Lmao. He needs to use Clinton to get them off his back. He is the guilty one. The man died on his and Barr’s watch. It’s time for congress to put Barr under an 11 hour hearing. Grill him to death.

welcome to fake news from fox tv and white house

Inquiry minds want to know. Trumps favorite news gathering source The National Enquirer available at stores near you.

Talking about conspiracy, didn’t the President has more power (He has AG Bar as his protector whom is in charge of DoJ) and he had long history with JE?

Trump has no shame

MalcolmNance We used to have a saying when we were kids: Smeller is the feller.


MalcolmNance Clown

MalcolmNance Remember that time trUmp bragged that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and no one would care? Well, this is that moment.

Trump is passing the buck! All he’s saying is “look at him don’t look at me”! Has he never of protesting too much?

I have always heard and it has been proven thst he accuses other of things he is guilty of. EpsteinTrumpBFF ConspiracyTheories WhatsHeHiding TrumpMustBeguiltyOfSometing WorstPresidentEver

MalcolmNance Eejit

Deflecting from trump and Epstein being good buddy's And having private partys together

MalcolmNance he's scared that hillary would sue him, and there would be discovery in the process.

MalcolmNance That must mean he was involved. Usually the opposite of what he States.

This man has no shame. I can only imagine what a twerp he must have been as a young child......


MalcolmNance It’s amazing that Trump doesn’t get it. Retweeting a tweet is as good as saying it yourself because your wholly supporting it. And it confirms he can’t think for himself and will sign on to anything negative about the Clintons.

MalcolmNance How could Clinton be involved if Barr was the gate keeper? Right on cue on that day the cameras were not working, no one was around to supervise, and who gave him a sheet to hang himself? Strange that not one single person committed suicide in that ‘mismanaged’ prison before.

Considering did not report, even once, that Bill Clinton rode on Epstein’s private jet at lest 26 times, whether to protect Clinton or just plain laziness on the part of , people have learned to distrust major media.


MalcolmNance Didn't Epstein introduce Melania to him. How did she get the Epstein I mean Einstein Visa

I'm sure he's involved...

MalcolmNance Why wouldn’t he? Didn’t he just have the fbi snag any video or document that could possibly have his likeness on it from pedo island? They already secreted ol jeff off to a top secret location. Mission accomplished. 🙄

MalcolmNance realDonaldTrump you are the epitome of a “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel”. ResignTrump GunControlNow ResistTrump TrumpsTerrifiedOfMueller GOP RESIST washingtonpost latimes NYDailyNews CNNPolitics thehill lister_lester nytimes TheDemCoalition

MalcolmNance Even his aides said this was incompetence not conspiracy. But he needs to keep the Clintons in the front of everyone's minds because, either he knows what really happened and why, or he's up to something big. Because this is a hell of a distraction..

MalcolmNance Another day, another deflection. 2020!👀 2020!👀 2020!👀 Freddie Putney, Jr. 13 August 2019

MalcolmNance 'In my defense, I'm not very bright.' - President Dementia

MalcolmNance And why does realDonaldTrump do or say anything? Because he does not care. And why doesn’t he care? Because he’s a pathological sociopath. Not worth the effort to tweet about. He’s a boring old man.

MalcolmNance We all know that orange projects/ deflects what he does onto others. You do the math.

Anything to divert from his lack of unfulfilled promises...

Was probably you dump that has something to hide

I wonder if The Duck has ever watch 'The Godfather'. ...remember the scene where The Don tells Sonny never to let his enemies know what he was thinking.. The Duck tells the World everything via twitters.. OMGoodness smh

It was indefensible

The media should turn their backs on Trump and walk away when he starts to rant about obviously stupid ridiculous lies & conspiracy theories about former Presidents. Printing outrageous stories comments etc is slander liable etc. Trump shoul NOT get a free pass on this bs

Projection maybe.

While 3 fingers point back to himself, FOX & friends! Like he fingered HRC as 'the President under Investigation,' 3 fingers pointed himself under 3 times more investigations. He's again misdirecting us away from his role in Epstein's suicide. I bet he called the guards off!

he who smelled it delta it

Trump is probably on the list of White Men, who had interactions with Epstein.

He’s projecting.

But how in the world the guy on suicide watchlist goes unwatched? what about the surveillance camera? I can see myself a foul play on Epstein’s death

Was it this one ?


Now will conspiracy network msndc apologize for fabricating conspiracy theories


'He's a highly respected consfirarrrr therrrorr..... pundit. And Bill Barr is doing an investigation.' Well that clears that up then. Because all good investigations are influenced a conspiracy theory.

realDonaldTrump there is no defense. It is vile, un-presidential and dangerous. Summing up your entire legacy.

Royalty Sprite, I'm still out here holding it down

Then Trump should demand a congressional investigation. If he doesn’t, why not

I wonder what the media pushed harder? That Epstein’s death couldn’t possibly involve any foul play or the reasons to invade Iraq? 🤔🤔

Stupid man...when is a suicide just a suicide?

Our national shame! Will this nightmare never end? YaBasta

I'm confused, if Hillary could kill anyone she wanted who got in her way, wouldn't she be President NOW?

Its recorded in Court Doc's ! Its fact... So not Fakenews

Surprised? Trump is messed in the head, but it's not a surprise.

This guy never stops. Doesn’t matter how untrue or who it hurts. He will do or say anything to help himself.

And of course this is news for you NBC I think you are more like propaganda spreader

God he sucks

Conspiracy. Fake news

He knows his connection to Epstein will eventually catch up to him. He’s been particularly unhinged since Saturday (more than usual) TrumpIsUnhinged

CBS reported that there was screaming and shrieking from Epstiens cell before he died. Gosh i don’t understand why anyone would think the death is unusual.

How could he? He has no defense. We suspected him or his personal Attorney William Barr.He had connections with photographs to prove it. These are things that keep the First Lady up. Her Parents too. His kids might be concerned because the wide reaching net might include them.

That’s because Barr’s daddy hired Epstein as a high school teacher with no credentials. I’m sure Epstein was doing his Daddy other favors!

No defense of the indefensibly stupid


Let him keep digging his own grave.

So maga means retweeting crap without caring for it's accuracy - as the POTUS ? Take some responsibility for your actions, realDonaldTrump

He can’t hide video of him and Epstein. Barr is going to cover for trump and go after Clinton. Their moves are very predictable now.

Lol he don’t realize that both Democrats and Republicans are to be known to hang out with him along with himself lmao!

Me thinks trump is deflecting.....

There is no valid defense for being an asshole. None.



Why are these dipshits looking for conspiracies, when Dear Leader has been a close associate/friend/client of Epstein for YEARS? Are they THAT dense?

Trump’s a pathological liar

Trump is the crook.

So ignorant.

This man is a DISGRACE to the PRESIDENCY!

You mean Trump actually believes the suicide conspiracy theory?

iNews9K TRANSLATION: FDR- 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.' JFK- 'We stand on the edge of a new frontier.' BHO- 'Yes we can.' Trump- 'RT does not equal endorsement.'

Yep, because Bill clinton was extremely worried about this case being refiled...

The bar is now so low we've forgotten that promoting a baseless conspiracy theory against a former president alone is just cause for impeachment. Resist We made a deck of playing cards. Trump is the Ace of ♠️ KnowYourDeplorables

His theory has as many cracks as the pavement he is standing on.

Can’t be as bad as the Russian hoax conspiracy NBC News spread for years.

Who has more to lose?

trump HYSTERIA!!

He who smelt it surely must have dealt it.

And the liberals get triggered

The man is not normal. And I don’t mean that in a good way.

Of course he does. 🙄

It is true.

He just saying what everyone is thinking. As per usual

He would !! YQG

Trump is armed with nuclear codes/imbecility/white supremacy and dangerous.

If the Clintons had the ability to take out Epstein, don't you think they would have taken Don the Con out long ago?

Perhaps he can have his private investigators look into it after they return from Hawaii to show the world those things that “they cannot believe what they’re finding” about Obama’s birth certificate.... poor fellas must be lost in the Pacific.

He is so stupid. It’s incredible.

He who smelt it dealt it. Classic misdirection tactic. Accuse your foe of being responsible for what you did so they will seem incredulous when they say ...'No You Ahhr!' Really. Who has more to lose from Epstein talking than CheatingDonald?

What a sh🤬t hole the presidency has become...

Sir Kashmir ..................................................................................?

another misleading headline by the fake news media in order to garner clicks.

We are the laughing stock of the world! We couldn't expect any less when we put a clown as POTUS!

56 People Killed that all had something on the Clintons and all by accident? Come on!!! You got to be kidding us. Are we really that stupid and naïve If it smells like fish, looks like fish and feels like a's probably a fish.

look at the fake journalists labeling it a conspiracy theory just like the illegals are undocumented.

A real news media would investigate the Murder of Epstein and look at the Clintons

One wonders if the Epstein story might just lead to Trump’s doorstep?

“He has a lot of followers...’ That’s some awesome rationale right there. humanstain

trump's art is deceit !

There more he doubles down, the more he has to hide.

No mention of himself with his pal Epstein

One of prison employees was a brother of one of young girls sex toys and this was his opportunity to Ice Jerry Epstein once and for ever and he did it ...


He came up with a new theory. It was Col. Mustard with a candlestick in the billiards room.

People of any color who are willing to try deserve better. Lazy slobs of any color, and they come in all colors and nationalities, don't deserve anything. The Bible says if a man won't work, don't give him food..

TheEliasRework Maybe it's time for the press to stop talking to him on the sidewalk. I'd trump wants a press conference hey there's even a room with a podium and microphone.

This is precious coming from a network who pushed the Russian conspiracy for years. It's is turn.


So Donald's friend was murdered in a facility run by other friends of Donald. Okay, so what's the link? Hmmmmm.

TheEliasRework DistractionInAction

Of course he would. As a deluded & racist President it's what would we expect from him.

Stop giving this lying fuck air for God's sake. Your the problem if it not fact or true do not air it. This how we got here. Stop it.

Any night, any time, any subject. 🇺🇸

Why the hell would MSNBC even ask the question. Do you really think he’s going to tell you the truth. He’s a Trump for Christ’s sake. It’s in their toxic DNA to lie.

There is no defense for spreading conspiracy theories is you are the president

A lot of freshmen liberal representatives are also calling for an investigation. Who wouldn’t want to bring child sex traffickers to justice? Former DNC chairman Bill Richardson was implicated recently in a child sex trafficking scheme with Epstein.

That’s part of MAGA - Make Atrocious Garbage Again!!

No surprise.... look here not there. See my hand here... nothing to see in Epstein’s trove of documents.

Stop talking to this moron😩

As we all feared, Trump doesn’t fully understand how twitter works.

POTUS realDonaldTrump GOP CNN DNC BillClinton nytimes washingtonpost NewYorker DOJPH FBI TIME Nice try Donald! See your hand on your buddy Epstein's shoulder, that explains everything.

lunatic orange, i know you're out there

Wow. He is such a brick.

Lets see the rest of his 4000 page notes

He truly doesn’t understand how anything works. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

What conspiracy? It's an absolute certainty something happened in that cell and it wasn't a suicide

His cell mate was moved just before he killed himself! What the hell are we suppose to think!!!

Just because there's tons of evidence doesn't mean it's true realDonaldTrump! We decide! CNN FakeNewsFredo

Why should today be any different from all the other ones that trump talks out of his ass

Stupid is as stupid does

Well of course... Look at everything he has gotten away with so far..... 🙄

We all knew the clintons were gonna have him suicided. You didn’t need to be fucking Jesus to know that

Circa 2014

I already know it’s going to be pathetic

Sounds like a very bored man

nytimes KingJames AP FLOTUS VP CNN realDonaldTrump IMHO Trump doesn't want this investigation 2 proceed 1 single step more because in million pages of evidence authorities had against Jeffery Epstein a lot of names came 2 light & I'm sure Trump is on top of that list

This is the most galling thing ever considering it’s tRUmp & Barr’s BOP. They should be sued for Negligence. No excuse for an understaffed MCC when millions spent on trump fam security detail.

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